How to prevent flickering on array updates in angular - javascript

In angular, I am trying to keep my page realtime by polling a REST service(hosted locally) and update my array with the new retrieved content like this:
angular.module("WIMT").controller('overviewController', function ($scope,$interval,$http){
var reg = this;
var promise;
reg.teacherInfoList = [];
reg.dayfilter = "";
$scope.start = function() {
promise = $interval( $scope.longPolling, 3000);
$scope.stop = function() {
$scope.longPolling = function(){
reg.teacherInfoList.length = 0;
method: 'GET',
url: 'api/schedules/' + "TPO01"
}).then(function onSuccessCallback(response) {
reg.teacherInfoList[0] =;
}, function errorCallback(response) {
<div ng-controller="overviewController as oc">
<li ng-repeat="teachInfo in oc.teacherInfoList ">
<div ng-repeat="day in teachInfo.days | filter: oc.dayfilter">
Today is: {{}} {{}}
<ul ng-repeat="roster in day.entries">
Name: {{}}
Start: {{roster.start}}
End: {{roster.end}}
Note: {{roster.note}}
The code used as above causes flickering:
reg.teacherInfoList[0] =;
This code also causes flickering:
I have also tried to apply this to my ng-repeats:
And applied this to my ng-repeats
track by $index
I have also read this:
How does the $resource `get` function work synchronously in AngularJS?
Now, I know that when I replace my array for a brief second the array is empty causing it to flicker, but I can't think of a solution to solve this problem. What would be the best way to solve this?

reg.teacherInfoList.length = 0;
Not sure if emptying the array is necessary here.
I believe the teacherInfoList array is empty for the entire duration of the request, causing it to render as blank.
You could try either removing (or commenting out) the line above or moving it into the top of the callback function of the GET request like
}).then(function onSuccessCallback(response) {
// applied here
reg.teacherInfoList.length = 0;
reg.teacherInfoList[0] =;
}, function errorCallback(response) {
//and here
reg.teacherInfoList.length = 0;


angularjs: how to store the function returning value in one variable . based on ng-repeat

hi i am getting the intrestedid from ng-repeat , i want to call another service and store that data in one variable dynamically , because need send seperate api for getting images.
my html is look like this
<div class="" ng-repeat="item in items" >
<div ng-init="MyPic = getMyprofile(item.interestedTo)">
<img src="{{MyPic}}">
My controller is look like this.
$scope.getMyprofile = function(IntrstdId){
appServices.profile( IntrstdId, function(response){
$scope.meDetails =;
return $scope.meDetails;
My services is look like this.
service.profile= function(userId, callback) {
path = serviceUrl + '/profile/'+ userId;
method: 'GET',
url: path
}).then(function(data) {
}, function(data) {});
but its getting undefined , any issues in this code.
I tried to resolve this by creating some abstract stub, that may be helpful to you. Please review and let me know if issue still arise
<div ng-repeat ="data_ in parentData track by $index">
<li ng-repeat="result in track by $index" ng-init="counter=increaseCounter();">
<div ng-model="counter"></div>
// It simply store variable value in scope.counter
$scope.counter = 0;
$scope.increaseCounter = function () {
var cnt = $scope.counter++;
return cnt;
//Another way is to call service while update variable vaule
$scope.counter = 0;
$scope.increaseCounter = function () {
var cnt = $scope.counter++;
return cnt;
$scope.getMyprofile = function(IntrstdId){
appServices.profile( IntrstdId, function(response){
$scope.meDetails =;
return $scope.meDetails;
I think issue is this function. appService.profile is asyncronize method and before complete it function return $scope.meDetails;
my suggestion is to hardcore some value like in below and see the result. if it is working then you have to change the function accordingly.
$scope.meDetails ='some value';
return $scope.meDetails;
There are several best practice issue along with the async problem.
1.Avoid using ng-init unless you want to re-run the function when you reconstruct the element, for instance ng-if. It is more so when you use ng-repeat without track by, any changes in the data source would re-trigger all ng-init in the children.
Solution: Run them when you init the controller, or as soon as $scope.items is filled.
angular.forEach($scope.items, function(item) {
item.myPic = data;
<div class="" ng-repeat="item in items" >
<img src="{{item.myPic}}">
2.The correct way to wrap a function that returns promise (which $http is) is to return the function itself. You can research more on how to pass the resolved/rejected result around.
// not needed anymore, just to showcase
$scope.getMyprofile = function(IntrstdId){
return appServices.profile( IntrstdId );
// same goes with the service function
service.profile= function(userId) {
path = serviceUrl + '/profile/'+ userId;
return $http({
method: 'GET',
url: path
}).then(function(response) {

