Angular 2 CRUD Components - javascript

I'm getting started with Angular 2 with TypeScript and I'm trying to find the best way of organizing my application.
Imagine that I want to CRUD a product. Since I want each CRUD operation to have different views should I create a component for each operation? For example: createProduct.component; editProduct.component; getProduct.component; etc.; that all reuse the product class and the product.service in order to make http requests to the server?
I think this makes sense, but I'm not sure there's a better way to do it and since Angular 2 is fairly new, I'm having trouble finding proper documentation for this problem. Any thoughts?

Create a /+product folder
Add all product components (edit/view/create), also include the test(product.spec.ts) files
Create a /services folder, add the product.service

You can find the official Style Guide here


NestJs: Is there a way to generate a resource, already wired to a TypeOrm entity?

I'm playing around with NestJs, for the purpose of automating REST API creation as much as possible. So far, I do not see any quick way to create a fully functional resource.
For example, if I use the Nest CLI like this:
nest g resource
And call my resource "posts", I get a module, a controller, a service, dto's and an empty entity
In order to make it functional, I would need to manually go through every method of the PostsService, remove the placeholder, and wire it to the corresponding entity method. For example, this needs to be altered:
findAll() {
return `This action returns all posts`;
return this.postsRepository.find()
Not to mention, that I need to add various decorators and imports. In my opinion, this undermines the whole idea of CRUD generator. A lot of files are created for me, but they need to be altered.
Is there any way in Nest to create a fully functioning resource(of course i would still need to manually set the fields of the entity), with all parts wired to each other correctly?
I also tried to find something similar. And this is the best what I found
I think if such a thing existed, then it should have been mentioned in this repository.
But it's not. Maybe I'm wrong 😑
The purpose of nest isnt to get up and running asap -> You would probably want to use something a little bit more user friendly / or one with a more guided workflow.
in terms of what the generator is giving you...
Controller Only deals with the request / response being recieved and sent... it doesnt have any other type of functionality...
DTO think of it like an interface but with more functionality , as you can add data-validation / etc to make sure the request object is formated properly...
Service Exposes the methods that contain all of our business logic. for a crud app, this would be where your actual get post put patch delete would be ... and how the data us modified in your db. Then once this finishes it would return the response if any to the controller which sends the info out.
this is helpful for many reasons... one if our project has 200 endpoints and 40 people working in different teams you dont want each team to have a different way of doing things, also you want it to be clear where each thing is... if you endpoints need to be changed , you simply go to your controller... if the logic needs to change, you go to that service etc...
The Purpose of nest is to give you a framework for extremely modular apps / essentially everything decoupled..
think of it in terms of an express... you could have a single page express app that just has everything in one place... or you could have every single thing on it's own area...
esentially nest doesnt do anything crazy that express cant, it's just the underlying inversion of control (the .main file which calls the app.module which builds all the different pieces that are needed for that endpoint / app / service / or etc.)
If you just want to use nest because it seems shiny , id consider looking up something like fastify or / even appsmith / or something else like that...

How to structure app with Angular JS

I am trying to learn Angular JS and use it in my web app project and am looking for some guidance as well as answers to specific angular js questions. Tech stack I am using is MySQL db, Java w/ Spring Framework, HTML/CSS/Bootstrap/JS, etc..
The purpose of the app is basically a "social media craigslist" where it will have:
1. User accounts
2. Ability to create a "newsfeed-esque" post (one "view")
3. Ability to create a sale post (separate "view")
4. A view for an "inventory"
5. A view for a "wishlist"
(note: Items 2-5 are accessed via a nav bar of sorts that sits on the left side of my page and the idea was to have the main section of the page switch the content based on what nav item you clicked.. more later..)
What I was doing was writing a bunch of Javscript code to make calls to my web services (grabbing static content to populate drop downs, sending user login info for logging in, etc..) and the < script > tags were growing and all of this was living in my index.html page and I thought it might make more sense to use something like Angular JS and structure it a bit differently and "modularize" the code so it wasn't a giant mess in index page. I was also doing some manual .hide() and .show() JS stuff so I thought that it also might make more sense to switch out the content using something like AngularJS instead of having maximum ONE .show() active at once and then having to do as many .hide()'s as I would need to, to manually switch out the content. This is sounding like a SPA (single page app) right?
I have researched AngularJS StackOverflow posts and looked at w3schools and other helpful websites but am having trouble with how to structure this and use best practices not only with code efforts but organizational as well.
1) Am I correct in thinking Angular would make the hide and show of content easier?
2) I would like to make each "feature" of my website have its own controller and have Controller1.js, Controller2.js, etc.. but do I need to have a
var app = angular.module('myApp', []); ...
line at the top of each controller or do I need something like a main controller with that in there only once and then a call to each controller from a main controller? Or is this not even how I should go about it? Thought process was again to modularize and avoid having one giant beastly file with all my JS logic in it.
3) I assume that I need to use the ng-route stuff (is this correct?) in order to do that hide and show of html content? (items 2-5 listed above) But in what file should that live? a javascript controller file? index.html? other?
4) I read you can only have one ng-view per application. Does that mean that you can only switch/change the content for ONE < div > / section of your web app, OR can you have multiple different divs being changed?
5) fyi - my current file structure is pretty much this.. is this how it should be?
-Java Resources (java code)
-css (folder)
-js (folder with js files - controllers)
-lib (folder)
-views (folder)
A lot of my questions are just because I am new to AngularJS and not seasoned in JS itself so am trying to better understand. Thanks for any and all help in advance.
First of all, if you want to use multiple views per app then you should use angular-ui-router module instead of angular-route module.
Now, we come to the file handling. So, for that you can make as much file as you can to define controllers, config, services and factories for the app. There are three ways of doing this.
The first one is putting var app = angular.module("MyApp",[]); in first file and defining controllers and services like app.controller('ctrl', ControllerFunction) in each of the other files below the first one. But, personally i don't prefer to use this way as you are exposing your app as a global variable here.
The second way is to create a main module in first file using angular.module('MyApp',[]) and in other files you can get it and define controllers using angular.module('MyApp').controller('ctrl', ControllerFunction). This is the safer way than the previous one.
The third way is to create a different module in each of the files and using all the modules in a single main module as dependencies. Like below
in one file
in another file
and in the main file, the main module, which is to be bootstraped
This is the safest way to define services in different files. I personally advise this way of using multiple js files in single app. Because here you care not exposing a global variable or a single module, so anyone cannot inject some code using console easily.

