issue in recursive call of javascript - javascript

Description: I want to read a particular label from the webpage, whose value changes to one of "started", "inprogress", "success", "Error". Once the label value changes to "success" or "Error" there will not be any further changes.
Issue: When I read the label value using javascript in protractor, the text value of the label is not returned to the calling function; instead it returns 'undefined'. Below is my code, please have a look and let me where the issue is.
var commonFunctions = require('../pages/CommonFunctions.js');
describe("Run Test", function () {
it("should stop once the status reached Success or Error", function () {
var processStatus = commonFunctions.refreshTillProcessFinish();
Var CommonFunctions = function(){
var label = element('Status'));
var refreshStatusBtn = element(by.css('[ng-click="getJob()"]'));
this.getStatusValue = function () {
return label.then(function (headers) {
return headers.getText();
this.refreshTillRefreshFinish = function () {
var refreshStatusMonitor = function (currentStatus) {
return currentStatus.then(function (Status) {
if (Status == 'Success' || Status.includes("Error")) {
return Status;
} else {;
refreshStatusMonitor (currentStatus);
return refreshStatusMonitor (this.getStatusValue);
module.exports = new CommonFunctions();
Executing in Protractor:
I have configured protractor in Webstorm, hence I used to run using that.
Expected Result:
The test should get successful and passed
Actual Result:
The test fails with below error.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\WebStorm 2016.1.1\bin\runnerw.exe" "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" node_modules\protractor\built\cli.js D:\Somesh_HDD\WebstormProjects\ProjectUBET\conf.js
[22:19:59] I/direct - Using ChromeDriver directly...
[22:19:59] I/launcher - Running 1 instances of WebDriver
Spec started
Run Test
? should stop once the status reached Success or Error
- Expected undefined to contain 'Success', 'Error'.
* Failures *
1) Run Test should stop once the status reached Success or Error
- Expected undefined to contain 'Success', 'Error'.
Executed 1 of 1 spec (1 FAILED) in 33 secs.
[22:20:36] I/launcher - 0 instance(s) of WebDriver still running
[22:20:36] I/launcher - chrome #01 failed 1 test(s)
[22:20:36] I/launcher - overall: 1 failed spec(s)
[22:20:36] E/launcher - Process exited with error code 1
Process finished with exit code 1

The following return value:
return currentStatus.then(...);
is not the value returned by this statement:
return Status;
In fact, the latter is returned to one of the recursive calls of refreshStatusMonitor which is not captured anywhere.
Because this is asynchronous code involving promises, the return value of currentStatus should be a promise as well, which would bubble up via refreshStatusMonitor, refreshTillRefreshFinish to your test, which then also needs to be adapted to wait for the promise to be fulfilled before expecting anything.
I would also advise against the use of browser.sleep(...) as it completely blocks your JavaScript environment. You could use setTimeout(...) instead.
Here is some untested code which builds on those ideas:
this.refreshTillRefreshFinish = function () {
// create a promise
var deferred = protractor.promise.defer();
var refreshStatusMonitor = function (currentStatus) {
currentStatus.then(function refresh(Status) {
if (Status == 'Success' || Status.includes("Error")) {
// Signal the completion via the promise.
// This triggers the `then` callback in your revised test
} else {;
// Use setTimeout so JavaScript is not blocked here:
setTimeout(function () {
}, 2000);
// Don't wait for the result to happen while blocking everything,
// instead return a custom-made promise immediately
return deferred.promise;
Your test should then also take into account that you are dealing with a promise:
it("should stop once the status reached Success or Error", function () {
var processStatus = commonFunctions.refreshTillProcessFinish().then(function () {
}, 20000); // set timeout to 20 seconds
Note that Jasmine has a default timeout of 2 seconds, so you need to provide that extra argument at the end.
NB: Such asynchronous tests are not very suitable for running batches of unit tests.

