Dynamically removing angular.module() - javascript

Is there a way to remove angular.module('SomeModule') dynamically?
This because I need to load and unload modules from a page in a tab-container.
This is based on Scott Moss' concept of where every single component is seen as a separate app on Frontendmasters.com.
I can get the module object by
Which returns an object respectively, but there I miss a clear way of clearing the references to this object. Has anyone solved something like this yet?
Template: http://plnkr.co/edit/8hK3lYjE7f06XtdHgNwL?p=preview

It sounds like you might be trying to optimize for something that doesn't exist.
First, there does not appear to be any documented way to remove modules. The reasons seem to be covered in the docs. In there you will find this statement (emphasis mine):
The modules can be loaded in any order (or even in parallel) because modules delay execution.
In that sentence it doesn't specify for how long the delay is but later we get this snippet (again, emphasis mine):
Because modules do nothing at load time they can be loaded into the VM in any order and thus script loaders can take advantage of this property and parallelize the loading process.
Put together, it sounds as if even with multiple of multiple modules, you won't notice a load on your site because the module will only be loaded when it is needed therefore removing modules is not a process that should ever need to be done.


Meteor script ensured to be executed before everything else (on Client)

I guess the topic of Meteor forcing execution order heuristics on its users instead of providing import semantics has been discussed to death already.
Nevertheless, I think there should at the very least be a way to make 100% sure that a certain set of scripts can be run before everything else. From what I understand, since the load order heuristic goes depth-first over everything else (even if you have multiple lib folders in different places, the ones at a greater depth are run first for some reason), there is basically no way to ensure that some scripts are executed before everything else, no matter how deep it goes, unless you put it in a package.
Is that correct? And is there anything to be expected to remedy the situation in an upcoming release?
For now, I am considering writing a little load-order-util package that at the very least allows deferring execution of a callback until startup and after a given set of globally defined symbols are ready, like so:
Global.dependsOnSymbols = function(symbolNameOrNames, cb) { ... };
Any better suggestions?
As you can realize by reading:
How do I change the order in which Meteor loads Javascript files?
In Meteor JS, how to control Javascript load order in relation to DOM load order? For animations
as things are right now, it is probably better to stick with the loading conventions offered by the framework itself.
Anyway, the upcoming 1.3 release should finally address the problem providing ES2015 modules support.

Can/will AMD modules load in-between in-line script tags?

For reasons that aren't relevant to the question, my coworker needs to load a script that uses the Universal Module Definition pattern. Our environment usually has an AMD tool loaded, but for more irrelevant reasons, my coworker needs the script to define a global rather than registering a module through AMD. The approach that is currently checked in on their branch is something along the lines of this:
var backupDefine = define;
define = null;
<script src="../path/to/some/script/using/UMD.js"></script>
define = backupDefine;
backupDefine = null;
My question is: Is this a horrible idea? Is there a guarantee in the way browsers load scripts from script tags that will ensure nothing other than loading the UMD-based script will happen between undefining define and restoring define? We have a very large, very heavily async asset load primarily based around AMD modules, so what I am concerned with is an AMD module attempting to define itself in that intermittent state where define is currently not defined.
So long as UMD.js in no way modifies the scripts in the DOM, those scripts are guaranteed to execute in the order that they're authored in before any asynchronous callbacks that may have been queued before the first script executes.
I see this as a bad idea and spec breaking even if the case where define is always necessary is rare or even non-existent due to <script> load order considering your case. In an AMD environment, define, require and the like should basically be treated as first class keywords since their goal is to help you to remove globals.
Realistically, you're treading into undefined behavior as far as I can tell and writing code that is hard to maintain. You're relying on a tricky case with a spec where you have to undefine something and them immediately redefine it hoping that nothing tried to use it in the mean time. I'd say that that's "unsafe".
If you really need this to happen, I'd comment and document it heavily to make sure a future developer doesn't misunderstand what you're doing. However, I would say the better course of action is to rewrite the UMD.js file so that you export your global your own way. Rhetorically, why are you trying to use UMD if you don't want it to UMD things?
You're writing this module to support AMD through UMD but then you say that you don't want it to be used by AMD. Rewrite the file to just export to the global and avoid messing with define before you accidentally conflict with an additional library that does something tricky with define.

Asynchronous loading JavaScript functions.

I am building a framework in which I have merged all JavaScript files into one file (minify).
function A() {} function B() {}
Through minified file i want to load function asynchronous and remove from HTML when its work is done.
Example: load function A when it is required but not function B.
I have seen one framework Require.js but in that it loads JavaScript file asynchronous based on requirement.
Is there any framework which loads JavaScript functions on demand which are defined in same js file.
The downside to concatenation is you get less fine-grained control over what you are including on a given page load. The solution to this is, rather than creating one concatenated file, create layers of functionality that can be included a little more modularly. Thus you don't need all your JS on a page that may only use a few specific functions. This can actually be a win in speed as well, since having just one JS file might not take advantage of the browsers 6 concurrent connections. Moreover, once SPDY is fully adopted, one large file will actually be less performant than more smaller ones (since connections can be reused). Minification will still be important, however.
All that said, it seems you are asking for something a little difficult to pull off. When a browser loads a script, it gets parsed and executed immediately. You can't load the file then... only load part of the file. By concatenating, you are restricting yourself to that large payload.
It is possible to delay execution by wrapping a script in a block comment, then accessing it from the script node and eval()ing it... but that doesn't seem like what you are asking. It can be a useful strategy, though, if you want to preload modules without locking the UI.
That's not how javascript works. When the function's source file is loaded, the function is available in memory. Since the language is interpreted, the functions that are defined would be loaded as soon as the source file was read by the browser.
Your best bet is to use Require.js or something similar if you want to have explicit dependency chains.

