JS object events - javascript

I've been using JS for a long time, but i'm just getting into properly using objects.
I'm creating an image generator using canvas, which you can then download as a png. The user can add text to the image using input boxes. I've made this a JS object so that I can create multiple instances of it on a page. It all works fine, except for my event listener to update the text.
The input boxes are created by parameters passed to the function, and then a keyup event is added so that the canvas can update as the user types. This is all working, except for that fact I don't know how to tell the keyup event what JS Object it should be updating.
Here's my code:
function Canvas_to_img( name, container, image, height, width, content_areas ){
// Assign params to object
object = this;
this.name = name;
this.container = container;
this.image = image;
this.height = height;
this.width = width;
this.content_areas = content_areas;
// Prepare image
var imageObj = new Image();
imageObj.src = image;
// Add canvas div
container.prepend('<div class="canvas canvas--' + name + '"></div>')
// Add temp canvas div
container.append('<div class="canvas-temp canvas-temp--' + name + '"></div>')
// Add canvas wrapper
var wrapper = new Concrete.Wrapper({
container: container.find('.canvas')[0],
width: width,
height: height
// Add BG and Text layers
var bgLayer = new Concrete.Layer();
var textLayer = new Concrete.Layer();
// Add image to BG layer
imageObj.onload = function() {
bgLayer.sceneCanvas.context.drawImage(imageObj,0,0, width, height);
// Set up input areas and event listeners
for (key in content_areas){
for (subkey in content_areas[key].fields){
name_field = content_areas[key].fields[subkey].name;
name_layer = content_areas[key].fields[subkey].name;
// Add input fields for text layer
container.prepend('<div class="field-set__item">\
<span class="field-set__label">' + name_field +'</span>\
<input data-object="'+object+'" data-area="' + key + '" data-name="' + name + '" data-field="' + subkey + '" class="field-set__input ' + name_field + '" id="text1" type="text">\
$( "."+name_field ).keyup(function() {
area = $(this).data('area');
field = $(this).data('field');
object = $(this).data('object');
value = $(this).val();
//content_areas[area].fields[field].value = value;
OBJECTNAME.updateContent(area, field, value)
$('body').on('click', '.download--' + name, function(e) {
var dataURL = $('.canvas-temp--fb-banner canvas')[0].toDataURL('image/png');
$(this).attr('download', 'test.png');
document.getElementById('download--' + name).href = dataURL;
Canvas_to_img.prototype = {
updateContent: function(area, field, value){
this.content_areas[area].fields[field].value = value;
updateCanvas: function(wrapper) {
$('.canvas-temp--'+this.name+' canvas').remove();
var textLayer = new Concrete.Layer();
content_areas = this.content_areas;
for (key in content_areas){
textLayer.sceneCanvas.context.fillStyle = content_areas[key].colour;
textLayer.sceneCanvas.context.font = "bold 24px Open Sans";
textLayer.sceneCanvas.context.textAlign = content_areas[key].alignment;
layer_content = '';
for (subkey in content_areas[key].fields){
layer_content += content_areas[key].fields[subkey].prepend + " ";
layer_content += content_areas[key].fields[subkey].value;
layer_content += content_areas[key].fields[subkey].append + " ";
textLayer.sceneCanvas.context.fillText(layer_content, content_areas[key].position_x, content_areas[key].position_y);
//ctx.fillText($(this).val(), cnvs.width/2, 300);
// textLayer.sceneCanvas.context.fillText('Test', 325, 300);
var canvas = wrapper.toCanvas({
pixelRatio: 1
update: function(){
var content_areas = {
1: {
position_x: 425,
position_y: 300,
alignment: 'center',
colour: '#fff',
font: 'Open Sans',
size: '24px',
weight: 600,
fields: {
field_1: {
name: 'date',
value: '',
prepend: '',
append: ','
field_2: {
name: 'venue',
value: '',
prepend: '',
append: ''
var content_areas_2 = {
1: {
position_x: 425,
position_y: 300,
alignment: 'center',
colour: '#fff',
font: 'Open Sans',
size: '24px',
weight: 600,
fields: {
field_1: {
name: 'date',
value: '',
prepend: '',
append: ','
field_2: {
name: 'venue',
value: '',
prepend: '',
append: ''
field_3: {
name: 'time',
value: '',
prepend: '',
append: ''
var facebook_banner = new Canvas_to_img('fb-banner', $('.banner-container'), 'http://localhost:1234/images/mainsite5/bb-fb-cover.jpg', 315, 851, content_areas);
var facebook_banner_2 = new Canvas_to_img('fb-banner-2', $('.banner-container-2'), 'http://localhost:1234/images/mainsite5/bb-fb-cover.jpg', 315, 851, content_areas_2);
These are the function calls that need to be associated with an object:
OBJECTNAME.updateContent(area, field, value)
I probably need to instead make this eventlistener linked to the object itself? I'm not sure how do to that.

