Repeat request (Angular2 - http.get) n seconds after finished - javascript

I played around with angular2 and got stuck after a while.
Using http.get works fine for a single request, but I want to poll live-data every 4 seconds, after tinkering for quite a while and reading a lot of reactivex stuff i ended up with:
() => this._http.get(this._url)
Is there a simple way to start a (4 second) interval after the http.get-observable has emitted the result of the request? (Or will I end up in observable-hell?)
Timeline i want:
Time(s): 0 - - - - - 1 - - - - - 2 - - - - - 3 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 6
Action: Request - - Response - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Request-...
Wait: | wait for 4 seconds -------------------------> |

Update to RxJS 6
import { timer } from 'rxjs';
import { concatMap, map, expand, catchError } from 'rxjs/operators';
pollData$ = this._http.get(this._url)
expand(_ => timer(4000).pipe(concatMap(_ => pollData$)))
I'm using RxJS 5 and I'm not sure what the RxJS 4 equivalent operators are. Anyway here is my RxJS 5 solution, hope it helps:
var pollData = this._http.get(this._url)
() => Observable.timer(4000).concatMap(() => pollData)
The expand operator will emit the data and recursively start a new Observable with each emission

I managed to do it myself, with the only downside beeing that http.get can't be repeated more easily.
pollData(): Observable<any> {
//Creating a subject
var pollSubject = new Subject<any>();
//Define the Function which subscribes our pollSubject to a new http.get observable (see _pollLiveData() below)
var subscribeToNewRequestObservable = () => {
(res) => { }
//Subscribe our "subscription-function" to custom subject (observable) with 4000ms of delay added
//Call the "subscription-function" to execute the first request
//Return observable of our subject
return pollSubject.asObservable();
private _pollLiveData() {
var url = 'http://localhost:4711/poll/';
return this._http.get(url)
(res) => { return res.json(); }
Here is why you can't use the more straight forward subscription:
var subscribeToNewRequestObservable = () => {
The completion the http.get-observable would also complete your subject and prevent it from emitting further items.
This is still a cold observable, so unless you subscribe to it no requests will be made.
(res) => { this.count = res.count; }

A minor rework of the answer from Can Nguyen, in case you want polling delay to depend on previous request completion status.
var pollData = () => request() // make request
.do(handler, errorHandler) // handle response data or error
.ignoreElements() // ignore request progress notifications
.materialize(); // wrap error/complete notif-ns into Notification
pollData() // get our Observable<Notification>...
.expand( // ...and recursively map...
(n) => Rx.Observable // ...each Notification object...
.timer(n.error ? 1000 : 5000) // ...(with delay depending on previous completion status)...
.concatMap(() => pollData())) // new Observable<Notification>
Or alternatively:
var pollData = () => request() // make request
.last() // take last progress value
.catch(() => Rx.Observable.of(null)); // replace error with null-value
(data) => Rx.Observable
.timer(data ? 5000 : 1000) // delay depends on a value
.concatMap(() => pollData()))
.subscribe((d) => {console.log(d);}); // can subscribe to the value stream at the end

You can try using interval if that is more convenient. Calling subscribe gives you Subscription that lets you cancel the polling after sometime.
let observer = Observable.interval(1000 * 4);
let subscription = observer.subsscribe(x => {
// if you don't require to poll anymore..