$scope.apply not working in Angular

im trying to learn Angular.
Here is what im trying to do:
I am building an App that shows me citys. When i click on a city i want to see a list of all my favourite citys.
Using an "Show-List" Button with ng-click works but requires the button the be pushed.
Here is my approach for getting it done automatic:
I want a list in my DOM automatically updated on change of the list.
$scope.$watch('updatedList', function() {
$scope.$apply(function () {
$scope.watchList = $scope.updatedList;
}, 1000)
The Console shows no error and gives out the correc values:
Object {city.3: "Herat", city.7: "Haag", city.10: "Tilburg" ......}
In my div is the following:
<li ng-repeat="y in updatedList">{{ y }}</li>
<li ng-repeat="a in watchList">{{ a }}</li>
First for the NG-Click-Version(which works on click) second for the $scope.$watch
Sorry for lots of questions but im really struggling with the Angular-Docs.
Function that Adds Citys to the List:
$scope.addToList = function(name,id) {
var cityToAdd = name;
var cityToAddID = id;
$cookies.put('city.' + cityToAddID, cityToAdd);
$scope.newList = $cookies.getAll();
$scope.addToListMessage = cityToAdd + " wurde hinzugefĆ¼gt";
// Show short INFONOTICE
window.setTimeout(function() {
$scope.$apply(function() {
$scope.addToListMessage = "";
}, 1000);
// Update the List
Second Functions -> gets Values from Cookies and puts them to an Array:
$scope.updateList = function() {
var allCitys = $cookies.getAll();
var favouritesFromCookie = [];
$.each(allCitys, function(index, value) {
if (index.indexOf('city.') == 0) { favouritesFromCookie.push(value) }
$scope.updatedList = favouritesFromCookie;
Your $scope.updatedList needs to be an array to be used in ng-repeat.
You shouldn't directly write a list in expression. Try this
<li ng-repeat="y in watchList">{{ }}</li>
<li ng-repeat="y in watchList">{{ y.yourListItem}}</li>

binding knockout observable arrays to multiple <ul> elements

For a navigation menu, I have two groups of links, each group and link showing up or not dependent on a user's role. The roles are looked up when the link structure is being built and the list of links is built accordingly. The returned JSON gets parsed, put into observable arrays with no problem, but when I actually try and apply the bindings, the binding fails because the observables are blank. Here is the HTML...
<ul id="user-menu" class="menu" data-bind="foreach: areas">
<a data-bind="attr: { href: areaLink }">
<img data-bind="attr: { src: iconUri }" />
<span data-bind="text: areaName"></span>
<ul id="admin-menu" class="menu" data-bind="foreach: adminAreas">
<a data-bind="attr: { href: areaLink }">
<img data-bind="attr: { src: iconUri }" />
<span data-bind="text: areaName"></span>
Knockout view model in the background...
var navigation = (function() {
function Area() {
var self = this;
self.areaName = ko.observable();
self.areaLink = ko.observable();
self.iconUri = ko.observable();
self.sequenceNo = ko.observable();
self.isAdmin = ko.observable();
self.loadFromVM = function (vm) {
self.areaName( || '');
self.areaLink( || '');
self.iconUri(vm.iconUri || '');
self.sequenceNo(vm.sequenceNo || '');
function viewModel() {
var self = this;
self.areas = ko.observableArray([]);
self.adminAreas = ko.observableArray([]);
self.setup = function () {
var data = {}; // population with basic session data
$.getJSON('....php', { JSON.stringify(data) }, function (results) {
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
var area = new Area();
if (area.isAdmin()) {
} else {
var vmInstance;
return {
setup: function () {
vmInstance = new viewModel();
ko.applyBindings(vmInstance, $('#user-menu')[0]);
ko.applyBindings(vmInstance, $('#admin-menu')[0]);
And then I bring it together with this in the navigation view file...
So after I get my JSON back, parse it, and organize it when I loop through the success function of the $.getJSON method, putting a watch on self.areas() and self.adminAreas() does show that the arrays have the exact information I want them to. But by the time they have to be applied, calling vmInstance.areas().length or vmInstance.adminAreas().length returns zero. Even more oddly, putting in an alert with the length of the arrays right after the $.getJSON call but within the setup() function will cause the alert to fire first, show zeroes, then goes through the get, populates the array, then fires zeroes again.
Not exactly sure what's going on here, but I can't remember seeing this kind of behavior in another project so I'm not quite sure what I'm doing wrong here. Any ideas or advice would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: Nevermind on the Fiddle. It doesn't really capture my actual error.
adminarea object is not made the adminArea variable but instead of this you have used same area variable to set values.
var adminArea = new Area();
adminArea.areaName('test admin area');
Fiddle Demo