updateContent and updateCanvas are prototypes of that objects you create at the bottom of your code. Normally, you would access those with this.updateContent(area, field, value).
BUT you are inside a callback function, so this refers to the scope of that function.
Earlier in your code, you set object = this; (why is object global b.t.w.?), so you already store this inside a variable that you should have access to inside the callback. So your code should read:
object.updateContent(area, field, value); , etc // object is your this
Here is another similar but simplified question.

I've found it useful to save the instance to the element. You can do this by taking the instance assigned here:
var facebook_banner = new Canvas_to_img('fb-banner', $('.banner-container'), 'http://localhost:1234/images/mainsite5/bb-fb-cover.jpg', 315, 851, content_areas);
And setting it to a data property of its element:
$('.banner-container').data('canvas_to_img', facebook_banner);
Now you can get that instance when you need it:
Or if you're within the context of that element already:


Stop bar animation with jQuery/javascript

Completely new to JS and jQuery here. The code iterates through each one of the bars and when you press the Reset button, it should shrink the bars down to zero. However, I am trying to get this bar graph animation to stop but once you press the button, it goes through the animation and resets back again to where it was before. Any help would be appreciated!
function barGraph(data) {
//Create graph
var graph = document.createElement("div");
graph.id = "barGraph";
//inserting bar graph before previous 'label' div
const target = document.querySelector('#labels');
target.parentNode.insertBefore(graph, labels);
//Styling for graph
graph.style.position = "relative";
graph.style.marginTop = "20px";
graph.style.height = "500px";
graph.style.backgroundColor = "Gainsboro";
graph.style.borderBottomStyle = "solid";
graph.style.borderBottomWidth = "1px";
graph.style.overflow = "hidden";
//Iterating through each bar
var position = 50;
var width = 75;
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i += 1) {
var spendData = data[i];
var bar = document.createElement("div");
//set a unique id for each of the bars
bar.id = data[i].category;
//Styling for bar
bar.style.position = "absolute";
bar.style.left = position + "px";
bar.style.width = width + "px";
bar.style.backgroundColor = spendData.color;
bar.style.height = (spendData.amount) / 5 + "px";
bar.style.bottom = "0px";
bar.innerHTML = "$" + spendData.amount;
bar.style.fontSize = "11px";
bar.style.color = "Azure";
bar.style.fontWeight = "800";
bar.style.fontFamily = "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif";
bar.style.textAlign = "center";
bar.style.padding = "1em";
//Appending to the graph
//Set bar width
position += (width * 2);
return graph;
window.onload = function() {
var data = [{
category: "Food and Dining",
amount: "2005.00",
color: "CadetBlue"
category: "Auto and Transport",
amount: "1471.31",
color: "CornflowerBlue"
category: "Shopping",
amount: "892.86",
color: "DarkCyan"
category: "Bills and Utilities",
amount: "531.60",
color: "DarkSeaGreen"
category: "Mortgage",
amount: "1646.00",
color: "LightSeaGreen"
category: "Entertainment",
amount: "179.52",
color: "YellowGreen"
document.getElementById("resetGraph").addEventListener("click", function() {
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var bar = document.getElementById(data[i].category);
if (bar) {
"height": "0px",
"padding": "0px"
}, 2000);
var graph = barGraph(data);
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="labels"></div>
<button id="resetGraph">Reset graph</button>
<script src="js/spending-graph.js"></script>
Dom's animate() function will return an AnimationPlaybackEvent object. And we can use onFinish method to reset the height and width of the dom element or can hide it.
