removeDuplicates does not work as expected - javascript

I am trying to extend Array prototype with the following functions:
var ar=this,unique=[],max=ar.length;
for(var i = 0 ; i < max;i++)
if(unique.indexOf(ar[i] )==-1)
return unique;
var self = this;
self = this.uniqueItems();
return self;
The first function is supposed to return an array without duplicates and the second to remove all duplicates from a given array.
Consider the following code:
var x=[1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4];
The output is :
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4 ]
So the duplicates still remain.Any ideas why?Thanks In advance!!!!Also notice that I can not use x= x.uniqueItems() since it will work only for x.I want it to work for any given array.

You might as well do it like this in ES6
var x = [1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4],
u = a => Array.from(new Set(a)),
y = u(x);
The new Set object in ES6 takes elements and keeps only one of each and discard the dupes. So it's in a way ideal to get unique items. A new set object is instantitated by the Set constructor and it will accept an array of items as an argument such as in var s = new Set([1,1,2,1,4,3,6,7,4,5,6,9,8,1,2,3,4,7,0]) and the resulting s set will be composed of unique entries of 1,2,4,3,6,7,5,9,8 and 0 in the order of appearance. Set objects have generator properties and iterator functions which can be obtained from them. Hence [...s] (the ES6 spread operator) or Array.from(s) would result a proper unique items array automatically.

Converting the Array to a Set and back allows for an arguably cleaner implementation:
Array.prototype.uniqueItems = function() {
return new Array.from(new Set(this));
Array.prototype.removeDuplicates = function() {
this.from(new Set(this));

Reassign to x.
var x=[1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4];
x = x.removeDuplicates();

when you say
self = this.uniqueItems();
self is now pointing to a new array, not this
You need to either do
x = x.removeDuplicates();
or iterate this again in removeDuplicates to remove the other items.
For example
var self = this;
var that = this;
self = this.uniqueItems();
//remove all items
for(var counter = that.length ; counter >= 0; counter -- )
//copy the individual items to this
that[index] = self[index]
return self;

Hey thank you all for your answers .I found a simple solution to my problem by doing the following:
//First create a copy of the current array without duplicates
var clear_array=this.uniqueItems();
//Delete every item in the current array
//Fill the current array with the elements of clear_array
for(var i = 0;i<clear_array.length;i++)
this[i] = clear_array[i];
return this;
Also I did not use a Set since I want to be sure about backwards compatibility
Hope this will be helpful to someone :)


checking if more elements of array have same value of key , if they have remove one?

so I've tried everything that i know. Using map and filter, prototypes. Didn't work. .
[{"color":"black","type":"bmw"},{"color":"gray","type":"golf"}, {"color":"red","type":"bmw"}, {"color":"black","type":"mercedes"}]
So what I want to achieve, is when i do ajax, with javascript, to check if two or more object have same value for type, if there is for example two or more bmw-s, remove others and and push just one object with bmw type. Hope i am clear enough.
Thanks in advance
function removeDuplicates(arr) {
var alreadyExist = {}; // hash object to keep track of elemnt that have already been encountered
var indexes = []; // array of indexes that will be removed
arr.forEach(function(o, i) { // for each object o in arr
if(alreadyExist[o.type]) // if the type of the object o at index i already exist
indexes.push(i); // mark its index i to be removed later
else // if not
alreadyExist[o.type] = true; // then mark the object as found so other ones will be removed
// for each index in the indexes array
for(var i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++)
arr.splice(indexes[i] - i, 1); // remove the object at that index ( - i because the array arr is continually changing. Its length decrease every time we remove an item)
var array = [{"color":"black","type":"bmw"},{"color":"gray","type":"golf"}, {"color":"red","type":"bmw"}, {"color":"red","type":"bmw"}, {"color":"red","type":"bmw"}, {"color":"black","type":"mercedes"}];
don't remove elements, create a filtered Array:
var yourArray = [{"color":"black","type":"bmw"},{"color":"gray","type":"golf"}, {"color":"red","type":"bmw"}, {"color":"black","type":"mercedes"}];
var cache = {},
filteredArray = yourArray.filter(({type}) => type in cache? false: (cache[type] = true));
It's non destructive, more performant and even simpler and shorter.
Edit: And even without modern features:
var filteredArray = yourArray.filter(function(item){
return item.type in this? false: (this[item.type] = true);
}, {/* the cache-object */}); //abusing `this` to pass the cache object
You can keep track of which types are already present in your array with an object, then only push into new array those that are not present:
var vehicles = [{"color":"black","type":"bmw"},{"color":"gray","type":"golf"}, {"color":"red","type":"bmw"}, {"color":"black","type":"mercedes"}];
var uniques = [];
var types = {};
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (!types[a[i].type]) { uniques.push(a[i]); }
types[a[i].type] = true;
//uniques = [{"color":"black","type":"bmw"},{"color":"gray","type":"golf"}, {"color":"black","type":"mercedes"}];

Why reference not kept when putting attribute on `this`?

