Save dynamically created table data to multidimensional array - javascript

I have a dynamically created table and I need to retrieve the values from that to be stored in a multidimensional array as shown below
But I am getting an exception/error saying "Cannot set property of 0 to undefined"
My JS Function:
var DefAttrArray = new Array(100);
function storeDefinedStreamInfo(newAgent,i,e,ui)
var StrName= document.getElementById("StreamNameInput").value;
var StreamElementID = i;
var table = document.getElementById('attrtable');
var tblerows = (table.rows.length)-1;
// DefAttrArray[i] = new Array(3);
// for (var w=3; w<3; w++)
// {
// DefAttrArray[q][w] = new Array(tblerows);
// }
for (r = 1; r < table.rows.length; r++) {
for(var c=0; c<1;c++) {
var attrNm = table.rows[r].cells[c].innerHTML;
var attrTp = table.rows[r].cells[1].innerHTML;
createdDefinedStreamArray[i-1][2][r-1]= new Array(2);
alert(createdDefinedStreamArray[i-1][2][r-1][0] + "\n" + createdDefinedStreamArray[i-1][2][r-1][1]);
createdDefinedStreamArray[i-1][2]=new Array(tblerows);
createdDefinedStreamArray[i-1][3]="Defined Stream";
alert("createdDefinedStreamArray[i-1][2][w][0] : "+ createdDefinedStreamArray[i-1][2][w][0]);
var prop = $('<a class="streamproperty" onclick="doclickExp(this)"><b><img src="../Images/settings.png"></b></a> ').attr('id', (i));
var showIcon = $('<img src="../Images/Defined.png"></b></a> ').attr('id', (i));
newAgent.text(StrName).append('<a class="boxclose" id="boxclose"><b><img src="../Images/Cancel.png"></b></a> ').append(showIcon).append(prop);

Finally, got it to work.
var DefAttrArray = new Array(100);
function storeDefinedStreamInfo(newAgent,i,e,ui)
var StrName= document.getElementById("StreamNameInput").value;
var StreamElementID = i;
var table = document.getElementById('attrtable');
var tblerows = (table.rows.length)-1;
createdDefinedStreamArray[i][2]=new Array(tblerows);
for (r = 1; r < table.rows.length; r++) {
for(var c=0; c<1;c++) {
var attrNm = table.rows[r].cells[c].innerHTML;
var attrTp = table.rows[r].cells[1].innerHTML;
createdDefinedStreamArray[i][2][r-1]= new Array(2);
createdDefinedStreamArray[i][3]="Defined Stream";
createdDefinedStreamArray[i][4]= tblerows;
var prop = $('<a class="streamproperty" onclick="doclickDefine(this)"><b><img src="../Images/settings.png"></b></a> ').attr('id', (i));
var showIcon = $('<img src="../Images/Defined.png"></b></a> ').attr('id', (i));
newAgent.text(StrName).append('<a class="boxclose" id="boxclose"><b><img src="../Images/Cancel.png"></b></a> ').append(showIcon).append(prop);


How to use the result of an IF statement as a variable

I have a code as follows:
function DetailFacture2() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var DetailDEVIS = SpreadsheetApp.setActiveSheet(ss.getSheetByName('DetailDEVIS'));
var FACTUREDevis = SpreadsheetApp.setActiveSheet(ss.getSheetByName('FACTUREDevis'));
var DetailFactureDevis = SpreadsheetApp.setActiveSheet(ss.getSheetByName('DetailFactureDevis'));
var lastrowpaste = FACTUREDevis.getLastRow();
var numrow = FACTUREDevis.getRange(lastrowpaste,13).getValue()
var lastrowpaste2 = DetailFactureDevis.getLastRow() - numrow +2;
var data = DetailDEVIS.getDataRange().getValues();
var DetailD = FACTUREDevis.getRange(lastrowpaste,2).getValue();
for(var i = 0; i<data.length;i++){
if(data[i][1] == DetailD){ //[1] because column B
var firstrowcopy = i+1;
return (firstrowcopy)
It does return the correct value, but how do you use "firstrowcopy" as a fixed var?
I would like to use as follows:
function DetailFacture2() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var DetailDEVIS = SpreadsheetApp.setActiveSheet(ss.getSheetByName('DetailDEVIS'));
var FACTUREDevis = SpreadsheetApp.setActiveSheet(ss.getSheetByName('FACTUREDevis'));
var DetailFactureDevis = SpreadsheetApp.setActiveSheet(ss.getSheetByName('DetailFactureDevis'));
var lastrowpaste = FACTUREDevis.getLastRow();
var numrow = FACTUREDevis.getRange(lastrowpaste,13).getValue()
var lastrowpaste2 = DetailFactureDevis.getLastRow() - numrow +2;
var data = DetailDEVIS.getDataRange().getValues();
var DetailD = FACTUREDevis.getRange(lastrowpaste,2).getValue();
for(var i = 0; i<data.length;i++){
if(data[i][1] == DetailD){ //[1] because column B
var firstrowcopy = i+1;
var source = DetailDEVIS.getRange(firstrowcopy,1,numrow-1);
var destination = DetailFactureDevis.getRange(lastrowpaste2,3);
But, as one would expect, it cannot work as it loops...
Not sure if I understand your question too. The code doesn't look well. Here is just my guess. Try to change the last lines this way:
// ...
var firstrowcopy = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
if(data[i][1] == DetailD){ //[1] because column B
firstrowcopy = i+1;
var source = DetailDEVIS.getRange(firstrowcopy,1,numrow-1);
var destination = DetailFactureDevis.getRange(lastrowpaste2,3);