Can you please add following lines to your code after bar.animate() function.
e.currentTarget.effect.target.style.visibility ="hidden"
like below snippet.
"height": "0px",
"padding": "0px"
}, 2000).onfinish=function(e){
e.currentTarget.effect.target.style.visibility ="hidden"
Interesting question! AFAICT the problem is that you've mixed up jQuery's .animate() with the native Javascript .animate().
Your question is tagged jQuery-animate, you mention it explicitly, and the format of the parameter you are passing to .animate() is exactly what jQuery expects.
But your animate code is running against an HTML DOM element, not a jQuery element:
// bar here is an HTML DOM Element, not a jQuery object:
var bar = document.getElementById(data[i].category);
// That means this will run JS .animate, not jQuery's:
bar.animate( ... );
If you simply change that to run against a jQuery object, it works (almost) as expected:
var bar = $('#' + data[i].category);
bar.animate( ... );
I say almost because there is another problem:
bar.id = data[i].category;
This creates HTML IDs from your plain English categories, which include whitespace, like "Food and Dining". According to the spec:
id's value must not contain whitespace (spaces, tabs etc.).
And at least when trying to use IDs with spaces as jQuery selectors, this matters, and it does not work. So instead let's just use the array index, which is also guaranteed to be unique, with a prefix so we know what we're referring to:
bar.id = 'bar-' + i;
Here's a working snippet with those 2 changes.
Note: the last document.div.appendChild(graph); was throwing an error - maybe this was a debugging attempt, it isn't necessary and I've commented it out here.
function barGraph(data) {
//Create graph
var graph = document.createElement("div");
graph.id = "barGraph";
//inserting bar graph before previous 'label' div
const target = document.querySelector('#labels');
target.parentNode.insertBefore(graph, labels);
//Styling for graph
graph.style.position = "relative";
graph.style.marginTop = "20px";
graph.style.height = "500px";
graph.style.backgroundColor = "Gainsboro";
graph.style.borderBottomStyle = "solid";
graph.style.borderBottomWidth = "1px";
graph.style.overflow = "hidden";
//Iterating through each bar
var position = 50;
var width = 75;
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i += 1) {
var spendData = data[i];
var bar = document.createElement("div");
//set a unique id for each of the bars
// UPDATED - category includes spaces, just use array index
// bar.id = data[i].category;
bar.id = 'bar-' + i;
//Styling for bar
bar.style.position = "absolute";
bar.style.left = position + "px";
bar.style.width = width + "px";
bar.style.backgroundColor = spendData.color;
bar.style.height = (spendData.amount) / 5 + "px";
bar.style.bottom = "0px";
bar.innerHTML = "$" + spendData.amount;
bar.style.fontSize = "11px";
bar.style.color = "Azure";
bar.style.fontWeight = "800";
bar.style.fontFamily = "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif";
bar.style.textAlign = "center";
bar.style.padding = "1em";
//Appending to the graph
//Set bar width
position += (width * 2);
return graph;
window.onload = function() {
var data = [{
category: "Food and Dining",
amount: "2005.00",
color: "CadetBlue"
category: "Auto and Transport",
amount: "1471.31",
color: "CornflowerBlue"
category: "Shopping",
amount: "892.86",
color: "DarkCyan"
category: "Bills and Utilities",
amount: "531.60",
color: "DarkSeaGreen"
category: "Mortgage",
amount: "1646.00",
color: "LightSeaGreen"
category: "Entertainment",
amount: "179.52",
color: "YellowGreen"
document.getElementById("resetGraph").addEventListener("click", function() {
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
// UPDATED: 1. use new format ID without spaces
// UPDATED: 2. use jQuery selector/animation
// UPDATED: 3. use bar.length to test if selector matched anything
var bar = $('#bar-' + i);
if (bar.length) {
"height": "0px",
"padding": "0px"
}, 2000);
var graph = barGraph(data);
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="labels"></div>
<button id="resetGraph">Reset graph</button>
So what is happening in your original code? I am not sure. It is the native Javascript .animate() that is running, not jQuery's. The first parameter of the Javascipt .animate() method should be:
Either an array of keyframe objects, or a keyframe object whose properties are arrays of values to iterate over.