Is your script able to click on the refresh button recursively?
i have made few changes to your existing script by introducing promises inside the recursive method.Just give a try.
var CommonFunctions = function(){
var label = element('Status'));
var refreshStatusBtn = element(by.css('[ng-click="getJob()"]'));
this.refreshTillRefreshFinish = function () {
var defer = protractor.promise().defer();
var refreshStatusMonitor = function () {
label.getText().then(function (Status) {
if (Status == 'Success' || Status.includes("Error")) {
} else {;
refreshStatusMonitor ();
return defer.promise;
return refreshStatusMonitor ();
module.exports = new CommonFunctions();


Force stop function execution [duplicate]

How to implement a timeout in Javascript, not the window.timeout but something like session timeout or socket timeout - basically - a "function timeout"
A specified period of time that will be allowed to elapse in a system
before a specified event is to take place, unless another specified
event occurs first; in either case, the period is terminated when
either event takes place.
Specifically, I want a javascript observing timer that will observe the execution time of a function and if reached or going more than a specified time then the observing timer will stop/notify the executing function.
Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks a lot.
I'm not entirely clear what you're asking, but I think that Javascript does not work the way you want so it cannot be done. For example, it cannot be done that a regular function call lasts either until the operation completes or a certain amount of time whichever comes first. That can be implemented outside of javascript and exposed through javascript (as is done with synchronous ajax calls), but can't be done in pure javascript with regular functions.
Unlike other languages, Javascript is single threaded so that while a function is executing a timer will never execute (except for web workers, but they are very, very limited in what they can do). The timer can only execute when the function finishes executing. Thus, you can't even share a progress variable between a synchronous function and a timer so there's no way for a timer to "check on" the progress of a function.
If your code was completely stand-alone (didn't access any of your global variables, didn't call your other functions and didn't access the DOM in anyway), then you could run it in a web-worker (available in newer browsers only) and use a timer in the main thread. When the web-worker code completes, it sends a message to the main thread with it's results. When the main thread receives that message, it stops the timer. If the timer fires before receiving the results, it can kill the web-worker. But, your code would have to live with the restrictions of web-workers.
Soemthing can also be done with asynchronous operations (because they work better with Javascript's single-threaded-ness) like this:
Start an asynchronous operation like an ajax call or the loading of an image.
Start a timer using setTimeout() for your timeout time.
If the timer fires before your asynchronous operation completes, then stop the asynchronous operation (using the APIs to cancel it).
If the asynchronous operation completes before the timer fires, then cancel the timer with clearTimeout() and proceed.
For example, here's how to put a timeout on the loading of an image:
function loadImage(url, maxTime, data, fnSuccess, fnFail) {
var img = new Image();
var timer = setTimeout(function() {
timer = null;
fnFail(data, url);
}, maxTime);
img.onLoad = function() {
if (timer) {
fnSuccess(data, img);
img.onAbort = img.onError = function() {
fnFail(data, url);
img.src = url;
My question has been marked as a duplicate of this one so I thought I'd answer it even though the original post is already nine years old.
It took me a while to wrap my head around what it means for Javascript to be single-threaded (and I'm still not sure I understood things 100%) but here's how I solved a similar use-case using Promises and a callback. It's mostly based on this tutorial.
First, we define a timeout function to wrap around Promises:
const timeout = (prom, time, exception) => {
let timer;
return Promise.race([
new Promise((_r, rej) => timer = setTimeout(rej, time, exception))
]).finally(() => clearTimeout(timer));
This is the promise I want to timeout:
const someLongRunningFunction = async () => {
return ...;
Finally, I use it like this.
const TIMEOUT = 2000;
const timeoutError = Symbol();
var value = "some default value";
try {
value = await timeout(someLongRunningFunction(), TIMEOUT, timeoutError);
catch(e) {
if (e === timeoutError) {
else {
console.log("Error: " + e);
finally {
return callback(value);
This will call the callback function with the return value of someLongRunningFunction or a default value in case of a timeout. You can modify it to handle timeouts differently (e.g. throw an error).
You could execute the code in a web worker. Then you are still able to handle timeout events while the code is running. As soon as the web worker finishes its job you can cancel the timeout. And as soon as the timeout happens you can terminate the web worker.
execWithTimeout(function() {
if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
