On Icon Hover Draw Icon - javascript

I'm trying to create this Icon Animate effect for my personal work. As they are using images to draw icon on hover. Any other trick to use this one. Please advise
Live Working Link

Man... I think you don't understand at all what you are talking about ...
Here are some things you should try and understand first.
First, have you tried any piece of code or looked for a tutorial ?! Usually if you post a question on Stackoverflow, you're not asking people to do your job, you must first have tried things and have a code example to show...
Start here : https://css-tricks.com/svg-line-animation-works/ This should do what you want to do.
Then you just have to trigger the animation on div:hover
Second this won't work with a png. This only work with specific SVG images. First take a look at what an SVG image is and how to work with it in HTML/CSS.
Third you don't need any jQuery here so leave that aside if that's the only thing that requires jquery in your website.


How to animate blocks zig zagged linked by a line to be a straight line on scroll

Hi I have to animate using Javascript or somme kind of library (or CSS, whatever works best).
I am more of a PHP coder and I am not a Javascript expert. I am not exactly sure how to explain what I need so I am going to try explain it visually by adding a (badly drawn) picture:
I need help in how I can proceed with this, whether you can tell me what terms I can search for on Google, links to articles, anything will be appreciated.
Here a global list of what you can use to animate something (all of these combined with a scroll listener in your case)
Anime.js if you don't care about IE<11
Canvas also can be good option and has wide browser support
Keyframes used with classlist api to fire animation when it needed
Sometimes you can just change src of image to gif (without endless animation in your case)
I recommend you to just using GIF here if you can.

How to animate a webpage (HTML/JS) without losing scalability?

I'm trying to make my webpage more interactive by making a small town-like map, with different buildings that are clickable and lead to different pages on my site, but I'm having a lot of difficulty animating the webpage with just HTML/JS and also making it stay the same even after resizing the window.
This is my test site right now, for clarity: https://people.ucsc.edu/~anlin/test#
(I am currently just switching between a png of the map and a gif of the buildings moving when the mouse is hovering)
How can I accomplish this, and should I be using something other than plain html/js to do this?
Probably svg would help you out. You can do awesome interactive stuff with svg. Meanwhile, you can also use css to create great animations. It really depends on what you need.
Check this out: https://medium.freecodecamp.org/a-guide-to-svg-on-web-c5932dadca03
Some examples:
You can use an <svg> , which is a "scalable vector graphic"
Here is almost an exact example of what you described

Jquery ticker not working

I don't know why I've had a few issues explaining this problem so I have created this image to show what I am trying to do.
I have a ticker and I'm simply trying to duplicate it below the existing one with a different list. the black tile bar just represents a break so don't worry about styling. I hope this is possible, if not I would also like to know why.
Many Many thanks, attached is a JSfiddle if it is possible to show a working example in the JSfiddle it would be even nicer :)

Fading flashing button with AngularJS

I need some help please with AngularJS/Bootstrap to be enable me to have a smooth fade based flashing button (Don't want a simple "on/off") ... I need to highlight to the user that they need to press submit.
I've done lots of searching for this and there's examples of fading one panel out and another one in... but there doesn't seem to be a simple version just to "flash" some text.
My apologies but I know my information in my question is a bit thin on "content" but I am fairly new to Angular (I only know the basic constructs) and just have no real clue where to start.
You can achieve this by using ng-animate. Check this documentation for ng-animate. Basically it is all about css animations.
If you need any help in creating such css animation classes, refer to this css animation generator.

Splitting an image to be used as a website background

I'm currently doing a project which is an interative website for a "company". My idea was to use an image of the company room, where they work and use it as the background for the website. The problem is that i wanna do it like a point and click game, where i move my mouse and as soon as I step into something it will pop up information about that something. For example, a written board at the bottom right side of the picture talks about a meeting they are doing, so as soon as my mouse goes over that board it would pop up something talking about that meeting. My difficulty is that i don't know how to "split" the image into those small things (the board, the 3 desks, the posters on the wall...).
The idea is to use an html base and use JavaScript auxiliated by jQuery.
Any help would be appreciated :)
PS: can't post the image because I still don't have 10 reputation.
This link has pretty much example what you want. You can use css :hover on the areas to detect when the mouse moves over them.
Hope that helps!

