I'm following along on the Angular JS Tutorial and I was wondering if there is an alternate approach to how I'm modifying it.
Currently, I am returning data with a factory that is defined as such:
factory('Card', ['$resource',
return $resource('cards/:cardId.json', {}, {
query: {
method: 'GET',
params: {cardId: 'cards'},
isArray: true
This is all good and working, as cards.json has all of the cards available and that's exactly what I want to return.
The method that they're describing, such as dealing with a RESTful service, assumes that there are multiple other specific JSON files that could get returned based on the route. I understand how to use that with an actual service, but let's say I wanted to alter the returned JSON data before it gets bound to my module so I don't have a bunch of extra data that I don't need?
Lets say /cards/foo.json contains something like this:
"id": "foo",
"name": "Bar",
"img": "foobar.png",
"unnecessaryKey": "remove me"
But where would I write a function that only returns:
"id": "foo",
"name": "Bar",
"img": "foobar.png"
Would I assign it in the same place where the query function is, such as:
return $resource('cards/:cardId.json', {}, {
query: {
method: 'GET',
params: {cardId: 'cards'},
isArray: true
alterReturnedData: {
// doStuffToFormatData
Or would it be best to just modify it in my Component as I'm doing now?
function alterReturnedData(data){
// doStuffToFormatData
var unmodified = Card.get({cardId:'foo'}, function(){
self.data = alterReturnedData(unmodified);
I just feel like it'd be better to return the data from the Service I actually want to the Component Controller instead of having a lot of logic in there to skew it around.
Is my approach OK to run this function in the Controller?
Or is it best to alter it in the Service, and how would I do so?
Considering something similar to the example outlined here:
App.Router.map(function() {
this.resource("posts", function() {
this.resource("post", { path: "/posts/:post_id" }, function() {
this.resource("comments", { path: "/comments" });
using the DS.RESTAdapter. The Router would load all the posts when I access the PostsRoute with a call to the API URL /posts.
When I then access PostRoute, for example for the post with id=1, it doesn't hit the API again, i.e. it doesn't hit /post/1. It loads the post from the store.
I want then to access CommentsRoute for post with id=1. How do I load the comments?
Should I have sideloaded all the comments in the first place, when I loaded the post list? In this case though, I would need to load all the comments for all the posts. Is it possible to load the comments only when needed, i.e. when I access CommentsRoute?
In this case, how do I actually load the comments from the backend?
Specifically, how do I write the CommentsRoute to load the comments from the RESTful API when I access the page that actually displays them?
I guess one needs to have the following:
App.Post = DS.Model.extend({
comments: DS.hasMany('comment')
App.Comment = DS.Model.extend({
post: DS.belongsTo('post')
App.CommentsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
* How do I inject params.post_id here
* to make a request to the RESTful API?
* Which URL would be called?
* /comments?post_id=ID
* /post/post_id/comments
* ...
// Doesn't work, hits /comments
return this.store.find('comment', { post_id: params.post_id });
Why does
return this.store.find('comment', { post_id: params.post_id });
hit /comments?
You just need to declare your CommentsRoute like this:
App.CommentsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return this.modelFor('post').get('comments');
What it does is, it gets the model of the PostRoute and fetches its comments.
Ember-data handles the logic behind it. If comments were sideloaded, it will just return these. Otherwise it will issue a GET request to fetch them.
For this to work, you need to include the links property on a serialized post. The links property needs to include the URL you wish ember-data to use in order to fetch the comments.
E.g. your serialized post may look like this:
"post": {
"id": 1,
"title": "Rails is omakase",
"links": { "comments": "/posts/1/comments" }
See DS.RESTAdapter#findHasMany.
The hasMany relationship probably needs to be declared async for this to work properly:
App.Post = DS.Model.extend({
comments: DS.hasMany('comment', { async: true })
You can use Ember's sideloaded relationships to make the posts API endpoint also return the relevant comments and Ember will figure it out.
"post": {
"id": 1,
"title": "Node is not omakase",
"comments": [1, 2, 3]
"comments": [{
"id": 1,
"body": "But is it _lightweight_ omakase?"
"id": 2,
"body": "I for one welcome our new omakase overlords"
"id": 3,
"body": "Put me on the fast track to a delicious dinner"
You'd then be able to pass the already loaded comments to the comments route.
It may be in the docs but it's quite a specific term! Some of the concepts like that can be a bit tricky to search for.
