DRY up htmlCollection to Array calls - javascript

I have a function that is currently using the .getElementBy... DOM calls in JavaScript.
var $ = function (selector) {
var elements = [];
var lastSelector = selector.substring(selector.search(/[^#.]+$/), selector.length);
if(selector.includes('#') !== true || selector.includes('.') !== true) {
elements = Array.prototype.slice.call(elements[0]);
return elements;
There are a number of other if statements in the function using the code:
elements = Array.prototype.slice.call(elements[0]);
elements = Array.prototype.slice.call(elements[0]);
Ideally i'd like to DRY up the repeated:
elements = Array.prototype.slice.call(elements[0]);
but I cannot define it before the if statements because elements has not yet been populated. It therefore tries to run the code on an empty array and errors.
Any suggestions?

Instead of using a home-brew limited function for selecting elements by a selector, you could just use the standard querySelectorAll() available in all browsers including IE8+.
As for converting an array-like object (e. g. a DOM collection) to a real Array (what Array.prototype.slice.call() is used for in your code), I use the following function:
var arrayFrom = function(arrayLike) {
if (Array.from) {
return Array.from(arrayLike);
var items;
try {
items = Array.prototype.slice.call(arrayLike, 0);
catch(e) {
items = [];
var count = arrayLike.length;
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
return items;
or its following simplified version if browsers not supporting passing a non-Array argument to Array.prototype.slice.call() (IE8- if I recall correctly) don’t matter:
var arrayFrom = function(arrayLike) {
return Array.from
? Array.from(arrayLike);
: Array.prototype.slice.call(arrayLike, 0);

Certainly consider #marat-tanalin answer. In the case where using querySelectorAll() is not an option, the following worked for me, thanks #master565 for the help:
To start, wrapping the lines:
elements = Array.prototype.slice.call(elements[0]);
in a function:
function pushByTag(selector) {
elements = Array.prototype.slice.call(elements[0]);
Dried things up considerably. Then setting a variable for the if argument helped a lot:
if(selector.includes('#') !== true || selector.includes('.') !== true)
var noClassOrId = selector.includes('#') !== true || selector.includes('.') !== true;
Both these refactors allowed me to single line my if statement in to something I'd argue was fairly readable:
if (noClassOrId) pushByTag(lastSelector);


How can I insert an argument like forEach, reduce and the like does?