Your code is passing an object, not an array, so .animate() will expect the latter, "a keyframe object". The Keyframe Formats spec gives a little more detail and some examples for what "a keyframe object" looks like:
opacity: [ 0, 1 ], // [ from, to ]
color: [ "#fff", "#000" ] // [ from, to ]
}, 2000);
Your object does not match this format though - each attribute is just a string, not an array of start/stop values. The Keyframe docs also describe Implicit to/from keyframes:
In newer browser versions, you are able to set a beginning or end state for an animation only (i.e. a single keyframe), and the browser will infer the other end of the animation if it is able to.
My guess is this is what is happening, somehow? The browser is inferring an implicit end frame of the start values?
I tried to update your code to use the right Keyframe format, so you can use the native .animate() and skip jQuery all together, but it does not work - the bars reset to their original height after the animation, just like in your original code, I don't know why:
document.getElementById("resetGraph").addEventListener("click", function() {
var bar, startHeight;
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
bar = document.getElementById('bar-' + i);
if (bar) {
startHeight = window.getComputedStyle(bar).height;
height: [startHeight, '0px'],
padding: ['1em', '0']
}, 2000);

JavaScript, Trying to get buttons to move on click

var young_link = {
power: 30,
cpower: 20,
hp: 3,
image: "../images/young_link.jpg",
var young_zelda = {
power: 30,
cpower: 20,
hp: 3,
var impa = {
power: 30,
cpower: 20,
hp: 3,
var hey = {
power: 30,
cpower: 20,
hp: 3,
$(document).ready(function() {
var hero_image = new Array();
hero_image[0] = new Image();
hero_image[0].src = 'assets/images/link.png';
hero_image[0].id = 'image';
hero_image[1] = new Image();
hero_image[1].src = 'assets/images/bongo.png';
hero_image[1].id = 'image';
hero_image[2] = new Image();
hero_image[2].src = 'assets/images/gandondorf.jpg';
hero_image[2].id = 'image';
hero_image[3] = new Image();
hero_image[3].src = 'assets/images/queen.png';
hero_image[3].id = 'image';
//var test = "<img src= '../images/young_link.jpg'>";
//var young_hero = ["young_link","young_zelda","impa", "malon"];
var young_hero = ["Link", "Bongo Bongo","Gandondorf","Queen Gohma"];
var health = [100, 70, 120, 50];
for (var i = 0; i < young_hero.length; i++) {
var hero_btns = $("<buttons>");
hero_btns.addClass("hero hero_button");
$(".hero_button").on("click" , function() {
var battle_ground = $("<div>");
battle_ground.addClass("hero hero_button");
The for loop is working and appending the buttons on the screen. But in $(".hero_button").on("click" , function() it is just putting a empty box on the page with a click. So, it is not taking the data that is attached to the button.
Sam answered your question correctly and rightly deserves the accepted answer. But I wanted to give you an insight into how you can do this in a cleaner way, without lots of arrays which must line up. Also without using jQuery at all. Below you can see a more object oriented way to do this.
