How to properly manage forms in React/Redux app - javascript

I am following some tutorials about React/Redux.
The part that is not clear to me is input forms.
I mean how to handle changes and where to manage state
This is a very simple form with just one field.
export default class UserAdd extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
onUserSubmit: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired
constructor (props, context) {
super(props, context);
this.state = {
render () {
return (
onSubmit={e => {
<input type="submit" value="Add" />
handleChange (e) {
this.setState({ name: });
handleSubmit () {
this.setState({ name: '' });
I feel this like breaking Redux philosophy, because a presentation component is updating the state, am I right?
This is the connected component to be coupled with the presentation component.
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
return {
onUserSubmit: (name) => {
const UserAddContainer = connect(
Is this the correct way to follow, or am i mixing things up?
Is correct to call setState in UserAdd component and updating state on every key pressed (handleChange) ?
Thank you

There is a nice library Redux Form for handling forms by updating global store in a Redux way. With it's help you shouldn't have to set up actions for each input, just the whole form and its state. Check it out.
The main principle of this library, consists in updating inputs value by dispatching redux actions, not using setState stuff. For every form in the app, there is a separate property in the global state. Every blur, onChange, submit events dispatches an action that mutates the state. Action creators are common for all the forms, no need to declare them for every form apart, just pass form id or name in payload to the reducer, so it could know which form`s property should be updated.
For example. There should be set a property form as a plain object in the app state. Each new form in the application, should store it's state in it. Let's give your form a name attribute, so it should serve us as the identificator.
render () {
return (
onSubmit={e => {
<input type="submit" value="Add" />
Since it has just one property Name, form state should now have a structure like:
form: {
AForm: {
Name: {
value: '',
error: ''
Also, there should be an action creator:
export function onFormFieldChange(field) {
return {
type: "redux-form/CHANGE"
value: field.value,
form: field.form
All needed data should be passed as the pay load so, the reducer will know now what form and what field to update.
Now, when the form component is being connected, this action creator should be set as a property:
import { onFormFieldChange } from `path-to-file-wit-actions`
const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => {
const { AForm } = state.form
return {
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
return {
onChange: (e) => {
field: 'name',
form: 'AForm'
onUserSubmit: (name) => {
const UserAddContainer = connect(
In the component, field value and onChange event handler should now be taken from props:
<input placeholder="Name" name="" onChange={this.props.handleChange.bind(this)} />
So, form is being handled in a "Redux" way. On every key press, global state will be updated and input will be rerendered with it's new value. Similar thing should be done with other events, like onBLur, onFocus, onSubmit etc. Since it's a lot work to do, it's much more comfrotable to use Redux Form.
It's a very rough example. Nearly each line of code could be enhanced, hope you'll understand what was meant.

I usually store my form state inside a form component using this.setState() and only fire an action with the complete form object, which gets passed to some sort of POST ajax call.


react setState seems to be cancelled by redux dispatch?

I'm trying to enable a submit button when I click a checkbox and editing this existing component to use redux (I realize it's not great, I'm just trying to get one part to work before refactoring). For now the button is not on the page.
class Survey extends Component {
state = {
questionsList: [
key: 'q1',
checked: this.props.survey && this.props.survey.includes('q1'),
key: 'q2',
checked: this.props.survey && this.props.survey.includes('q2'),
handleChange = (e) => {
const questions = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.state.questionsList));
// Filter the question for the checkbox user interacted with.
const question = questions.find(q => q.key ===;
question.checked = !question.checked; // toggle
this.props.setEnableSubmit(questions.some(q => q.checked)); // dispatches a redux action (defined in mapDispatchToProps)
this.setState({ questionsList: questions });
render() {
return => (
<Checkbox name={question.key} onChange={this.handleChange} />
const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => ({
survey: state.users[ownProps.match.params.userTarget].survey,
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, ownProps) => ({
setEnableSubmit: (value) => {
dispatch(update(ownProps.match.params.userTarget, { enableSubmit: value }));
export default compose(
I'm trying to store the disabled/enabledness of the button in the store, while keeping all the changes in the local state (and only persisting in the redux store on the button click)
for whatever reason, once enableSubmit happens, in re-render fn this.state.questionsList does not have the updated questionsList anymore (so I can't click the checkboxes). However it works if I remove the dispatch call. It has the same behavior if the setState is not there.
It gets to the setState without an exception. It updates enableSubmit in the store with the value passed. It doesn't seem to matter which line is called first or last or if in a cb to the dispatch or the dispatch is the cb to setState (tried all variations)
I found out that the issue is due to the component rendering this child component. The parent component had a mapStatetoProps watching a slice of the redux store that was getting updated whenever I called enableSubmit, so the parent was receiving new props, rerendering and consequently creating a new child component instance based on our setup. So the multiple mapDispatchToProps calls and seeming ignore of setState was due to a new child component re instantiating

