Why can I not use new XMLHttpRequest on my amazon server? - javascript

So bear with me because I feel that I've tried everything there is to try. I'm really new to JavaScript and I've primarily worked with C/C++ before and I am still a novice with respect to those languages as well. I tried to create a page on my aws services (ec2) server that when accessed with a get request of a URL it would use my server-side API key and return JSON data that it requested from the URL given. I was working with the League of Legends API and with NodeJs using forever start *.js, handlebars and express JavaScript as well.
I feel that it is important to mention that while this issue arose doing an assignment for a class I have since completed the assignment without including that functionality.
I tried to do this as both synchronous and asynchronous and it didn't work for me. I feel that it is because using var foo = new XMLHttpRequest is not the correct way to send a get request from a server to another server. When I tried to find a better way to do this using nodejs I could not find anything which made sense to me or that I could understand.
Please let me know why this is wrong/ why this breaks and how I can make it not break or do it properly. I couldn't find any similar stack overflow questions despite a few hours of struggling and searching.
//if(url == undefined){
var url = "https://na.api.pvp.net/api/lol/na/v1.4/summoner/by-name/RiotSchmick";
var KEY= "REDACTED_FOR_POST";//note I have a functional api
//key that I can correctly use to view data through a browser get request.
var local = new XMLHttpRequest();//this line prevents this page from runnning
local.open("GET", "https://na.api.pvp.net/api/lol/na/v1.4/summoner/by-name/RiotSchmick?api_key=REDACTED_FOR_POST", false);
//RiotSchmick is used as an example "summoner" name in quick start
var content = {};//holder for handlebars
content.text = local.responseText;//I expected this to have a string form JSON.
res.render('buffer.handlebars', content);
//buffer.handlebars is one line: {{text}} and properly prints data when
//content.text is assigned to a constant such as "hello"
Thanks for help and your time.

Unless you are using something like https://github.com/driverdan/node-XMLHttpRequest there's no XMLHttpRequest in node. XMLHttpRequest is an object that only exists in browsers.
You have to require http to make http requests in node.
var http = require('http');
Then you can do something like that (taken from the docs):
var postData = querystring.stringify({
'msg' : 'Hello World!'
var options = {
hostname: 'www.google.com',
port: 80,
path: '/upload',
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Content-Length': postData.length
var req = http.request(options, (res) => {
console.log(`STATUS: ${res.statusCode}`);
console.log(`HEADERS: ${JSON.stringify(res.headers)}`);
res.on('data', (chunk) => {
console.log(`BODY: ${chunk}`);
res.on('end', () => {
console.log('No more data in response.')
req.on('error', (e) => {
console.log(`problem with request: ${e.message}`);
// write data to request body


Best way of getting the HTTP Response with content-type 'application/octet-stream' in a variable?

I'm trying to get JSON data from a data provider with terrible, terrible documentation. Their API's response has a content-type of 'application/octet-stream' which, if I use my standard API consumption approach, ends-up serving me with a file containing the data... and setting Accept to 'application/json' in my Request does not make any difference.
So I'm trying to transform the octet-stream in JSON on my side and this is what I managed to do:
const request = require("request");
module.exports.test = function() {
var text = "";
var url = "XXX";
url: url,
headers: {
Accept: "application/json"
.on("response", function(response) {
response.on("data", function(data) {
text = text + data.toString();
.on("end", function() {
console.log(text); //This is where I stopped...
That's where I stopped, the JSON is printed in the log and so I could go on with my life and use the amazingly well named variable 'text' to do what I need to do with the data... BUT:
Is this the best way for dealing with octet-stream responses?
Should I trust a data provider (and pay for their data) that is not able to provide an API with responses other than application/octet-stream ?

Put works in Postman but not AXIOS

This is the weirdest thing in my MERN app. When I do a PUT from Postman to my api it works and updates my api and mongoDB. On the front-end it doesn't update the api even though console logs are showing the correct values and the url is the same? Any help or direction would be appreciated... been playing with it for days now.
The code for my axios is as follows:
handlePlayerSubmit(id, player) {
console.log('This is the id: ' + id);
console.log('This is the player: ' + player);
let apiUrl = 'http://localhost:3001/api/teams';
//sends the id and new author/text to our api
axios.put(`${apiUrl}/${id}`, player).catch(err => {
So I know it's firing due to the console logs... not sure why its not updating the api?
Also it's not console.logging an error.
This is happening because Axios serializes JavaScript objects to JSON. To serialize in application/x-www-form-urlencoded format you will need to use one of the techniques described in the Axios documentation.
I think qs is a nice solution for you:
let apiUrl = 'http://localhost:3001/api/teams';
//sends the id and new author/text to our api
axios.put(`${apiUrl}/${id}`, qs.stringify(player)).catch(err => {
Axios doesn't like posting plain objects.
One way to workaround issue is with FormData:
let formData = new FormData();
formData.append('param1', 'hi');
formData.append('param2', 'hello');
method: 'POST',
url: '/api/some-endpoint/',
data: formData
}).then(response => {

Send data in post method to an api in node js

I want to send some post data to an api
this is an API to create a new request in portal. now I am making one application in NodeJs and want to create request from node js application.
now I have to send in this format
{"user":"demo", "last_name":"test","contact":"989898989"}
so how can I send data on above url to create a new request.
I am a beginner in NodeJs and don't have much idea.
any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
I would recommend to use axios or any other request lib :
const axios = require('axios');
axios.post('', {
user: 'demo',
last_name: 'test',
contact: '989898989',
here is an example using request module
var headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
var options = {
url: "" ,
method: 'POST',
headers: headers,
json: true,
body: {user:"demo", last_name:"test",contact:"989898989"}
request(options, function (error, response, body) {
if (error) {
//do something
console.log(body)//do something with response
You can use postman REST client for GET method using your URL and Body (which you want to post) and click on * Code * and select NodeJS and their you will find code generated for you to work with. Here is the link https://www.getpostman.com/docs/postman/sending_api_requests/generate_code_snippets
With my experience, it is good to start with Request package for node js. Here is the link for your reference: https://www.npmjs.com/package/request