Unable to set interval up to max 2 min or until condition met using angular

here what my scenario is i have 2 api's apiOne and apiTwo and when ever i call the apiOne is should give response and if the response is success then i have to send this repsonse to apiTwo as param then apiTwo will give another response in that i may get like "created" ,"in_progress" . here the issue is
How can i call the apitwo using interval for every 3 seconds until i get the response as "in_progress" and if i didnt get the response as like above then i need to poll the apiTwo till max 2 min and cancel the call. if i get the response as in_progress then i need to stop the interval or max 2 min cancel the interval or subcription.
I already wrote the code in nested way but it is not efficient .
below is my code
initiate() {
this.showProgress = true;
const data = {
// First Api call
this.userServ.start(data).subscribe(res => {
this.Ids = res['Id'];
if (this.Ids) {
// Second Api call
this.Service.getStatus(this.Ids).subscribe(resp => {
if (resp) {
this.Status = res['Status'];
// if resp is In_Progress
if (this.Status === 'In_Progress') {
} else {
// if resp is not In_Progress then i get the response i am calling the api
this.intervalTimer = interval(3000).subscribe(x => {
this.Service.Status(this.Ids).subscribe(ress => {
this.Status = ress['Status'];
if (this.Status === 'In_Progress') {
}, err => {
}, error => {
You may consider using the below approach See Code on Stackblitz
id = 1;
Values = { info: true };
get data() { return { id:,info:}}
showProgressSubject$ = new BehaviorSubject(true);
showProgressAction$ = this.showProgressSubject$.asObservable();
currentStatusSubject$ = new Subject<string>();
currentStatus$ = this.currentStatusSubject$.asObservable()
stoppedSubject$ = new Subject();
stopped$ = this.stoppedSubject$.asObservable();
startedSubject$ = new Subject();
started$ = this.startedSubject$.asObservable();
interval = 500; // Change to 3000 for 3s
maxTrialTime = 6000;// Change to 120000 for 2min
timer$ = timer(0, this.interval).pipe(
tap((i) => {
if(this.maxTrialTime/this.interval < i) { this.stoppedSubject$.next()}
repeatWhen(() => this.started$)
apiOneCall$ = this.userServ.start(;
apiTwoCall$ = this.apiOneCall$.pipe(
switchMap(({Id}) => Id ? this.Service.getStatus(Id): throwError('No Id')),
tap((res) => this.currentStatusSubject$.next(res)),
tap(res => console.log({res})),
tap((res) => {if(res === 'created') {this.stoppedSubject$.next()}})
trialCallsToApiTwo$ = this.timer$.pipe(mergeMap(() => this.apiTwoCall$))
In your Html you can use the async pipe
Show Progress : {{ showProgressAction$ | async }} <br>
Timer: {{ timer$ | async }}<br>
Response: {{ trialCallsToApiTwo$ | async }}<br>
<button (click)="startedSubject$.next()">Start</button><br>
<button (click)="stoppedSubject$.next()">Stop</button><br>
We begin by setting up the properties id, Values and data being a combination of the 2 values
id = 1;
Values = { info: true };
get data() { return { id:,info:}}
We then create a Subject to help with tracking of the progress of the operations. I am using BehaviorSubject to set the initial value of showing Progress to true.
We will use currentStatus$ to store whether current state is 'in_progress' or 'created'
stopped$ and started will control our observable stream.
You may have a look at the below post What is the difference between Subject and BehaviorSubject?
showProgressSubject$ = new BehaviorSubject(true);
showProgressAction$ = this.showProgressSubject$.asObservable();
currentStatus$ = this.currentStatusSubject$.asObservable()
stoppedSubject$ = new Subject();
stopped$ = this.stoppedSubject$.asObservable();
startedSubject$ = new Subject();
started$ = this.startedSubject$.asObservable();
Next we define interval = 500; // Change to 3000 for 3s and maxTrialTime = 6000;// Change to 120000 for 2min
We then define a timer$ observable using the timer operator. The operator is used to generate a stream of values at regular interval
We set the delay to 0 and the interval to interval property we had earlier created
We then tap into the observable stream. The tap operator allows us perform an operation without changing the observable stream
In our tap operator, we check whether the maximum time has been reached and if it has we call the next function on stoppedSubject$. We pipe our stream to takeUntil(this.stopped$) to stop the stream and repeatWhen(() => this.started$) to restart the stream
timer$ = timer(0, this.interval).pipe(
tap((i) => {
if(this.maxTrialTime/this.interval < i) { this.stoppedSubject$.next()}
repeatWhen(() => this.started$)
The Remaining part is to make a call to the apis
We will use switchMap to combine the two observables. switchMap will cancel any earlier request if a new request is made. If this is not your desired behaviour you may consider exhaustMap or the mergeMap operators
From the result of apiOneCall$ if no id, we use the throwError operator to indicate an error otherwise we return a call to apiTwo
We tap into the result of apiTwoCall$ and call the next function on currentStatusSubject$ passing in the response. This sets the value of currentStatus$ to the result of the response
The line tap((res) => {if(res === 'created') {this.stoppedSubject$.next()}}) taps into the result of apiTwoCall$ and if it is 'created' it stops the timer
apiOneCall$ = this.userServ.start(;
apiTwoCall$ = this.apiOneCall$.pipe(
switchMap(({Id}) => Id ? this.Service.getStatus(Id): throwError('No Id')),
tap((res) => this.currentStatusSubject$.next(res)),
tap(res => console.log({res})),
tap((res) => {if(res === 'created') {this.stoppedSubject$.next()}})
Now we finally combine the timer$ and apiTwoCall$ with mergeMap operator trialCallsToApiTwo$ = this.timer$.pipe(mergeMap(() => this.apiTwoCall$))
In Our HTML we can then use the async pipe to avoid worrying about unsubscribing
{{ trialCallsToApiTwo$ | async }}
I'd use expand from rxjs, which will pass through the result of the source observable, but also let's you act according to the content of the result.
Also, avoid nesting calls to subscribe whenever possible. Consider this example code for reference:
// use switchMap to not have 'nested' subscribe-calls
switchMap((result) => {
if (result['Id']) {
// if there is an ID, ask for the status
return this.Service.getStatus(result['Id']).pipe(
// use the expand operator to do additional processing, if necessary
expand((response) => response['Status'] === 'In_Progress'
// if the status is 'In_Progress', don't repeat the API call
// otherwise, re-run the API call
: this.Service.getStatus(result['Id']).pipe(
// don't re-run the query immediately, instead, wait for 3s
// Stop processing when a condition is met, in this case, 60s pass
tap(() => {
// handle the timeout here
} else {
// if there is no ID, complete the observable and do nothing
return EMPTY;
* Since expand doesn't filter anything away, we don't want results that
* don't have the status 'In_Progress' to go further down for processing
filter((response) => response['Status'] === 'In_Progress')
(response) => {
}, (error) => {