MeteorJS -how to combine Add & Edit template

I'm trying to figure out how to create a standard CRUD app with one view for Create and Edit. Currently I have:
I'd like to combine into a Flight.html so that the create and edit use the same Template. Just not sure the best approach. By the way, I'm using iron:router
Create the folder:
Then stick flightAdd.html, flightAdd.js, flightEdit.html and flight.js to this folder.
Another option is:
client/views/flightAdd with flightAdd.html, flightAdd.js in the folder
client/views/flightEdit with flightEdit.html, flightEdit.js in the folder
But there's no right and wrong answer on how to structure your app. Take a look at this example for some guidance on how to structure your app:

Generate components in sub-folders in ember/ember-cli

Based on recommendations for the preparation for Ember 2.0...
• In general, replace views + controllers with components
• Only use controllers at the route level...
...we're supposed to eschew Controllers and Views in favor of Components. I haven't been able to figure out and/or understand how to generate Components that aren't direct parents of the components folder, i.e. components/component-name.js.
My current controllers folder looks something like:
Basically, there are sub-folders that group logic based on the sections of the application. How do I accomplish this with just components?
Seeing that components must have a "-" in them, I tried, but get an error...
ember generate component account/index-module.js
You specified "account/index-module.js", but due to a bug in Handlebars (< 2.0) slashes within components/helpers are not allowed.
Do all components have to be like
i.e. all in the same folder? This will start to get out of hand with the addition of what I actually consider to be components (things like video-viewer.js, text-editor.js, radio-button.js).
I would really like to have components in sub-folders, but unsure how to do this.
My components folder is already gross and I just got started:
Is it okay to leave the account/business logic in Controllers (seeing that it does say you should only use controllers at the Route level)?
I'm really confused about this "all components, all the time" convention.
Ok, so I had the same problem and as of ember 1.9-beta.3 (that's the version I tested). It is possible to have components nested under resource directories.
That means that you can have a "user" route or resource. And let's say you have a component which you only want to use with the user resource, so you want to put the component under the resource directory.
The way to do it is to put the component under the resource directory app/pods/user/component-name/template.hbs. The important part is to remember that components must have a dash in their name. It can't be just .../user/component it has to be .../user/component-name with a dash. Then you can use the component as {{user/component-name}} in your templates.
Also I think this is only possible when you're using the pod structure.
Ok, I think this question/answer needs a bit of an update for 2019. I have been using Ember for all of about a month, and my components folder has already become a pigpen. And the tutorial and main API docs don't really cover how to organize your components.
So I did a search of course. And the only answers I could find (like this one) are from around 2014-2015, and don't reflect modern Ember. I was about to accept my fate when I found this in the Ember syntax conversion guide.
(Note to the Ember folks: This is an important issue, one that almost every new user will encounter. It should feature a bit more prominently in the documentation. Maybe not the tutorial, but definitely in Components section)
You can in fact generate components under a sub-folder in Ember as such:
$ ember generate component foo/bar-baz
installing component
create app/components/foo/bar-baz.js
create app/templates/components/foo/bar-baz.hbs
installing component-test
create tests/integration/components/foo/bar-baz-test.js
So that's great, the files are created under components/foo and templates/components/foo. And to resolve the name of the component for use in another template, you can use either the old style syntax:
{{foo/bar-baz }}
Or the new style angle bracket syntax:
<Foo::BarBaz />
As the assertion suggests this is due to Handlebars 1.x, and will be available soon.
Ember 1.9 beta builds currently support this, though I'm not positive if ember-cli's resolver would work with it right now. You can read more about Handlebars 2.0 here.
Using a pods structure will also help with organization, and I believe is going to be the recommended strategy going forward.
For now, I'd suggest not to worry about it! Remember the transition plan will be smooth, and as the official releases come out for Ember and Ember CLI, you'll get deprecation warnings.

Creating a dynamic javascript bundle with wro4j

Am trying to create this infrastructure using wro4j, with which a user can decide which js files to bundle by just editing the template and not touching any java code.
So, some request like http ://.../bundle/scrip1.js/scrip2.js/script3.js/script4.js
would return a bundle that has all four scripts in the order asked for.
But, having to specify the group with resources beforehand in xml or in a custom WroModelFactory implementation still does not give enough freedom to create bundles based on requests.
Any ideas on how to go about this ?
The best way to handle this seems to be, to wrap the WroFilter in a custom filter, intercept the call for bundling and store the bundle information in a location that the WroModelFactory can pick up and create the model accordingly.

