Adding Two Decimal Places using JavaScript - javascript

Good day Everyone!
I want to know how to return the output with two decimal places. Instead of 10,000 I want it to return 10,000.00. Also I already put .toFixed(2) but it's not working.
When the amount has decimal number other than zero, the values appear on the printout, but when the decimal number has a zero value, the Zeros won't appear on the printout.
Also, I have added a value of Wtax that was pulled-out on a "Bill Credit" Transaction.

Numeral.js - is a library that you can use for number formatting.
With that you can format your number as follows:
Hope this will help you.

You can try this
var x = 1000; // Raw input
x.toFixed(2).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, '$1,') //returns you 1,000.00
Alternately you can use Netsuite's currency function too
nlapiFormatCurrency('1000'); // returns you 1,000.00
nlapiFormatCurrency('1000.98'); // returns you 1,000.98

You might consider below code. It can round off decimal values based on the decimal places.
This also addresses the issue when rounding off negative values by getting first the absolute value before rounding it off. Without doing that, you will have the following results which the 2nd sample is incorrect.
function roundDecimal(decimalNumber, decimalPlace)
//this is to make sure the rounding off is correct even if the decimal is equal to -0.995
var bIsNegative = false;
if (decimalNumber < 0)
decimalNumber = Math.abs(decimalNumber);
bIsNegative = true;
var fReturn = 0.00;
(decimalPlace == null || decimalPlace == '') ? 0 : decimalPlace;
var multiplierDivisor = Math.pow(10, decimalPlace);
fReturn = Math.round((parseFloat(decimalNumber) * multiplierDivisor).toFixed(decimalPlace)) / multiplierDivisor;
fReturn = (bIsNegative) ? (fReturn * -1) : fReturn;
fReturn = fReturn.toFixed(decimalPlace)
return fReturn;
Below are the test sample
And this test sample after addressing the issue for negative values.


how do I retain the the zero at the end when I divide a number like 12330 by 100 in Javascript

how do I divide 12330 by 100 to give me 123.30
trying 12330/100 in JS gives 123.3 but I want the 0 at the end to stay
also, I need the function to not give .00
so 100/100 should give 1 and not 1.00
tried using .toFixed(2). but it only solved the first case and not the second.
use toFixed
(12330 / 100).toFixed(2)
here 2 means, the precision of float
Attention: also when the number isn't a float it will do number.00 (in the most of cases this is good behavior)
but if isn't good for you, see the next edited answer...
new edited answer
if the .00 gives you problems, use this:
% operator,
function convert(value) {
if (value % 1 === 0) {
return value;
return value.toFixed(2);
// tests
console.log(convert(12330 / 100)); // should return value with toFixed
console.log(convert(100 / 100)); // should return 1 (no toFixed)
console.log(convert(100 / 10)); // should return 10 (no toFixed)
for understanding more about this checking (value % 1 === 0) you can see this StackOverflow question on this topic How do I check that a number is float or integer?
There are several ways you could do this. #Laaouatni's answer is one example (and if you go with that one, make sure to mark that as the answer).
I'll give two others here.
Using string.prototype.slice:
const intermediate = value.toFixed(2);
const result = intermediate.endsWith(".00") ? intermediate.slice(0, -1) : intermediate;
Using string.prototype.replace:
const result = value.toFixed(2).replace(".00", ".0");

What is the safest way to split a "Floating Point Number String" into its Whole and Fractional Parts