The following forces a call to the backend /comments?post_id=ID
App.CommentsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
needs: 'post'
App.CommentsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(params) {
return this.store.find('comment', { post_id: this.modelFor('post').get('id') });
I've got a JSON file that looks like this.
"config": {
"setting1": 'blabla',
"setting2": 'blablabla'
"content": {
"title": "Title of an exercise.",
"author": "John Doe",
"describtion": "Exercise content."
"answers": [
"id": "1",
"content": "Dog",
"correct": true
"id": "2",
"content": "Fish",
"correct": false
Than, I create a Backbone View, combined from content model, and answers (which are randomly selected, but It's not most important now).
I've also got a config, which has settings that will determinate which view and collection methods to use.
It seems like a simple task, but as I'm new to Backbone, I'm wondering which is the best way to fetch JSON file, creating one model with url to JSON and than using parse and initialize creating another models and collections (with answers), or using $.getJSON method that will create exactly the models that I need?
I was trying using $.getJSON
$.getJSON(source, function(data) {
var contentModel = new ContentModel(data.content);
var contentView = new ExerciseView({ model: contentModel });
var answerCollection = new AnswersCollection();
_.each(data.answers, function(answer) {
var answersView = new AnswersView({collection: answerCollection});
$(destination).html( contentView.render().el );
$('.answers').append( answersView.el );
But It doesn't seem very elegant solution, I know that this application needs good architecture, cause It will be developed with many other Views based on 'config'.
Hope you guys give me some suggestions, have a good day!
I think what you've done works fine and is correct. But you may need to refactor a little bit since "it will be developed with many other Views based on 'config'".
IMHO, the first thing you need to do is to handle failure in your getJson callback to make the process more robust.
Second, it is useful to create a Factory to generate your views because your logic is to generate different views based on the config data from server. So the factory maybe:
contentViewFactory.generate = function(data) {
var config = data.config;
var ActualContentView = SomeContentView;
var contentModel = new ContentModel(data.content);
return = new ActualContentView({ model: contentModel });
If your logic is simple, you can have a dict map from config to view class like:
var viewMaps = {
"exercise" : ExerciseView,
"other": SomeOtherView,
And if every workflow has a AnswersView you can keep that in your getJSON callback. So maybe now your getJSON looks like this:
$.getJSON(source, function(data) {
// keep the config->view logic in the factory
var contentView = contentViewFactory.generate(data);
var answerCollection = new AnswersCollection();
_.each(data.answers, function(answer) {
var answersView = new AnswersView({collection: answerCollection});
$(destination).html( contentView.render().el );
$('.answers').append( answersView.el );
//some failure handling
Furthermore, if you have common logics in you "ContentView"s, it's natural that you can have a "BaseContentView" or "ContentViewMixin" to extract the common logic and use extends to make your code more OO:
Backbone.View.extend(_.extend({}, ContentViewMixin, {
So if someone is trying to add a new ContentView, he/she just needs to add some code in the factory to make the new View be generated by config. Then extends the ContentViewMixin to implement the new View.
I have a REST API, which returns User object, where its roles are specified via link to another object. So at localhost/project/api/users/27/ is JSON object:
"id": 42,
"name": "John",
"prijmeni": "Doe",
"login": "johndoe",
"nickname": null,
"grade": 1.3,
"roles": {
"href": "http://localhost/project/api/users/1716/roles/"
What I'm trying to do is to get roles in controller. My User service looks like this:
projectServices.factory('User', ['$resource', 'UserRoles',
function($resource, UserRoles, Role) {
var User = $resource('http://localhost/project/api/users/:id', {}, {
'query': {
method: 'GET',
isArray: true
return User;
and I tried to add (to that resource code block):
User.prototype.roles= function(){
return UserRoles.get({id:42});
this one freezes browser when called in ngRepeat. So I tried
User.prototype.roles = UserRoles.get({id:42});
this works. Then I tried
User.prototype.roles = $resource(this.roles.href, {}, {
'get': {
method: 'GET',
isArray: true
says, that roles is undefined. I also tried to add transformResponse param to User service GET action, but that function was never called.
The second option works just perfectly fine - except, that I have to hardcode the user ID. Suitable solution would be with somehow getting the user ID for me (i tried this.id, but that didn't work).
Perfect solution would be creating resource from given href, but as I can't access roles in prototype, I don't know how.
Thanks for any advice.
