Accessing objects from within object? - javascript

This is probably a very newbish question, but I am learning javascript and working with pouchDB. I have a search function that returns something like:
{"total_rows":1,"rows":[{"id":"mydoc","score":0.7071067811865475,"doc":{"title":"Guess who?","text":"It's-a me, Mario!","_id":"mydoc","_rev":"1-21bd9b0c99791947618e98a23134b312"},"highlighting":{"text":"It's-a me, Mario!"}}]}
I can access the total_rows value easily obviously, but how would I access the value of 'text'?

Simply with x.rows[0].doc.text.
Edit: To help you understand a little better what's happening here, you're accessing "sub children" with the . operator. We're asking for the rows array inside x and then specifying we want the first row (remember that arrays are 0-indexed, meaning the first element in an array is at position 0).
From there, we just access the doc child, and the text attribute it contains.

var obj = {"total_rows":1,"rows":[{"id":"mydoc","score":0.7071067811865475,"doc":{"title":"Guess who?","text":"It's-a me, Mario!","_id":"mydoc","_rev":"1-21bd9b0c99791947618e98a23134b312"},"highlighting":{"text":"It's-a me, Mario!"}}]};

Hi please cchecck this
var abc = {
"total_rows": 1,
"rows": [
"id": "mydoc",
"score": 0.7071067811865475,
"doc": {
"title": "Guess who?",
"text": "It's-a me, Mario!",
"_id": "mydoc",
"_rev": "1-21bd9b0c99791947618e98a23134b312"
"highlighting": {
"text": "It's-a me, Mario!"

it is better to identify each row by using 'id' to parse javascript object.
try this (javascript es6)
const obj = {"total_rows":1,"rows":[{"id":"mydoc","score":0.7071067811865475,"doc":{"title":"Guess who?","text":"It's-a me, Mario!","_id":"mydoc","_rev":"1-21bd9b0c99791947618e98a23134b312"},"highlighting":{"text":"It's-a me, Mario!"}}]}
const id = 'mydoc'
const text = obj.rows.find(item => === id).doc.text
javascript es5 or previous version
var obj = {"total_rows":1,"rows":[{"id":"mydoc","score":0.7071067811865475,"doc":{"title":"Guess who?","text":"It's-a me, Mario!","_id":"mydoc","_rev":"1-21bd9b0c99791947618e98a23134b312"},"highlighting":{"text":"It's-a me, Mario!"}}]};
var id = 'mydoc';
var text = obj.rows.find(function(item) { return === id; }).doc.text;


JAVASCRIPT object to array conversion

I search on stackoverflow before post my question, but I didn't find any solution. I have an object like this :
{"05. Juridique":
[{"res_id":100,"type_label":"Plainte","subject":"test23","doctypes_first_level_label":"COURRIERS","doctypes_second_level_label":"05. Juridique","folder_level":2}]
And I need to access it like an array, in order to get the information like res_id etc..
How can I do this ?
Thanks in advance
Assuming that you won't have more than one object/array in each layer, this should get you what you need.
let obj = {
"05. Juridique": [{
"res_id": 100,
"type_label": "Plainte",
"subject": "test23",
"doctypes_first_level_label": "COURRIERS",
"doctypes_second_level_label": "05. Juridique",
"folder_level": 2
let folder = Object.keys(obj)[0]
let type = Object.keys(obj[folder])[0]
let result = obj[folder][type][0]
You can gain access to the data in multiple ways. The following below will help clarify some of the way you can access some of the data.
myObj.type = "Dot syntax";
myObj.type = "Dot syntax";
myObj["date created"] = "String with space";
myObj[str] = "String value";
myObj[rand] = "Random Number";
myObj[obj] = "Object";
myObj[""] = "Even an empty string";
For your problem you can use the following
var x = {
"05. Juridique":[
"doctypes_second_level_label":"05. Juridique",
console.log(x['COURRIERS']['05. Juridique'][0].res_id)
Something like that ?
(I insert the data inside a variable and print the wanted result with key index)
let obj = {
"05. Juridique":[
"doctypes_second_level_label":"05. Juridique",
console.log(obj["COURRIERS"]["05. Juridique"][0]["res_id"]);
You want to acess it with variable.
For avoid bug, I strong recommend you to check if the variable value key exist in the array/object like :
let folder = 'COURRIERS';
if(folder.indexOf(data) >= 0) { // folder.indexOf(data) = 0
// ... finish the job here :)
// indexOf return -1 if the value is not found

