angularjs show with animation on true and hide after delay - javascript

<div ng-show="IsError">ERROR !!</div>
<button ng-click="validate()">Validate</button>
function MainController($scope, ) {
$scope.IsError = false;
$scope.validate = function (val) {
$scope.IsError = true;
setTimeout(function () {
$scope.IsError = false;
}, 1500);
On validate() div show but not hide.
How show div hide after 1.5 sec with angular (no DOM manipulate)?
How animate show and hide with transparent?

You can use $timeout service like below:
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope,$timeout) {
$scope.IsError = false;
$scope.validate = function (val) {
$scope.IsError = true;
$timeout(function () {
$scope.IsError = false;
}, 1500);
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">
<div ng-show="IsError">ERROR !!</div>
<button ng-click="validate()">Validate</button>


Using service and ng-class on checkboxes click

var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('checkCtrl', ['$scope','sharedService', function($scope, sharedService) {
$scope.isCutScore = function() {
if($ {
$scope.val = true;
} else {
app.controller('divCtrl', ['$scope', 'sharedService', function($scope, sharedService) {
$scope.addClass = function() {
if(flag == true) {
return EL;
} else {
return EP;
app.service('sharedService', function() {
var flag = false;
if(angular.element('#cutScoreCheck').is(':checked')) {
flag = true;
} else {
flag = false;
Add and remove class to a div using ng-class on click of checkbox. But challenge is checkbox and div to which we need to apply and remove class are in different controllers. And compulsion here is to use a service which is shared by both the controllers.
In the following example if we check the checkbox, 'EL' class should be applied and if we uncheck the box, this class will be removed and 'EP' should be applied.
you can use this. Works here.
I have added function to service, it will be called when user check the checkbox and I used $rootScope to reach AddClass method in different controller.
your body html
<body ng-app="myApp">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-4 checkDiv" ng-controller="checkCtrl">
<input type="checkbox" id="cutScoreCheck" ng-model="cc" ng-change="checkDiv()"/>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-4 container" ng-controller="divCtrl" ng-class="flag ? 'EL' : 'EP'">500</div>
<script src="CtrlCheck.js"></script>
Js part:
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('checkCtrl', ['$scope','sharedService', '$rootScope',function($scope, sharedService,$rootScope) {
$scope.checkDiv = function(){
var flag = sharedService.CheckDiv($;
app.controller('divCtrl', ['$scope', 'sharedService', '$rootScope',function($scope, sharedService,$rootScope,$apply) {
$scope.flag = false;
$rootScope.addClass = function(flag) {
if(flag == 'true') {
$scope.divClass = "EL";
} else {
$scope.divClass = "EP";
$scope.flag = flag;
app.service('sharedService', function() {
var flag = false;
this.CheckDiv = function (isChecked) {
if(isChecked) {
flag = true;
} else {
flag = false;
return flag;

AngularJs Counter to count up to a specific target number

I am trying to create a counter using Angularjs which should count up to a number which is already present in that division. Here is my html snippet.
<div class="circle-home">
<span class="circle-home-score " id="counterofreviews" data-count="{{noReviews}}">{{noReviews}}</span> REVIEWS
Now when I am trying to get the value inside the span I get it as {{noReviews}} instead of its value.
Here is my AngularJs code.
var demoApp = angular.module(['demoApp','ngRoute','ui.bootstrap']);
demoApp.controller('SearchController',function ($scope, $http, $facebook, $interval){
$scope.childOnLoad = function() {
var stop;
stop = $interval(function() {
if ($scope.uppercount >$scope.no_Reviews) {
console.log('Inside if statement');
} else {
}, 100);
$scope.stopFight = function() {
if (angular.isDefined(stop)) {
stop = undefined;
Output of console.log($scope.uppercount) is {{noReviews}}. I am unable to figure out a proper way to do it. Please suggest the correction or any other better method for the same perpose.
Not sure why do you use jQuery to get the #counterofreviews value. Is the value there because it's added from a server side script?
As mentioned in the comments, your code is probably not working because jQuery.text() is returning a string. Using parseInt(text) could work.
Please have a look at the demo below and here at jsfiddle.
It's more Angular and should help you getting started with your counter.
var demoApp = angular.module('demoApp', []); //'ngRoute','ui.bootstrap']);
demoApp.controller('SearchController', function ($scope, $http, $interval) { //$facebook,
$scope.noReviews = 100;
//$scope.childOnLoad = function () {
this.upperCount = 10; //$("#counterofreviews").text();
var stop;
this.startCounter = function () { // needed for re-run on change
//console.log(stop, this);
this.no_Reviews = 0;
if ( angular.isUndefined(stop) )
stop = $interval(checkCount.bind(this), 100);
function checkCount() {
if (this.upperCount >= this.no_Reviews) {
this.noReviews = this.no_Reviews;
//console.log('Inside if statement');
} else {
function stopFight() {
if (angular.isDefined(stop)) {
stop = undefined;
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="demoApp" class="circle-home" ng-controller="SearchController as ctrl">Review max.:
<input ng-model="ctrl.upperCount" ng-change="ctrl.startCounter()"/> <span class="circle-home-score " id="counterofreviews" data-count="{{ctrl.upperCount}}">{{ctrl.noReviews}}</span> REVIEWS</div>