Best approach for using same component for editing and adding data. Mixing component state with redux store

I'm building web app in React with Redux. It is simple device manager. I'm using the same component for adding and updating device in database. I'm not sure, if my approach is correct. Here you can find parts of my solution:
In componentDidMount I'm checking, if deviceId was passed in url (edit mode). If so, I'm calling redux action to get retrieve data from database. I'm using connect function, so when response arrives, It will be mapped to component props.
Here is my mapStateToProps (probably I should map only specific property but it does not matter in this case)
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
and componentDidMount:
componentDidMount() {
const deviceId = this.props.match.params.deviceId;
if (deviceId) {
this.setState({ editMode: true });
Next, componentWillReceiveProps will be fired and I will be able to call setState in order to populate inputs in my form.
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
if (nextProps.devices.item) {
description: nextProps.devices.item.description
Add mode is even simpler - I'm just calling setState on each input change.
handleChange = name => event => {
That's how my inputs looks:
I don't like this approach because I have to call setState() after receiving data from backend. I'm also using componentWillReceiveProps which is bad practice.
Are there any better approaches? I can use for example only redux store instead of component state (but I don't need inputs data in redux store). Maybe I can use React ref field and get rid of component state?
Additional question - should I really call setState on each input onChange?
To avoid using componentWillReceiveProps, and because you are using redux, you can do:
class YourComponent extends React.Component {
state = {
// ...
description: undefined,
static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState) {
if (prevState.description === undefined && nextProps.description) {
return { description: nextProps.description };
return null;
componentDidMount() {
const deviceId = this.props.match.params.deviceId;
if (deviceId) {
this.setState({ editMode: true });
handleChange = name => event => {
// ...
render() {
let { description } = this.state;
description = description || ''; // use this value in your `TextField`.
// ...
return (
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
let props = { ...state };
const { devices } = state;
if (devices && devices.item) {
props = {
description: devices.item.description,
return props;
export default connect(
You can then access id, name, and description thought this.props instead of this.state. It works because mapStateToProps will be evaluated every time you update the redux store. Also, you will be able to access description through this.state and leave your TextField as is. You can read more about getDerivedStateFromProps here.
As for your second question, calling setState every time the input changes is totally fine; that's what's called a controlled component, and the react team (nor me) encourage its use. See here.

Create input component and control multiple form states in React + Redux

My project has 2 separated forms, 'user' and 'movies'. I have created a single input component which I want to use in all 3 forms. This isn't the complex thing to do but I am wondering what the right approach is to save the data on every keystroke or blur action to the right redux store state.
So I have 2 reducers and 2 forms, 'user' and 'movies'. The user form contains just some user and user meta data. The movies form will be a 'collection' of movies the user has seen.
I have created this text field component
import React from 'react';
class TextField extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
value: this.props.value
onChange = (e) => {
const {
} =
value: value
onBlur = (e) => {
const {
} =
value: value
render() {
onBlur={(e) => this.onBlur(e)}
onChange={(e) => this.onChange(e)}
export default TextField;
And in the form component
No, I need the right approach to write the values by onChange or onBlur directly to the right 'user' or 'movies' sate. e.g. movies[1].name should be append to the movies state via reducer:
movies : [{
name: 'movie #1'
name: 'movie #2'
Should I pass down on every input field a function for onChange and onBlur via props to let the TextField component know how to handle and where to write the value to the store? e.g.
onBlur={(event) => console.log('onBlur action')}
onChange={(event) => console.log('onChange action')}
I have worked with modules such as 'redux-form', but it feels heavy, not that stable. I would like to control all by myself as the 'movies' form is just a collection without user side validations.
Yup! Event propagation is the way to go. You definitely don't want to couple your TextField component with any redux or any other state management logic as it defeats the whole purpose of reusability. I would create handling functions in the Form component that would do that exact thing(e.g. handleOnBlurMovieInput, handleOnChangeUserInput) and pass those into the TextField as props respectively.