Why the following code logs empty array, instead of the loaded array:
function Car() {
var parts = []; = parts;
this.loadParts = loadParts;
function loadParts() {
parts = ['engine', 'wheels'];
var audi = new Car();
(Trying to implement the reveal pattern)
You're manipulating the closed-over local variable parts, not
Update your code to:
function loadParts() { = ['engine', 'wheels'];
for more predictable results.
The problem is that your code reassign the local parts variable that it ends up pointing to a different array from
A solution is to change the code to:
function loadParts() {
parts.splice(0, parts.length, 'engine', 'wheels');
this will mutate in-place the content of the same array instead.
In Javascript the code
var x = [1, 2, 3];
var y = x;
x = [4, 5, 6]
will not change the content of what y is pointing to.
This is what your code is doing (with y being
Because you are overwriting the parts array with an entirely new array parts = ['engine', 'wheels']. is a reference to the value of parts which is the original array parts = [];.
You either want to populate the original array:
function loadParts() {
Or set the reference of to the new array
function loadParts() {
parts = ['engine', 'wheels']; = parts;
when you assign a value to an Object/Array, it will contain the reference of the value, and it looses its own references just like what you did here : = parts;
now when you did this :
function loadParts() {
parts = ['engine', 'wheels'];
parts loses its own reference and its no longer equal to, I suggest you just push data to the parts array
function loadParts() {
parts.push('engine', 'wheels');

How to duplicate a value of array and push it same array in javascript?

I am try to learn more about the JavaScript and I have one of the assignment where I have array and I need to duplicate that and return the result as below :
var smValue = [1,2,3];
smValue.duplicate() will give the output like :
I got stuck on that. I have tried to create function like that :
var smValue = [1,2,3];
fuction duplicate (){
array[smValue.length + 1] = smValue.push(smValue[i]);
return array;
But failed. Please help me to resolve it. It may the vary basic but I have never seen this before.
A simple way would be to concat the array with itself:
function duplicate (arr){
return arr.concat(arr)
Or if you want to call it on the array itself.
Array.prototype.duplicate = function(){
return this.concat(this)
smValue.duplicate() // returns [1,2,3,1,2,3]
The alternative (easier?) way is to use concat:
function duplicate(arr) {
return arr.concat(arr);
To add this as a method on the array prototype:
if (!('duplicate' in Array.prototype)) {
Array.prototype.duplicate = function () {
return this.concat(this);
[4, 5, 6].duplicate(); // [4, 5, 6, 4, 5, 6]
You can do the following:
var duplicate = smValue.concat(smValue);
Concat 'merges' array's together, or a better word is joining them together.
Here's a simple solution:
var smValue = [1,2,3];
smValue = smValue.concat(smValue);
You loop over the array and push each key back into the array using Array.prototype.push
var smValue = [1,2,3];
for(var i = 0, len = smValue.length;i < len;i++) {
If you want to define new function that does it on every array, you want to do this:
var myArray = [1,2,3];
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'duplicate', {
enumerable: false,
value: function duplicate() {
for(var i = 0, len = this.length;i < len;i++) {
return this;
I'm using Object.defineProperty to create non-enumerable property as Array.prototype.newDuplicate would add enumerable property.
And yes, you can use concat, but considering you tried to do it with a loop, I used for loop to show how to do it with that.