how to hide a div starting the code, angularjs

I am using this code to check the Internet end user.$window, $rootScope) {
$ = navigator.onLine;
$window.addEventListener("offline", function () {
$rootScope.$apply(function() {
$ = false;
}, false);
$window.addEventListener("online", function () {
$rootScope.$apply(function() {
$ = true;
}, false);
I have a div on my page that way. By default it is as display:none;
<div id="connec_failed">...</div>
How do I display this div starting the code that checks the internet if the result return false?
How to hide the div again when the result returns true?
Use ng-hide: if online
<div id="connec_failed" ng-hide="online">...</div>

How to set ng-disabled inside directive

My directive has
link: function ($scope, $elm, $attrs) {
var status = $scope.item.status
if (status) {
var statusName =,
item = $scope.item;
if (statusName === 'USED') {
$attrs.$set('ng-disabled', true); // this doesn't work
} else {
$elm.attr('ng-disabled', false);
So, my question is:
How to apply ng-disabled to element with this directive?
if (statusName === 'USED') {
$attrs.$set('disabled', 'disabled');
} else {
Why invoke ng-disable at all? You're already once evaluating the condition yourself, so having ng-disable evaluating it again is redundant.
You would set ng-disabled to a scope variable, ex:
<input ng-disabled="isDisabled" />
And then inside your directive you can set that variable:
$scope.isDisabled = true;
<div ng-app="miniapp" ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<input type="submit" mydir>
'use strict';
var app = angular.module('miniapp', []);
app.directive('mydir', function ($compile) {
return {
priority:1001, // compiles first
terminal:true, // prevent lower priority directives to compile after it
compile: function(el) {
el.removeAttr('mydir'); // necessary to avoid infinite compile loop
return function(scope){
var status = scope.item.status
if (status === 'USED') {
} else {
var fn = $compile(el);
app.controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope) {
$scope.item = {};
$scope.item.status = 'USED';
credit to Ilan Frumer

Custom styled checkbox not working properly

Currently I'm using multiple blocks of the following code as my custom styled checkbox:
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12 card card-even">
<h3><label class="checkbox">
<i class="icon-check-empty"></i>
<input type="checkbox" value="1" />
The JS:
shinyCheckbox: function() {
var setIcon;
setIcon = function($el) {
var checkbox, iclass;
checkbox = $el.find("input[type=checkbox]");
iclass = "";
if (":checked")) {
iclass = "icon-ok";
} else {
iclass = "icon-check-empty";
return $el.find("i[class^=icon-]").removeClass("icon-check").removeClass("icon-check-empty").addClass(iclass);
this.find("input[type=checkbox]").change(function() {
return setIcon($(this).parents("label.checkbox"));
return this.each(function(i, el) {
return setIcon($(el));
$(document).ready(function() {
return $("label.checkbox").shinyCheckbox();
Im able to achieve my requirement by styling the icon-check-empty & icon-check classes but when i click any checkbox only the first checkbox gets activated.
How can i use the this keyword to solve the issue such that the correct checkbox is activated?
This is the way I'd do it, based on your code:
shinyCheckbox: function () {
var setIcon = function ($el) {
var checkbox = $el.find("input[type=checkbox]"), checked =':checked');
return $el.find("i[class^=icon-]").removeClass("icon-check-empty icon-ok").addClass(function () {
return checked ? "icon-ok" : "icon-check-empty";
this.find("input[type=checkbox]").on('change', function () {
return setIcon($(this).closest("label.checkbox"));
return this.each(function (i, el) {
return setIcon($(el));
$(document).ready(function () {
The main issue was that you weren't removing the icon-ok class, only the icon-check class. I also cleaned the code up a little.
Here it is working:
you can try
shinyCheckbox: function() {
return this.each(function() {
var el=$(this),checkbox = el.find("input[type=checkbox]");
checkbox.change(function() {
var iclass =":checked")?"icon-ok":"icon-check-empty";
var cval=":checked")?0:1;
$(document).ready(function() {
toogle class and value

