How to solve this javascript code? - javascript

Why when I run this program only the picture that disappear but the position still exits?. So when i click right, left, up, down button the number of coin still increase (Collecting coin game). Please give me an explanation or example of the correct code. Thank you
//create coin
var coinReady = false;
var coinImage = new Image();
coinImage.onload = function() {
coinReady = true;
coinImage.src = "coin1.png";
//first coordinates of coin
var coin = {
x: 0,
y: 0
var position = function() {
//throw the coin somewhere on the screen randomly
coin.x = 48 + (Math.random() * (canvas.width - 750 - 96));
coin.y = 48 + (Math.random() * (canvas.height - 96));
//collision detection
if (char.x <= (coin.x + 48) && coin.x <= (char.x + 50) && char.y <= (coin.y + 48) && coin.y <= (char.y + 46)) {
numberCoin += 1;
//draw image
if (coinReady) {
ctx.drawImage(coinImage, coin.x, coin.y);
//clear the image
function Clear_1() {
coinReady = false;
//show the coin1
function Time_coin() {
coin1Ready = true;
//function to call Time_coin or to make coin2 exits
function timer1() {
setInterval(Time_coin, 50000);
var main = function() {
var now =;
var delta = now - then;
update(delta / 1000);
then = now;
//request to do this again as soon as possible
//Cross-browser support for requestAnimationFrame
var w = window;
requestAnimationFrame = w.requestAnimationFrame || w.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || w.msRequestAnimationFrame || w.mozRequestAnimationFrame;
//Play the game
var then =;


Pause function crashes game

So I am making an endless runner game, and I have made a function that should pause the game when the event runs, yet when I try to play the game, it crashes/doesn't load. Does anyone know why? I also tried an if function instead of a while loop, but when I pressed the P key, nothing happened. Essentially, I want it to freeze everything if the PP Boolean is set to false.
If you want to test it, I have it here:
Here is my code (only the relevant bits):
// Booleans
let UP = false;
let DOWN = false;
let HKD = true;
let PP = true;
// Controls
document.onkeydown = function(e) {
if (HKD && e.keyCode == 38) UP = true;
HKD = false;
if (e.keyCode == 40) DOWN = true;
document.onkeyup = function(e) {
if (!e.repeat && e.keyCode == 38) UP = false;
if (e.keyCode == 40) DOWN = false;
document.onkeypress = function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 80 && PP) PP = false;
if (e.keyCode == 80 && !PP) PP = true;
// Frames
function update() {
// Clear
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 512, 512);
// Environment
ctx.drawImage(bg, 0, 0);
ctx.drawImage(fl, 0, 384);
ctx.drawImage(fl, 128, 384);
ctx.drawImage(fl, 256, 384);
ctx.drawImage(fl, 384, 384);
ctx.drawImage(cb, 10, 10);
ctx.drawImage(c, 0.5, 0, c.width / 2, c.height / 2);
ctx.font = "40px Font";
ctx.textAlign = "left";
ctx.textBaseline = "top";
ctx.fillStyle = "#ae7640";
ctx.fillText(0, 55, 15);
// Enemies
if (mx >= -128) {
ctx.drawImage(m, mx -= speed, 256);
} else if (mx <= 0) {
mx = Math.floor(Math.random() * (1024 - 512) + 512);
if (bx >= -256) {
ctx.drawImage(b, bx -= speed, 215);
} else if (bx <= 0) {
bx = Math.floor(Math.random() * (1536 - 512) + 512);
if (cx >= -384) {
ctx.drawImage(c, cx -= speed, 280);
} else if (cx <= 0) {
cx = Math.floor(Math.random() * (4608 - 512) + 512);
while (Math.abs(mx - bx) < 192) {
mx = Math.floor(Math.random() * (1024 - 512) + 512);
bx = Math.floor(Math.random() * (1536 - 512) + 512);
// HKD
if (y == 256) {
HKD = true;
// UP
if (UP) {
if (y > 100) {
ctx.drawImage(pl, 0, y -= speed);
} else {
UP = false;
} else if (!UP) {
if (y < 256) {
ctx.drawImage(pl, 0, y += speed);
} else {
ctx.drawImage(pl, 0, y);
if (DOWN) {
pl.src = "./Assets/Duck.png";
} else if (!DOWN) {
pl.src = "./Assets/Idle.png";
while (PP) {
setInterval(update, 10);
The problem might be here -
document.onkeypress = function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 80 && PP) PP = false;
if (e.keyCode == 80 && !PP) PP = true;
Initially PP = true
Now if user presses 'P'
1st if condition would be true and PP would be assigned false;
Now the 2nd condition would be checked, !PP would resolve to true, because of previous if code execution, so PP reverts back to true.
You might want to use if else above, i.e,
document.onkeypress = function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 80 && PP) PP = false;
else if (e.keyCode == 80 && !PP) PP = true;
while (PP) {
setInterval(update, 10);
The code above infinitely calls setInterval, which will create infinitely many intervals. Instead, you want to setInterval only once, and then check within update if PP is true and skip the function body if it's false.
function update() {
// Clear
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 512, 512);
// Environment
ctx.drawImage(bg, 0, 0);
// ...
setInterval(update, 10);
Other comments on the code: You should name your variables something understandable to others, and you don't need semicolons after the closing "}". Also, if is not a function.