Selecting a JSON object by number not by name

I try to store a JSON object with informations in multiple languages. Im not even sure they way i did it is good, any suggestions are welcome.
My current problem ist, that i dont know how to access the first language without knowing what language it is.
var Data = {
"NameIntern": "Something intern",
"en": {
"Name": "Some name",
"ModuleOrder": "123,333,22" }
I just want to access the second object, sometimes its "en", sometimes its "de".
Thanks for any tipps!
Here is a pure javascript solution:
First: You get the keys of the object:
var keys = Object.keys(Data);
Then: The keys are stored in a array. You can access them with an index. Like:
Now: You can use a foor loop or whatever you want :)
Data is an object its not array so you cant access it like Data[0] you can access it like Data.en.
but as you say you dont know any thing about en or de so i suggest that you form the Data object like this :
var Data =[{
Name:"Some name"
var Data = {
"NameIntern": "Something intern",
"en": {
"Name": "Some name",
"ModuleOrder": "123,333,22" }
var index = 0;
$.each(Data, function(key, val){
index += 1;
if (index == 2){
// key is the language, like in this example key is 'en'
var name = (Data.en || || {})['Name'];
(Data.en || || {}) get's value of Data.en or if both doesn't exist, return empty object, so that script doesn't throw exception for Name property
()['Name'] same as myObject['Name'], myObject.Name
assign value to name variable, it will be Some name or undefined at least
If you have more languages, add them all, notice: it will return first found lang
var name = (Data.en || || || || {})['Name'];
Use Object.keys method to get list of object property names:
console.log(Data[Object.keys(Data)[1]]['Name']); // "Some name"

How to push new key/value pair into external json file? [duplicate]

I have a JSON format object I read from a JSON file that I have in a variable called teamJSON, that looks like this:
I want to add a new item to the array, such as
to end up with
before writing back to the file. What is a good way to add to the new element? I got close but all the double quotes were escaped. I have looked for a good answer on SO but none quite cover this case. Any help is appreciated.
JSON is just a notation; to make the change you want parse it so you can apply the changes to a native JavaScript Object, then stringify back to JSON
var jsonStr = '{"theTeam":[{"teamId":"1","status":"pending"},{"teamId":"2","status":"member"},{"teamId":"3","status":"member"}]}';
var obj = JSON.parse(jsonStr);
jsonStr = JSON.stringify(obj);
// "{"theTeam":[{"teamId":"1","status":"pending"},{"teamId":"2","status":"member"},{"teamId":"3","status":"member"},{"teamId":"4","status":"pending"}]}"
var Str_txt = '{"theTeam":[{"teamId":"1","status":"pending"},{"teamId":"2","status":"member"},{"teamId":"3","status":"member"}]}';
If you want to add at last position then use this:
var parse_obj = JSON.parse(Str_txt);
Str_txt = JSON.stringify(parse_obj);
Output //"{"theTeam":[{"teamId":"1","status":"pending"},{"teamId":"2","status":"member"},{"teamId":"3","status":"member"},{"teamId":"4","status":"pending"}]}"
If you want to add at first position then use the following code:
var parse_obj = JSON.parse(Str_txt);
Str_txt = JSON.stringify(parse_obj);
Output //"{"theTeam":[{"teamId":"4","status":"pending"},{"teamId":"1","status":"pending"},{"teamId":"2","status":"member"},{"teamId":"3","status":"member"}]}"
Anyone who wants to add at a certain position of an array try this:
parse_obj['theTeam'].splice(2, 0, {"teamId":"4","status":"pending"});
Output //"{"theTeam":[{"teamId":"1","status":"pending"},{"teamId":"2","status":"member"},{"teamId":"4","status":"pending"},{"teamId":"3","status":"member"}]}"
Above code block adds an element after the second element.
First we need to parse the JSON object and then we can add an item.
var str = '{"theTeam":[{"teamId":"1","status":"pending"},
var obj = JSON.parse(str);
str = JSON.stringify(obj);
Finally we JSON.stringify the obj back to JSON
In my case, my JSON object didn't have any existing Array in it, so I had to create array element first and then had to push the element.
elementToPush = [1, 2, 3]
if (!obj.arr) this.$set(obj, "arr", [])
(This answer may not be relevant to this particular question, but may help
someone else)
Use spread operator
array1 = [
"column": "Level",
"valueOperator": "=",
"value": "Organization"
array2 = [
"column": "Level",
"valueOperator": "=",
"value": "Division"
array3 = [
"column": "Level",
"operator": "=",
"value": "Country"
For example here is a element like button for adding item to basket and appropriate attributes for saving in localStorage.
'<i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i>Add to cart'
var productArray=[];
$(this).html('<i class="fa fa-check"></i>Added to cart');
console.log('Item added ');
var productJSON={"id":$(this).attr('pr_id'), "nameEn":$(this).attr('pr_name_en'), "price":$(this).attr('pr_price'), "image":$(this).attr('pr_image')};
localStorage.setObj('product', productArray);
localStorage.setObj('product', productArray);
Storage.prototype.setObj = function(key, value) {
this.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));
Storage.prototype.getObj = function(key) {
var value = this.getItem(key);
return value && JSON.parse(value);
After adding JSON object to Array result is (in LocalStorage):
[{"id":"99","nameEn":"Product Name1","price":"767","image":"1462012597217.jpeg"},{"id":"93","nameEn":"Product Name2","price":"76","image":"1461449637106.jpeg"},{"id":"94","nameEn":"Product Name3","price":"87","image":"1461449679506.jpeg"}]
after this action you can easily send data to server as List in Java
Full code example is here
How do I store a simple cart using localStorage?

