multiple eqneditor of ckeditor not showing math overlay - javascript

I am using equation editor(for math function) plugin with ck-editor. In a single page where i am using multiple editor. when i am hover on math symbols it showing all function for only one editor but not multiple.
Please help how to show all functions for all editor in a single page.

I don't know if this topic is still open to discussion, but I felt at the same problem this week, and I've developed a solution.
It's just a .JS file you need to add at your project, and I'll fix this error.


React horizontal Scrolling Menu?

I am building a nextjs application. In my project I am not using TypeScript. I am using Javascript. I need a horizontal scroll on mouse wheel and also on touch. I haven't find any react packages. But I find one react package - react-horizontal-scrolling-menu. I see all demo. It perfect for my project. But I am facing one problem. Al of it's example create in TypeScript. But I am not using typeScript. If I copy the code, Then I get many error?
In this situation, What I have to do. I am not understanding?
Please can anyone help me. I am facing this issue over 10 days. Please do not dislike or close my questions.
Converted to JavaScript. You only needed to remove types and change tsx, ts to jsx, js.
You just need to get rid of every type definition of typescript. Every type in TypeScript is written after the variable name behind ":". So, in the codesandbox example, remove things like ": number" or ": void" at the end of functions.
Edit: im on mobile now, so i can't send you the Javascript code. The things you should look for are on line 17, 20 and 57. Hope the helps you.
I am using also the component for my project which not typescript. As someone suggested I just removed the type definitons in the Arrow function.

antd image upload Need to convert class based component into react -hooks and unable to increase the width and height of image

I am facing this issue. I have attached the code and error and CodeSandbox link.
Tried to fix the issue in various methods and ways but it's not fixing.
I am not able to know why it's getting an error I don't understand the exact issue in the code. Could anyone help with the solution?
I think I got it to work:
there were many small errors, you might want to compare with your original code to figure it out by yourself :)
Can u help to try that method using this method :
Need to follow this pattern
The image url in index zero of that array is the primary image.
Use a drag and drop React lib to sort the images (your choice on the React lib)
In regards to the UI, an ‘add image’ button should be displayed if there are less than four images.
There should be a delete icon overlay on each image so that a user could remove an image. hi this need to be achived using

How to use html input box with extra properties?

I want to add the ability to use table, bold, paragraph, headings, images and bullets in a text area. How do I achieve this?
i.e. like we get input box in wordpress when we want to publish page.
Input box like stack over flow. Now i have options of making text bold, rich, images and many more.
I want the same kind of box.
Please tell me how can I?
Thank you
This is typically solved using a Javascript library. There are many javascript libraries that enable this. An example of a popular one is a javascript library named TinyMCE. They all have clear documentation on how to use them. (No need to repeat instructions here)
#ravisachaniya recommends CKEditor
use tinymce it has a lot more options than you need but you can customize it to your needs
You can use CKEditor, i hope solve your isseu

Javascript menu - copy javascript thumb gallery into each area doesn't work

I got a small problem with my webpage.
When you click on "photography" the gallery shows just fine,
but then when you click on "photoshop" something's wrong.
I've copied the exact same code into the photoshop-section, and used javascript fadeIn & fadeOut to show the dif. content, but it doesn't work.
Javascript here:
Do i really have to give it different names/classes, and make both css and javascript several times to make it work?
I tried everything, just can't seem to find the mistake.
- Sabine
This plugin is not written to be used in the way, that it can be reused for multiple galleries on one page, and it would need some massive work to enable this functionality for it.
Quickiest and easiest call for you would be just separat Photography and Photoshop into differeent html documents, so the ids will not colide
Best wishes

Is there any jquery plugin to generate a tip image?

The tip text which highlighted in below image serves wells for giving some instruction to first time user. And I notice such pattern several times in different web apps, I guess there must be some javascript libraries to help generating such tip visualize? But I just fail to find the correct keywords to capture them. Any one give some suggestions please?
[1]: ""
Thx for the suggestions for recommending jquery tooltip plugins.
But other than tooltip widgets, what this questions requests is a more specified “tip plugin” which could be used to generate a transparent tip image which contains simply some words in casual font and an arrow points to parent context. Yes, this is a tooltip but not a ordinary tooltip which comes in the form of a box or bubble.
Traditional tooltip are useful for displaying detail info on the fly, while the tip I mean here performs better to attract attentions to user for providing some quick tutorial instructions without adding too much visual noises**
You can try this:
This plugin is great for tooltips in jQuery:
Demos are available here.
You are looking for some sort of tooltip plugin. Here are a few