parsing tiled json map into html canvas

I am trying to make a 2d top view javascript game and i want to make my map using program "tiled" i have made my map and have the exported json but dont know how to parse it into a canvas html tag and i dont know were to start here is my crazy game code
// Create the canvas
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
// Background image
var bgReady = false;
var bgImage = new Image();
bgImage.onload = function() {
bgReady = true;
bgImage.src = "images/newbackground.png";
//hp box
var hpBoxReady = false;
var hpBoxImage = new Image();
hpBoxImage.onload = function() {
hpBoxReady = true;
hpBoxImage.src = "images/hpbox.png";
// player image
var playerReady = false;
var playerImage = new Image();
playerImage.onload = function() {
playerReady = true;
playerImage.src = "images/char.png";
// enemy image
var enemyReady = false;
var enemyImage = new Image();
enemyImage.onload = function() {
enemyReady = true;
enemyImage.src = "images/enemy_idle01.png";
// Game objects
var hpBox = {
restoreHealth: 34,
x: 300,
y: 300
var player = {
stamina: 7,
health: 100,
sprintSpeed: 400,
weakSpeed: 150,
speed: 300 // movement in pixels per second
var enemy = {
speed: 250,
viewDistance: 40
var enemysCaught = 0;
// Handle keyboard controls
var keysDown = {};
addEventListener("keydown", function(e) {
keysDown[e.keyCode] = true;
}, false);
addEventListener("keyup", function(e) {
delete keysDown[e.keyCode];
}, false);
// Reset the game when the player catches a enemy
var reset = function() {
player.x = canvas.width / 2;
player.y = canvas.height / 2;
// Throw the enemy somewhere on the screen randomly
enemy.x = 32 + (Math.random() * (canvas.width - 64));
enemy.y = 32 + (Math.random() * (canvas.height - 64));
//w is 87
//a is 65
//s is 83
//d is 68
// Update game objects
var update = function(modifier) {
if (87 in keysDown) { // Player holding up
player.y -= player.speed * modifier;
if (83 in keysDown) { // Player holding down
player.y += player.speed * modifier;
if (65 in keysDown) { // Player holding left
player.x -= player.speed * modifier;
if (68 in keysDown) { // Player holding right
player.x += player.speed * modifier;
if (
player.x <= (0)) { -= 1;
console.log('health decreasing');
if (
player.y <= (0)) { -= 1;
console.log('health decreasing');
// Are they touching?
if (
player.x <= (enemy.x + 32) &&
enemy.x <= (player.x + 32) &&
player.y <= (enemy.y + 32) &&
enemy.y <= (player.y + 32)
) {
// Draw everything
var render = function() {
if (bgReady) {
context.drawImage(bgImage, 0, 0);
if (hpBoxReady) {
context.drawImage(hpBoxImage, hpBox.x, hpBox.y);
if (playerReady) {
context.drawImage(playerImage, player.x, player.y);
if (enemyReady) {
context.drawImage(enemyImage, enemy.x, enemy.y);
// Score
context.fillStyle = "rgb(250, 250, 250)";
context.font = "24px Helvetica";
context.textAlign = "left";
context.textBaseline = "top";
context.fillText("enemys killed: " + enemysCaught, canvas.width / 2, 32);
function dieEvent() { = 100;
function updateHealth() {
context.fillStyle = "rgb(255 ,0 ,0)";
context.textAlign = "right";
context.fillText("Health: " +, 1000, 32)
function isNearHPBox() {
if (
player.y <= (hpBox.y + enemy.viewDistance + 64) &&
player.y >= (hpBox.y - enemy.viewDistance - 64) &&
player.x <= (hpBox.x + enemy.viewDistance + 64) &&
player.x >= (hpBox.x - enemy.viewDistance - 64)) {
if ( <= 100) {
hpBox.restoreHealth = - 100; += hpBox.restoreHealth;
function moveEnemy() {
if (
player.y <= (enemy.y + enemy.viewDistance + 64) &&
player.y >= (enemy.y - enemy.viewDistance - 64) &&
player.x <= (enemy.x + enemy.viewDistance + 64) &&
player.x >= (enemy.x - enemy.viewDistance - 64)) {
console.log("seen on enemys Y");
var audio = new Audio('sounds/theWanderer_Scream.m4a');;
if (player.x >= (enemy.x)) {
enemy.x -= enemy.speed;
if (player.x >= (enemy.x)) {
enemy.x -= enemy.speed;
function checkWallCollision() {
if (player.y <= 0) {
player.y += 64;
if (player.x <= 0) {
player.x += 64;
if (enemy.y <= 0) {
enemy.y += 64;
if (enemy.x <= 0) {
enemy.x += 64;
function reducedSpeed() {
player.speed = player.weakSpeed;
// The main game loop
var main = function() {
var now =;
var delta = now - then;
update(delta / 1000);
context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
if ( <= 20) {
} else {
player.speed = 300;
if ( <= 0) {
then = now;
// Request to do this again ASAP
// Cross-browser support for requestAnimationFrame
var w = window;
requestAnimationFrame = w.requestAnimationFrame || w.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || w.msRequestAnimationFrame || w.mozRequestAnimationFrame;
// Let's play this game!
var then =;
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
i have tried all the tutorials but cant seem to get it to work so for now i just have a small little background image could sombody please help?
Your question is a bit general. I recommand to enroll Udacity's HTML5 Game Development course I think many part of your question should be answered after watching that course.

