Range using recursion, how to output a new array Javascript - javascript

How do you output a new array using recursion without declaring an empty array outside of the function? Another way of doing it will be creating an inner function and then return newFunction(), but it is not allowed as the task is to call the function itself. Here's what I have so far:
var newArr=[];
var range = function(x, y) {
if(x === y-1){
return newArr;
if(x < y){
newArr = range(x+1,y);
newArr = range(x-1,y);
return newArr;
range(2,10) //[3,4,5,6,7,8,9]

So the key to this kind of thinking is understanding that you should be creating a lot of arrays.
Looking at a slightly different example...
A factorial is a number which goes backwards, through positive integers, multiplying each term with the term below it, and is written like 5!.
These are helpful when you find yourself asking questions like:
"How many permutations of ____ are there?"
"Given these 5 things, how many permutations can I arrange them in, from left to right?"
5! // =>
5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 // =>
You could see how we could build a loop and set a variable for a counter, and a variable for the total, and multiply the current total by the current value of the counter we're decrementing.
But instead of doing that, we can try to use recursion.
First, think about how we could simplify that 5 x 4 x ... into one repeated step.
Really, 2! is 2 x 1. 3! is 3 x 2 x 1, which happens to be 3 x 2!.
So the general case might be something like: n! == n x (n - 1)!
So I might write a generalized function which does something like this:
function factorial (n) {
return n * factorial(n - 1);
So if I run factorial(5) and use my imagination, we can see that the program is doing something like:
=> return 5 * factorial(5-1)
=> return 4 * factorial(4-1)
=> return 3 * factorial(3-1)
=> ...
Can you see any problems with the function as-is?
I said at the beginning that factorials (in this simplified case) are over positive integers.
How does my function know to stop when the integers stop being positive?
It doesn't, currently. Which is why the above implementation attempts to run forever, and will freeze the browser, while it tries to, until it gets thousands or tens of thousands of functions deep, before it says that you've reached the maximum depth of the call stack and explodes.
What we really need is a condition or a set of conditions, which we use to determine when we're done.
This is a base-case.
if (shouldStop(n)) {
return defaultValue;
Or in our case:
function factorial (n) {
if (n <= 1) {
return 1;
return n * factorial(n - 1);
Now, when we run the function, we have:
=> 5 * factorial(5 - 1)
=> 4 * factorial(4 - 1)
=> 3 * factorial(3 - 1)
=> 2 * factorial(2 - 1)
=> 1
=> 2 * 1
=> 3 * 2
=> 4 * 6
=> 5 * 24
=> 120
This is recursion.
And because of where the call is (returned at the very end of whatever branch you're in) it's a special kind of recursion (tail recursion), which allows some languages to optimize the code, replacing the function call with the contents of the function call, and thus skip adding to the call-stack like the first version (future versions of JS will support this power).
In more modern JS, I might rewrite it to look something like
const factorial = n => n <= 1 ? 1 : factorial(n - 1);
So now, what about other cases?
Well, sometimes, you need to make sure you're passing more things in.
Think about what your problem is, and what kinds of counters or flags or collectors you need, in order to do your job.
Here's one:
function makeNumberString (current, max, initialString) {
var str = initialString || ""; // maybe I don't have one yet
var currentString = str.concat(current.toString());
if (current > max) {
return initialString;
return makeNumberString(current + 1, max, currentString);
makeNumberString(0, 9); // "0123456789"
There are other ways of filling that function out, to make it do the same thing.
Note that currentString there is always a brand new string, made by joining the string that I was given with the new value I was passed. I'm not actually modifying the original string, but creating a new copy [HINT!!].
I hope that helps you.

you can simply do like this;
var range = (x,y,a=[]) => (++x < y && (a = range(x,y,a.concat(x))),a),
arr = range(2,10);
Note that the returned array is a parameter of the function and is passed to successive recursive calls.

There are many ways to skin this cat.
The simple way: create an array with the first value in it, then
concatenate the remaining values to it.
var range = function(x,y){
return x+1 >= y ? [] : [x+1].concat(range(x+1, y));
console.log(JSON.stringify(range(1, 10)));
The array is being constructed from right to left. Notice how the
recursive call to range is not the last thing the function does
before it returns: concatenation of the array follows.
We can also rewrite the function to be tail recursive with an accumulator as a parameter.
var range2 = function(x,y,a){
a = a || [];
return x+1 >= y ? a : range2(x+1, y, a.concat(x+1));
console.log(JSON.stringify(range2(1, 10)));
Now the call to range2 is the last thing the function does before
it returns. ES6 compliant JS engines are required to
calls in tail position (in strict mode) by discarding the execution
context from the stack.
Notice how we're now constructing the array from left to right.
You can avoid the extra parameter by using a helper function.
I've used an inner function, but it doesn't have to be.
var range3 = function(x,y){
var r = function(x,y,a){
return x+1 >= y ? a : r(x+1, y, a.concat(x+1));
return r(x, y, []);
console.log(JSON.stringify(range3(1, 10)));
Tail recursive using continuation passing style.
var range4 = function(x,y){
var r = function(x,y,c){
return x+1 >= y ? c([]) : r(x+1, y, function(a){
return c([x+1].concat(a));
return r(x, y, function(a){return a;});
console.log(JSON.stringify(range4(1, 10)));
Notice the similarity with the original range: the array is
constructed in reverse. This is trickier to get your head around and
may be something you never need, but it doesn't hurt to be aware of

Try this:
function rangeRecursive(start, end) {
if(start === end){
return end;
} else if(start > end){
return [];
} else {
return [start].concat(rangeRecursive(++start, end));
console.log(rangeRecursive(4, 15));