CheckBox for all and for single does not work correctly

I am trying to make an array of listing using checkbox function, the function checks if the all checkbox is clicked then put all listings in the array, if it is clicked to uncheck it pulls all array values, and if a single listing is checked it adds to the array , and if its unchecked when its single or all listing values its value from the array is taken out. Yet on the first run if all selected i cant remove a single value by selecting one checkbox, and after all are checked and unchecked i cant add a single value into array by checking a single option.
var lstsToEdit = [];
$(".tab-listings-selection").on("click", function() {
var lstType;
if( == "mnLstAct") lstType = "act";
if( == "mnLstInact") lstType = "inact";
if( == "mnLstDraft") lstType = "draft";
document.getElementById("mnLstAct").style.fontWeight = "normal";
document.getElementById("mnLstInact").style.fontWeight = "normal";
document.getElementById("mnLstDraft").style.fontWeight = "normal"; = "bold";
function lstDisplay(type){
document.getElementById("main").innerHTML = "";
var tblLsts = document.createElement("table");
tblLsts.setAttribute("id", "tblLsts");
var tblLstsHRow = tblLsts.insertRow(0);
var tblLstsHThumb = tblLstsHRow.insertCell(0);
var tblLstsHTitle = tblLstsHRow.insertCell(1);
var tblLstsHStock = tblLstsHRow.insertCell(2);
var tblLstsHPrice = tblLstsHRow.insertCell(3);
var tblLstsHExpiry = tblLstsHRow.insertCell(4);
var tblLstsHSection = tblLstsHRow.insertCell(5);
var tblLstsHAll = tblLstsHRow.insertCell(6);
tblLstsHThumb.outerHTML = "<th></th>";
tblLstsHTitle.outerHTML = "<th>Title</th>";
tblLstsHStock.outerHTML = "<th>In Stock</th>";
tblLstsHPrice.outerHTML = "<th>Price</th>";
tblLstsHExpiry.outerHTML = "<th>Expiry</th>";
tblLstsHSection.outerHTML = "<th>Section</th>";
tblLstsHAll.outerHTML = "<th>All<input id=\"lstsAllChk\" class=\"lstChk\" type=\"checkbox\"/></th>";
var lstThumb = [];
var listings;
if (type == "act") lsts = lstAct;
if (type == "inact") lsts = lstInact;
if (type == "draft") lsts = lstDraft;
for (var lstIndex = 1; lstIndex < lsts.results.length+1; lstIndex++){
var lst = lsts.results[lstIndex-1];
var row = document.getElementById("tblLsts").insertRow(lstIndex);
var colThumb = row.insertCell(0);
var colTitle = row.insertCell(1);
var colStock = row.insertCell(2);
var colPrice = row.insertCell(3);
var colExpiry = row.insertCell(4);
var colSection = row.insertCell(5);
var colSelect = row.insertCell(6);
var lstJ = JSON.parse($.ajax({url: "listings/" + lst.listing_id + ".json", async: false}).responseText);
colThumb.innerHTML = "<img src=\"" + lstJ.results[0].url_75x75 +"\">";
colTitle.innerHTML = lst.title;
colStock.innerHTML = lst.quantity;
colPrice.innerHTML = lst.price;
colSelect.innerHTML = "<input id=\"" + lst.listing_id + "\" class=\"lstChk\" type=\"checkbox\"/>";
for (var secIndex = 0; secIndex < sects.results.length; secIndex++){
if (sects.results[secIndex].shop_section_id == lst.shop_section_id)
colSection.innerHTML = sects.results[secIndex].title;
$(".lstChk").on("click", function() {
if( == "lstsAllChk" && this.checked){
for(var lstIndex = 0; lstIndex < document.querySelectorAll(".lstChk").length; lstIndex++){
var lstId = document.querySelectorAll(".lstChk")[lstIndex].id;
//if(lstsToEdit.findIndex( function(value){ value == lstId;}) == -1){;
else if( == "lstsAllChk" && !this.checked){
