JavaScript URL issue with Permalinks enabled - javascript

I am using the following JavaScript function to fetch the data using ajax call
function findName() {
var name = "Jhon";
method: "POST",
url: "oc-content/themes/bender/ajax-test.php",
data: { name : name },
success: function (data) {
It calls the following php file and works fine.
But when I enable SEO friendly Permalinks in my CMS current page URL is appended in start of link and I get the following error in Chrome Console.
GET 404 (Not Found)
Anybody tell me how to solve this issue?

The url you've provided in the ajax call is document relative. When you changed the server's url generation scheme, you also caused the url pointed at by the ajax call to change.
Adjust the ajax url, changing:
url: "oc-content/themes/bender/ajax-test.php",
url: "/osclass/oc-content/themes/bender/ajax-test.php",

Why don't you make the URL server-relative? Something like this:
function findName() {
var name = "Jhon";
method: "POST",
url: "/osclass/oc-content/themes/bender/ajax-test.php",
data: { name : name },
success: function (data) {

As you have not posted the php code. I would mention that any url directly navigated through addressbar of browser causes in the GET request and i can see you have a POST request in the ajax, so, it can't work.
Workaround would be to use $_REQUEST super globals at php end. $_REQUEST would work for $_GET/$_POST requests.


Wikipedia API. File not found Error

I'm trying to make a wikipedia search bar. The idea is to send a new AJAX request every time search input is changed. I'm using as a guideline.
var search = $('#search');
search.keyup(function() {
if (search.val() === '') {
url: '//',
data: {
action: 'query',
list: 'search',
format: 'json',
srsearch: search.val()
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(response) {
However, success function is not even triggered.
On any keypress the error I get is this ("d" pressed):
jquery-2.1.1.min.js:4 GET file://>callback=jQuery21107844703783826772_1484403407494&action=query&list=search&srse>arch=d&format=json&_=1484403407495 net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
Thank you in advance for any help or guidance!
Well, you're probably trying to do a AJAX request without a local server (opening your file directly in the browser).
First of all, your url options starts with //en... (without the protocol). It indicates that it'll construct your full url using the same protocol you're using. In this case: file://. That's because your browser is trying to reach file://
So, you can set your url to to make it work.
Just replace:
url: '//',
url: '',
Looks like you're running it from a simple html file located in your filesystem, in other words not running it from a web server (even local).
Try calling the api with
url: ''
or run the file from a web server (can be a local one).

JQuery Ajax petition is modifiying given URL

I want to consume a API Rest aplication using JQuery Ajax. this is the code that I have:
var res=$('#myForm').attr('action');
url: res,
success: function (data) {
dataType: 'html'
The console.log sentence is printing the url correctly, I just copied and pasted it into the browser and its correct, it's something like this:
But then, the request gives a 404 error, and the URL that is requesting is this one:
So, why it's attaching another localhost line to the url? I just don't understand!
All you need is to get the part after localhost. For this, please use split method.
var res=$('#myForm').attr('action');
url: res.split('localhost')[1],
success: function (data) {
dataType: 'html'

Passing variables with URL not working quite right using PHP and ajax

I'm using AJAX to update a page every 5000 milliseconds. It works great but I have ran into one issue. When I try and get data that is in the URL using $_GET or $_POST it does not work. It instead returns a value of a 1. Here is some example code.
In main.php I have this:
$(document).ready(function worker() {
url: 'Request.php',
type: 'POST',
success: function(data) {
complete: function() {
setTimeout(worker, 5000);
and when this is called it fires off the request.php. In request.php I have some code to grab what was added in the URL by a previous page but it dose not work. It goes something like this:
$value = $_get['test'];
This is supposed to return the value in the URL parameter test but it does not work.
You forgot to send data with the ajax query,
In this code, you can add GET data by append a query string to url value, or send POST data by setting data property of the request,
url: 'Request.php?query=string&is=here',
type: 'POST',
data: {to: 'post', goes: 'here'},
success: function(data) {
complete: function() {
setTimeout(worker, 5000);
see also
I've commented it as well but I'll post it as answer:
Change POST to GET in your jQuery AJAX request.
Use request.php instead of Request.php or the other way around.
Use $_GET instead of $_get. This variable is case sensitive.
Your not sending any data here. You can send the required data in Url or in Data Field.
url: 'Request.php?test=xyz',
data: data,

