Find all char excluding group at the end with regexp - javascript

I have this string:
this is a test
at the end of this string I have a space and the new line.
I want to extract (for counting) all space group in the string witout the last space.
With my simple regex
I obtain these groups:
I want to exclude from group the forth space because i want to get only 3 groups if the string end with space.
What is the correct regexp?

Depending on the regex flavor, you can use two approaches.
If atomic groups/possessive quantifiers are not supported, use a lookahead solution like this:
See the regex demo
The main point is that we only match a whitespace that is not followed with 0+ other whitespace symbols followed with an end of string (the check if performed with the (?!\s*$) lookahead).
Else, use
See another demo. An equivalent expression with an atomic groups is (?>\s+)(?!$).
Here, we check for the end of string position ONLY after grabbing all whitespaces without backtracking into the \s++ pattern (so, if after the last space there is an end of string, the whole match is failed).
Also, it is possible to emulate an atomic group in JavaScript with the help of capturing inside the positive lookahead and then using a backreference like
However, this pattern is costly in terms of performance.


RegExp capturing non-match

I have a regex for a game that should match strings in the form of go [anything] or [cardinal direction], and capture either the [anything] or the [cardinal direction]. For example, the following would match:
go north
go foo
And the following would not match:
I was able to do this using two separate regexes: /^(?:go (.+))$/ to match the first case, and /^(north|east|south|west)$/ to match the second case. I tried to combine the regexes to be /^(?:go (.+))|(north|east|south|west)$/. The regex matches all of my test cases correctly, but it doesn't correctly capture for the second case. I tried plugging the regex into RegExr and noticed that even though the first case wasn't being matched against, it was still being captured.
How can I correct this?
Try using the positive lookbehind feature to find the word "go".
(north|east|south|west|(?<=go ).+)$
Note that this solution prevents you from including ^ at the start of the regex, because the text "go" is not actually included in the group.
You have to move the closing parenthesis to the end of the pattern to have both patterns between anchors, or else you would allow a match before one of the cardinal directions and it would still capture the cardinal direction at the end of the string.
Then in the JavaScript you can check for the group 1 or group 2 value.
^(?:go (.+)|(north|east|south|west))$
Regex demo
Using a lookbehind assertion (if supported), you might also get a match only instead of capture groups.
In that case, you can match the rest of the line, asserting go to the left at the start of the string, or match only 1 of the cardinal directions:
(?<=^go ).+|^(?:north|east|south|west)$
Regex demo

How to match one 'x' but not one or both of xs in 'xx' globally in string [duplicate]

Not quite sure how to go about this, but basically what I want to do is match a character, say a for example. In this case all of the following would not contain matches (i.e. I don't want to match them):
Whereas the following would:
a (obviously)
fooaxyz (this would only match the letter a part)
My knowledge of RegEx is not great, so I am not even sure if this is possible. Basically what I want to do is match any single a that has any other non a character around it (except for the start and end of the string).
Basically what I want to do is match any single a that has any other non a character around it (except for the start and end of the string).
\K discards the previously matched characters and lookahead assertes whether a match is possibel or not. So the above matches only the letter a which satifies the conditions.
You may use a combination of a lookbehind and a lookahead:
See the regex demo and the regex graph:
(?<!a) - a negative lookbehind that fails the match if, immediately to the left of the current location, there is a a char
a - an a char
(?!a) - a negative lookahead that fails the match if, immediately to the right of the current location, there is a a char.
You need two things:
a negated character class: [^a] (all except "a")
anchors (^ and $) to ensure that the limits of the string are reached (in other words, that the pattern matches the whole string and not only a substring):
Once you know there is only one "a", you can use the way you want to extract/replace/remove it depending of the language you use.