for(var lstIndex = 0; lstIndex < document.querySelectorAll(".lstChk").length; lstIndex++){
var lstId = document.querySelectorAll(".lstChk")[lstIndex].id;
$("#"+lstId).prop("checked", false);
var index = lstsToEdit.findIndex( function(value){ value == lstId;});
lstsToEdit.splice(index, 1);
else if(this.checked) lstsToEdit.push(;
else {
var index = lstsToEdit.findIndex( function(value){ value ==;});
lstsToEdit.splice(index, 1);
if(lstsToEdit.length > 0) document.getElementById("lstEdit").style.display = "block";
else document.getElementById("lstEdit").style.display = "none";
table sort js
$("th").on("click", function() {
var table = this.closest("table");
var selection = $(this).text();
var col = this.cellIndex;
var tbl = [];
var order = [];
for (var rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < table.rows.length; rowIndex++){
if (rowIndex > 0){
for (var colIndex = 0; colIndex < table.rows[rowIndex].cells.length; colIndex++){
if (colIndex == col){
for (var rowIndex = table.rows.length-1; rowIndex > 0; rowIndex--){
var reA = /[^a-zA-Z]/g;
var reN = /[^0-9]/g
order.sort (function (a,b){
var aA = a[0].replace(reA, "").toLowerCase();
var bA = b[0].replace(reA, "").toLowerCase();
if(aA == bA) {
var aN = parseInt(a[0].replace(reN, ""), 10);
var bN = parseInt(b[0].replace(reN, ""), 10);
return aN == bN ? 0 : aN > bN ? 1 : -1;
} else {
return aA > bA ? 1 : -1;
for (var orderIndex = 0; orderIndex < order.length; orderIndex++){
var row = table.insertRow(orderIndex + 1);
for (var colIndex = 0; colIndex < tbl[orderIndex].length; colIndex++){
var cell = row.insertCell(colIndex);
var index = order[orderIndex][1];
cell.innerHTML = tbl[index][colIndex];
<script src=""></script>
include 'menu.php';
include 'shopJson.php';
<div id="lstEdit">edit</div>
<div id="main"></div>
var lstActURL = "listings/active.json";
var lstInactURL = "listings/inactive.json";
var lstDraftURL = "listings/draft.json";
var sectURL = "listings/sect.json";
var lstAct = JSON.parse($.ajax({url: lstActURL, async: false}).responseText);
var lstInact = JSON.parse($.ajax({url: lstInactURL, async: false}).responseText);
var lstDraft = JSON.parse($.ajax({url: lstInactURL, async: false}).responseText);
var sects = JSON.parse($.ajax({url: sectURL, async: false}).responseText);
$("#mnLstAct").append("(" + lstAct.results.length + ")");
$("#mnLstInact").append("(" + lstInact.results.length + ")");
$("#mnLstDraft").append("(" + lstDraft.results.length + ")");
document.getElementById("mnLstAct").style.fontWeight = "bold";
The JQuery .attr() method correlates to the actual attributes of a DOM element. However, from the JavaScript perspective, many elements have DOM properties that seem like they are the same as their HTML attribute counterparts, but are not because the property is updated in memory, while the attribute change updates the DOM. Sometimes, there are properties that don't even have an attribute counterpart (i.e. selectedIndex on select elements).
The point is that you have thess lines:
$("#"+lstId).attr("checked", true);
$("#"+lstId).attr("checked", false);
Where you are attempting to force an element to be checked, but that may not correlate to what you get when you check the checked property.
To account for this, use the prop() method instead of the .attr() method:
$("#"+lstId).prop("checked", true);
$("#"+lstId).prop("checked", false);
See the documentation for .prop() for details and a comparison between attributes and properties.

