How to change the image url in svg using jquery? - javascript

I want change image url dynamically based id attribute using jquery below i given the svg tag. any one help me.
<image id="background_image" width="804" height="943" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin" style=" pointer-events:none;background-repeat:repeat-y;" xlink:href="">
i want change dynamically the blow url

A simple selector with attr like the one below should work for you.

Use the jQuery .attr() to update the href.
$(function() {
$('#background_image').attr('xlink:href', '');
<script src=""></script>
<image id="background_image" width="804" height="943" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin" style=" pointer-events:none;background-repeat:repeat-y;" xlink:href="">


Replacing image src with javascript

I have this HTML class where I want to replace the img src with different image. Have been able to find something close but nothing quite working.
<div class="playoff-img">
<img src="src/img/imga.png">
You need an attribute selector and use .attr to set the src attribute.
$('div.playoff-img img[src="src/img/imga.png"]').attr('src', 'src/new/image/imgb.png');
The Js way of solving this problem
The jQuery way of solving this problem
$(".playoff-img img").attr("src", "");
simple and easy !
$(".playoff-img img").attr("src", "put new source address here");
Use [attr*="value"] to select an attribute that contains a particular string. Next you will want to use attr() to set the attribute to something new.
$('div.playoff-img img[src*="src/img/imga.png"]')
.attr('src', 'src/new/image/imgb.png');
<!-- use jquery -->
<script src=""></script>
<div class="playoff-img">
<img src="src/img/imga.png">
$(".playoff-img").attr("src", "put new source address here");

How can i replace image ? (JS)

How can i replace image? Tag don't have id.
<img src="URL_1" />
I want replace URL_1 to URL_2
Some solution?
If you know the URL you can use
document.querySelector('img[src="URL_1"]').src = "URL_2";
If you don't know the URL and can use an id this would be it:
<img id="id" src="URL_1" />
document.getElementById("id").src = "URL_2";
Assuming that's the only image in the page you can use the Element.getElementsByTagName() to reference the element, and edit its src property:
document.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].src = 'URL_2'
The Selectors API is more appropriate as you can target the element with more details, using a CSS selector:
document.querySelectorAll('img')[0].src = 'URL_2'
If you can't add an id or a class maybe you can wrap your img tag with a div and use more specificity div .myclass img, last solution I see is if you know URL_1 you can select this img tag by the selector: img[src="URL_1"]
Give it an ID
<img id="img1" src="URL_1" />
document.getElementById('img1').setAttribute('src', 'URL_2');
First of all, give an ID to your image
Html code
<img id="my_image" src="URL_1"/>
Jquery code
Or without using Jquery

How to set whole Div Contents clickable like a HyperLink?

I am developing website by using I have following div layout
<div class="mainrepeater">
<div id="image" class="my-ad-repeater-image-box"/>
<div class="my-repeater-title">
<asp:HyperLink ID="hlNavigation" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("title") %>' NavigateUrl='<%#Eval("ad_url") %>' Target="_blank"></asp:HyperLink></div>
<div class="my-repeater-content"></div>
I am setting the HyperLink navigate URL from a datasource and everythings works fine. But I want all div(mainrepeater) to be clickable instead of the hyperlink.
So how to achieve that?.
Do I need to use javascript? If not that would be great.
Thank you very much.
.my-repeater-title { cursor: pointer; }
window.location.href = ""
You should use attribute data-* to retrieve your url on your js script as:
<div class="my-repeater-title" data-url="[url]">
And get on your script:
$(".my-repeater-title").on('click', function(){
var target = $(this).data('url');
window.location.href = target;
It's recommended to not write external data like url directly to the js file, but to fetch on html by js.
Another possible option is to wrap <div class="mainrepeater"> with <a> tag.
But this is correct only for HTML5.
For more details please check this post Is putting a div inside an anchor ever correct?
<a class="mainrepeater_link" href="">
<div class="mainrepeater"> ... </div>
CSS (only if you target a HTML version less than 5.)
.mainrepeater_link { display: block; }
Three possible solutions come to mind
First idea: Make the size of the link bigger
If the link is the only content of your div, you can just add the following CSS to make it fill the div.
.my-repeater-title > a
You might need to set dimensions on .my-repeater-title though. No JS required
Second idea
Swap the div and the link. Change
<div class="my-repeater-title">
<a href="...">
<div class="my-repeater-title">
I'm sure that's possible in ASP too. No JS required either
Third idea: Javascript
Add a click-handler in jquery. This has already been suggested by others, so I won't copy their solution and I won't bother writing a different one.

How to populate href value from src value of an image?

I know this is super simple, but I can't work it out (I'm a designer).
I want to simply populate the href attribute value of the <a> tag, with the value of the src attribute of the <img> tag. So the image links to itself basically.
the image src will be updated through a super simple CMS and I want the link to dynamically update, instead of the user having to update the URL also.
I tried something like this, but it didn't work.
<a rel="lightbox[job1]" href="()document.getElementById("gal1_img1").src">
<img id="gal1_img1" src="images/gallery/job1/image-1.jpg">`enter code here`
You cannot inline JavaScript inside attributes the way you have currently. You can add a script to the page to do this:
<a id="link" rel="lightbox[job1]" href="#">
<img id="gal1_img1" src="images/gallery/job1/image-1.jpg">`enter code here`
document.getElementById("link").href = document.getElementById("gal1_img1").src;
try this as your <a>'s href:
Assuming there's only ever one image inside these <a> tags, this should work for anyone who's NOT running with javascript disabled.
try this.
var att = $('#gal1_img1').attr('src');

Get attribute of clicked link with JS function

there is html structure:
<a onclick="setString()">
<img alt="no" />
I need to get attribute of a,that had been clicked,e.g. alt.
How to know with setString() js function ,
image with what alt attribute is clicked?
I assume,that somehow with this,but don't know how.
///Javascript Code:
function setString(element){
var value = element.children[0].alt;
I would change my HTML to remove the bits that aren't needed...
<img alt="no" onclick="setString(this.alt);" />
Rather than wrapping the image in an anchor tag, style it with CSS if you want...
cursor: pointer;