You can see it in action in this jsFiddle
// Now we have an object which represents a hero. No need to duplicate loads of code.
function Hero(heroData) {
this.name = heroData.name;
this.health = heroData.health;
this.setImage = function() {
this.image = new Image();
this.image.src = heroData.imageSrc;
this.image.id = heroData.imageId;
this.createHeroButton = function() {
this.createButtonElement = function() {
var heroButton = document.createElement('button');
heroButton.setAttribute('name', this.name);
heroButton.setAttribute('health', this.health);
this.button = heroButton;
this.attachButtonEvents = function() {
this.button.addEventListener('click', this.addButtonToPage.bind(this));
this.addButtonToPage = function() {
var container = document.getElementById('container');
this.takeDamage = function(damageValue) {
this.health -= damageValue;
this.button.setAttribute('health', this.health);
// So here we create a Hero instance, in this case Link, we can use now describe links attributes, image, name, health...
var link = new Hero({
name: 'Link',
health: 100,
imageSrc: 'http://orig12.deviantart.net/8bb7/f/2011/276/4/e/four_swords_link_avatar_by_the_missinglink-d4bq8qn.png',
imageId: 'link-image'
var mario = new Hero({
name: 'Mario',
health: 100,
imageSrc: 'http://rs568.pbsrc.com/albums/ss123/stvan000/thumb-super-mario-bros-8bit-Mario.jpg~c200',
imageId: 'mario-image'
// Now we can easily make a button and add it to the page
// Lets try decreasing the health on mario
// Because we have an object reference which handles all of our heros state we can decrease his health and update the buttons data without much trouble.
A couple of changes to get the data set and read correctly:
make button tags instead of buttons
use .attr() instead of .data() to get the attributes
See comments inline in the code below.
Also, instead of adding an attribute for the Image object of each item (which will add an attribute like data-image="[Object object]") just add an integer corresponding to the iterator index and use that to reference into the hero_image array when you need to get the corresponding image.
Additionally, you can use Array.forEach() to iterate over the items in the heroes array with a callback function. That way you don't have to worry about updating the iterator variable (i in this case) and indexing into the array. You should take a look at this functional programming guide which has some good exercises.
$(document).ready(function() {
var hero_image = new Array();
hero_image[0] = new Image();
hero_image[0].src = 'assets/images/link.png';
hero_image[0].id = 'image';
hero_image[1] = new Image();
hero_image[1].src = 'assets/images/bongo.png';
hero_image[1].id = 'image';
hero_image[2] = new Image();
hero_image[2].src = 'assets/images/gandondorf.jpg';
hero_image[2].id = 'image';
hero_image[3] = new Image();
hero_image[3].src = 'assets/images/queen.png';
hero_image[3].id = 'image';
var young_heroes = ["Link", "Bongo Bongo", "Gandondorf", "Queen Gohma"];
var health = [100, 70, 120, 50];
young_heroes.forEach(function(young_hero,i) {
var hero_btns = $("<button>");
hero_btns.addClass("hero hero_button");
"data-name": young_hero,
"data-health": health[i],
//instead of adding an attribute for the image object, just add an index
"data-index": i
$(".hero_button").on("click", function() {
var battle_ground = $("<div>");
battle_ground.addClass("hero hero_button");
//use .attr() here instead of .data()
/** My additions -
* I am not sure exactly how this should be done
* so adjust accordingly
//additionally, you can add attributes to the new battle_ground item
/** End my additions **/
#battle div {
border: 1px solid #555;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="buttons"></div>
Battle ground:
<div id="battle"></div>

Maximum call stack size exceeded in custom Image filter

I am looking for a way to fill an Image with an image pattern in a FabricJs canvas, since there is not a built-in image filter to do this. Although my code is still in an early version, basically it should work(unfortunately it doesn't);
All the eavy work is done by applyTo method, where I load an image, then fill an hidden canvas with a pattern. I noticed that there is a function (source) which fall in an infinite recursion:
var pattern = new fabric.Pattern({
source: function () {
width: smile.getWidth() + 5,
height: smile.getHeight() + 5,
return fhc.getElement();
repeat: 'repeat'
I have prepared a demo on JSFiddle
Could anyone help me to understand how to solve this issue?