I'm trying to reinvent the wheel, sort of.. Just messing around trying to remake some jquery functions.. I've come this far
var ye = function (ele) {
if (ele[0] == "#")
return document.getElementById(ele.slice(1));
else if (ele[0] == ".")
// returns an array, use index
return document.getElementsByClassName(ele.slice(1));
// also returns an array
return document.getElementsByTagName(ele);
but how can I use this element as a parameter in a function in the 'ye' prototype. For example, if I wanted to make fontsize how could I get the dom element like here:
ye.prototype.fontSize = function (ele)
ele.style.fontSize = "30px";
Just to add a bit to make the title relevant.. forEach inserts three arguments into the callback function, just like I want ye to insert ele into the fontSize function.
Just messing around trying to remake some jquery functions...
...but how can I use this element as a parameter in a function in the 'ye' prototype..
Here is a very crude and simple way to start...
Create a function with a property called elems which is an array and will store the selected DOM elements.
Like this:
var oye = function() { this.elems = []; };
On its prototype, you can create your custom functions which you want to expose. e.g. the function fontSize (as in your question), iterate over the elems array property that we created earlier changing the font size of each DOM element stored in. this points to the instance which is calling this function which we will ensure to be of type oye later on. To enable chaining, we simply return itself via this.
Like this:
oye.prototype.fontSize = function(size) {
this.elems.forEach(function(elem) {
elem.style.fontSize = size;
return this;
Now create the selector function called ye. This serves the purpose of selecting the DOM elements, storing them in the elems array property of a new instance of oye class, and return the instance. We call the slice of the array prototype to convert the nodeList to an array.
Like this:
var ye = function(elem) {
var newOye = new oye;
newOye.elems = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(elem));
return newOye;
Now start using it in your code. Just like jQuery, you can use ye to select and then call your custom functions.
Like this:
Just like jQuery, you can also chain multiple custom functions as shown in the complete working example below:
Next step: Remember this is just a very crude example. You can now proceed to club the step 1 and 2 into a single call using the init pattern returning the new object from the selector function itseld. Learn more about Javascript and best practices.
Here is a sample working demo:
var oye = function() { this.elems = []; };
oye.prototype.fontSize = function(size) {
this.elems.forEach(function(elem) {
elem.style.fontSize = size;
return this;
oye.prototype.dim = function(value) {
return this.elems.forEach(function(elem) {
elem.style.opacity = value;
return this;
var ye = function(elem) {
var newOye = new oye;
newOye.elems = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(elem));
return newOye;
<div>This is normal text.</div>
<div id="elem1">size changed via id.</div>
<div class="elem2">size changed via class.</div>
<div class="elem2">size changed via class.</div>
<p>size changed and dimmed via tag name</p>
<p>size changed and dimmed via tag name</p>
Regarding your question, I may think you're new to JavaScript, or not familiar with its basic concepts. I'm not sure reinventing the wheel is a good thing in such conditions.
Since you've cited jQuery, you can have a look at its source code to understand how it works under the hood:
Having that said, I would have done something like this:
var ye = function ( ele ) {
return new ye.prototype.init(ele);
ye.prototype.init = function( ele ) {
this._elements = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(ele));
return this;
ye.prototype.forEach = function( fn ) {
return this;
ye.prototype.fontSize = function( fontSizeValue ) {
this.forEach(function (ele) {
ele.style.fontSize = fontSizeValue;
return this;
The associated usage is as follow:
var myCollection = ye('.someClassName');
myCollection.forEach(function ( item, index ) {
myCollection.forEach(function ( item, index ) {
Use ye function calling before setting style, something like:
ye.prototype.fontSize = function(ele) {
ye(ele).style.fontSize = '30px';
returned object should be richer, like that:
var baseObject = {
// Will be used for the element:
element: null,
width: function(){ return this.element.getwidth(); /* or anything similar*/ }
// ... Further methods
and then in your ye function:
var ye = function (ele) {
var yeElem = clone(baseObject); // See comment below!!
if (ele[0] == "#") { yeElem.element = document.getElementById(ele.slice(1)); }
else if (ele[0] == "."){ /*...*/ }
else { /*...*/ }
return yeElem;
This way the new element has built in methods.
As for the clone() method used, it doesn't exist but you have to use some clone method.
I recommend Loadsh's _.cloneDeep() (here).