for(;;) {}
} else {
return 12;
}, 3000, function(err, result) {
if (err) {
console.log('Error: ' + err.message);
} else {
console.log('Result: ' + result);
function execWithTimeout(code, timeout, callback) {
var worker = new Worker('data:text/javascript;base64,' + btoa('self.postMessage((' + String(code) + '\n)());'));
var id = setTimeout(function() {
callback(new Error('Timeout'));
}, timeout);
worker.addEventListener('error', function(e) {
worker.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
I realize this is an old question/thread but perhaps this will be helpful to others.
Here's a generic callWithTimeout that you can await:
export function callWithTimeout(func, timeout) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const timer = setTimeout(() => reject(new Error("timeout")), timeout)
response => resolve(response),
err => reject(new Error(err))
).finally(() => clearTimeout(timer))
export function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms))
const func1 = async () => {
// test: func completes in time
await sleep(100)
const func2 = async () => {
// test: func does not complete in time
await sleep(300)
const func3 = async () => {
// test: func throws exception before timeout
await sleep(100)
throw new Error("exception in func")
const func4 = async () => {
// test: func would have thrown exception but timeout occurred first
await sleep(300)
throw new Error("exception in func")
Call with:
try {
await callWithTimeout(func, 200)
console.log("finished in time")
catch (err) {
console.log(err.message) // can be "timeout" or exception thrown by `func`
You can achieve this only using some hardcore tricks. Like for example if you know what kind of variable your function returns (note that EVERY js function returns something, default is undefined) you can try something like this: define variable
var x = null;
and run test in seperate "thread":
function test(){
if (x || x == undefined)
console.log("Cool, my function finished the job!");
console.log("Ehh, still far from finishing!");
setTimeout(test, 10000);
and finally run function:
x = myFunction(myArguments);
This only works if you know that your function either does not return any value (i.e. the returned value is undefined) or the value it returns is always "not false", i.e. is not converted to false statement (like 0, null, etc).
Here is my answer which essentially simplifies Martin's answer and is based upon the same tutorial.
Timeout wrapper for a promise:
const timeout = (prom, time) => {
const timeoutError = new Error(`execution time has exceeded the allowed time frame of ${time} ms`);
let timer; // will receive the setTimeout defined from time = "TimeoutErr";
return Promise.race([
new Promise((_r, rej) => timer = setTimeout(rej, time, timeoutError)) // returns the defined timeoutError in case of rejection
]).catch(err => { // handle errors that may occur during the promise race
}) .finally(() => clearTimeout(timer)); // clears timer
A promise for testing purposes:
const fn = async (a) => { // resolves in 500 ms or throw an error if a == true
if (a == true) throw new Error('test error');
await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 500));
return "p2";
Now here is a test function:
async function test() {
let result;
try { // finishes before the timeout
result = await timeout(fn(), 1000); // timeouts in 1000 ms
console.log('• Returned Value :', result, '\n'); // result = p2
} catch(err) {
console.log('• Captured exception 0 : \n ', err, '\n');
try { // don't finish before the timeout
result = await timeout(fn(), 100); // timeouts in 100 ms
console.log(result); // not executed as the timeout error was triggered
} catch (err) {
console.log('• Captured exception 1 : \n ', err, '\n');
try { // an error occured during fn execution time
result = await timeout(fn(true), 100); // fn will throw an error
console.log(result); // not executed as an error occured
} catch (err) {
console.log('• Captured exception 2 : \n ', err, '\n');
that will produce this output:
• Returned Value : p2
• Captured exception 1 :
TimeoutErr: execution time has exceeded the allowed time frame of 100 ms
at C:\...\test-promise-race\test.js:33:34
at async test (C:\...\test-promise-race\test.js:63:18)
• Captured exception 2 :
Error: test error
at fn (C:\...\test-promise-race\test.js:45:26)
at test (C:\...\test-promise-race\test.js:72:32)
If you don't want to use try ... catch instructions in the test function you can alternatively replace the throw instructions in the catch part of the timeout promise wrapper by return.
By doing so the result variable will receive the error that is throwed otherwise. You can then use this to detect if the result variable actually contains an error.
if (result instanceof Error) {
// there was an error during execution
else {
// result contains the value returned by fn
If you want to check if the error is relative to the defined timeout you will have to check the value for "TimeoutErr".
Share a variable between the observing timer and the executing function.
Implement the observing timer with window.setTimeout or window.setInterval. When the observing timer executes, it sets an exit value to the shared variable.
The executing function constantly checks for the variable value.. and returns if the exit value is specified.