Change query string parametesr of JavaScript requests

Is there a way to change the query string of JavaScript-induced requests? I want to add "&myParam=myValue" to any request sent by my HTML/JS application.
I don't think there's anything built in that lets you do that.
In my apps, I always have a central function XHR goes through so I have a single point to do things like this. If you don't have that or need to intercept calls from 3rd party libs:
You could wrap XMLHttpRequest.open to handle the XHR ones:
var originalOpen = XMLHttpRequest.open;
XMLHttpRequest.open = function() {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
args[0] += (args[0].indexOf("?") == -1 ? "?" : "&") + "myParam=" + encodeURIComponent("myValue");
return originalOpen.apply(this, args);
...and then similar for fetch. But it seems brittle.
Alternately, you might look at using a cookie for the parameter, as the browser will add the cookie to the requests. (That assumes the requests are going to an origina you can add cookies for in your code.)
You could use partial application to lock in defaults when you declare your fetch function and essentially decorate the standard call that will merge your defaults and the passed params.
const fetchFactory = defaults => (url, data) => {
// make a copy of the defaults
const params = Object.assign({}, defaults)
// assign the passed in data with the defaults
params.body = JSON.stringify(Object.assign(params.body, data))
// call fetch with the params
return fetch(url, params)
// create a default for POST using the factory
const postFetch = fetchFactory({
method: 'post',
headers: {
'x-requested-with': 'fetch',
'Authorization': 'basic:' + btoa('a secret')
body: {
myParam: 'value'
// now you can call your function
postFetch('http://somewhere.com', {
one: 1,
two: 2
.then(respone => response.json())
It seems to me that you are asking how to set/edit URL parameters in http requests. Something quite similar has been asked here: here
If you are using XMLHttpRequest then the accepted answer in the link should work perfectly. The two key things the note are
the url parameters are simply a javascript object that you convert
into a JSON string. This happens through JSON.stringify({ myParam:
the question/answer linked are making post requests but you
may not want to make that request as well, I suggest doing some
research about which HTTP request method you want -

JS - Getting either text or JSON with Fetch API

I am moving over from jQuery AJAX requests to the new Fetch API (nothing against jQuery, I still have it in my site, but Fetch looks - according to Jake Archibald and David Walsh and also IMHO - to be the new way of sending async requests).
As such, with jQuery, I had the following function (more or less):
function ajaxCall(type, url, data) {
return $.ajax({
type: type,
url: url,
data: data,
.fail(function(xhr, status, errorThrown) {
// Do fail stuff
.always(function(xhr, status) {
// Do always stuff
// Later...
var myAjax = ajaxCall(myType, myUrl, myData);
myAjax.done(function(xhr) {
// Do done stuff
This way, I could have one function be called to handle any and all ajax requests I could ever need (for the most part at least...). Note that I do not declare a dataType, as I use jQuery's intelligent guess. This way my server can send me whatever response and I could handle it (probably a smarter way to do this would be to pass another parameter with the data type - in the case the "intelligent guess" goes wrong, but this was the way I set it up).
I am now trying to recreate the above with the new Fetch API. What I have so far currently looks like this:
function fetchCall(url, method, body) {
// This if statement is supposed to handle
// query selectors (which in GET requests go in the url)
// on GET requests - as opposed to POST req's which go in the body
if (method === 'GET') {
var data = body;
url = new URL(url, location.protocol + '//' + location.host + '/');
Object.keys(data).forEach(key => url.searchParams.append(key, data[key]));
body = undefined;
return fetch(url, {
method: method,
body: body
}).then(function(res) {
if (res.ok) return res;
throw new Error('Server error. Status code: ', res.status);
}).catch(function(err) {
// Later...
var myFetch = fetchCall(myUrl, myMethod, myBody);
myFetch.then(function(res) {
The problem I am running into is that if res.ok return res; does not state what type of response it is (i.e. res.json(), res.blob(), res.text(), etc.).
Thus, I am wondering how to set up a dynamic way of setting the type of response body. Is this even possible at the Fetch API's current state of development? Is it just that there is something I am not duplicating in MDN?
After messing around with this, I also realized I could make it always set to return res.text(); and the if the call is supposed to be JSON, use JSON.parse(response);, but I do want it to be dynamic. What if I end up wanting to return a blob()?
So, as far as the conversation has reached, there is a way to understand what type of content has been received, with two remarks:
Typically you have to always know and expect exact content type, and a universal solution is rather odd in case of fetching from a certain remote endpoint, and
The Content-Type header is what will tell you the type of content received, but the server may send a wrong header, which is very unusual to happen and therefore is negligible.
The Response object has header property that is (kind of) a Map, so you can use its get method to get a value by key.
The easiest and cleanest way to check if the returned value is a certain MIME type you expect is by using a regular expression:
// replace url with the actual API endpoint URL
fetch(url).then(response => {
const contentType = response.headers.get('Content-Type'); // -> "text/html; charset=utf-8"
if (/text\/html/i.test(contentType)) {
// do something when the Content-Type is text/html
} else if (/application\/json/.test(contentType)) {
// do something when the Content-Type is application/json
// and so on, for every Content-Type you need.
}).catch(error => {
// do something when error happens