Implementing eachChild for a specefic case

I have a few places in my code that are very similar to this snippet:
tag_iter = hold_tags_el.firstChild;
do {
if (tag_iter === null) {
if (par_el.innerHTML < tag_iter.innerHTML) {
hold_tags_el.insertBefore(paragraph_el, tag_iter);
if (tag_iter === hold_tags_el.lastChild) {
NS.insertAfter(tag_iter, paragraph_el);
tag_iter = tag_iter.nextSibling;
} while (tag_iter !== null);
This can be abstracted to:
tag_iter = ref_el.firstChild;
do {
// loop logic
tag_iter = tag_iter.nextSibling;
} while (tag_iter !== null);
In a function form this would look like:
The Call:
eachChild(par_el, function (tag_iter, par_el) {
// loop logic
The Definition:
NS.eachChild = function (par_el, func, context) {
var iter_el = par_el.firstChild,
do {
result = func.call(context, iter_el, par_el);
if (result) {
iter_el = iter_el.nextSibling;
} while (iter_el !== null);
Is there a library that implements this pattern / idiom?
What improvements can be made to eachChild?
Are there any errors in eachChild?
Applying the idiom we have:
Snippet A
NS.eachChild(el, function(tag_iter, par_el){
// first
if (tag_iter === null) {
return true;
// middle
if (par_el.innerHTML < tag_iter.innerHTML) {
par_el.insertBefore(paragraph_el, tag_iter);
return true;
// last
if (tag_iter === hold_tags_el.lastChild) {
return true;
What improvements can be made?
Many. Your snippet with its do-while loop and the many breaks is overly complicated and hard to understand. It can be simplified to
var tag_iter = hold_tags_el.firstChild,
search = par_el.innerHTML;
while (tag_iter !== null && search >= tag_iter.innerHTML)
tag_iter = tag_iter.nextSibling;
hold_tags_el.insertBefore(paragraph_el, tag_iter);
Notice that insertBefore with null as second argument, insertAfter(lastChild) and appendChild do exactly the same thing.
With that simplification, you don't need that eachChild function any more. But maybe a little different one:
NS.findChild = function(parent, condition) {
var child = parent.firstChild;
for (var i=0; child!==null && condition(child, i); i++)
child = child.nextSibling;
return child;
// then simply:
var el = NS.findChild(hold_tags_el, function(tag_iter) {
return tag_iter.innerHTML < par_el.innerHTML;
hold_tags_el.insertBefore(paragraph_el, el);
Is there a library that implements this pattern / idiom?
I don't know any. But there are many libs with generic iterator methods (some of them with break functionality) that can easily be applied on childNodes collections.
Are there any errors in eachChild?
It calls the callback even when there is no firstChild (with null as argument). That's at least unconventional, if not wrong - not what you would expect from an iteration. If you think to need it, this should better be made a separate case (a separate callback); otherwise it requires an extra condition in the callback. However in the given usecase you do not need it, as that is a search - see the findChild function above - where eachChild is inappropriate.
What improvements can be made to eachChild?
Additionally to parEl maybe a counter argument might be nice - check the signature of the standard forEach Array method.

How do I parse the results of a querySelectorAll selector engine & allow method chaining?

var $ = function(selector, node) { // Selector engine
var selector = selector.trim(), node = node || document.body;
if (selector != null) {
return Array.prototype.slice.call(node.querySelectorAll(selector), 0); }
I want to use it like this...:
$("div").innerHTML='It works!';
...not like this...:
$("div")[0].innerHTML='It works only on the specified index!';
...or this:
for(i=0;i<$('div');i++) {
$("div")[i].innerHTML='It works great but it's ugly!';
This is as close as I got. I would like chaining to work and for it to be compatible with native methods:
if(!Array.prototype.innerHTML) {
Array.prototype.innerHTML = function(html) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
this[i].innerHTML = html;
$("div").innerHTML('It works, but it ruins method chaining!');
I decided to build this engine to better learn JavaScript; It's working but I am hoping I can learn some more from the kind members of Stack Overflow. Any help would be much appreciated!
I want to use it like this...:
$("div").innerHTML='It works!';
...not like this...:
$("div")[0].innerHTML='It works only on the specified index!';
It sounds like you want to have assigning to innerHTML on your set of results assign to the innerHTML of all of the results.
To do that, you'll have to use a function, either directly or indirectly.
var $ = function(selector, node) { // Selector engine
var selector = selector.trim(),
node = node || document.body,
if (selector != null) {
rv = Array.prototype.slice.call(node.querySelectorAll(selector), 0); }
rv.setInnerHTML = setInnerHTML;
return rv;
function setInnerHTML(html) {
var index;
for (index = 0; index < this.length; ++index) {
this[index].innerHTML = html;
// Usage
$("div").setInnerHTML("The new HTML");
There, we define a function, and we assign it to the array you're returning as a property. You can then call that function on the array. (You might want to use Object.defineProperty if it's available to set the setInnerHTML property, so you can make it non-enumerable.)
Indirectly (requires an ES5-enabled JavaScript engine):
var $ = function(selector, node) { // Selector engine
var selector = selector.trim(),
node = node || document.body,
if (selector != null) {
rv = Array.prototype.slice.call(node.querySelectorAll(selector), 0); }
Object.defineProperty(rv, "innerHTML", {
set: setInnerHTML
return rv;
function setInnerHTML(html) {
var index;
for (index = 0; index < this.length; ++index) {
this[index].innerHTML = html;
// Usage
$("div").innerHTML = "The new HTML";
There, we use Object.defineProperty to define a setter for the property.
In the comments below you say
I have a few prototypes that work when individually attached to the $ function. Example: $('div').makeClass('this'); They do not work when they are chained together. Example: $('div').makeClass('this').takeClass('that');
To make chaining work, you do return this; from each of the functions (so the end of makeClass would do return this;). That's because when you're chaining, such as obj.foo().bar(), you're calling bar on the return value of foo. So to make chaining work, you make sure foo returns this (the object on which foo was called).
This is what works; it's a slightly different syntax then I gave in my prior example, but the end result is the same. I had some great help from other Stack Exchange members, thanks again everyone.
var $ = function(selector, node) { // Selector engine
var selector = selector.trim(), node = node || document.body;
if (selector != null) {
return Array.prototype.slice.call(node.querySelectorAll(selector), 0); }
if(!Array.prototype.html) {
Array.prototype.html = function(html) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
this[i].innerHTML = html;
return this; //<---- Silly me, my original code was missing this.
When I run it, everything (including chaining) works as desired:
$("div").html('hello world');
<div>hello world</div>