Chai Assertion after a timeout

I have some code that handles outgoing and incoming data. When I send a request, I expect some kind of an answer from an external source. If no answer has arrived after a timeout of 1500ms, I return something to an error callback and end the request. That all looks something like this:
this.sendRequest = function(sendRequestDevice, sendRequestFID, sendRequestParam, sendRequestAction, sendRequestData,
sendRequestReturnCB, sendRequestErrorCB) {
if (!this.isConnected) {
if (sendRequestErrorCB !== undefined) {
// Packet creation
var sendRequestAddress = this.getDeviceAddress(sendRequestDevice);
var sendRequestPacket = pack(sendRequestAddress, sendRequestAction, sendRequestParam, sendRequestData);
// var sendRequestSEQ = this.getSequenceNumberFromPacket(sendRequestHeader);
// Sending the created packet
if (sendRequestDevice.expectedResponse.length === 0) {
// Setting the requesting current device's current request
FID: sendRequestFID,
timeout: setTimeout(this.sendRequestTimeout.bind
(this, sendRequestDevice, sendRequestErrorCB), this.timeout),
returnCB: sendRequestReturnCB,
errorCB: sendRequestErrorCB
} else {
setTimeout(this.sendRequest.bind(this, sendRequestDevice, sendRequestFID, sendRequestParam,
sendRequestAction, sendRequestData, sendRequestReturnCB, sendRequestErrorCB ), 1000)
this.sendRequestTimeout = function (timeoutDevice, timeoutErrorCB) {
// if the response is not received in 'this.timeout' ms, throw an error
timeoutDevice.expectedResponse.splice(0, 1);
if (timeoutErrorCB !== undefined){
console.log('Error Timeout');
I want to test this behavior with a unit test using mocha and chai. Basically I just want to assert that the error callback is called after 1.5s with the argument VacuumSystem.ERROR_TIMEOUT. What I tried is:
describe('behavior', function() {
beforeEach(function () {
returnCallback = sinon.spy();
errorCallback = sinon.spy();
// this function calls the sendRequest function with the needed parameters
PPT100.getPressure(returnCallback, errorCallback);
it('should return a Timeout Error when no response is received', function (done) {
setTimeout(function () {
sinon.assert.calledWith(errorCallback, VacuumSystem.ERROR_TIMEOUT)
}, PPT100.ipcon.timeout);
I know that the error is returned since I can see the log message 'Error Timeout', but expect fails for the sinon spy. What am I doing wrong here?