Unable to call the nested function with timer until met condition?

I have 2 methods that call some APIs:
getAnotherData(resp from get data).
The below method calls the first method:
this.service.getData(param).subscribe(res => {
this.variable = res;
// here based on the first response i will call the second api
this.service.getAnotherData(this.variable['data']).subscribe(res2 =>
// Here, I will get a response which will be either "started"
// or not "started". If it's not "started", then I have to call
// this API until I get "started" for up to 1 minute.
How can I achieve this?
Try to avoid nested subscriptions. Instead try to use higher order mapping operators like switchMap.
You could use RxJS repeat and takeWhile operators to subscribe again to an observable until it satisfies a condition.
Try the following
switchMap(res =>
takeWhile(res => res === 'started') // poll `getAnotherData()` until response is 'started'
res => { },
err => { }
You may consider below approach using timer operator
private readonly _stop = new Subject<void>();
private readonly _start = new Subject<void>();
trialTime = 60 * 1000;
trialInterval = 500;
timer$ = timer(0, this.trialInterval).pipe(
takeWhile( i => (this.trialTime / this.trialInterval) > i),
repeatWhen(() => this._start),
start(): void {;}
stop(): void {;}
responses = [];
ngOnInit() {
const param = 1;
mergeMap(() => this.service.getData(param)),
switchMap(res => this.service.getAnotherData(,
tap(res => this.responses.push(res)),
tap(res => { if (res === 'started') { this.stop(); }}),
The above approach will run for 60s and if not started, this will automatically stop.
A user can also manually stop and start the observable
See Below link on stackblitz
If I were you and had to do something similar with vanilla JS, I would use this approach:
1. Subscribe to `getData` function call result
2. In the scope of subscription handler:
2.1 Add a new method to indicate if 1 minute has elapsed with initial value to `false`
2.2 Use `setTimeout` to callback a function and update flag after a minute to `true`
2.3 Create inline function which would call `getAnotherData` method and subscribe to it's result and within its subscription scope
2.3.1 If result is started, clear timeout so that timeout event handler will be cleared
2.3.2 If one minute is not elapsed, call inline function again
2.4 call inline function
something like:
this.service.getData(param).subscribe(res => {
this.variable = res;
const minuteElapsed = false;
// based on the first response
const timeoutHandler = setTimeout(
() => { minuteElapsed = true; },
const fetchAnotherData = () => {
this.service.getAnotherData(this.variable['data']).subscribe(res2 =>
if (res === 'started') {
clearTimeout(timeoutHandler); // clean up
// do stuff!
} else if (!minuteElapsed) {
fetchAnotherData(); // calling again!
fetchAnotherData(); // call inline function
Like what was mentioned in the other answers, avoid nested subscriptions whenever possible. I'd approach this with rxjs expand operator, which we will use to re-run the second API-request until your desired result is received.
expand will pass-through the observed value from the API request and, depending on a condition, you can have it either stop additional processing or just repeat the call.
We can then use takeUntil to implement a timeout to the request. It might look something like this (I'm borrowing the scaffolding from another answer):
switchMap(res =>
expand((result) => result === 'finished' ? EMPTY : this.service.getAnotherData(res['data']).pipe(delay(500))),
// Here, you can react to the timeout
tap(() => console.log('Timeout occurred'))
(res) => {
Do whatever you want with the result, you need to check again for 'finished',
since everything is passed through
err => { }
Have a play with it here:
EDIT: usage of toPromise will be depreciated, see comments on this answer
if your function containing the calls is async you could use await to wait for the result in this particular case.
const res = await this.service.getData(param).toPromise();
this.variable = res;
let anotherData;
while (anotherData !== 'started') {
anotherData = await this.service.getAnotherData(this.variable['data']).toPromise();

