Link Facebook to Firebase Anonymous Auth without calling Facebook API - javascript

I am creating anonymous sessions in my Firebase application to save user data before they create their accounts. I saw that Firebase allows linking a Facebook login to an anonymous account which sounds really neat, but a caveat of this process seems to be that I have to grab the Facebook token myself, outside the warmth and comfort of the awesome Firebase API, which seems strangely un-developed given how much of the login flow Firebase seems to do on behalf of apps.
A code sample of how to connect an anonymous account from their account linking docs:
var credential = firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider.credential(
Naturally, I want to use Firebase's way of getting a token
var provider = new firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider();
firebase.auth().signInWithPopup(provider).then(function(result) {
// result.token or whatever would appear here
But if I were to run that, I would lose my anonymous session (and my anonymous user ID, which we want the new Facebook login to use).
Is there anyway to get a Facebook Token out of Firebase's auth mechanism without logging the user in and losing the anonymous session that I'm trying to convert into a Facebook Login-able account? (The goal is to not have to call the Facebook API myself, especially as I'll be adding Google here as well)

I think you're looking to #linkWithPopup or #linkWithRedirect:
var provider = new firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider();
user.linkWithPopup(provider).then(function(result) {
console.log('Party 🎉');
If for some reason that doesn't cut it, you could always opt to do yourself:
Sign in the user anonymously, and store the user somewhere
Sign in the user with the provider and store the token somewhere
Delete the provider user and then link the account with the token
Quick and dirty example:
var googleToken;
var anonUser;
firebase.auth().signInAnonymously().then(function(user) {
anonUser = user;
}).catch(function(error) {
console.error("Anon sign in failed", error);
function signInWithGoogle() {
var provider = new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider();
firebase.auth().signInWithPopup(provider).then(function(result) {
googleToken = result.credential.idToken;
}).catch(function(error) {
console.error("Google sign in failed", error);
function deleteAndLink() {
firebase.auth().currentUser.delete().then(function() {
var credential =
}).then(function() {
console.log("Link succeeded");
}).catch(function(error) {
console.error("Something went wrong", error);


Firebase - check if user created with Google Account is signing up or logging in?

I'm trying to create a web application, where you can log-in and register an account with a google account. I have managed to make it so they can log-in with the signInWithPopup(provider), but not sure how to Implement the sign-up. Any suggestions? or know of any functions in firebase i can use?
There aren't any separate methods to login and sign up when using Google Sign-In or any other provider. If a user with that credential exists then user will be logged in else a new user account will be created. You can then use additionalUserInfo.isNewUser property from the result received from signInWithPopUp method to check if the user is new.
firebase.auth().signInWithPopup(provider).then(function (result) {
const {additionalUserInfo: {isNewUser}} = result;
console.log(isNewUser ? "This user just registered" : "Existing User")
For the new Modular SDK (V9.0.0+), the same can be written as:
import { signInWithPopup, getAdditionalUserInfo } from "firebase/auth"
const result = await signInWithPopup(auth, googleProvider);
// Pass the UserCredential
const { isNewUser } = getAdditionalUserInfo(result)
So far, as I understood, you have two options to log in to your website: one is to make a local username/password account on your website, and the other option is to use your google account. I suppose the best way would be to check if the Google account is linked to any existing user using additionalUserInfo.isNewUser, and then linking up your google account with the account that is created via your website locally by following this article:
Once you have Firebase dependency inside your application. You can use createUserWithEmailAndPassword method to do that.
.createUserWithEmailAndPassword("", "123123")
.then(data => {
}).then(() => {});
.catch(err => {
this.error = err.message;

Keeping user logged in after refresh/using refresh token with Google OAuth2 in React app