Getting Length of Object in Javascript / jQuery

I am trying to set up an array in jQuery and I then need to do a for loop on it. But it seems that I cant use an associative array for some reason?
var items = new Array();
items['foo'] = 123456;
items['bar'] = 789012;
items['baz'] = 345678;
items['bat'] = 901234;
This is just a test, but it return 0?
You can't make associative array in JavaScript like what you want, instead you can use Object.
For example:
var items = {
foo : 123456,
bar : 789012,
baz : 345678,
bat : 901234
And to calculate the length you can do:
var getObjectSize = function(obj) {
var len = 0, key;
for (key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) len++;
return len;
Use: getObjectSize(items); // output: 4
For more see here.
Another one is:
But not supported by all browsers.
var items = new Array();
items['foo'] = 123456;
The problem lies in the very first line. You believe that you are adding an item to the array at the index foo, but you are actually adding a property to the items variable with a key foo and value 123456. If you were to type it would give you back your 123456.
The problem with this approach is that adding a property to an array does not magically increase it's length.
If you want to have non-numeric indexes, you need to use an object instead of an array:
var items = {
foo: 123456,
bar: 789012,
baz: 345678,
bat: 901234
Another approach might be to set up two different arrays, which you construct in parallel:
var items = [], items2 = [];
// etc.
The efficiency of this approach depends on how you'll use it. If you're only going to loop through the list of items and do something to each of them, this approach may be more efficient. But if you need to use it like an associative array (items['foo']), then you're better off building an object.
The .length property returns the highest numerical index of the array. Thus, in your case, there is no numerical index and it returns 0. Try
items[98] = "something";
items.length will be 98..! Use the .length property with caution, and if you also want to count the non-numerical indici, loop over the Object (an Array is also an Object) and count its ownProperties.

how to prevent adding duplicate keys to a javascript array

I found a lot of related questions with answers talking about loops and using hasOwnProperty but nothing I do works properly. All I want to do is check whether or not a key exists in an array and if not, add it.
I start with an empty array then add keys as the page is scrubbed with jQuery.
Initially, I hoped that something simple like the following would work: (using generic names)
if (!array[key])
array[key] = value;
No go. Followed it up with:
for (var in array) {
if (!array.hasOwnProperty(var))
array[key] = value;
Also tried:
if (array.hasOwnProperty(key) == false)
array[key] = value;
None of this has worked. Either nothing is pushed to the array or what I try is no better than simply declaring array[key] = value Why is something so simple so difficult to do. Any ideas to make this work?
Generally speaking, this is better accomplished with an object instead since JavaScript doesn't really have associative arrays:
var foo = { bar: 0 };
Then use in to check for a key:
if ( !( 'bar' in foo ) ) {
foo['bar'] = 42;
As was rightly pointed out in the comments below, this method is useful only when your keys will be strings, or items that can be represented as strings (such as numbers).
var a = [1,2,3], b = [4,1,5,2];
if (a.indexOf(value)==-1) a.push(value);
// [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
For more details read up on Array.indexOf.
If you want to rely on jQuery, instead use jQuery.inArray:
if ($.inArray(value,a)==-1) a.push(value);
If all your values are simply and uniquely representable as strings, however, you should use an Object instead of an Array, for a potentially massive speed increase (as described in the answer by #JonathanSampson).
A better alternative is provided in ES6 using Sets. So, instead of declaring Arrays, it is recommended to use Sets if you need to have an array that shouldn't add duplicates.
var array = new Set();
// Prints: Set(3) {1, 2, 3}
array.add(2); // does not add any new element
// Still Prints: Set(3) {1, 2, 3}
If you're already using spread...
let colors = ['red', 'orange', 'yellow'];
let moreColors = ['orange', 'green'];
let mergedColors = [...colors, ...moreColors];
and want to avoid duplicates...
let mergedColors = [...colors, ...moreColors.filter(c => !colors.includes(c)) ];
You can try this:
var names = ["Mike","Matt","Nancy","Adam","Jenny","Nancy","Carl"];
var uniqueNames = [];
$.each(names, function(i, el){
if($.inArray(el, uniqueNames) === -1) uniqueNames.push(el);
Easiest way to find duplicate values in a JavaScript array
The logic is wrong. Consider this:
x = ["a","b","c"]
x[0] // "a"
x["0"] // "a"
0 in x // true
"0" in x // true
x.hasOwnProperty(0) // true
x.hasOwnProperty("0") // true
There is no reason to loop to check for key (or indices for arrays) existence. Now, values are a different story...
Happy coding
function check (list){
var foundRepeatingValue = false;
var newList = [];
var thisValue = list[i];
foundRepeatingValue = true;
console.log("getting repeated");
return true;
} newList.push(thisValue);
} return false;
var list1 = ["dse","dfg","dse"];
getting repeated
let x = "farceus";
let y = "character";
const commonCharacters = function (string1, string2) {
let duplicateCharacter = "";
for (let i = 0; i < string1.length; i += 1) {
if (duplicateCharacter.indexOf(string1[i]) === -1) {
if (string2.indexOf(string1[i]) !== -1) {
duplicateCharacter += string1[i];
return [...duplicateCharacter];
console.log(commonCharacters(x, y));