Async in RxJS Observable

First time with RxJS. Basically, I'm trying to make a twitter scraper which retrieves tweets from a query string. The search url allows specifying of a min_position parameter which can be the last id of the previous search to sort of paginate.
The process kind of looks like this (where it loops back at the end):
get page -> next() each scraped tweet -> set min_position -> get page (until !has_more_items)
Requesting the page returns a promise and so I somehow have to wait until this is completed until I can proceed. I was hoping to pass an async function to Observable.create() but that doesn't seem to work, it's only called a single time.
I've had a play around after reading your resources as best as I could. I came up with the following abstraction of my problem.
import { from, Observable } from 'rxjs'
import { concatMap, map, switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators'
let pageNumber = 0
const PAGE_SIZE = 3, MAX_PAGES = 3
async function nextPage() {
if (pageNumber >= MAX_PAGES) {
throw new Error('No more pages available')
await new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, 500)) // delay 500ms
const output = []
const base = pageNumber++ * PAGE_SIZE
for (let i = 0; i < PAGE_SIZE; i++) {
output.push(base + i)
return output
function parseTweet(tweet: number): string {
// simply prepend 'tweet' to the tweet
return 'tweet ' + tweet
const getTweets = (): Observable<string> => {
return from(nextPage()) // gets _html_ of next page
concatMap(page => page), // spreads out tweet strings in page
map(tweet => parseTweet(tweet)), // parses each tweet's html
switchMap(() => getTweets()) // concat to next page's tweets
// stop/finish observable when getTweets() observable returns an error
.subscribe(val => console.log(val))
It's quite close to working but now whenever nextPage() returns a rejected promise, the entire observable breaks (nothing logged to the console).
I've attempted inserting a catchError after the pipe to finish the observable instead of running through and throwing an error but I can't get it to work.
Also this implementation is recursive which I was hoping to avoid because it's not scalable. I don't know how many tweets/pages will be processed in the observable in future. It also seems that tweets from all 3 pages must be processed before the observable starts emitting values which of course is not how it should work.
Thanks for your help! :)
We need to loadTwits until some condition and somehow work with Promise? Take a look at example:
function loadTwits(id) {
// Observable that replay last value and have default one
twitId$ = new BehaviorSubject(id);
return twitId$.pipe(
// concatMap - outside stream emit in order inner do
// from - convert Promise to Observable
concatMap(id => from(fetchTwits(id))),
// load more twits or comlete
tap(twits => getLastTwitId(twits) ? twitId$.next(getLastTwitId(twits)) : twitId$.complete())
I figured it out after looking further into expand and realising it was recursion that I needed in my observable. This is the code that creates the observable:
const nextPage$f = () => from(nextPage()) // gets _html_ of next page
concatMap(page => page), // spreads out tweet strings in page
map(tweet => parseTweet(tweet)) // parses each tweet's html
const tweets$ = nextPage$f()
expand(() => morePages() ? nextPage$f() : empty())

How can I unsubscribe or cancel the filtering of a large array that is an RxJS observable?