Make other nodes follow when dragging a node in Cytoscape.js

I'm new to cytoscape.js, I just want to make other nodes follow when dragging one node.
Appreciate your help
Write a listener, and update the other node positions appropriately in your callback:
Here is how I did it. Note you have to save off the original positions at the grab event, and then update during the drag event.
function add_drag_listeners()
var all = cy.elements("node");
for (j = 0; j < all.length; j++)
cynode = all[j];
var grab_x = 0;
var grab_y = 0;
var drag_subgraph = [];
function handle_grab(evt)
grab_x = this.position().x ;
grab_y = this.position().y ;
var succ = this.successors();
drag_subgraph = [];
var succstr = "";
for (i = 0; i < succ.length; i++)
if (succ[i].isNode())
var old_x = succ[i].position().x;
var old_y = succ[i].position().y;
succstr += " " + succ[i].data("id");
drag_subgraph.push({old_x:old_x, old_y:old_y, obj:succ[i]});
function handle_drag(evt)
var new_x = this.position().x;
var new_y = this.position().y;
var delta_x = new_x - grab_x;
var delta_y = new_y - grab_y;
for (i = 0; i < drag_subgraph.length; i++)
var obj = drag_subgraph[i].obj;
var old_x = drag_subgraph[i].old_x;
var old_y = drag_subgraph[i].old_y;
var new_x = old_x + delta_x;
var new_y = old_y + delta_y;
obj.position({x:new_x, y:new_y});

Iterate over gmail threads and add a label with addlabel

I wish to run this standalone code twice a day, but cannot solve the exception on the addLabel, which is "impossible to find the method", any suggestion? I tried to change the for cycle as well as to assign a var to the threads[i] but nothing changed.
function salvaNote(){
var d = new Date();
var n = d.getFullYear() + "/" + addZero(d.getMonth()+1) + "/" + addZero(d.getDate());
var folderName = 'tavoloTecnico';
labelName = GmailApp.createLabel('tavoloTecnico');
var query = 'in:anywhere OR has:attachment subject:previsioni filename:xls '+ 'after:'+n;
var threads =;
var quanteMail = threads.length;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < quanteMail; i++) {
var mesgs = threads[i].getMessages();
for(var j in mesgs){
var attachments = mesgs[j].getAttachments();
for(var k in attachments){
var attachment = attachments[k];
var attachmentBlob = attachment.copyBlob();
var file = DriveApp.createFile(attachmentBlob);

Find index in array different from the array that loaded

Line 35, just before the alert, returns -1. I also tried $(this).index() with the same result. Here is what it should do: Clicking EN.gif should return 4, then grand_array_pics[4] should give me en_array_pics and load the .gifs in that array.
$(document).ready(function () {
var main_pics = ["AN.gif", "BN.gif", "CN.gif", "DN.gif", "EN.gif", "GN.gif"];
var starting_pics = ["AN.gif", "CN.gif", "EN.gif"];
var an_array_pics = ["BN.gif", "EN.gif", "GN.gif", "AN.gif","DN.gif"];
var bn_array_pics = ["CN.gif", "DN.gif", "GN.gif"];
var cn_array_pics = ["DN.gif", "GN.gif", "AN.gif", "CN.gif"];
var dn_array_pics = ["EN.gif", "AN.gif", "CN.gif"];
var en_array_pics = ["GN.gif", "AN.gif", "CN.gif", "EN.gif"];
var gn_array_pics = ["AN.gif", "CN.gif", "EN.gif", "GN.gif"];
var grand_array_pics = [
var i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < starting_pics.length; i++) {
$("<img/>").attr("src", "images/" + starting_pics[i]).load(function () {
$("#main").on("click", ".pics", function () {
var j = $.inArray(this, main_pics);
$("#sidebar .pics").remove();
$("#main .pics").remove();
var chosen_pics_array = grand_array_pics[j];
var count = chosen_pics_array.length;
var k = 0;
for (k = 0; k < count; k++) {
$("<img/>").attr("src", "images/" + chosen_pics_array[k]).load(function () {
}); //end ready
this is the DOM <img> element, while main_pics is an array of strings. It will never be found inside there. Use
var j = $.inArray(this.src.split("/").pop(), main_pics);
Give this a try. You need to get the name of the file and you're passing the element itself into $.inArray
var j = $.inArray(this.src.substring(this.src.lastIndexOf('/')+1), main_pics);