How to get a json response from yaler

I create an account with yaler, to comunicate with my arduino yun. It works fine, and i'm able to switch on and off my leds.
Then i created a web page, with a button that calls an ajax function with GET method to yaler (yaler web server accept REST style on the URL)
url: "",
dataType: "json",
success: function(msg){
var jsonStr = msg;
error: function(err){
This code seem to work fine, infact the led switches off and on, but i expect a json response in success function (msg) like this:
But i get an error (error function). I also tried to alert the err.responseText, but it is undefined....
How could i solve the issue? Any suggestions???
Thanks in advance....
If the Web page containing the above Ajax request is served from a different origin, you'll have to work around the same origin policy of your Web browser.
There are two ways to do this (based on
CORS, i.e. adding the header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * to the Yun Web service
JSONP, i.e. getting the Yun to serve an additional JS function if requested by the Ajax call with a query parameter ?callback=?
CORS can probably be configured in the OpenWRT part of the Yun, while JSONP could be added to the Brige.ino code (which you seem to be using).
I had the same problem. I used JSONP to solve it. JSONP is JSON with padding. Basically means you send the JSON data with a sort of wrapper.
Instead of just the data you have to send a Java Script function and this is allowed by the internet.
So instead of your response being :
It should be:
I changed the yunYaler.ino to do this.
So for the html :
var url = '';
type: 'GET',
url: url,
async: false,
jsonpCallback: 'showResult',
contentType: "application/json",
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(json) {
error: function(e) {
function showResult(show)
var str = "command = "+show.command;// you can do the others the same way.
alert (str);
My JSON is wrapped with a showResult() so its made JSONP and its the function I called in the callback.
Hope this helps. If CORS worked for you. Could you please put up how it worked here.

POSTing JSON data to Server URL

I am facing problem when I am posting a JSON data to the server using Ajax call in jQuery the function does not enter success mode. When I post using the POSTER Plugin of Firefox it gets posted successfully. Sharing the code snippet and screenshot of the same:
function showSubscribeContent()
alert("*1*------- SUB CLICKED");
var myJSONData = '{"data":{"mode" : "subscribe","technologyareas":[1],"assettypes":["podcast","documents"]}}';
alert("*2*------- POSTING--------->"+myJSONData);
type: 'POST',
url: '',
data: myJSONData,
dataType: 'application/xml',
success: function(data) {
} // Success Function
}); // Ajax Call
I am getting alert number 1 and 2 but not 3.
Also when I post using POSTER plugin of Firefox, it gets posted easily.
The Response is success.
I am unable to post the same data using AJAX call.
Unless and until the URL in your AJAX call is of the same Domain, I don't think it will get posted successfully. POSTER plugin of Firefox doesn't put any such restriction on the domain, but browser will put this restriction on the application.
Try checking in the error: function(){alert(4);}
to see if it reaches the error handler atleast
Please clearify what you want, when using POSTER Plugin of Firefox you have specified datatype as json where as when using ajax you are using xml.
If you what to post data as JSON use JSON.stringify which accepts JSON object and convert it to string.
Try with this code
function showSubscribeContent()
alert("*1*------- SUB CLICKED");
var myJSONData = {"data":{"mode" : "subscribe","technologyareas":[1],"assettypes":["podcast","documents"]}};
alert("*2*------- POSTING--------->"+myJSONData);
type: 'POST',
url: '',
data: myJSONData,
dataType: 'application/json',
success: function(data) {
} // Success Function
}); // Ajax Call
Here I have changed the following lines
Converted myJSONData to a JSON object from string
var myJSONData = {"data":{"mode" : "subscribe","technologyareas":[1],"assettypes":["podcast","documents"]}};
Note: try with the string(the way you were doing) if this is not working for you
Changed datatyle to JSON
dataType: 'application/json',
Adding a header in beforeSend Function worked fine for me. Security reasons of CORS.