(function (global) {
'use strict';
var fabric = global.fabric || (global.fabric = {}),
extend = fabric.util.object.extend;
fabric.Image.filters.ImagePatternEffect = fabric.util.createClass(fabric.Image.filters.BaseFilter, {
type: 'ImagePatternEffect',
initialize: function (options) {
options = options || {};
this.img = options.img;
applyTo: function (canvasEl) {
var w = canvasEl.width;
var h = canvasEl.height;
var hc = document.createElement('canvas');
fabric.Image.fromURL('http://i.imgur.com/0Ks0mlY.png', function (smile) {
hc.setAttribute('width', w);
hc.setAttribute('height', h);
var fhc = new fabric.StaticCanvas(hc);
var pattern = new fabric.Pattern({
source: function () {
width: smile.getWidth() + 5,
height: smile.getHeight() + 5,
return fhc.getElement();
repeat: 'repeat'
var rect = new fabric.Rect({
fill: pattern,
width: w,
height: h
var ifhcContext = fhc.getContext('2d');
var fhcImageData = ifhcContext.getImageData(0, 0, fhc.width, fhc.height);
var fhcData = fhcImageData.data;
var context = canvasEl.getContext('2d'),
imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, canvasEl.width, canvasEl.height),
data = imageData.data;
for (var i = 0, n = data.length; i < n; i += 4) {
data[i] += fhcData[i];
data[i + 1] += fhcData[i + 1];
data[i + 2] += fhcData[i + 2];
context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
toObject: function () {
return extend(this.callSuper('toObject'), {
fabric.Image.filters.ImagePatternEffect.fromObject = function (object) {
return new fabric.Image.filters.ImagePatternEffect(object);
})(typeof exports !== 'undefined' ? exports : this);
var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('c');
fabric.Image.fromURL('http://i.imgur.com/qaQ8jir.png', function (img) {
var orImg = img;
img.filters.push(new fabric.Image.filters.ImagePatternEffect({
img: orImg,
width: 300,
height: 300,
}, {
crossOrigin: ''
i also use pattern image on my web application , in order to add it on objects, and it works.
All you need is this function function loadPattern(url, seatObj) where i pass the object which i want to add the pattern each time and the image(pattern) link.
here is the snippet :
function loadPattern(url, seatObj) {
//i use the loadImage function to load the image and pass it to the fabric.Pattern constructor
fabric.util.loadImage(url, function (img) {
//i change the fill property of the object to the
//image that i want to load on it as a pattern
seatObj.fill = new fabric.Pattern({
source: img,
repeat: 'no-repeat'
//refresh canvas and watch your image pattern on the object
hope this helps,
good luck

AngularJS element directive with ng-init runs before view renders

I am attempting to loop through an array and create multiple instances of a custom directive that creates different graphs based on some variables on the rootScope. Everything works fine except when I try to place those in a view and call ng-init to a method on the scope and pass it arguments.
What I am finding is that ng-init seems to run before anything (and I think ng-init is the wrong approach), which causes errors because the variables being set in the method aren't set yet when the ng-init runs in the view.
When I first load the index view, then go into this view, all is well, but when I try to load this view first or reload it, I am getting the errors. The ng-init is trying to call the chart() method before anything else runs.
On the index view, I have this chart in a modal that gets called onclick, so ng-init is not needed, therefore it works great.
I am a little stuck and what I need is advice on the "right" or better way to accomplish this.
On the detail view, I need to loop across that array to get four charts based on four different objects of data.
The data is a static file for now, as this is a prototype.