I’m building a React app where a key part of the functionality is a user can sign into their Google account and then access a feed of their most recent Google Drive/Docs mentions and notifications. A user arrives at my site where I load the Google OAuth2 client with my client_id, apiKey, scope and discoveryDocs, and they can click a button to sign in. For convenience, I’d like the user to not have to re-login and re-auth with their Google account every time they use the app or the app refreshes, I’d like the login information to be saved across sessions. For this I’ll use localStorage to start but eventually integrate a database like Firebase.
After looking through the JavaScript client Google OAuth2 docs I understand how most things work - understand the data and methods stored in the GoogleUser, GoogleAuth, etc objects. I’m having a little trouble with access and refresh tokens. I recognize that you can get the authenticated user’s information through gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().currentUser.get() and gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().currentUser.get().getAuthResponse() returns an object with a lot of what I think I need like id_token, access_token and metadata like expires_at and token_type. I also see the grantOfflineAccess() method from which I extract response.code, but I’m not quite sure which of these tokenized strings is the right one to use and how I need to use it.
This FAQ from Google ( is somewhat helpful but advises to Refresh the token by calling gapi.auth.authorize with the client ID, the scope and immediate:true as parameters., but gapi.auth.authorize is noted by Google in the client JS OAuth2 library as being incompatible with the more widely used and heavily documented api.auth2.init and signIn.
I also have a vague idea from posts like Google OAuth2 API Refresh Tokens that I need to follow server-side OAuth2 instructions and I can only get this refresh_token through a server-side call, but I’m still at a bit of a loss. I’ll caveat and say I’m more of a front end developer/designer so I'm shaky on my node and server-side skills.
TL;dr: I don't know how to keep my users who signed in via Google OAuth2 signed in after a refresh. I have an idea it's due to refresh_token and access_token and I have access to them but I don't know what to do after that, in terms of sending data to Google servers, getting information back, and setting the token information for the given user when they return.
Here's my method that calls on componentDidMount (basically when my app first loads):
loadGoogleClient = () => {
gapi.load("client:auth2", () => {
'client_id': my-client-id,
'apiKey': my-key,
'scope': "",
'discoveryDocs': ['']
// Listen for sign-in state changes.
console.log(`User is signed in: ${gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().isSignedIn.get()}`);
.then(() => { console.log("GAPI client loaded for API");
}, (error) => { console.error("Error loading GAPI client for API", error);
console.log('Init should have worked');
And here's my code that's onClick on my Signin button:
authGoogle = () => {
.signIn({scope: ""})
.then(function() { console.log("Sign-in successful"); },
function(err) { console.error("Error signing in", err); });
If you are using the client lib (the gapi api) there is no need for a refresh token... Once logged in it should persist across sessions and refreshes... The issue is the code...
1) Include this in your index.html in the head section:
<script src=""></script>
2) Here is a component that will handle auth using the gapi lib and render a button conditionally (The code is self-explanatory but if you have a question just ask...)
import React from 'react';
class GoogleAuth extends React.Component {
state = { isSignedIn: null };
componentDidMount() {
window.gapi.load('client:auth2', () => {
clientId: '<your client id here...>',
scope: 'email', // and whatever else passed as a string...
.then(() => {
this.auth = window.gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance();
handleAuthChange = () => {
this.setState({ isSignedIn: this.auth.isSignedIn.get() });
handleSignIn = () => {
handleSignOut = () => {
renderAuthButton() {
if (this.state.isSignedIn === null) {
return null;
} else if (this.state.isSignedIn) {
return <button onClick={this.handleSignOut}>Sign Out</button>;
} else {
return <button onClick={this.handleSignIn}>Sign in with Google</button>;
render() {
return <div>{this.renderAuthButton()}</div>;
export default GoogleAuth;
Now you can simply use this component/button anywhere in your app... Meaning if you have a Navigation component simply import it there and use it as a button login / log out...

How to remove captcha verification from Firebase phone auth using javascript?