Refuse complete RegEx if is follewed by other Expression JS

Hi Guys I am trying to find the expression 'Horas extras' but if is followed by 'No Aprobadas' refuse the complete expression.
For example these cases don't not have to be considered
'Horas extras no aprobadas'
'Horas extra no aprobadas'
'Hora extras no aprobada'
My regex is the following
I am
I have this test link
You may "anchor" the negative lookahead with a word boundary \b.
See the regex demo.
Whenever a regex engine fails to find a match, it checks all other possible paths it could take to find a valid match at the current location. It is called backtracking. When a pattern contains quantifiers that allow matching a variable number of chars, the regex engine goes back to them and retries a match from that location.
So, in your case, since s? can match 1 or 0 s chars, once the lookahead fails, the regex engine goes back to horas extra and checks if there is \s+no\s+Aprobadas pattern after extra. There is none, thus the negative lookahead returns a valid match of horas extra. See your regex debugger view:
See, the last two steps show how the lookahead pattern is not found right after a and before s (the s is not matched with \s+).
The word boundary requires that there is a non-word char or end of string after extra or extras, so there can be no match if the engine wants to backtrack to the location before s (there is no word boundary position there).
Note that there would be no such problem if you had horas?\s+extra(?!\s+no\s+Aprobadas) regex. There is no other way to match the string other than extra before the lookahead, so no word boundary would be necessary.

Javascript regex: how to not capture an optional string on the right side

For example /(www\.)?(.+)(\.com)?/.exec("") will result with '' at index 1 of the resulting array. But what if we want to capture only 'something' in a capturing group?
The above string is just for example - we dont want to assume anything about the suffix string (.com above). It could as well be orange.
Just this part can be solved in C# by matching from right to left (I dont know of a way of doing that in JS though) but that will end up having www. included then!
Sure, this problem as such is easily solvable mixing regex with other string methods like replace / substring. But is there a solution with only regex?
This will give only something ingroups.Just make other groups non capturing.See demo.
Just removing the last character (?) from the regex does the trick:
The last ? allows a valid output without the (\.com) matching anything, so the (.+) can match all the characters after the www..
Another option is to replace the greedy quantifier +, which always tries to match as much characters as possible, with the +?, which tries to match as less characters as possible:
Note that it is necessary to force a match with the entire string through the end of line anchor ($).
If you only want to capture "something", use non-capturing groups for the other sections:
The ?: denotes the groups as non-capturing.

RegEx in JS to find No 3 Identical consecutive characters

How to find a sequence of 3 characters, 'abb' is valid while 'abbb' is not valid, in JS using Regex (could be alphabets,numerics and non alpha numerics).
This question is a variation of the question that I have asked in here : How to combine these regex for javascript.
This is wrong : /(^([0-9a-zA-Z]|[^0-9a-zA-Z]))\1\1/ , so what is the right way to do it?
This depends on what you actually mean. If you only want to match three non-identical characters (that is, if abb is valid for you), you can use this negative lookahead:
It first asserts, that the current position is not followed by three times the same character. Then it matches those three characters.
If you really want to match 3 different characters (only stuff like abc), it gets a bit more complicated. Use these two negative lookaheads instead:
First match one character. Then we assert, the this is not followed by the same character. If so, we match another character. Then we assert that these are followed neither by the first nor the second character. Then we match a third character.
Note that those negative lookaheads ((?!...)) do not consume any characters. That is why they are called lookaheads. They just check what is coming next (or in this case what is not coming next) and then the regex continues from where it left of. Here is a good tutorial.
Note also that this matches anything but line breaks, or really anything if you use the DOTALL or SINGLELINE option. Since you are using JavaScript you can just activate the option by appending s after the regexes closing delimiter. If (for some reason) you don't want to use this option, replace the .s by [\s\S] (this always matches any character).
After clarification in the comments, I realised that you do not want to find three non-identical characters, but instead you want to assert that your string does not contain three identical (and consecutive) characters.
This is a bit easier, and closer to your former question, since it only requires one negative lookahead. What we do is this: we search the string from the beginning for three consecutive identical characters. But since we want to assert that these do not exist we wrap this in a negative lookahead:
The lookahead is anchored to the beginning of the string, so this is the only place where we will look. The pattern in the lookahead then tries to find three identical characters from any position in the string (because of the .*; the identical characters are matched in the same way as in your previous question). If the pattern finds these, the negative lookahead will thus fail, and so the string will be invalid. If not three identical characters can be found, the inner pattern will never match, so the negative lookahead will succeed.
To find non-three-identical characters use regex pattern