how to turn this to into a tree?

I was doing a challenge of building a tree from all html elements. And I am 90% done, but I got stuck...
How do I change this string into a tree?:
mystring= "red1/(none)-red2/red1-blue1/red2-blue2/red2-blue3/red2-red3/red1-red4/red3-red5/red4-red6/red5-blue4/red6";
After splitting them by "-" we will have:
10 groups of -> (parameter1)/(parameter2)
The first parameter it is the object,
The second parameter is the 'in-what-it-will-be-contained'
I have no idea how to move every 'parameter1' inside 'parameter2'. (note: sometimes the parameter1 will be the parameter2 of a parameter1)
Visual example of what I mean with a parameter is inside another parameter: (this example uses exactly the string above)
Probably we should use arrays?, idk... I am totally lost :sadface:
I think this is a little more concise and straight forward. It uses an object as a dictionary to lookup the parent, rather than a function that has to recursively iterate the tree to find the parent. That recursive function is expensive. An object lookup is quick.
First, for convenience, I'd define an object type:
function TreeNode(name) {
this.Name = name;
this.Children = [];
Then I'd add a method to do the work. This parses your tree string:
TreeNode.ParseTree = function (treeString) {
var root = new TreeNode("");
var nodes = {};
var pairs = treeString.split("-");
pairs.forEach(function(pair) {
var parts = pair.split("/");
var parentName = parts[1];
var childName = parts[0];
var node;
if (parentName == "(none)") {
node = root;
root.Name = childName;
else {
node = new TreeNode(childName);
nodes[childName] = node;
return root;
That's it! Now, to get visual representations of your tree, you can add some prototype methods to TreeNode. First, override .toString():
TreeNode.prototype.toString = function(indent) {
indent = indent || "";
var strings = [indent + this.Name];
this.Children.forEach(function(child) {
strings.push(child.toString(indent + " "));
return strings.join("\n");
Then, add a .Render() method to display the tree within a web page:
TreeNode.prototype.Render = function(container) {
var nodeEl = container.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
nodeEl.className = "treeNode";
var nameEl = nodeEl.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
nameEl.className = "treeNodeName";
var childrenEl = nodeEl.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
childrenEl.className = "treeNodeChildren";
this.Children.forEach(function(child) {
return nodeEl;
Here it is in action: http://jsfiddle.net/gilly3/wwFBx/
Edit: I didn't notice the jQuery tag in your post, here's a render method that's all jQuery, and produces simpler HTML which you seem to imply is what you want:
TreeNode.prototype.Render = function(container) {
var el = $("<div>").appendTo(container).text(this.Name);
$.each(this.Children, function() {
return el;
This JSFiddle uses jQuery, even replacing Array.forEach with $.each: http://jsfiddle.net/wwFBx/1/
As an alternative, you might consider just serializing your tree as JSON. Eg:
or maybe:
Parse the string via JSON.parse().
Disclaimer: I've referenced Array.forEach() and JSON.parse() which are built-in to modern browsers but are not supported by older browsers. To enable these functions in older browsers, see this documentation on Array.forEach() and this shim for JSON.parse().
Here's about how I would do it, using an array of "unplaced" elements and looping through it until they're all placed:
var str = "red1/(none)-red2/red1-blue1/red2-blue2/red2-blue3/red2-red3/red1-red4/red3-red5/red4-red6/red5-blue4/red6";
var unplaced = [];
var tree = null;
var elements = str.split(/[\/\-]/);
function findNodeByName(nodeName, context) {
if(context.name === nodeName) return context;
for(var i = 0; i < context.children.length; i++) {
var subSearch = findNodeByName(nodeName, context.children[i]);
if(subSearch) return subSearch;
return null;
var element, node, parent, thisElement, i;
for(i = 0; node = elements[i]; i += 2) {
node = elements[i];
parent = elements[i + 1];
thisElement = {name: node, children: []};
if(!tree && parent === '(none)') {
tree = thisElement;
} else if(tree) {
var parentNode = findNodeByName(parent, tree);
if(parentNode) {
} else {
var oldLength;
while(unplaced.length) {
oldLength = unplaced.length;
for(i = 0; element = unplaced[i]; i++) {
var parentNode = findNodeByName(parent, tree);
if(parentNode) {
unplaced.splice(i, 1);
if(oldLength === unplaced.length) {
throw new SyntaxError("The string is not a valid tree.");
// The result is contained in "tree".
You can see the result at: http://jsfiddle.net/minitech/tJSpN/
One with a function: http://jsfiddle.net/minitech/tJSpN/1/
And one with more error-checking: http://jsfiddle.net/minitech/tJSpN/2/
Actually, I found a simpler/shorter/neater way using the JQuery function AppendTo()
We just need to:
Split the parameters...
Create one div for each (parameter1)
Use a loop to move every (parameter1) inside (parameter2) using the
AWESOME AppendTo() function that JQuery offers
The best thing is that they are actually inside them, so you can easily put a Hide/Show effect to make a cool effect
You may try to create tree nodes of the form :
node = {
subBranches : new Array()
Once you have that, you may add the sub-branches iterating through the array, adding such nodes for each found correct couple, and removing the couples already placed in rootNode.subBranches. Then you recursively do the same for every sub-branche.