I am using firebase phone auth for the very first time and I see captcha verification is must proceed with the process, as per firebase official documentation. Though it serves a good purpose, but sometimes it becomes very bad for the user experience when it starts asking about the road signs, bridges and all. Is there a way to directly skip to the verification code right after getting user's number? As per the documentation, the code is mentioned below. Thanks.
var phoneNumber = getPhoneNumberFromUserInput();
var appVerifier = window.recaptchaVerifier;
firebase.auth().signInWithPhoneNumber(phoneNumber, appVerifier)
.then(function (confirmationResult) {
// SMS sent. Prompt user to type the code from the message, then sign the
// user in with confirmationResult.confirm(code).
window.confirmationResult = confirmationResult;
}).catch(function (error) {
// Error; SMS not sent
// ...
var code = getCodeFromUserInput();
confirmationResult.confirm(code).then(function (result) {
// User signed in successfully.
var user = result.user;
// ...
}).catch(function (error) {
// User couldn't sign in (bad verification code?)
// ...
Go to Firebase console -->to your project-->project overview settings-->project settings --> App check -->overview (Register your app for SafetyNet).
Then your app will stop redirecting to web for captcha verification
method 1:
firebase.auth().settings.appVerificationDisabledForTesting = true;
Firebase docs
// Turn off phone auth app verification.
firebase.auth().settings.appVerificationDisabledForTesting = true;
var phoneNumber = "+16505554567";
var testVerificationCode = "123456";
// This will render a fake reCAPTCHA as appVerificationDisabledForTesting is true.
// This will resolve after rendering without app verification.
var appVerifier = new firebase.auth.RecaptchaVerifier('recaptcha-container');
// signInWithPhoneNumber will call appVerifier.verify() which will resolve with a fake
// reCAPTCHA response.
firebase.auth().signInWithPhoneNumber(phoneNumber, appVerifier)
.then(function (confirmationResult) {
// confirmationResult can resolve with the fictional testVerificationCode above.
return confirmationResult.confirm(testVerificationCode)
}).catch(function (error) {
// Error; SMS not sent
// ...
method 2:
window.recaptchaVerifier = new firebase.auth.RecaptchaVerifier('sign-in-button', {
'size': 'invisible',
'callback': (response) => {
// reCAPTCHA solved, allow signInWithPhoneNumber.
I had the same problem while integrating iOS SDK.
If google has same architecture and classes of the firebase SDK across languages, this solution might work for you.
Auth.auth().settings?.isAppVerificationDisabledForTesting = true
// Create a Recaptcha verifier instance globally
// Calls submitPhoneNumberAuth() when the captcha is verified
window.recaptchaVerifier = new firebase.auth.RecaptchaVerifier(
size: "invisible",
callback: function(response) {
use size: "normal" to size: "invisible"
window.recaptchaVerifier = new firebase.auth.RecaptchaVerifier(
size: "invisible",
callback: function(response) {
Firebase provides two properties for captcha size
Normal - which is visible and captcha code visible to the user and manually perform the captcha process.
Invisible - which is invisible to the user, automated captcha process, and code will auto render in DOM.
window.recaptchaVerifier = new firebase.auth.RecaptchaVerifier(
"recaptcha-container", {
size: "invisible"
For more details, refer to this Official Link
Use isAppVerificationDisabledForTesting = TRUE in auth settings as the below given snippet:
Auth.auth().settings.isAppVerificationDisabledForTesting = TRUE
Please check the below official information for more details:
JavaScript -
SDK reference -
Actually you can't. But, some of the devices it does not work. Instead, setup Safety and enable API key. Then back to your project setting in Firebase and copy and paste SHA-25 from Android Gradle to there if it does not exist. In this manner, in app browser redirecting will be no more irritating to you...
According To Google Official Docs 2 things are There :
Add Sha-256 Key to Firebase
Enable SafetyNet :
To use phone number authentication, Firebase must be able to verify that phone number sign-in requests are coming from your app. There are two ways Firebase Authentication accomplishes this:
SafetyNet: If a user has a device with Google Play Services installed, and Firebase Authentication can verify the device as legitimate with Android SafetyNet, phone number sign-in can proceed.
To enable SafetyNet for use with Firebase Authentication:
In the Google Cloud Console, enable the Android DeviceCheck API for your project. The default Firebase API Key will be used, and needs to be allowed to access the DeviceCheck API.
If you haven't yet specified your app's SHA-256 fingerprint, do so from the Settings Page of the Firebase console. Refer to Authenticating Your Client for details on how to get your app's SHA-256 fingerprint.
For More Details :

Firebase Auth check if new user on Facebook login

I am creating a web app using Firebase auth to authenticate my users and a MongoDB database to store some relevant user information specific to my site. I am trying to add Facebook as another means of authentication.
Logging in with Facebook is working, but what I want to do is intercept the user generation/authentication with Firebase to check if Firebase is creating a new user on a first-time Facebook login. This way if a new user is being created in Firebase I can also create a new user in my mongo database (essentially handling a signup). My facebook login function looks like this:
handleFacebookLogin() {
firebase.auth().signInWithPopup(provider).then(function(result) {
var token = result.credential.accessToken;
var user = result.user;
// check if new user here
// handleNewFacebookUser()
}).catch(function(error) {
var errorCode = error.code;
var errorMessage = error.message;
var email =;
var credential = error.credential;
I couldn't find anything that allowed me to check if a new user was being generated in the Firebase docs. It seems to silently handle new Firebase auth user generation when logging in through Facebook for the first time. If there is no built-in way for Firebase to handle this I will just check if the user exists in my database, but I wanted to be sure there wasn't a simpler alternative.
You can detect if a user is new or existing as follows:
.then(function(result) {
.catch(function(error) {
// Handle error.
For more on this refer to the documentation.