Selenium Javascript Wait

I'm trying to use selenium-webdriver in Node to crawl Google finance pages. The driver.wait function does not appear to work as expected. I have set my mocha timeout to be 10 seconds and the driver.wait timeout be 9 seconds. The test passes about half of the time, but when it fails, it doesn't take anywhere near 9 seconds to fail - it actually fails in about 1 second and then takes another 8 before closing the test. I'm obviously missing something, but I've included the commented-out iterations of different things I've tried in order to make this work (including setTimeout). If anyone can help me see the error in my thinking, I would be much obliged. Here's the code:
(function () {
var assert = require("chai").assert;
var webdriver = require("selenium-webdriver");
var urlGoogleFinanceRoot = "";
describe("Selenium", function () {
it("should fetch a couple of pages and keep all of the content", function (done) {
var driver = new webdriver.Builder().withCapabilities(;
webdriver.promise.controlFlow().on("uncaughtException", function (e) {
console.error("Error1: " + e);
// driver.get(urlGoogleFinanceRoot + "?q=BAC").then(function () {
// return setTimeout(function () {
// return driver.findElement(webdriver.By.xpath("//table[#class='snap-data']")).isDisplayed();
// }, 9000).then(function (isDisplayed) {
// assert.isTrue(isDisplayed);
// driver.quit();
// done();
// });
// });
// driver.wait(function () {
// return driver.get(urlGoogleFinanceRoot + "?q=BAC").then(function () {
// return driver.wait(function () {
// return driver.findElement(webdriver.By.xpath("//table[#class='snap-data']")).isDisplayed();
// }, 9000);
// });
// }, 9000).then(function (isDisplayed) {
// assert.isTrue(isDisplayed);
// driver.quit();
// done();
// });
// driver.wait(function(){
// return driver.get(urlGoogleFinanceRoot + "?q=BAC").then(function(){
// return driver.findElement(webdriver.By.xpath("//table[#class='snap-data']")).isDisplayed();
// });
// },5000).then(function(isDisplayed){
// assert.isTrue(isDisplayed);
// driver.quit();
// done();
// });
driver.get(urlGoogleFinanceRoot + "?q=BAC").then(function () {
driver.wait(function () {
return driver.findElement(webdriver.By.xpath("//table[#class='snap-data']")).isDisplayed();
}, 9000).then(function (isReady) {
and here's the output:
Error1: NoSuchElementError: no such element
(Session info: chrome=44.0.2403.107)
(Driver info: chromedriver=2.16.333243 (0bfa1d3575fc1044244f21ddb82bf870944ef961),platform=Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 x86_64)
1) should fetch a couple of pages and keep all of the content
0 passing (10s)
1 failing
1) Selenium should fetch a couple of pages and keep all of the content:
Error: timeout of 10000ms exceeded. Ensure the done() callback is being called in this test.
from this doc I understand that when you provide a function, it waits until the promise is resolved, but guessing that it is run only once, so you gotto try something like:
driver.get(urlGoogleFinanceRoot + "?q=BAC").then(function () {
driver.wait(webdriver.until.elementLocated(webdriver.By.xpath("//table[#class='snap-data']")), 9000)

How to find out if WinJS.Promise was cancelled by timeout or cancel() call

I have a server request that is wrapped in a timeout promise.
var pendingRequest = WinJS.Promise.timeout(5000, requestAsync).
The user also has a "Cancel" button on the UI to actively cancel the request by executing pendingRequest.cancel(). However, there is no way to find out that the promise has been cancelled by the user or by the timeout (since timeout calls promise.cancel() internally too).
It would have been nice of WinJS.Promise.timeout would move the promise in the error state with a different Error object like "Timeout" instead of "Canceled".
Any idea how to find out if the request has been cancelled by the timeout?
Update: How about this solution:
(function (P) {
var oldTimeout = P.timeout
P.timeout = function (t, promise) {
var timeoutPromise = oldTimeout(t);
if (promise) {
return new WinJS.Promise(function (c, e, p) {
timeoutPromise.then(function () {
e(new WinJS.ErrorFromName("Timeout", "Timeout reached after " + t + "ms"));
} else {
return timeoutPromise;
According to the documentation,
... the promise enters the error state with a value of Error("Canceled")
Thus, error.message === 'Canceled' can be detected in your error handler.
In addition, WinJS.Promise allows an onCancel callback to be specified at construction time.
var promise = new WinJS.Promise(init, onCancel);
where init and onCancel are both functions.
Here's a demo.
Ah OK, sorry I misread the question. I understand now that you wish to distinguish between a timeout and a manually canceled promise.
Yes, it can be done, by making an appropriate message available to both :
a WinJS promise's onCancel callback
a chained "catch" callback.
First, extend WinJS.Promise.prototype with a .timeout() method :
(function(P) {
P.prototype.timeout = function (t) {
var promise = this;
promise.message = 'Canceled';
P.timeout(t).then(function() {
promise.message = 'Timeout';
return promise.then(null, function() {
if(error.message == 'Canceled') {
throw new Error(promise.message); //This allows a chained "catch" to see "Canceled" or "Timeout" as its e.message.
} else {
throw error; //This allows a chained "catch" to see a naturally occurring message as its e.message.
This becomes a method of each instance of WinJS.Promise(), therefore does not conflict with the static method WinJS.Promise.timeout() .
Now, use the .timeout() method as follows :
function init() {
//whatever ...
function onCancel() {
console.log('onCacnel handler: ' + this.message || `Canceled`);
var promise = new WinJS.Promise(init, onCancel);
promise.timeout(3000).then(null, function(error) {
console.log('chained catch handler: ' + error.message);
* With `promise.cancel()` uncommented, `this.message` and `error.message` will be "Canceled".
* With `promise.cancel()` commented out, `this.message` and `error.message` will be "Timeout".
Demo (with extra code for button animation).