I have developed the following short function to split a number passed to it in a string format into its Whole and Fractional Parts (also outputted as strings).
Note1: The Whole part of the number can run into large numbers (in excess of 50 digits).
Note 2: The output result (the Whole and the Fraction strings) will not be converted into an integer or a float but will be further manipulated only as a string due to the Javascript rounding for large numbers. So going back to numbers is not a concern here
Because the function detects the machine's locale automatically, it is therefore expected that the user enters (passes) the number in the locale of his local machine or otherwise the number is generated programmatically and passed to the function.
The number is expected to be passed as a "string" due to the very large length and also because there is no handling for numbers passed in exponent (e) format.
The function uses the toLocaleString() to detect the decimal and thousand separators.
I have tested the function with the major number systems (.,' space) and so far, so good.
The question is, how safe will this code be, and are there any alternative better and safer methods to do it or corrections/changes necessary?
function splitFloatString(NumString) {
var decimalSeparator = (1.1).toLocaleString().substring(1,2); // Get Decimal Separator
var thousandSeparator = (1000).toLocaleString().substring(1,2); // Get Thousands Separator
NumString += ""; // ensure a string
var fraction ="0"; // default no fractional part
NumString = NumString.replace(RegExp("\\"+thousandSeparator,"g"),""); //remove thousand separators if any
if (RegExp("\\"+decimalSeparator,"g").test(NumString)) { // test for decimal separator
var n = NumString.split(decimalSeparator); // Split at Decimal Seprator
NumString = n[0]; // The Whole part
if (n.length==2) fraction = n[1]; // The Fractional part
if (fraction=="") fraction ="0";
console.log("Whole: ("+NumString+"), Fraction: ("+fraction+")"); // added for testing
//return n=[NumString,fraction]; // normal return uncomment
// Tests assuming user's machine and user enters/passes US-EN separators as an example
According to me, you are just complicating the whole thing unnecessarily. Here's a simple way to achieve the same result.
function getLocaleSeparators() {
const testNumber = 1000.1.toLocaleString()
return [testNumber.substring(1,2), testNumber.substring(5,6)]
function splitFloatString(number) {
const numberString = number.toString()
const [thousandSeparator, decimalSeparator] = getLocaleSeparators()
let [wholePart, fractionPart] = numberString.replace(new RegExp(thousandSeparator, 'g'), '').split(decimalSeparator)
wholePart = wholePart || "0"
fractionPart = fractionPart || "0"
console.log(`Whole: ${wholePart}, Fraction: ${fractionPart}`);
function getLocaleSeparators() {
const testNumber = 1000.1.toLocaleString()
return [testNumber.substring(1,2), testNumber.substring(5,6)]
function splitFloatString(number) {
const numberString = number.toString()
const [thousandSeparator, decimalSeparator] = getLocaleSeparators()
let [wholePart, fractionPart] = numberString.replace(new RegExp(thousandSeparator, 'g'), '').split(decimalSeparator)
wholePart = wholePart || "0"
fractionPart = fractionPart || "0"
console.log(`Whole: ${wholePart}, Fraction: ${fractionPart}`);
I recommend you to use the math.floor function for such purposes.
It rounds the number passed as parameter to its nearest integer in downward direction:
Also, The Math.ceil() function rounds a number up to the next largest whole number or integer.
For other handy options, you can check out this
Please try with this one. might help you.
number = "21212.32323";
var numberString = number + ''; // converts into string
var index = numberString.lastIndexOf("."); // get the index
var strFloat, wholeStr;
if(index === -1) {
strFloat = '';
wholeStr = numberString.replace(/[^\w\s]/gi, '').replace(/ /g,'')
} else {
strFloat = numberString.substring(index + 1); // get the decimal part
var strWhole = numberString.substring(0, index); // get the number
wholeStr = strWhole.replace(/[^\w\s]/gi, '').replace(/ /g,'') // remove spcl character
console.log(`Whole: ${wholeStr}, Fraction: ${strFloat}`);
And yes you can not exceed MAX_SAFE_INTEGER in javascript i.e 32-bits.
What is JavaScript's highest integer value that a number can go to without losing precision?
Have been able to finally get the final answer I was looking for.
Thanks to all for their assistance and ideas:
function numberSplit (NumString) {
var decimalSep = 1.1.toLocaleString().substring(1,2), // Get Deciaml Separator
thousandSep = 1e3.toLocaleString().substring(1,2), // Get Thousand Separator
fraction = "0", // Default "0"
n = (NumString = (NumString +="").replace(RegExp("\\"+thousandSep,"g"),"")).split(decimalSep);
NumString = n[0] ; // Get Whole Part
NumString == "" && (NumString = undefined); // Whole = undefined if empty
n.length == 2 && (fraction = n[1]); // Get Fractional part (only if 1 decimal place)
fraction == "" && (fraction = "0"); // Fraction = 0 if empty
console.log("Whole: ("+NumString+"), Fraction: ("+fraction+")")
// Ttests assuming user enters US-EN separators as an example
numberSplit("1.2.3"); // Fractional part ignored as invalid
numberSplit("") // Return undefined
numberSplit() // Return undefined
numberSplit(NaN) // Return NaN
numberSplit(undefined) // Return undefined

Limit decimal places to specific situations (not round)