My code is essentially this:
<div id="chart_list">
<div class="chart" ng-repeat="val in ['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl']" ng-init="chart('line', val, itemId, val)">
<h3>{{val | uppercase}}</h3>
AppController method:
// get data set up for chart consumption
$scope.chart = function(chart, kpi, socId, chartId) {
$rootScope.visualize = {};
$rootScope.visualize.chart = chart;
$rootScope.visualize.chartId = chartId;
$rootScope.visualize.val = val;
$rootScope.visualize.item = $rootScope.itemList[itemId];
$rootScope.visualize.valName = $rootScope.visualize.item[val].name;
DetailView controller:
app.controller('ItemDetailController', function($scope, $rootScope, $routeParams, ItemList) {
var itemId = $scope.itemId = $routeParams.itemId;
ItemList.get({}, function(res) {
$rootScope.itemList = res.data;
$scope.item = $rootScope.itemList[itemId];
app.factory('ItemList', function($resource){
return $resource("/api/item-list.json");
app.directive('chart', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
link: function(scope, element, attrs){
if ($(window).width() <= 1200){
var width = 300;
} else {
var width = 450;
var visualize = scope.visualize;
var data = visualize.soc[visualize.val].data;
var numTicks = Object.keys(data).length;
element.append('<div class="chart_container"><div id="y_axis' + visualize.chartId +'" class="y_axis"></div><div id="chart' + visualize.chartId + '" class="chart"></div><div id="x_axis' + visualize.chartId + '" class="x_axis"></div></div>');
element.append('<div id="legend_container' + visualize.chartId +'" class="legend_container"><div id="smoother' + visualize.chartId +'" title="Smoothing"></div><div id="legend' + visualize.chartId +'"></div></div>');
var valSeries = [];
var valSeries2 = [];
var valSeries3 = [];
var valMap = {};
var i = 0;
Object.keys(data).forEach(function(propertyName) {
var value = data[propertyName];
var val2 = (Math.random() * (102 - 87) + 86) / 100;
var val3 = (Math.random() * (95 - 70) + 69) / 100;
valSeries.push({x: i, y: data[propertyName].amount});
valSeries2.push({x: i, y: data[propertyName].amount * val2});
valSeries3.push({x: i, y: data[propertyName].amount * val3});
valMap[i] = data[propertyName].name;
var graph = new Rickshaw.Graph({
element: document.querySelector('#chart' + visualize.chartId),
width: width,
height: 150,
renderer: visualize.chart,
stroke: true,
series: [
data: valSeries3,
color: '#F0AD4E',
name: 'Three years ago',
data: valSeries2,
color: '#5BC0DE',
name: 'Two years ago',
data: valSeries,
color: '#5CB85C',
name: 'Past year'
var format = function(n) {
var map = valMap;
return map[n];
var x_ticks = new Rickshaw.Graph.Axis.X({
graph: graph,
width: width,
orientation: 'bottom',
element: document.getElementById('x_axis' + visualize.chartId),
pixelsPerTick: width/numTicks,
tickFormat: format
var y_axis = new Rickshaw.Graph.Axis.Y({
graph: graph,
orientation: 'left',
tickFormat: Rickshaw.Fixtures.Number.formatKMBT,
element: document.getElementById('y_axis' + visualize.chartId),
var hoverDetail = new Rickshaw.Graph.HoverDetail({
graph: graph,
formatter: function(series, x, y) {
var content = app.lib[visualize.dataFormat](parseInt(y)) + "<br>";
return content;
var legend = new Rickshaw.Graph.Legend( {
graph: graph,
element: document.getElementById('legend' + visualize.chartId)
} );
var shelving = new Rickshaw.Graph.Behavior.Series.Toggle( {
graph: graph,
legend: legend
} );
I fixed this by removing the chart method altogether and replacing ng-init with attributes. Something like this:
<chart data-attrone="somedata" data-attrtwo="some other data" />
Then the attrs are available in the directive with attrs.attrone, etc.
Attribute names must be lower-case.
Hope this helps someone in the future.
I fixed this by removing the chart method altogether and replacing ng-init with attributes. Something like this:
<chart data-attrone="somedata" data-attrtwo="some other data" />
Then the attrs are available in the directive with attrs.attrone, etc.
Attribute names must be lower-case.
Hope this helps someone in the future.

Combining two control panels(AB) or toggle them (A) or (B)

I have two control panels; one is for the default draw features, the other for measure tools.
