Can i use sketch.js in mobile browser? - javascript

can i use sketch.js in mobile browser? I developing a system using coldfusion and sketch.js. I had tested on desktop browser and it run smoothly. But when i tested on mobile browser, the last sketch of the sketching is unable to get by the sketch.js. So i want to ask, it the sketch.js cannot function well in mobile browser?TQ.

From the sketch.js web site (at the bottom) -
Sketch.js has been tested on Chrome (OS X), Firefox (OS X), Safari (OS X), Android Browser (Honeycomb 3.1). It suffers significant performance degradation on mobile browsers due to general HTML5 Canvas performance issues.


Does mobile browser support Three.js application

I have my application which bases on Three.js library. However, it doesn't run on mobile browser when I used WebGLRender. I checked some application from Mr.doob ( I wonder whether or not mobile browser support three.js or I missed something to run its application on device?
According to
WebGL is completely supported by the following mobile browsers
Safari on iOS 8
Blackberry Browser 10
Opera Mobile 22+
Its partially supported(meaning it may or may not work in some cases) by the following browsers.
Chrome for Android 35
Firefox for Android 30
Lastly here is the list of mobile browsers that don't support webGL.
Opera Mini
Android Browser
Blackberry Browser 7
iOS Safari 7 or less
IE Mobile 10
Opera Mobile 11.5 or less
What mobile browser? Chrome and Firefox on Android support WebGL. The native browser doesn't work.
Android native browser now supports webGL / Three.js

Why performance WebGL of PhoneGap is different from firefox or chrome?

I am developing a game with WebGL.
When I compile the app with PhoneGap (Apache cordova), the game runs at 10 FPS.
Instead in mobile browsers like firefox or google chrome, I have 60 fps.
Is there a way to deploy an app made ​​with WebGL that is as fast as a normal desktop?
WebGL is not enabled in the current WebView. If you are using ThreeJS then you are likely falling back to a software renderer which in most cases will be performing slower.
It depends on the engine behind the WebView, and it's usually the same as the built-in browser which almost never updated, and could be months behind the latest build. It means it's not optimized for much recent developments, like WebGL for instance.
Mobile browsers, on the other hand, such as Firefox or Chrome are regularly updated (6-week release cycle) and optimized so they do get an edge in dealing with recent tech.
WebView for Android 4.4 onwards are Chrome-based, so they should perform faster.

JavaScript console library

I have heard about a JavaScript library that simulates the console from development tools, but I can't find anything on the web.
My need is when I deploy my HTML5 + JavaScript application (with Icenium) in a device (tablet or smartphone and Android or iOS). Sometimes some bugs only occurs on those devices and not in my desktop's simulator, so a console running on it will be very helpful.
Are you looking for something like jqconsole?
Not JavaScript tools for emulating the console, but here are some other ways around it:
Chrome for Android has remote debugging through Chrome for Desktop
And I think Safari has a similar feature for iOS devices.

Is it possible with Weinre to set javascript breakpoints when debugging iOS webviews

I'm using weinre to debug a phonegap application. However it doesn't seem possible to step through the JS or set breakpoints. Is this at all possible?
No, it is not possible to set breakpoints with weinre.
No is the correct answer. And the "secret XCode UIWebView" mentioned in the other answer doesn't work any more. BUT ...
You can now throw the Weinre out the window because, with the release of iOS 6, Apple released remote mobile Web Inspector for Safari, and this is HUGE for anyone who's been struggling to debug their iOS mobile apps. Basically you have all the features and power of regular Safari Web Inspector--including Breakpoints--for your mobile apps, including WebView & Phonegap apps. I've used weinre quite a bit, and this makes it completely obsolete for these purposes, since the new remote Web Inspector is a full-featured, native debugger.
Here's how it works (requires a Mac, xCode 4.5+ running an iOS 6 simulator (or an attached iOS 6 device, I think), and Safari 6+ on your Mac:
In your ios6 simulator/device, Settings --> Safari --> Advanced --> Web Inspector --> On (this is On by default in the simulator).
In Safari, access iPhone/iPad Simulator from the Develop menu and see your page. You can enable the Develop menu in Safari's Advanced Preferences if you don't see it.
More discussion at the bottom of:
even if this an old question, maybe someone is still struggling with iOS debugging from windows (as i was until today...:D).
I found this quite good solution:
You can install apps from ipa and debug all the code usually obfuscated by Safari.

iOS UIWebView not 100% compatible with Safari on iOS?

i have a nice pageFlip website running fine in Safari-Browser on iPad2. If i now create a UIWebView within my new App and opening the URL to this PageFlip Site within the WebView, the Pages are not displayed the same as in Safari.
Are there known differences between Safari and UIWebView?
The PageFlip Site does a lot of JavaScript, checking the browser and also the screen resolution.
Also some functionality (JavaScript) does not work in UIWebView, but in Safari on the same device.
iOS 4.3 introduced the nitro JS engine to mobile Safari, which uses JIT for increased performance, but for security reasons JIT is disabled for UIWebViews.
My guess would be that UIWebView still runs the pre 4.3 JS engine.