Slowing movement of image on canvas

The Problem
I am creating a game that involves dodging projectiles. The player is in control of an image of a ship and I dont want the ship to move exactly together as this looks very unrealistic.
The Question
Is there a way to control how fast the image moves, how can i slow the movemnt of the image down?
The Code
var game = create_game();
var snd = new Audio("Menu.mp3");
snd.loop = true;;
document.getElementById('mute').addEventListener('click', function (evt) {
if ( snd.muted ) {
snd.muted = false = 'mute'
else {
snd.muted = true = 'unmute'
function create_game() {
var level = 1;
var projectiles_per_level = 1;
var min_speed_per_level = 1;
var max_speed_per_level = 2;
var last_projectile_time = 0;
var next_projectile_time = 0;
var width = 600;
var height = 500;
var delay = 1000;
var item_width = 30;
var item_height = 30;
var total_projectiles = 0;
var projectile_img = new Image();
var projectile_w = 30;
var projectile_h = 30;
var player_img = new Image();
var c, ctx;
var projectiles = [];
var player = {
x: 200,
y: 400,
score: 0
function init() {
projectile_img.src = "projectile.png";
player_img.src = "player.png";
level = 1;
total_projectiles = 0;
projectiles = [];
c = document.getElementById("c");
ctx = c.getContext("2d");
ctx.fillStyle = "#ff6600";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 500, 600);
c.addEventListener("mousemove", function (e) {
//moving over the canvas.
var bounding_box = c.getBoundingClientRect();
player.x = (e.clientX - bounding_box.left) * (c.width / bounding_box.width) - player_img.width / 2;
}, false);
function setupProjectiles() {
var max_projectiles = level * projectiles_per_level;
while (projectiles.length < max_projectiles) {
function initProjectile(index) {
var max_speed = max_speed_per_level * level;
var min_speed = min_speed_per_level * level;
projectiles[index] = {
x: Math.round(Math.random() * (width - 2 * projectile_w)) + projectile_w,
y: -projectile_h,
v: Math.round(Math.random() * (max_speed - min_speed)) + min_speed,
delay: + Math.random() * delay
function collision(projectile) {
if (projectile.y + projectile_img.height < player.y + 74) {
return false;
if (projectile.y > player.y + 74) {
return false;
if (projectile.x + projectile_img.width < player.x + 177) {
return false;
if (projectile.x > player.x + 177) {
return false;
return true;
function maybeIncreaseDifficulty() {
level = Math.max(1, Math.ceil(player.score / 10));
function tick() {
var i;
var projectile;
var dateNow =;
c.width = c.width;
for (i = 0; i < projectiles.length; i++) {
projectile = projectiles[i];
if (dateNow > projectile.delay) {
projectile.y += projectile.v;
if (collision(projectile)) {
} else if (projectile.y > height) {
} else {
ctx.drawImage(projectile_img, projectile.x, projectile.y);
ctx.font = "bold 24px sans-serif";
ctx.fillStyle = "#ff6600";
ctx.fillText(player.score, c.width - 50, 50);
ctx.fillText("Level: " + level, 20, 50);
ctx.drawImage(player_img, player.x, player.y);
return {
init: init
} (Broken)
Throttle the player's movement using a "timeout" countdown
Create a global var playerFreezeCountdown=0.
In mousemove change player.x only if playerFreezeCountdown<=0.
If playerFreezeCountdown>0 you don't change player.x.
If playerFreezeCountdown<=0 you both change player.x and also set playerFreezeCountdown to a desired "tick timeout" value: playerFreezeCountdown=5. This timeout will cause prevent the player from moving their ship until 5 ticks have passed.
In tick, always decrement playerFreezeCountdown--. This will indirectly allow a change to player.x after when playerFreezeCountdown is decremented to zero or below zero.