How to implement a "function timeout" in Javascript - not just the 'setTimeout'

How to implement a timeout in Javascript, not the window.timeout but something like session timeout or socket timeout - basically - a "function timeout"
A specified period of time that will be allowed to elapse in a system
before a specified event is to take place, unless another specified
event occurs first; in either case, the period is terminated when
either event takes place.
Specifically, I want a javascript observing timer that will observe the execution time of a function and if reached or going more than a specified time then the observing timer will stop/notify the executing function.
Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks a lot.
I'm not entirely clear what you're asking, but I think that Javascript does not work the way you want so it cannot be done. For example, it cannot be done that a regular function call lasts either until the operation completes or a certain amount of time whichever comes first. That can be implemented outside of javascript and exposed through javascript (as is done with synchronous ajax calls), but can't be done in pure javascript with regular functions.
Unlike other languages, Javascript is single threaded so that while a function is executing a timer will never execute (except for web workers, but they are very, very limited in what they can do). The timer can only execute when the function finishes executing. Thus, you can't even share a progress variable between a synchronous function and a timer so there's no way for a timer to "check on" the progress of a function.
If your code was completely stand-alone (didn't access any of your global variables, didn't call your other functions and didn't access the DOM in anyway), then you could run it in a web-worker (available in newer browsers only) and use a timer in the main thread. When the web-worker code completes, it sends a message to the main thread with it's results. When the main thread receives that message, it stops the timer. If the timer fires before receiving the results, it can kill the web-worker. But, your code would have to live with the restrictions of web-workers.
Soemthing can also be done with asynchronous operations (because they work better with Javascript's single-threaded-ness) like this:
Start an asynchronous operation like an ajax call or the loading of an image.
Start a timer using setTimeout() for your timeout time.
If the timer fires before your asynchronous operation completes, then stop the asynchronous operation (using the APIs to cancel it).
If the asynchronous operation completes before the timer fires, then cancel the timer with clearTimeout() and proceed.
For example, here's how to put a timeout on the loading of an image:
function loadImage(url, maxTime, data, fnSuccess, fnFail) {
var img = new Image();
var timer = setTimeout(function() {
timer = null;
fnFail(data, url);
}, maxTime);
img.onLoad = function() {
if (timer) {
fnSuccess(data, img);
img.onAbort = img.onError = function() {
fnFail(data, url);
img.src = url;
My question has been marked as a duplicate of this one so I thought I'd answer it even though the original post is already nine years old.
It took me a while to wrap my head around what it means for Javascript to be single-threaded (and I'm still not sure I understood things 100%) but here's how I solved a similar use-case using Promises and a callback. It's mostly based on this tutorial.
First, we define a timeout function to wrap around Promises:
const timeout = (prom, time, exception) => {
let timer;
return Promise.race([
new Promise((_r, rej) => timer = setTimeout(rej, time, exception))
]).finally(() => clearTimeout(timer));
This is the promise I want to timeout:
const someLongRunningFunction = async () => {
return ...;
Finally, I use it like this.
const TIMEOUT = 2000;
const timeoutError = Symbol();
var value = "some default value";
try {
value = await timeout(someLongRunningFunction(), TIMEOUT, timeoutError);
catch(e) {
if (e === timeoutError) {
else {
console.log("Error: " + e);
finally {
return callback(value);
This will call the callback function with the return value of someLongRunningFunction or a default value in case of a timeout. You can modify it to handle timeouts differently (e.g. throw an error).
You could execute the code in a web worker. Then you are still able to handle timeout events while the code is running. As soon as the web worker finishes its job you can cancel the timeout. And as soon as the timeout happens you can terminate the web worker.
execWithTimeout(function() {
if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
for(;;) {}
} else {
return 12;
}, 3000, function(err, result) {
if (err) {
console.log('Error: ' + err.message);
} else {
console.log('Result: ' + result);
function execWithTimeout(code, timeout, callback) {
var worker = new Worker('data:text/javascript;base64,' + btoa('self.postMessage((' + String(code) + '\n)());'));