Pure JavaScript equivalent of jQuery click()?

I am building a small app which captures mouse clicks. I wrote the prototype in jQuery but, since it is a small app focusing on speed, embedding jQuery to use just one function would be an overkill.
I tried to adapt this example from JavaScriptKit:
but it didn't work when I tried this:
What am I doing wrong?
Say you have a list of p tags you would like to capture the click for the <p> tag:
var p = document.getElementsByTagName("p");
for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
p[i].onclick = function() {
alert("p is clicked and the id is " + this.id);
Check out an example here for more clarity:
In your example you are using getElementsByTagName() method, which returns you an array of DOM elements. You could iterate that array and assign the onclick handler to each element, for example:
var clickHandler = function() {
var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('div'); // All divs
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
elements[i].onclick = clickHandler;
it looks a little bit like you miss more than just the click function of jQuery. You also miss jquery's selector engine, chaining, and automatic iteration across collections of objects. With a bit more effort you can minimally reproduce some of those things as well.
var myClickCapture = function (selector) {
var method, name,iterator;
if(selector.substr(0,1) === "#") {
method = "getElementById";
name = selector.substr(1);
iterator = function(fn) { fn(document[method](name)); };
} else {
method = "getElementsByTagName";
name = selector;
iterator = function(fn) {
var i,c = document[method](name);
myClickCapture.click = function (fn){
return myClickCapture;
I haven't tested the code, but in theory, it gets you something like this:
myClickCapture("x").click(function(e){ alert("element clicked") });
Hopefully this gives you a sense of the sorts of things jquery is doing under the covers.
returns an array of elements having the tagname 'x'.
You have to right event for each element in the returned array.