Remove background in canvas game

I am trying to learn JavaScript and found this tutorial:
But i can not figure out how to remove the background from the game.
Any help with removing the background would be appreciated! :)
Code that affects the background:
// Background image
var bgReady = false;
var bgImage = new Image();
bgImage.onload = function () {
bgReady = true;
bgImage.src = "images/background.png";
// Draw everything
var render = function () {
if (bgReady) {
ctx.drawImage(bgImage, 0, 0);
The whole JavaScript file:
// Create the canvas
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
canvas.width = 512;
canvas.height = 480;
// Background image
var bgReady = false;
var bgImage = new Image();
bgImage.onload = function () {
bgReady = true;
bgImage.src = "images/background.png";
// Hero image
var heroReady = false;
var heroImage = new Image();
heroImage.onload = function () {
heroReady = true;
heroImage.src = "images/hero.png";
// Monster image
var monsterReady = false;
var monsterImage = new Image();
monsterImage.onload = function () {
monsterReady = true;
monsterImage.src = "images/monster.png";
// Game objects
var hero = {
speed: 256 // movement in pixels per second
var monster = {};
var monstersCaught = 0;
// Handle keyboard controls
var keysDown = {};
addEventListener("keydown", function (e) {
keysDown[e.keyCode] = true;
}, false);
addEventListener("keyup", function (e) {
delete keysDown[e.keyCode];
}, false);
// Reset the game when the player catches a monster
var reset = function () {
hero.x = canvas.width / 2;
hero.y = canvas.height / 2;
// Throw the monster somewhere on the screen randomly
monster.x = 32 + (Math.random() * (canvas.width - 64));
monster.y = 32 + (Math.random() * (canvas.height - 64));
// Update game objects
var update = function (modifier) {
if (38 in keysDown) { // Player holding up
hero.y -= hero.speed * modifier;
if (40 in keysDown) { // Player holding down
hero.y += hero.speed * modifier;
if (37 in keysDown) { // Player holding left
hero.x -= hero.speed * modifier;
if (39 in keysDown) { // Player holding right
hero.x += hero.speed * modifier;
// Are they touching?
if (
hero.x <= (monster.x + 32)
&& monster.x <= (hero.x + 32)
&& hero.y <= (monster.y + 32)
&& monster.y <= (hero.y + 32)
) {
// Draw everything
var render = function () {
if (bgReady) {
ctx.drawImage(bgImage, 0, 0);
if (heroReady) {
ctx.drawImage(heroImage, hero.x, hero.y);
if (monsterReady) {
ctx.drawImage(monsterImage, monster.x, monster.y);
// Score
ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(250, 250, 250)";
ctx.font = "24px Helvetica";
ctx.textAlign = "left";
ctx.textBaseline = "top";
ctx.fillText("Goblins caught: " + monstersCaught, 32, 32);
// The main game loop
var main = function () {
var now =;
var delta = now - then;
update(delta / 1000);
then = now;
// Request to do this again ASAP
// Cross-browser support for requestAnimationFrame
var w = window;
requestAnimationFrame = w.requestAnimationFrame || w.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || w.msRequestAnimationFrame || w.mozRequestAnimationFrame;
// Let's play this game!
var then =;
Just empty the image source:
bgImage.onload will never execute,
bgReady will always be false,
if (bgReady){ ctx.drawImage(bgImage, 0, 0); } will never execute,
Your background will remain transparent!