var id = setTimeout(function() {
callback(new Error('Timeout'));
}, timeout);
worker.addEventListener('error', function(e) {
worker.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
I realize this is an old question/thread but perhaps this will be helpful to others.
Here's a generic callWithTimeout that you can await:
export function callWithTimeout(func, timeout) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const timer = setTimeout(() => reject(new Error("timeout")), timeout)
response => resolve(response),
err => reject(new Error(err))
).finally(() => clearTimeout(timer))
export function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms))
const func1 = async () => {
// test: func completes in time
await sleep(100)
const func2 = async () => {
// test: func does not complete in time
await sleep(300)
const func3 = async () => {
// test: func throws exception before timeout
await sleep(100)
throw new Error("exception in func")
const func4 = async () => {
// test: func would have thrown exception but timeout occurred first
await sleep(300)
throw new Error("exception in func")
Call with:
try {
await callWithTimeout(func, 200)
console.log("finished in time")
catch (err) {
console.log(err.message) // can be "timeout" or exception thrown by `func`
You can achieve this only using some hardcore tricks. Like for example if you know what kind of variable your function returns (note that EVERY js function returns something, default is undefined) you can try something like this: define variable
var x = null;
and run test in seperate "thread":
function test(){
if (x || x == undefined)
console.log("Cool, my function finished the job!");
console.log("Ehh, still far from finishing!");
setTimeout(test, 10000);
and finally run function:
x = myFunction(myArguments);
This only works if you know that your function either does not return any value (i.e. the returned value is undefined) or the value it returns is always "not false", i.e. is not converted to false statement (like 0, null, etc).
Here is my answer which essentially simplifies Martin's answer and is based upon the same tutorial.
Timeout wrapper for a promise:
const timeout = (prom, time) => {
const timeoutError = new Error(`execution time has exceeded the allowed time frame of ${time} ms`);
let timer; // will receive the setTimeout defined from time = "TimeoutErr";
return Promise.race([
new Promise((_r, rej) => timer = setTimeout(rej, time, timeoutError)) // returns the defined timeoutError in case of rejection
]).catch(err => { // handle errors that may occur during the promise race
}) .finally(() => clearTimeout(timer)); // clears timer
A promise for testing purposes:
const fn = async (a) => { // resolves in 500 ms or throw an error if a == true
if (a == true) throw new Error('test error');
await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 500));
return "p2";
Now here is a test function:
async function test() {
let result;
try { // finishes before the timeout
result = await timeout(fn(), 1000); // timeouts in 1000 ms
console.log('• Returned Value :', result, '\n'); // result = p2
} catch(err) {
console.log('• Captured exception 0 : \n ', err, '\n');
try { // don't finish before the timeout
result = await timeout(fn(), 100); // timeouts in 100 ms
console.log(result); // not executed as the timeout error was triggered
} catch (err) {
console.log('• Captured exception 1 : \n ', err, '\n');
try { // an error occured during fn execution time
result = await timeout(fn(true), 100); // fn will throw an error
console.log(result); // not executed as an error occured
} catch (err) {
console.log('• Captured exception 2 : \n ', err, '\n');
that will produce this output:
• Returned Value : p2
• Captured exception 1 :
TimeoutErr: execution time has exceeded the allowed time frame of 100 ms
at C:\...\test-promise-race\test.js:33:34
at async test (C:\...\test-promise-race\test.js:63:18)
• Captured exception 2 :
Error: test error
at fn (C:\...\test-promise-race\test.js:45:26)
at test (C:\...\test-promise-race\test.js:72:32)
If you don't want to use try ... catch instructions in the test function you can alternatively replace the throw instructions in the catch part of the timeout promise wrapper by return.
By doing so the result variable will receive the error that is throwed otherwise. You can then use this to detect if the result variable actually contains an error.
if (result instanceof Error) {
// there was an error during execution
else {
// result contains the value returned by fn
If you want to check if the error is relative to the defined timeout you will have to check the value for "TimeoutErr".
Share a variable between the observing timer and the executing function.
Implement the observing timer with window.setTimeout or window.setInterval. When the observing timer executes, it sets an exit value to the shared variable.
The executing function constantly checks for the variable value.. and returns if the exit value is specified.