AWS Cognito - Developer Authenticated Identities in JavaScript(Browser)

I have trouble getting credentials in a browser script.
The authentication server returns cognito_identityId and cognito_token.
Then I set a Cookie:
I tried to get credentials in 4 ways on the browser, and all Failed:
AWS.config.credentials = new AWS.CognitoIdentityCredentials({
IdentityPoolId: 'us-east-1:xxxxxxxxxxxx'
IdentityId: $.cookie('cognito_identityId'),
Logins: {
'myauth': $.cookie('cognito_token')
// => Error: Missing required key 'IdentityId' in params
var params = {
RoleArn: 'arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxx:role/Cognito_xxxxxxxAuth_Role',
RoleSessionName: 'xxxxxxxxxxx',
WebIdentityToken: $.cookie('cognito_token'),
DurationSeconds: 900,
ProviderId: 'myauth'
var sts = new AWS.STS({apiVersion: '2011-06-15'});
sts.assumeRoleWithWebIdentity(params, function(err, data) {
if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
else console.log(data); // successful response
// => AccessDenied: Not authorized to perform sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Federated": ""
"Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"": "us-east-1:xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
"ForAnyValue:StringLike": {
"": "authenticated"
var params = {
IdentityId: $.cookie('cognito_identityId'),
Logins: {
"myauth": $.cookie('oauth.io_token')
var cognitoidentity = new AWS.CognitoIdentity({apiVersion: '2014-06-30'});
cognitoidentity.getCredentialsForIdentity(params, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
else {
console.log(data); // successful response
// => InvalidParameterException: Please provide a valid public provider
AWS.config.credentials = new AWS.WebIdentityCredentials({
RoleArn: 'arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxx:role/Cognito_xxxxxxxxxxAuth_Role',
WebIdentityToken: $.cookie('cognito_token')
// => Error: There were 2 validation errors:
// * MissingRequiredParameter: Missing required key 'IdentityPoolId' in params
// * MissingRequiredParameter: Missing required key 'IdentityId' in params
What am I doing wrong?
What is the correct way to use this?
Thank you.
Thank you for your kindness.
I tyied your advice, but did not change.
Error messages.
POST 400 (Bad Request)
POST 400 (Bad Request)
Error: Missing required key 'IdentityId' in params
at fail (chrome-extension://hmjdjbikinkmjbilihjibcihbkbjdgjf/bower_components/aws-sdk-js/dist/aws-sdk.js:2163:37)
at validateStructure (chrome-extension://hmjdjbikinkmjbilihjibcihbkbjdgjf/bower_components/aws-sdk-js/dist/aws-sdk.js:2084:14)
at validateMember (chrome-extension://hmjdjbikinkmjbilihjibcihbkbjdgjf/bower_components/aws-sdk-js/dist/aws-sdk.js:2110:21)
at validate (chrome-extension://hmjdjbikinkmjbilihjibcihbkbjdgjf/bower_components/aws-sdk-js/dist/aws-sdk.js:2059:10)
at Request.VALIDATE_PARAMETERS (chrome-extension://hmjdjbikinkmjbilihjibcihbkbjdgjf/bower_components/aws-sdk-js/dist/aws-sdk.js:800:32)
at Request.callListeners (chrome-extension://hmjdjbikinkmjbilihjibcihbkbjdgjf/bower_components/aws-sdk-js/dist/aws-sdk.js:3913:20)
at callNextListener (chrome-extension://hmjdjbikinkmjbilihjibcihbkbjdgjf/bower_components/aws-sdk-js/dist/aws-sdk.js:3903:12)
at chrome-extension://hmjdjbikinkmjbilihjibcihbkbjdgjf/bower_components/aws-sdk-js/dist/aws-sdk.js:787:9
at finish (chrome-extension://hmjdjbikinkmjbilihjibcihbkbjdgjf/bower_components/aws-sdk-js/dist/aws-sdk.js:126:7)
at chrome-extension://hmjdjbikinkmjbilihjibcihbkbjdgjf/bower_components/aws-sdk-js/dist/aws-sdk.js:142:9
There are source code below link.
and server side is a AWS Lambda Function.
var aws = require('aws-sdk');
aws.config.region = 'us-east-1';
var cognitoidentity = new aws.CognitoIdentity();
var identityPoolId = 'us-east-1:0dccff0d-5fd7-4d14-b38f-d27204feaecc';
console.log('Loading function');
exports.handler = function(event, context) {
console.log('token: %s', event.token);
var params = {
IdentityPoolId: identityPoolId,
Logins: {
'': event.token
console.log(err);'Something went wrong');
This program is Google-Chrome-Extension.
AWS Lambda Function returns token by getOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity.
app/scripts/popup.js calls Lambda Function and set cookies.
app/scripts/background.js calls AWS.config.credentials.get, and returns error.
Am I using it wrong?
Update for Additional Information