Redux state not updating with javascript object

I have this container and component and the object yeast that Im trying to put in my store. However, its not working whenever I try and save it. The object looks like this
{ yeastType : value, temp: value}
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
return {
handleYeastChange: (yeast) => {
const RecipeYeastContainer = connect(
updateYeastState = (updatedYeast) => {
I have no errors in the console or anything. When I open my redux dev tools its telling me the state has already been updated by the time the action is called. And thus only ever saving the first letter thats input into my field. It never persists it. Its really weird. Its also never showing up in the UI. I can type as much as I want and see the action firing and the state keeping the first letter but its not showing up in the input.
Whats weird is that when I change the code to pass in both yeastType and temp to the property function and construct the object in there it works. (See below)
This works: Container.js
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
return {
handleYeastChange: (yeastType, temp) => {
const yeast = {yeastType, temp}
updateYeastState = (updatedYeast) => {
this.props.handleYeastChange(updatedYeast.yeastType, updatedYeast.temp)
I cannot figure out why this is happening. I thought I could just pass the object all the way through and not have to reconstruct it.
Do you dispatch your action correctly? And in using redux, you are not updating the state of the component, you're updating the store and then the value in component is from your mapStateToProps function that get from the store. Say it you're updating your store with the object named yourReducer store. ex:
const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
inputValue: state.yourReducer.value
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({
inputHandler: (e) => {
dispatch(yourAction({type: 'CHANGE_INPUT', value:}))
// The store catches the action and pass to the reducer that can read the action's type
// in `yourReducer` will catch the 'CHANGE_INPUT' type and
// return a new value as same as the value that passed from the action
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Component)
export default class Component extends React.Component {
{ your custom function here ... }
render() {
const { inputValue, inputHandler } = this.props
return (
{/* The input will be the same as the inputValue changed */}
<input value={inputValue} onChange={inputHandler} />
For debugging redux you can try this redux-devtool.

Serialize dynamic form into array of objects

Here is my initial state in redux
grains: [{grainId: "", amount: "0.0"}],
Im trying to get my form to serialize to something similar but I cant find a way to have grains be the outer object. Im wondering if its even possible or if I'll have to recreate the object manually. Or just get the state from the store.
My form looks like this:
Then theres an add grain button which will add another object to the array in the state which will then render another section of the form on the page. Is there anyway to wrap each "Grain" section in a form element so that is serializes nicely?
If not can I just post the state from the store on form submit or is that bad practice?
Since you are already loading your initial form data from the redux state, I think it would make sense to have the form update the Redux state as it changes. With this approach every input chnage would trigger an update of the Redux state, which would then be passed down to the component (through mapStateToProps), and cause a re-render showing the new value. That way you can make sure, in your reducer, that the state always has the shape you prefer ( {grains: [{grainId: "", amount: "0.0"}, etc... ] ).
Like you hinted, that would mean that when you finally submit, you are basically submitting the Redux form state (or at least the props passed down from it).
That could look something like this (runnable JSFiddle demo here):
class App extends React.Component {
renderGrains() {
const {grains, changeGrain} = this.props;
return, index) => (
<div key={ index }>
onChange={({target:{value}}) => changeGrain(index, 'grainId', value)}
<input key={ grain.grainId + 'amount' }
onChange={({target:{value}}) => changeGrain(index, 'amount', value)}
<br />
render() {
const {addEmptyGrain, grains} = this.props;
const onSubmit = (e) => {
alert('submitting: \n' + JSON.stringify({grains}, null, 2));
return (
{ this.renderGrains() }
<button onClick={ (e) => { e.preventDefault(); addEmptyGrain();} }>Add grain</button><br />
<button onClick={onSubmit}>Submit</button>
where the reducer would look something like this:
const r1_initialState = { grains: [{grainId: "", amount: 0.0}] };
const reducer1 = (state = r1_initialState, action) => {
switch(action.type) {
const {index, key, newValue} = action;
const grainsCopy = [...state.grains];
grainsCopy[index][key] = newValue;
return {...state, grains: grainsCopy};
return {...state, grains: [...state.grains, {grainId: '', amount: 0.0}]}
return state;
If this seems like too much work, but you still want to keep the form data in the Redux state, there are libraries like redux-form, which handles the repetitive handling of onChange etc. for your forms.
Another option would be to load the initial state from Redux, but just use it to set the internal state of the component. Then handle all the form changes as a change to the component state. The same logic as the one in the example above, could be used for rendering the fields from an array.

