Adding an li element with text component on click with javascript - javascript

This is what I've done so far - but I also need to handle and empty comment, clear the field after submission and post multiple comments. Don't want answers really - just hints as to where I need to look and if I'm completely off base.
function registerClickHandler() {
var commentButton = document.getElementByID('postComment');
commentButton.onclick = addComment();
function addComment() {
var list = document.getElementByID('commentList');
var commentContent = document.getElementByID('comment')
var newComment = document.createElement('li');
<ul id='commentList'>
<input type='text' id='comment'/>
<input type='button' id='postComment' value='Post'/>

Take a look to this code working example, basically you have syntax error:
change all ocurrencies of getElementByID for getElementById
And call the function which define the click handler
Get the value for the element
var commentContent = document.getElementById('comment').value;

Some hints:
There's no getElementByID function, only getElementById, because javascript is case-sensitive.
commentButton.onclick = addComment(); is wrong because you call addComment function instead of assigning it as an event-handler to the onclick event. You should remove the parentheses commentButton.onclick = addComment;.
Use document.getElementById('comment').value; to get or set the value of your text input.


Changing a dynamically created label's text with keyup() issue

I am creating a form dynamically and therefore edit the form elements’ properties. When attempting to change the label, assigning an auto-generated id works fine but when changing this label using the generated id, the function or keyup() from jQuery keeps calling all the previously created label id(s). this means when i want to edit one label, it ends up editing every label.
<input type="text" id="change-label"><br><br>
<button id="add-button">add label</button>
<div id="add-label"></div>
var div = document.createElement('div');
var textLabel = document.createElement('label');
var labelNode = document.createTextNode('untitled');
textLabel.appendChild(labelNode); = autoIdClosure();
var autoIdClosure = (function(){
var counter = 0;
var labelId = "textInputLabel";
return function(){
counter += 1;
var id = labelId + counter;
return id;
function editLabelWrapper(id){
function editLabel(){
var value = $(this).val();
I’ve already found an alternative using onkeyup="$('#'+globaID).text($(this).val());", but I need to understand what I was doing wrong so I can learn from it.
I think you are overthinking the matter...
Instead of using an unique id, rather use classes, makes it easier to handle.
So change <div id="add-label"></div> to <div class="add-label"></div>
Then what you want to do is, when a value is given in #change-label you want it in the last div.add-label.
So the function will become this:
$("#change-label").on('keyup', function() {
$('.add-label:last').text( $(this).val() );
Next what you want to do is bind a function to #add-button. Once it gets clicked, we want to add a new div.add-label after the last one. And empty the #change-label. You can do that by using this function:
$('#add-button').on('click', function() {
$('.add-label:last').after('<div class="add-label"></div>');
Updated Fiddle

Javascript - remove button and parent

Hi I am just learning Javascript and after following some tutorials I thought it would be nice to practise some Javascript by making stuff.
So now I am trying to make a very easy to-do-list. Just for practise, but I get stuck.
I managed to add items with a remove-button to an UL with JS. But, BUT:
How do I make it so; when you click on the removeMe button, that only that Li will be removed?
What should I use?
Here's my code:
var buttonAdd = document.getElementById('but1');
var buttonRemove = document.getElementById('but2');
var ul = document.getElementById('myUl');
function addLi() {
var newLi = document.createElement('li');
var removeThis = document.createElement('button');
var textInput = document.getElementById('inputText').value;
if(textInput === ""){
alert('Add text');
newLi.innerHTML = textInput;
removeThis.innerHTML = "Remove me";
removeThis.setAttribute("onClick", "removeMe(this);");
buttonAdd.onclick = function() {
buttonRemove.onclick = function() {
ul.innerHTML = "";
function removeMe(item){
//get called when clicked on the remove button
and my HTML:
<ul id="myUl"></ul>
<input id="inputText" type="text"><br />
<button id="but1">Add stuff</button><br />
<button id="but2">Remove all</button>
The function remove() is a brand new DOM 4 method and not very widely supported yet. The clunky, but bulletproof way would be:
function removeMe(item){
or with a bit more elegance:
function removeMe(item){
var parent = item.parentElement;
Also be careful with this:
removeThis.setAttribute("onClick", "removeMe(this);");
Handing a function reference as a string is always a bad idea for several reasons (eval'ing the string, messing up the scope). There are several better options:
removeThis.onclick = removeMe;
or if you need to hand over parameters
removeThis.onclick = function(){removeMe(your,parameters)};
The best option however is to attach eventhandlers always like this:
You just need to remove the parent node (the li), as I've shown using jsbin.
function removeMe(item){
Please note Blue Skies's comment that this may not work across all browsers, an alternative is:
var par = item.parentNode; par.parentNode.removeChild(par);
a cleaner way to do things is to add
removeThis.onclick = removeMe;
function removeMe(mouseEvent){
This is consistent with how you add the other onclick functions in your code. Since you said you are learning js, it is a good idea to learn how events and functions work. So, the take away from this is that the 'this' of a function that is attached to an object is the object itself (the removeThis object in this case), and event handlers give you access to the event that invoked them (mouseEvent) in the argument list.