Thank you for the additional information.
Error appears on 104 line on background.js
and 115 line on background.js
And, My explaination was not enough. Facebook authentication needs the domain(ex. http :// However, Google-Chrome-Ext does not have domain. It has a domain 'chrome-extension://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'. Then, I use It proxies any authentication and accepts chrome-extension domain.
Popup.js does Facebook authentication through sdk. It gets a facebook token, and gives to getOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity. I think facebook token.substr(0,14) is unique. But, If it is wrong, I use another unique identifier(ex. email-address.)
Sorry, I was wrong. AWS.config.credentials.get gives an Error:
Error: Invalid login token.
And, dataset.synchronize shows this Error:
Error: Missing required key 'IdentityId' in params
The first approach you have, using CognitoIdentityCredentials, is most likely the best approach for you to take. I can't spot exactly what's causing the error for you but lets try a couple things:
When using Developer Authenticated Identities, you do need to specify the IdentityId when initializing CognitoIdentityCredentials. You need to get the IdentityId value from the call to GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity. However, you shouldn't need to preserve the IdentityId value in a cookie as CognitoIdentityCredentials will cache the id by default in the browser's local storage.
As for your Logins map: It looks like you're trying to use Developer Authenticated Identities. With the JavaScript SDK, use the key '' and make sure the value is the token returned from your backend's call to getOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity.
If you continue to have problem using the CognitoIdentityCredentials approach, please reply here with some more info such as the exact method/code you're calling when you receive the error message, and the traced output (i.e. with console.log('%o',..)) of the params input just before your call to the CognitoIdentityCredentials constructor.
Update Based on Additional Information Provided
I still need to know exactly which line of code you receive the error on, but based on the information provided I think I can still help...
Based on what I see in background.js, it looks like you're trying to initialize CognitoIdentityCredentials using a Developer Authenticated Identities provider. This is where I'm guessing that you're receiving the error.
However, in Popup.js, it looks like you're trying to authenticate the user with Facebook. If you're authenticating your users with Facebook, you should just pass the facebook access token into your Logins map when using Cognito. Just use as the key in the Logins map and the access token from Facebook. More detail on how to do this is in the Facebook Integration topic of the Amazon Cognito developer guide.
Facebook vs Developer Authenticated Identities
We can get Developer Authenticated Identities to work for you, but in this case, it doesn't look like the right solution for you since you're not actually doing any additional authentication on the identity in your Lambda function and the unique user identifier that you're passing into the getOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity operation appears to be the facebook token, which is not good by the way since the token itself will change between user sessions even for the same user. Usually a good unique identifier is an email address or a user id used by an internal system.
Facebook Login & Redirects
Since you're ultimately trying to use Facebook for login and Amazon Cognito has built-in integration for Facebook, the best thing for you to do is get an access token from Facebook and pass in the Facebook token to Cognito's login map directly. I'm not sure if this will work with or not (I'm just not familiar with it), but as long as gives your JavaScript code a bonefide facebook token and you add the same Facebook App ID to both and Amazon Cognito's Console, it should work. However, you mentioned you want to use to avoid Facebook doing a redirect to a landing page. I could be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure if you're using Facebook's JavaScript SDK you won't need a redirect page. You should only need the redirect page if you're doing Facebook's Manually Build a Login Flow.

