Pass function to click event jQuery - javascript

I am just wondering what I need to do to pass the clickAssistanceToggle function to my jQuery click event, I have taken a look at some of the answers on here and can't find a simple solution to this.
So far I have this code:
function clickAssistanceToggle() {
$('.car-hub-header-help, #assistance-overlay, .assistance-close-btn').click(function(){
$('#new-car-hub, #new-car-offer').toggleClass('assistance-active');
$('#pulman-assistance').toggleClass('pulman-assistance-active').css("top", fixedPositionCalculator);
As you can see the function wont run like this because it hasn't been passed as a parameter, I have tried passing the function like so:
However this does not seem to work, any idea how I can pass that function to the click event? Thanks

You can call like this,
Also there is a chance that, .new-car-general-enquiry-btn element is not being rendered at the time of binding the event. If so you need to wrap the code inside dom ready event.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.new-car-general-enquiry-btn').click(function() {

Instead of
You need to use
Basically you need to pass the function to be executed when a click is performed on a .new-car-general-enquiry-btn element.


JQuery click() event listener not working

im trying to get a lil project going but im stuck on a very annoying thing.
$(document).ready(function() {
as you can see im targeting a search button with the id search-button and as soon as i click it something should happen. in this case i put a console.log in to test if it works but it doesn't. it always logs it as soon as i load the page , not when i click the button i target. ... what am i doing wrong
if you need more info on this pls tell me i tried to keep it as simple as i could
ty for your help
The click handler needs a function argument, not just the console.log by itself. Try this:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#search-button").click(function() {
Inside of .click should be a handler .click(handler) and the handler should be a function. The browser is reading the code and when it hits console.log('hello'), it does it! It's seeing .click etc, but it doesn't matter; it next sees console.log and does it.
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#search-button").click(function() {
As others have mentioned, the click function requires its own callback function. You can also use this, without requiring the use of document:
$("#search-button").on('click', function() {
I hope You're using jQuery version 3 or up. if you use 3 or up jquery version the good practice is you use Document binding Example:
jQuery(document).on('click', '#search-button', function(event) {
//your Code here...

calling a jQuery function from another JavaScript function

I want to databind a gridview on a button click event. so that i am going to add a jQuery function for databind. but that function should be called inside a JavaScript function.
like this,
function btnclick() {
//here i want to call the databind function
$(function () {
this is just my assumption. i don't know how to combine jQuery function and JavaScript function. any suggestion?
You can simply call the function as you call in javascript function. its quiet simple.
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#btn").click(function() {
function databind(){
//your code
you can bind the jquery event or use jquery inside a javascript function like this:
function btnClick(){
//task to do in when the event is called
//perform actions using jquery in the similar way
Hope this helps
jQuery is simply a library written in JavaScript, so you can freely call JS/jQuery methods in any scope where they are loaded.
I'm not sure what you meant with your code sample, but a common way to perform an action on click would be with the jQuery click() method like so:
function databind() {
// some kinda magic
// pass your previously defined databind function as the callback
You need to specify a selector to target the clickable button.

jQuery override an on() event with another on() event

I have 2 files, file 1 (head.tpl) contains this default function operation
$(document).on("click", "#blackout", function(){
That is the default operation I want to run, and it works.
On my second page, I would like to override the operation that is in head.tpl with this:
$(document).on("click", "#blackout", function(){
pev_for_country = '';
So, now when I test the code, each one runs, so If I were to place an alert (for testing reasons) I get two alert boxes. How can I make it so only the one in the second page runs, and the one in head.tpl is disabled. Then when I don't override it say on a third page, the one in head.tpl runs?
Looks like you're looking for jQuery's .off
.off('click', '#blackout')
.on('click', '#blackout', function () {
// ...
You can use .off to remove all event handlers, but you should be cautious: what if other libraries add event handlers that you don't want to remove subscribe to this event? Also, if you add an additional event handler at a later date, this would obliterate it.
A better approach, I think, is to create a function that you can override:
function blackoutClick() {
And set up your click handler:
$(document).on("click", "#blackout", function(){
Or, as Paul pointed out in the comments below, you don't even need to wrap that handler in an anonymous function, you can just use the cleaner:
$(document).on("click", "#blackout", blackoutClick );
Then, in your second page, you can just modify that function:
function blackoutClick() {
pev_for_country = '';
I believe another way to do it is also to set the event to null...
$(document).on('click', '#blackout', null);
before you re-set it on your second page.

jQuery hover firing without mouse over

I have an element with id=message1mark. The following code will run the two alerts when the page loads regardless of the position on the mouse. Any help would be appreciated.
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery("#message1mark").hover(alert("on"), alert("off"));
You need to wrap those alerts in functions:
$("#message1mark").hover(function(){alert("on");}, function(){alert("off");});
Working example:
What you tried would be interpreted as
try to call a function (which is why alert() is executed at the time of binding
and bind its result as a handler (which is nothing in this case)
}, function(){
The correct way is:
jQuery("#message1mark").hover(function() {
function() {
I believe that the alert() function fires automatically on each page. So even though you've tried to make it dependent on the hover function, it doesn't care.
It sounds like what you want is fundamentally a tooltip functionality. Some of the techniques listed in these resources might be a better way to approach things.
Instead of writing in two different functions you can include in one function itself. Below is the code for reference.

Jquery calling function on hashchange

I have 2 questions
I am using the hashchange plugin .... so I want to know would a function as below, be called everytime a hashchange occurs... because I have something like that in my code and the code function apparently doesnt seems to be called
// function here
On the other have if I remove the hashchange as in If i make as
the code works fine
the problem is the structure of my pages is a bit different .... here is the fiddle with the page structure that explains on a higher level what I am trying to achieve ... on hash change jus the div c on my page 1 gets replaced by page 2 and vice versa .... and the js function that I have shown below is getting called only once and not after hashchange
Or is therre any way I can bind the function with the div so that whenever the div is replace the function get called?
No, a ready handler is only called on document ready, not on hash change. You should use the hashchange event for that, instead:
$(window).hashchange(function () {
// function here
In document ready wirte code below
$(window).bind('hashchange', function () {
//code here
use live in this case
$(selector).live(hashchange, function(){
// your code goes here