Calling functions when needed

So in my page I have some little scripts which I dont really need to load once you visit the site and in fact the user might not need them at all in their entire session.
Also, according to this: http://code.google.com/speed/page-speed/docs/payload.html#DeferLoadingJS its not a good practise either.
So for example, currently I have everything in 'When dom ready':
$(function() {
// most of the code of which is not needed
If I dont place the code inside the Dom ready, its not executable at most of the times. So I thought of doing seperate functions for each snippet.
For exmaple:
function snippet1() {
// Code here
and then when I need that snippet, I load it when needed with mouseclick. (Not always a mouselcick, depends what I need to load).
For example:
$('#button1').click(function() {
So my question is: Is this the way of loading functions async so you reduce the page load time or is there a better way? I havent read this anywhere my examples, I just thought of it.
Note that I am aware of the asynch loading's but that is not my option here, since I could combine all the functions in just one js file which will be cached, so page load time will be less than loading every time asynch js files.
You're mixing several things:
Page load time
JavaScript parsing time - After the script is loaded, it has to be parsed (error checking, compiling to byte code, etc)
Function execution time
You can't do much about the page load time since you don't want to split the script. You may consider to split it into two parts: One which you always need and an "optional" part which is rarely needed. Load the rare functions in the background.
Note that page load times become pretty moot after the site has been visited once and you've made sure the browser can cache the files.
If you want to reduce parse times, you have two options:
Don't load parts that you don't need.
Compress the scripts. Google has a great tool for that: the Closure Compiler. Besides making your scripts faster, it will also check for many common mistakes.
The last part is the execution times. These are only relevant if the functions are called at all and when they do a lot. In your case, I guess you can ignore this point.
Yes, as much as possible you should define objects, functions, etc. outside of the document.ready wrapper. Some devs will define absolutely everything outside the wrapper and then just call an init() function inside the wrapper to load everything else. I am one such dev.
As for async, this doesn't do true async loading, but it speeds up your page since there is much less work to do on page load.
In general, if you're not using a script loader like requireJS or yepnope, it's a good idea to put all your script references – or at least those that don't need to be run instantly – at the end of your body so the page renders before the resources that aren't going to be run until after page load anyway.
I would load all additional resources using RequireJS ( http://requirejs.org/ ) or similar library.
Put everything that you don't need immediately to separate script and load it after main content is loaded.

dojo style developement

I'm having difficulty wrapping my head around dojo style of coding. The reason I am drawn to it is because of its class style coding. I have done AS developement and some java so it makes sense to me to be drawn to it. I have done some jquery style DOM work but I require a more framework based setup for a project I'm starting.
My question is should I be creating everything as classes with the declare and then requiring them when needed. Or could I write closure type functions with namespaces just like regular javascript modules. I'm confused.
Example I want to have a group of methods that take care of managing data. Then I want to have another collection of methods that handle special ajax calls. Would I create a class with declare for each of these groups of methods, in separate js files. Then in my app.js which is my application class where I'm handling the initialization of all my classes, would I require both those classes before dojo.ready(){}
then once the ready method is called I can start to use those classes.
Can someone set me straight here before I dojo out.
Does require make a load request for that js file and if so do you always have to use the ready method. If so is it best to require a bunch of your classes up front at the start of your application initialization.
Technically for what you're wanting to do, you could go either way - using dojo.declare or simply creating an object with function members. I'd be inclined to do the latter, since dojo.declare's elaborate inheritance considerations will be total overkill that you won't be making use of in this case, and it doesn't generally make sense to be instantiating anything when you just want to group some utility methods together.
For modules that simply group utility methods together, I'd be inclined to do something along these lines:
my.utils = {
doSomething: function(){
/* do something... */
doSomethingElse: function(){
/* do something else... */
RE loading, if I'm reading you right, then yes, you have the right idea. In your web page, you would dojo.require(...) the modules your page requires (perhaps just one, if you have all your other dependencies further required within it). Then, any code in the page that expects these modules to be loaded should be within a function passed to dojo.ready. This ensures that even in cases where modules are asynchronously loaded (i.e. using the cross-domain loader), your code will still work. dojo.ready specifically waits for (1) the DOM to be ready and (2) all dojo.required modules up to that point to be loaded.
Note that within modules themselves, you do NOT need to enclose code in dojo.ready for the sake of waiting for dojo.required modules to load; this is figured out by the loader automatically. (However, if some logic in your module needs to wait for the DOM to be ready, you would still rely upon dojo.ready.)
I've written more about dojo.ready in the past; maybe it'll be a helpful read: http://kennethfranqueiro.com/2010/08/dojo-required-reading/

