Video Streaming TS file - javascript

I need to play .ts streaming video file in mobile devices through a web page link, kindly provide me any example of it. I have tried video source tag with type "application/x-mpegURL" but it is not working. Can we call the .ts video file in a HTML5 video tag?

From this link (possible duplicate)
You are basically talking about Apple's HLS format. You can use an
html5 object in your web page. You can use
flash plugin. You can use jwplayer. There are more choices (e.g.


How can I play a locally stored video as lightbox effect in HTML page?

I am wondering how can I play locally store videos on HTML5 with lightbox effects (where it pop-ups and play). I've tried a few options such as:
But these are supporting youtube or Vimeo videos and doesn't seem to work with local videos.
I also looked at following question
Video in jQuery and Fancybox (Local video file mp4 Instead of Youtube) but the only thing I got to know is we need an external video player to play the video and it would not work on the mobile.
Is there any generic solution to this problem?

Playing Youtube videos on my site in a custom HTML5 player

I want to play youtube videos on my website in a simple video tag. I am able to to extract encoded url of video from the video page source and IDM download video perfectly from the extracted URL, but when I provide this URL as a source to HTML5video` tag it's unable to play it. I am building my site in PHP so is there any programming tricks that can solve the problem?
The extracted url looks like this:,936120,9405194,9406003,9407806,9408142,9408589,9408705,9408710,9408734,9409172,9410706,9413005,9413148,945137,948124,952612,952637,952642&key=cms1&mime=video/mp4&gir=yes&upn=-2WTH-cn9eI&keepalive=yes&itag=136&signature=24A201BFCD6635313FEEB3F24C5221E64BDD00B9.6323BECAF51F631BE8E5043FFB41DD7EFAB0A009&sparams=clen,dur,expire,gir,id,ip,ipbits,itag,keepalive,lmt,mime,mm,mn,ms,mv,nh,pl,requiressl,source,upn&sver=3&redirect_counter=1&req_id=6e9a47dec8a4a3ee&cms_redirect=yes&mm=30&mn=sn-p5qlsns6&ms=nxu&mt=1432132295&mv=m&nh=IgpwcjAxLmlhZDA3KgkxMjcuMC4wLjE
Use Media Element Js and you can treat the embedded youtube as an html5 element. Actually taking the video source and putting it into a new player is against youtube's terms of service, but this fix should allow you to do everything (except remove youtube's branding, which they do not want).

Integrating .html extensions with VideoJS?

So i'm using the VideoJS HTML5 video player
on my in progress video streaming website.
The problem i've encountered is that the player has no problem playing links that end in the
(.MP4) extension. But the way my site functions is it acts as a video aggregator
by pulling links from various websites, the websites are similar to this one
taking that website link for example >
Notice how it ends with the .html extension and when you go to it, it has it's own unique video player, what I want to do is to be able to play that video in video js.
My aggregator saves links to the videos (.html , .php) and not the actual video file itself, is there a way of achieving this? or is it impossible? thanks!

Creating Subtitles with video hosted on Vimeo server

I need help with the Creating/Adding subtitles in sync with the video hosted on vimeo server. This video is embedded in a HTML page. I have the subtitles saved in .srt /.vtt / Notepad files.
Kindly suggest me the best possible options which can also used for commercial purpose. Please see the below image screensot
Customized player with vimeo is pseudo-impossible, but you can use subtitles with the follow link.
Your welcome:

Can Popcorn.js be used to add subtitles to a YouTube video?

Let's say we embed a YouTube video on a web page.
Underneath the video player, could we display subtitles synched to the video using a media framework like Popcorn.js?
Interesting you mentioned Popcorn.js, because Popcorn does support Youtube.
Buuut, that documentation is out of date.
It is now:
"var example ="
There are new docs on their way.
If you choose the HTML5 version when embedding the YouTube video and if it's actually being played within an HTML5 browser, it's just a video tag so you can use Popcorn.js. When it's a Flash, I'm not sure if you can get into that Flash and know the progress and listen to the events.
If you use the YouTube JavaScript Player API, you can use player.getCurrentTime() to find out which line of subtitling to show.
Then again, YouTube already supports subtitles to begin with.

