React Relay and server side rendering - javascript

I've been working on an isomorphic app built with react and I've read about using Relay.js and GraphQL for client-server interactions.
I've been wondering, is there any special set up or things to keep in mind when using Relay.js, when using react's server side rendering & isomorphic app development in particular?

React Relay currently has no "out of the box" solution for isomorphic application.
There's still a solution though:
isomorphic-relay: npm package with a very detailed documentation on how to integrate with it easily.
isomorphic-relay-router: npm package that adds server side rendering support to react-router-relay using isomorphic-relay.
For my understanding, adding server side rendering is in the works, but with no ETA.

You need to use babel to transform relay to graphql queries.
Dataloader from facebook or similar is needed for caching.
Your data model need to be fully normalised to work with above.
Try avoiding JSON as column type, difficult to describe in graphql
Use graphiql as browser plugin or standalone


To what extent does Node.js replace Apache2?

I'm in the process of updating an old piece of software (running Apache2, PHP, MariaDB, HTML, CSS) to use a React frontend. I'm completely new to React and I'm between beginner and intermediate with vanilla JavaScript so I've been researching this the last few days.
My confusion is about backend with a React web app. If I want to keep the existing architecture in place aside from frontend, will I be able to painlessly have my apache2/php integrate with my React app? And I'm also confused about the role of Node.js. Some places describe it as just extra libraries, and some places describe it as an Apache2 replacement. I think the source of my confusion is that so far in learning React and Node it always requires me to run npm start. Which feels very much like running a server like apache.
I guess in a nutshell my question is - what will my project structure look like when using a React frontend? Will I have just javascript files and host that on Apache? Or will this need to be run on Node? And where does my PHP fit in, will this need re-written in JS?
EDIT : For further clarification. I'm asking about the differences between a Node.js server and Apache2 server. That's the focus of my issue. Additional points of discussion to help me understand the problem are how PHP and React fit into all this, and whether my understanding of Node as an Apache-like tool is correct. Hopefully that makes this question less broad
For the purposes of building a React app against an existing set of web services: Node.js is used only at build time. It is used to execute the build tools which generate static files which are deployed on your Apache HTTP server.
Node.js is also used to run the development server for the React application that hot reloads it as you save changes to the source code.
Node.js can be used to run an HTTP server which hosts web services written in JavaScript (which which case it either replaces Apache or sits behind Apache (which is configured to act as a reverse proxy) … but that isn't your use case.

NextJS as a backend JS

I got confuse while searching top JS backend framework then I found NextJS is one of the top list, I thought nextjs is just a simplify of CRA and still need like nodejs as the backend. Back to my confusion, so when we normally create a full JS app we will need frontend and backend tech like (nodejs + reactjs) so with this nextjs we can make a app just with nextjs ? **sorry for my bad English
Simply said, NextJS is basically React on wheels and has NodeJS built-in. It has lots of other features built-in so you need almost zero-configuration to build a full-stack app.
If you have 10 minutes to spare, take a look at this video
Essentially NextJS is a full-stack framework. Which means that developers can write both front-end and back-end code in a single environment. It can provide multiple benefits among various use cases. Which can be things like seo optimization, image optimization or quickly switching between different rendering methods (SSR, CSR, ISR or SSG).
As for your question "Can we make an app just with nextjs ?", you certainly can but it depends heavily on what type your app is.

React with Server Side Rendering Stack

In the last few years, I’ve been working with an old fashioned stack, but pretty effective for my use case. The stack was Node + Express.js + Angular.js 1.x.
Basically, the backend made the rendering of the view (via dot.js or Handlebars, any template engine) and then, in the Frontend side, the Angular app was mounted.
The use case needed to be SEO friendly, so the content must be generated at the backend and served directly. Also, the UI has its functionality, forms, etc. It’s not just dummy text.
Currently for a new project with the same use case, I want to update my stack (using SSR aka server side rendering) where the app does not need to be a SPA (single web app). The base stack is still the same (Node + Express.js) and the only thing I want to update is the frontend library / framework.
I am looking for a framework / library with a big community and an easy way to share component and codebase across project. That’s why my first thought was React.
The first thing I found was Next.js and while I was reading and investigating, it goes beyond what I need. It is a quite big framework that has too much stuff I don’t need and I do not want to add overhead to my application and I cannot customize it as I desire.
I continue researching and I found an express package called "express-react-views" that is a template engine for express but it does not allow to mount the React application at the client side.
Browsing through the Github issues of the package, I found many people asking for these and they all end up being answered that Next.js was the way to go.
My doubts / concerns are the following:
Is React the right tool / library for this use case?
In case of not being, what do you recommend?
Being the right one, is there any package / tool on top of React and Express that helps me out with SSR that allows me the customization I need?
I don’t want to rely again in old or antique tools like jQuery or Angular.js 1.x because the maintenance and code sharing across projects is complex and annoying.
The easiest solution, without going deeply into Next.js, is using the native React feature ReactDOMServer:
It's actually pretty easy to use, you just serve the HTML as a string and mount your React App Client Side if you want then to handle requests with React Router.

React: NextJS, do I need 2 servers for deployment?

Stumbled accross NextJS in npm and tried it out. Look pretty good and relatively easy to use. However, one thing about it is still not clear to me:
Suppose I want to have also have a NodeJS (or whatever) api server in complement with the server side rendering that NextJS offers. Do I need 2 server then? For example:
Also is NextJS just a rendering server (which can render React components and creates HTML) or something else/more?
You can definitely use the same server to implement your api.
On official documentation page about Custom server and routing there are examples of integrating with popular node frameworks like express or koa - so you can use them for regular purposes.
What about nextjs itself - like it's said on official documentation page:
Next.js is a minimalistic framework for server-rendered React
So it has not only capabilities of server side rendering, but also routing (including client one), css-in-js setup and so on.

Use React Native components in a Meteor React web application

As we're building a Meteor React web application which will be presented inside a web view inside a react native application. As you can probably tell by reading that sentence, this doesn't make much sense, but due to time constraints and the fact that the react native application is made by another team, we have decided to present it in a web view for now, and eventually convert it to RN as well.
So to prevent having to write everything twice, is there a way to use React Native components in Meteor? (So use <View> for example instead of <div>).
If you want to go down this path, you can use react-native-web to build React Native components for the web.
Just want to warn that while building your web client with RN components will definitely help you transition, you will still pretty much have to scrap all your client side Meteor logic when you transition later. The best RN meteor client currently is react-native-meteor and is more of a proof of concept than anything -- trying to emulate key features of Meteor with a wrapper using a DDP client, but definitely not there yet.
So in the end, you're going to put in some serious hours making the conversion later or scrapping Meteor altogether when you go full native. If you're a fan of Meteor, I would suggest trying apollo made by the folks at Meteor and works out of the box with RN. You can still get all the best features of Meteor like reactive data, optimistic UI, subscriptions, etc. and the learning curve is pretty mild.