Im looking to limit a number do 2 decimal places, but only when the rest is zero. I dont want to round the numbers.
I tried using this example
the result would be 1.00, but if i have a number like (1.0030).toFixed(2), the result should be 1.003.
I tried using parseFloat with a combination of toFixed but doesn´t get the result i want.
Is there any function in javascript that does what im trying to achieve.
So you want a minimum of two decimals? Here's one way:
function toMinTwoDecimals(numString) {
var num = parseFloat(numString);
return num == num.toFixed(2) ? num.toFixed(2) : num.toString();
toMinTwoDecimals("1.0030"); // returns "1.003"
toMinTwoDecimals("1.0000"); // returns "1.00"
toMinTwoDecimals("1"); // returns "1.00"
toMinTwoDecimals("-5.24342234"); // returns "-5.24342234"
In case you want to leave numbers with less than two decimals untouched, use this instead:
function toMinTwoDecimals(numString) {
var num = parseFloat(numString);
// Trim extra zeros for numbers with three or more
// significant decimals (e.g. "1.0030" => "1.003")
if (num != num.toFixed(2)) {
return num.toString();
// Leave numbers with zero or one decimal untouched
// (e.g. "5", "1.3")
if (numString === num.toFixed(0) || numString === num.toFixed(1)) {
return numString;
// Limit to two decimals for numbers with extra zeros
// (e.g. "1.0000" => "1.00", "1.1000000" => "1.10")
return num.toFixed(2);

Decimal Comparison without rounding in javascript

I have 2 textboxex for decimal values and I need to compare them in JavaScript. The scenario is
var first = $('#txtFirst').val();
var second= $('#txtSecond').val();
In textboxex I'm entering following values
first => 99999999999998.999999997
second => 99999999999998.999999991
I tried the below code
if (parseFloat(parseFloat(first).toFixed(10)) <= parseFloat(parseFloat(second).toFixed(10)))
This returns true because it rounds it so both the values becomes 99999999999999. How to fix it?
Just compare without converting into integer
var first = $('#txtFirst').val();
var second= $('#txtSecond').val();
if ( first == second )
// they are equal
if you want to compare upto 10 decimals then
var first10Decimals = first.split(".").pop().substring(0,10);
var second10Decimals = second.split(".").pop().substring(0,10);
if ( first10Decimals == second10Decimals )
//they are equal
Vanilla JavaScript can't handle such big numbers. You should use something like big.js that is designed to work with arbitrary large numbers :
GitHub :
Documentation :

Show numbers to second nearest decimal

I'm very new to Javascript so please bear with me.
I have this function that adds up a total. How do I make it so that it shows the nearest two decimal places instead of no decimal places?
function calcProdSubTotal() {
var prodSubTotal = 0;
$(".row-total-input").each(function() {
var valString = $(this).val() || 0;
prodSubTotal += parseInt(valString);
Thank you!
Edit: As requested: commaFormatted:
function CommaFormatted(amount) {
var delimiter = ",";
var i = parseInt(amount);
if(isNaN(i)) { return ''; }
i = Math.abs(i);
var minus = '';
if (i < 0) { minus = '-'; }
var n = new String(i);
var a = [];
while(n.length > 3)
var nn = n.substr(n.length-3);
n = n.substr(0,n.length-3);
if (n.length > 0) { a.unshift(n); }
n = a.join(delimiter);
amount = "$" + minus + n;
return amount;
Well parseInt parses integers, so you are getting rid of any decimals right there. Use parseFloat.
parseFloat('10.599').toFixed(2); //10.60
You might also want to change your commaFormatted function to something like:
function commaFormatted(amount) {
if (!isFinite(amount) || typeof amount !== 'number') return '';
return '$' + amount.toFixed(2).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, '$1,');
commaFormatted(0); //$0.00
commaFormatted(1.59); //$1.59
commaFormatted(999999999.99); //$999,999,999.99
Use to function toFixed(2)
The 2 is an integer parameter that says use 2 decimal points, assuming your comma formatted code does not turn it into a string. (If it does, fix the decimals BEFORE you run it through the formatting)
Remember to parseFloat because the val() could be a string!`
You're looking for toFixed(). It takes one parameter, digits. The parameter is documented as follows:
The number of digits to appear after the decimal point; this may be a value between 0 and 20, inclusive, and implementations may optionally support a larger range of values. If this argument is omitted, it is treated as 0.
Do also note that parseInt() parses integers, truncating any decimals you might have. parseFloat() will preserve decimals as expected.
I solved my problem. I simply changed:
As I stated in the comments, this was not a script I wrote. It is a script Chris Coyier wrote and I was just trying to amend it. I guess I didn't need to use CommaFormatted for my purposes?
Thank you all for your help!