The problem is that since they are in different panels it is possible to run two controls simultaneously, one from each panel. (this didn't seem like much of a problem before, but I noticed that when the measure and default draw tools are activated together, they cancel out the line end function)
What I am trying to do is either place all controls in one panel and toggle them together or toggle the panels(e.g. when control from panel 1 is activated, deactivate all controls in panel 2)
Here is my code:
Default Controls Panel:
OpenLayers.Control.CustomNavToolbar = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control.Panel,{
initialize: function(options){
OpenLayers.Control.Panel.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [options]);
new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation({displayClass: 'olControlNavigation', zoomBoxEnabled:false}),
new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(vlayer, OpenLayers.Handler.Point, {displayClass: 'olControlDrawPoint'}),
new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(vlayer, OpenLayers.Handler.Path, {displayClass: 'olControlDrawPath'}),
new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(vlayer, OpenLayers.Handler.Polygon, {displayClass: 'olControlDrawPolygon'}),
new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomBox({displayClass: 'olControlZoomBox', alwaysZoom:true})
this.displayClass = 'olControlCustomNavToolbar'
draw: function(){
var div = OpenLayers.Control.Panel.prototype.draw.apply(this, arguments);
this.defaultControl = this.controls[0];
return div;
var panel = new OpenLayers.Control.CustomNavToolbar({div:OpenLayers.Util.getElement('panel')});
Measure Controls Panel:
allControls = {
line: new OpenLayers.Control.Measure(OpenLayers.Handler.Path, {
persist: true,
handlerOptions: {
layerOptions: {
renderers: renderer,
styleMap: styleMap
textNodes: null,
this.textNodes = [];
// vlayer.destroyFeatures(vlayer.features);
mouseMovements = 0;
function(point, line){
if(mouseMovements++ < 5){
var len = line.geometry.components.length;
var from = line.geometry.components[len -2];
var to = line.geometry.components[len -1];
var ls = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString([from, to]);
var dist = this.getBestLength(ls);
var total = this.getBestLength(line.geometry);
var label = dist[0].toFixed(3) + " " + dist[1];
var textNode = this.textNodes[len -2] || null;
if(textNode && !textNode.layer){
textNode = null;
var c = ls.getCentroid();
textNode = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(c.x, c.y), {}, {
label: "",
fontColor: "#800517",
fontSize: "13px",
fontFamily: "Tahoma",
fontWeight: "bold",
labelAlign: "cm"
textNode.geometry.x = (from.x + to.x) / 2;
textNode.geometry.y = (from.y + to.y) / 2;
textNode.style.label = label;
this.events.triggerEvent("measuredynamic", {
measure: dist[0],
total: total[0],
units: dist[1],
order: 1,
geometry: ls
polygon: new OpenLayers.Control.Measure(
OpenLayers.Handler.Polygon, {
persist: true,
immediate: true,
handlerOptions: {
layerOptions: {
renderers: renderer,
styleMap: styleMap
var control;
for(var key in allControls) {
control = allControls[key];
"measure": handleMeasurements,
"measurepartial": handleMeasurements
..and just for reference
function handleMeasurements(evt){
var geometry = evt.geometry;
var units = evt.units;
var order = evt.order;
var measure = evt.measure;
var element = document.getElementById('output');
var position = (map.getLonLatPxFromViewPortPx);
var out = "";
if(order == 1){
out += "Distance: " + measure.toFixed(3) + " " + units;
out += "Area: " + measure.toFixed(3) + " " + units + "<sup>2</" + "sup>";
element.innerHTML = out;
function toggleControl(element){
for(key in allControls){
var control = allControls[key];
if(element.value == key && element.click){
var label = document.getElementById('output');
var emptyOut = "";
label.innerHTML = emptyOut;
Been looking for a way to do this and so far have not been able to find anything useful, if you could help me with some suggestions about how to go about this it would be very appreciated. Thanks
EDIT: I am not using GeoExt and am not considering using it. I'm looking for suggestions about how to go about this using only the OpenLayers 2.11 library. Thanks again.