Using EaselJS sprite sheet in existing code

I want to modify existing code which uses an image to animate, and use a sprite sheet instead. I'm using the EaselJS library for this.
The piece of code that creates the objects for animation:
function initStageObjects(){
car = new Car('img/car.png',canvas.width()/2,canvas.height()/2);
And this is the complete code:
// Canvas Variables
var canvas = $('#canvas');
var context = canvas.get(0).getContext('2d');
var canvasWidth = canvas.width();
var canvasHeight = canvas.height();
// Keyboard Variables
var leftKey = 37;
var upKey = 38;
var rightKey = 39;
var downKey = 40;
// Keyboard event listeners
var keyCode = e.keyCode;
if(keyCode == leftKey){
car.left = true;
} else if(keyCode == upKey){
car.forward = true;
} else if(keyCode == rightKey){
car.right = true;
} else if (keyCode == downKey){
car.backward = true;
var keyCode = e.keyCode;
if(keyCode == leftKey){
car.left = false;
} else if(keyCode == upKey){
car.forward = false;
} else if(keyCode == rightKey){
car.right = false;
} else if (keyCode == downKey){
car.backward = false;
// Start & Stop button controlls
var playAnimation = true;
var startButton = $('#startAnimation');
var stopButton = $('#stopAnimation');
playAnimation = true;
playAnimation = false;
// Resize canvas to full screen
function resizeCanvas(){
canvas.attr('width', $(window).get(0).innerWidth);
canvas.attr('height', $(window).get(0).innerHeight);
canvasWidth = canvas.width();
canvasHeight = canvas.height();
function initialise(){
// Car object and properties
function Car(src, x, y){
this.image = new Image();
this.image.src = src;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.vx = 0;
this.vy = 0;
this.angle = 90;
this.topSpeed = 5;
this.acceleration = 0.1;
this.reverse = 0.1;
this.brakes = 0.3;
this.friction = 0.05;
this.handeling = 15;
this.grip = 15;
this.minGrip = 5;
this.speed = 0;
this.drift = 0;
this.left = false;
this.up = false;
this.right = false;
this.down = false;
// Create any objects needed for animation
function initStageObjects(){
car = new Car('img/car.png',canvas.width()/2,canvas.height()/2);
function drawStageObjects(){;
context.rotate((car.angle + car.drift) * Math.PI/180);
context.drawImage(car.image, -25 , (-47 + (Math.abs(car.drift / 3))));
// context.fillRect(-5, -5, 10, 10);
function clearCanvas(){
context.clearRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
function updateStageObjects(){
// Faster the car is going, the worse it handels
if(car.handeling > car.minGrip){
car.handeling = car.grip - car.speed;
car.handeling = car.minGrip + 1;
// Car acceleration to top speed
if(car.speed < car.topSpeed){
car.speed = car.speed + car.acceleration;
else if(car.backward){
if(car.speed < 1){