Javascript createTextRange(); issue

After excuting alert, next line gives an can I fix this using javascript or jquery?
for(var nI = 0; nI < aOrderNumList.length; nI++) {
if(!isEmpty(aOrderNumList[nI])) {
alert("Invalid Order Number");
var oTextRange = $("#OrderNumList").createTextRange();
var lFound = oTextRange.indexOf(aOrderNumList[nI])!=-1;
if(lFound) {;
return false;
HTML code
<td>Order Number List:</td>
<td><textarea tabindex="<%=nIndex+1%>" id="OrderNumList" name="OrderNumList" rows="2" cols="35" <%=VClass("OrderNumList","")%>></textarea></td>
Thank you very much.
As in your code, you need to select text content of the input element (text, textarea type input fields).
//selector is element id
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1);
//selector is element id, also can you with class selector ie. $(".selector").select();
I think it should be:
var oTextRange = $("#OrderNumList")[0].createTextRange();
createTextRange is a method of DOM object, not jquery object.
The createTextRange method is supported by the body, button, textarea and the input elements, but the use of the method raises an exception for some input elements (checkbox, image, radio). The isTextEdit property can be used to avoid the exception.
see more:
I echo what everyone else said, but do keep in mind that if this is the only thing you are doing, you don't event need jQuery.
var oTextRange = document.getElementById("OrderNumList").createTextRange();

How to remove style one click event?

How can i remove the style class applied to a textbox on the click event? I'm calling the textbox element using getElementsByName(). Here's my code:
<input id="userNameExists" name="popUpText" class="pop-upText" onclick="clearText(this);" />
function clearText(element)
id = element.getAttribute("id");
var textElement = document.getElementById(id);
textElement.value = "";
var element = document.getElementsByName("popUpText");
var count = 0;
for (count = 0; count < 2; count++) {
var id = element.item(count);
id.classname = "";
In the above script, im not getting the id in the variable id. Right now the values are like "#inputTextBoxName". Please help.
you can use removeClass();
you can manege your styling using attr();
$("#yourid").attr("style","float: right");
or remove class using
It is case sensitive so
id.className = '';
If you're trying to remove the class from the textbox when you click on the textbox itself, that code is far, far longer than it needs to be.
<input type="text" id="userNameExists" name="popUpText" class="pop-upText" onclick="clearText(this);" />
function clearText(element) {
element.className = '';
element.value = '';
That said, inline event handlers (ie. declaring an onclick attribute on your HTML element) are a bad practice to get into.
Also, if you pass in a reference to an element, get its id, then call document.getElementById() with said id, you end up with two references to the same element. Yes, it should work, but totally pointless.

What is wrong with my Javascript?

This is my jsfiddle( I was trying to answer a question here but my code won't work. Here is the code:
var stateOfClick = null;
function initiateLine(){
document.getElementById('test').innerHtml = "Started";
function endLine(){
document.getElementById('test').innerHtml = "Line Ended";
function createLines(){
if(!stateOfClick) {
stateOfClick = 1;
} else {
<input type="text" id="test" onclick="createlines()">
A couple of things,
change createlines() to createLines (camel-case).
change <element>.innerHtml to <element>.value
Inside JSFiddle, don't wrap your code inside a function, as then createLines won't be global which it needs to be for the onclick to work.
Here's a working example.
Not even this simple example will work on jsFiddle. You need to attach the event listener with JavaScript:
document.getElementById("someElement").onclick = function() {
//Do stuff
For input element you must use the value attribute not the innerHTML field.
function initiateLine(){
document.getElementById('test').value = "Started";
also you've misspelled the innerHTML function (though not the primary problem). innerHTML is used for html elements that can contain other elements such as a div containg a p element. Input and option elements all have a value attribute that can be used to extract or set their values.