This should do the trick
projectServices.factory('UserRoles', function(){
return $resource('http://localhost/project/api/users/:id', {id: #id},
{'query': {
method: 'GET',
isArray: true
Now you can call it with
// this makes the request : http://localhost/project/api/users/42
The #id tells angular to use the id key from the parameter passed.
in bootstrap 2, I used the following code to post a json object,
source: function (query, process) {
var URL = 'http://localhost:8080/autocomplete/search/';
var query = {"t:jsonStringField": {
"name": "model",
"value": "fusion"
"t:jsonStringFilter": [
{"name": "year","value": "2009"},
{"name": "make","value": "ford"}
return $.getJSON(URL,
{ query: JSON.stringify(query)},
function (data) {
return process(data);
Now in twitter tyeahead 0.9.3 they have done away with the source concept and moved to a remote concept, but unfortunately I do no know how to work with it.
remote : {
url: 'http://localhost:8080/autocomplete/search/',
replace: function(uri, query) {
var query = {"t:jsonStringField": {
"name": "model",
"value": "fusion"
"t:jsonStringFilter": [
{"name": "year","value": "2009"},
{"name": "make","value": "ford"}
return uri + JSON.stringify(query);
filter: function(response) {
return response.matches;
return process(resultList);
Unfortunately it doesn't work, how do I just post the JSON object rather than appending it to the string? Thanks.
In your original code you use $.getJSON. This will send a request (and expects json as result) to: http://localhost:8080/autocomplete/search/?query=%7B%22t%3AjsonStringField%22%3A%7B%22name%22%3A%22model%22%2C%22value%22%3A%22fusion%22%7D%2C%22t%3AjsonStringFilter%22%3A%5B%7B%22name%22%3A%22year%22%2C%22value%22%3A%222009%22%7D%2C%7B%22name%22%3A%22make%22%2C%22value%22%3A%22ford%22%7D%5D%7D
To do the same for Twitter's Typeahead call your replace function of your remote data should return a valid url. In your function the ?query= part of the url is missing.
You will have to set: url: 'http://localhost:8080/autocomplete/search/?query=',
You also will have to urlencode you json input maybe.
Note: you will not need the line return process(resultList); You will have to use the filter function to convert your json results to valid data:
The individual units that compose datasets are called datums. The
canonical form of a datum is an object with a value property and a
tokens property.
you could use templates to style your dropdown results, see: http://twitter.github.io/typeahead.js/examples/
By default, the dropdown menu created by typeahead.js is going to look
ugly and you'll want to style it to ensure it fits into the theme of
your web page.
You will need the additional CSS from https://github.com/jharding/typeahead.js-bootstrap.css to style the default dropdown for Bootstrap.
I'm using an API that returns JSON data in this format:
paging: {
previous: null,
next: null
data: [
{ title: 'First Item' },
{ title: 'Second Item' },
I'm using Angular's $resource service to fetch this data.
My code - which is located in a controller - goes something like this:
var Entity = $resource('/api/entities');
var entities = $scope.entities = Entity.get();
And then, in the view, I can display the data like this:
<li ng-repeat="entity in entities.data">{{entity.title}}</<li>
It all works fine, but:
I'd rather expose only the contents of entities.data to the view, instead of the whole entities object. How can I intercept the data returned by the GET request to modify it before it populates $scope.entities?
Correlated question: since I am fetching an array of data, it would be cleaner to use Entity.query() instead of Entity.get(). But if I use Entity.query() in the code above, I get an error "TypeError: Object # has no method 'push'". This makes sense, since the API is returning an object instead of an array (hence, no 'push' method on the object). Again, if I could extract the .data attribute from the response, I'd have an array.
Following these indications by Dan Boyon, I managed to customize the default $resource service and to override the .get() or .query() methods, but I'm not sure where to go from there.
I don't think you need to modify the get or query defaults. Just use the success callback to do what you want. It should be more robust as well.
{}, //params
function (data) { //success
$scope.entities = data.data;
function (data) { //failure
//error handling goes here
Html will be cleaner, too:
<li ng-repeat="entity in entities">{{entity.title}}</<li>
By the way, I usually declare services for my resources and then inject them into my controllers as I need them.
myServices.factory('Entity', ['$resource', function ($resource) {
return $resource('/api/entities', {}, {
You can use the Response Transformer (transformResponse) like this:
$resource('/api/entities', {}, {
query: {
method: 'GET',
responseType: 'json',
isArray: true,
transformResponse: function (response) {
return response.data;
This code modifies the "query" method behaviour, you can do the same for "get" ... !