car.speed = car.speed - car.reverse;
else if(car.speed > 1){
car.speed = car.speed - car.brakes;
// Car drifting logic
if(car.forward && car.left){
if(car.drift > -35){
car.drift = car.drift - 3;
else if(car.forward && car.right){
if(car.drift < 35){
car.drift = car.drift + 3;
else if(car.forward && !car.left && car.drift > -40 && car.drift < -3){
car.drift = car.drift + 3;
else if(car.forward && !car.right && car.drift < 40 && car.drift > 3){
car.drift = car.drift - 3;
if(car.drift > 3){
if(!car.forward && !car.left){
car.drift = car.drift - 4;
else if(car.drift > -40 && car.drift < -3){
if(!car.forward && !car.right){
car.drift = car.drift + 4;
// General car handeling when turning
car.angle = car.angle - (car.handeling * car.speed/car.topSpeed);
} else if(car.right){
car.angle = car.angle + (car.handeling * car.speed/car.topSpeed);
// Use this div to display any info I need to see visually
$('#stats').html("Score: 0");
// Constant application of friction / air resistance
if(car.speed > 0){
car.speed = car.speed - car.friction;
} else if(car.speed < 0) {
car.speed = car.speed + car.friction;
// Update car velocity (speed + direction)
car.vy = -Math.cos(car.angle * Math.PI / 180) * car.speed;
car.vx = Math.sin(car.angle * Math.PI / 180) * car.speed;
// Plot the new velocity into x and y cords
car.y = car.y + car.vy;
car.x = car.x + car.vx;
// Main animation loop
function updateStage(){
setTimeout(updateStage, 25);
// Initialise the animation loop
// JavaScript Document
How could i replace the image being used by the sprite i created?
Even though you maybe could implement a createjs.SpriteSheet into a non-Createjs/non-EaselJS project I would strongly recommend you not to do that, EaselJS-classes where not designed to be used as single modular classes in any kind of project, they best work together in the framework. In the end you probably will need more time and probably end up with more code by trying get everything to work than with just converting your (yet still small) project to EaselJS all together. So learn something new today and refacture your project to EaselJS ;-)
but if you want more work, continue reading:
A createjs.SpriteSheet basically only handles SpriteSheet data and you can use mySpriteSheet.getFrame(int); to get the image and the source-rect to that frame so you can draw it to your canvas. But a SpriteSheet alone won't handle animations for you, so you would have to advance the "playhead" every frame yourself(go back to frame 0 if at the end ect...), or you can implement another createjs-class called createjs.BitmapAnimation - however, drawing this to your canvas would again require additional code or yet an additional createjs-class: you see where this is getting.