Set value to non existing object

Say i have this object:
test = {
testObj: {
"1": {
"key": "value"
And i want to add values to testObj like so:
test.testObj["2"].key = "my value";
I get error TypeError: Cannot set property 'key' of undefined
Now i do understand that key does not exist yet, but 2 doesn't exist also, and yet i can set value to it:
test.testObj["2"] = "something";
So what can i do about it?
wow i feel stupid for not figuring that out by myself... anyways thank you guys.
Javascript doesn't know what test.testObj["2"] should be in this scenario, so it ends up testing it as an existing property:
test.testObj["2"].key = "my value";
The assignment can only apply to the last part of the structure on the left.
But you can tell it what it is by creating the object first:
test.testObj["2"].key = "my value";
Or in a single step:
test.testObj["2"] = { key: "my value"};

Create JSON from jQuery each loop

All the questions I have dug through in the boards aren't really answering a question I have. So I will ask the experts here. First off, thank you very much for reading on. I really appreciate what Stackoverflow is all about, hopefully I can contribute now that I am a member.
I want to dynamically create a JSON object based off variables set from another JSON object from with a jQuery each loop. I think my syntax and probably my knowledge of this stuff is a little off.
I would like to end up with the following JSON structure:
Where "desktop" is a value from another JSON object not in this loop, I can call that no problem, in fact it is actually the name value I set on the other JSON object. I am looping through an array in the object called columns but want to set a separate object containing all the widths because the columns are adjustable and accessible via another frame that I will push it to, I want to retain those widths.
I was trying to do this from within the loop:
var colWidths = {};
$.each(columns, function(i) {
colWidths.desktop.title = columns[i].width;
I can alert columns[i].width successfully. The issue I have is creating and accessing this. Everything I seem to be doing seems right but this is not the case. Maybe its me or my setup? Could you please show me how to code this properly? OR I could create a Javascript Object if this is not possible. Thanks in advance!
Welcome to Stackoverflow. You did not write any error messages you got, so I assume the following.
// prepare the object correctly first
var colWidths = {
desktop: {
title: 0
// then ADDING each value with += instead of =
// (because in your code you will just have the last value)
$.each(columns, function(i) {
colWidths.desktop.title += columns[i].width;
var grid = {
"name": "desktop",
"columns": [
"id": "icons",
"width": 50},
"id": "title",
"width": 200},
"id": "name",
"width": 300},
"id": "revision",
"width": 400}
var columns = grid.columns;
var gridName =;
var colWidths = {};
colWidths[gridName] = {};
$.each(columns, function(c) {
var col = columns[c];
var colname =;
var colwidth = col.width;
var thisGrid = colWidths[gridName];
if(!thisGrid[colname]) thisGrid[colname] = 0;
thisGrid[colname] += colwidth;
// {"desktop":{"icons":50,"title":200,"name":300,"revision":400}}