$watch got unexpected multiple events in AngularJS?

I am trying to use AngularJS and moment.js in-order to format time after the json data loaded, and I used $watch to monitor the $scope.comments, but not sure why the $watch recognized 3 events (the result set from json contains 3 items) instead of 1-time as I expected. The console.lof('changed') has been executed 3 tiem
var MyApp = angular.module('MyApp', ['ng', 'commentController']);
function ($routeProvider) {
when('', {
templateUrl: '/partials/comment-list.html',
controller: 'CommentListCtrl'
MyApp.directive("timeago", function () {
return function ($scope, element, attrs) {
$scope.$watch("comments", function () {
$('.timeago').each(function (index) {
var time = moment($(this).text());
/* Controllers */
var commentController = angular.module('commentController', []);
commentController.controller('CommentListCtrl', function CommentListCtrl($http, $scope) {
$scope.comments = [];
$http.get('/api/json?n=3').success(function (data) {
$scope.commentsLoaded = function (data, status) {
$scope.comments = data;
and the template:
<div ng-Controller="CommentListCtrl">
<ul class="comments" timeago>
<li ng-repeat="comment in comments">
<span class="timeago">{{comment.time}}</span>
Thank you very much for any help.
In your case, the reason $watch executes 3 times is:
The first time it executes is on startup, where newValue == undefined
The second time is when you call this line: $scope.comments = [];
The third time is when the json is received: $scope.comments = data;
It has nothing to do with your json has 3 items.
however, not sure why the console.log($(this).text()); after the data
loaded only get this : {{comment.time}} It seems that the event was
catched before the template rendered
Because at the time, angular does not update its bindings yet and the view is not updated.
For separations of concern and how we should work with mvc structure like angular, view is for displaying, you should not access data from there, access it though model instead. In your case, you're trying to format the display, it should be the job of a filter
Write a filter like this:
filter('dateFormat', function() {
return function(input) {
return moment(input).fromNow();
Use it in HTML, don't need timeago directive:
<div ng-Controller="CommentListCtrl">
<ul class="comments">
<li ng-repeat="comment in comments">
<span class="timeago">{{comment.time | dateFormat }}</span>
The watch method takes a function with 2 arguments (newValue,oldValue). You can check these values when the watch is executed.
$scope.$watch("comments", function (newValue,oldValue) {
From what i can tell, the first time it executes is on setup, where oldValue is null. Then on any other assignment. Check the values and you would know.
To handle it correctly put checks like
if(newValue && newValue!=oldValue) {
//do something

How to check element does exist after mustache templating

I have this mustache setup:
$.getJSON('data/data.json', function(data) {
var template = "<ul>{{#"+elements+"}}<li class=\"selector {{.}}\"></li>{{/"+elements+"}}</ul>";
var html = Mustache.to_html(template, data);
After this I need to add some action on my <li> element with class selector. But there is a little problem with this element rendering to DOM. So I use small function to check this element does exist, but something is wrong and I have no results...
$.fn.doesExist = function(){
return $(this).length > 0;
var picker = $('li.selector');
if (picker.doesExist()) {
and my html:
<div class="panel">
<li class="selector 01"></li>
<li class="selector 02"></li>
<li class="selector 03"></li>
Try this :
$.getJSON('data/data.json', function(data) {
var template = "<ul>{{#"+elements+"}}<li class=\"selector {{.}}\"></li>{{/"+elements+"}}</ul>";
var html = Mustache.to_html(template, data);
// $.getJSON() is asynchronous so
// performing test here is too early.
// The response from the server is guaranteed
// not to have arrived yet.
try with