My understanding is that an entire array is pushed to a subscriber, unlike say an interval observer that can be unsubscribed/cancelled.
For example the following cancellation works...
// emit a value every second for approx 10 seconds
let obs = Rx.Observable.interval(1000)
let sub = obs.subscribe(console.log);
// but cancel after approx 4 seconds
setTimeout(() => {
}, 4000);
<script src=""></script>
However, replacing the interval with an array doesn't.
// emit a range
let largeArray = [...Array(9999).keys()];
let obs = Rx.Observable.from(largeArray)
let sub = obs.subscribe(console.log);
// but cancel after approx 1ms
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1);
// ... doesn't cancel
<script src=""></script>
Does each element need to be made asynchronous somehow, for example by wrapping it in setTimeout(..., 0)? Perhaps I've been staring at this problem too long and I'm totally off course in thinking that the processing of an array can be cancelled?
When using from(...) on an array all of the values will be emitted synchronously which doesn't allow any execution time to be granted to the setTimeout that you are using to unsubscribe. Infact, it finishes emitting before the line for the setTimeout is even reached. To allow the emits to not hog the thread you could use the async scheduler (from(..., Rx.Scheduler.async)) which will schedule work using setInterval.
Here are the docs:
Here is a running example. I had to up the timeout to 100 to allow more room to breath. This will slow down your execution of-course. I don't know the reason that you are attempting this. We could probably provide some better advice if you could share the exact use-case.
// emit a range
let largeArray = [...Array(9999).keys()];
let obs = Rx.Observable.from(largeArray, Rx.Scheduler.async);
let sub = obs.subscribe(console.log);
// but cancel after approx 1ms
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);
// ... doesn't cancel
<script src=""></script>
I've marked #bygrace's answer correct. Much appreciated! As mentioned in the comment to his answer, I'm posting a custom implementation of an observable that does support such cancellation for interest ...
const observable = stream => {
let timerID;
return {
subscribe: observer => {
timerID = setInterval(() => {
if (stream.length === 0) {
timerID = undefined;
else {;
}, 0);
return {
unsubscribe: () => {
if (timerID) {
timerID = undefined;
// will count to 9999 in the console ...
let largeArray = [...Array(9999).keys()];
let obs = observable(largeArray);
let sub = obs.subscribe({
next: a => console.log(a),
cancelled: () => console.log('cancelled')
// except I cancel it here
setTimeout(sub.unsubscribe, 200);

Rx.Observable.ForkJoin in RxJS and parallel async (using X-Ray)

I am trying to figure out how to run in parallel (in this case 10) async function based on a stream of parsing datas from a website using lapwinglabs/x-ray webscraper.
let pauser = new Rx.Subject()
let count = 0
let max = 10
// function that parse a single url to retrieve data
// return Observable
let parsing_each_link = url => {
return Rx.Observable.create(
observer => {
xray(url, selector)((err, data) => {
if (err) observer.onError(err)
// retrieve all the urls from a main page => node stream
let streamNode = xray(main_url, selector)
// convert node stream to RxJS
let streamRx = RxNode.fromStream(streamNode)
.do(() => {
if (count === max) {
count = 0
.do(() => count++)
.buffer(pauser) // take only 10 url by 10 url
ten_urls => {
Rx.Observable.forkJoin( => parsing_each_link(url))
x => console.log("Next : ", JSON.stringify(x, null, 4))
Next on the last console.log is never called ?!?
Impossible to say for sure, but if you can make sure that ten_urls are emitted as expected, then the next step is to make sure that the observable parsing_each_link does complete, as forkJoin will wait for the last value of each of its source observables.
I could not see any call to observer.onComplete in your code.