Adding up all the primes up to a certain number

I am supposed to write an algorithm that returns the sum of all the primes up to a certain number(argument), including the argument itself. This code seems to be working just fine(I tested it on smaller numbers),however there must be a bug because when I pass 977 as an argument, the programs returns 108789, which is supposedly not correct. According to freecodecamp.org, it should return 73156. I have already checked the array before adding the values but I can't see the problem here.
function sumPrimes(num) {
function isPrime(n){
return ((n/2 === 1 || n/3 === 1 || n/5 === 1 || n/7 === 1)?true:
(n%2===0 || n%3 === 0 || n%5 ===0 || n%7 === 0)?
let result = [];
let final;
for(let i = 2; i <= num; i++){
final = result.reduce((x,y) => x + y);
console.log(final); // returns 108789
Your isPrime() method is incorrect. You can do some thing like below instead.
Edit: Complexity of the algorithm is decreased from O(n) to O(sqrt(n)) as pointed out by #Amadan
function sumPrimes(num) {
function isPrime(n){
for(let i = 2, k = Math.sqrt(n); i <= k; i++)
if(n % i === 0)
return false;
return true;
let result = [];
let final;
for(let i = 2; i <= num; i++){
final = result.reduce((x,y) => x + y);
console.log(final); // returns 73156
Your isPrime is completely wrong. First of all, you only check divisibility by first four primes; you should check divisibility by all primes up to square root of the number you're testing to be sure. (You can test with non-prime numbers too if you don't want to bother sorting primes from non-primes at this point.) Secondly, whether a remainder is 1 or not makes no difference - it's only between 0 and not 0 that is important.
The algorithms for primality testing are very well-known and described all over the Web; for start, take a look at Wikipedia on prime numbers for overview, and here for the specific algorithm I assume you were going for, though for your specific use case (sum of all primes less than N), the Sieve of Eratosthenes should be much better.
Your isPrime() function is incorrect. If you want to handle anything beyond trivially small primes you cannot simply hardcode the primes to check. For instance isPrime(143) will return true, but 143 = 11*13 so is not prime.
Your prime function doesn't work properly, you might want to read this post about building one. The rest of your function, however, seems to be acting as expected.
The method you are using is wrong as it only checks for a certain number of values which would be problematic for large numbers.
As mentioned in one of the answers above, looping through all the numbers till the square root of that number is also a valid method however there's an even faster and more efficient method named Sieve of Eratosthenes.
This method works on removing results that we already know as false and not computing on them.
You may read about it more over here -
Sieve of Eratosthenes

Where does this function gets its values?

This is an example from a book. The function returns TRUE if even and FALSE if not. I don't understand how it works. This is what I understand:
42 binds to n
Creating "even" function
x binds to n which = 42
x != 0
initiating "else"
creating "odd" function
odd(42 - 1)
Initiating "!even(41)".
What does JS do with "even(41)"? where TRUE comes from? The way I understand it should return TRUE only when x === 0
((n) => {
const even = (x) => {
if (x === 0) return true;
else {
const odd = (y) => !even(y);
return odd(x - 1);
return even(n)
It's intentionally confusing. Follow the logic.
If n is not 0, we create a new function called odd which calls even and reverses the boolean value of even.
We then call that function with n-1.
So essentially, it's like a while loop where you keep subtracting 1 from the number and reversing its truthiness or falsiness on each step deeper, until you have a 0. If the function is called an even number of times, it's even. If it's called an odd number of times, it's odd.
The following code performs the same logic as the book example, including use of recursion, but prevents an infinite loop if isEven is called with a non integral or negative value.
const isEven = (n) =>
const even = (x) => x ? !even(x-1) : true;
return even( Math.abs(Math.floor(n)));
isEven( 42)
Now the bench logic test is fairly straight forward:
even( 0) returns true;
even( 1) returns !even( 1-1), which is !even(0), which is false;
even( 2) returns !even( 2-1), which is !even(1), which is true;
and so on for higher numbers. Each increment of the parameter value executes an additional, recursive call to even, which complements the "even-ness" of the number below it, until reaching zero which is hard coded as being even.
The end result is that if even is called an odd number of times (for an even number) isEven returns true; and if even is called an an even number of times (for an odd number) isEven returns false.

Loop logic for drawing line javascript

I have following two arrays:
var element_1 = new Array([x1,y1],[x2,y2],[x3,y3],[x4,y4]);
var element_2 = new Array([x1,y1],[x2,y2],[x3,y3],[x4,y4]);
I want to run a loop (nested) where each element of element_1 (for eg [x1,y1]) is compared to each element of element_2 and the shortest distance between them shall be calculated within the loop (I know how to calculate the shortest path). The tricky part here is that I need a reference that which pair made the shortest past and then obtain those [x1,y1] and [x2,y2] combinations to draw a line.
Sample data:
var element_1 = new Array([10,0],[20,10],[10,20],[0,10]);
var element_2 = new Array([10,30],[20,40],[10,50],[0,40]);
Line should be made between [10,20] and [10,30]. Also, I would somehow need to store the coordinates somewhere to pass it to the line drawing function
How can I do this? Any leads would be highly appreciated.
Here is how I would do it:
var element_1 = [[0,0],[1,2],[5,3],[6,8]];
var element_2 = [[0,1],[1,4],[5,9],[9,8]];
var closest = {a: false, b: false, distance: false};
for(var i=0; i<element_1.length; i++) {
for(var j=0; j<element_2.length; j++) {
var distance = calculate_distance(element_1[i], element_2[j]);
console.log('Distance between element_1['+i+'] and element_2['+j+']: ' + distance);
if(closest.distance === false || distance < closest.distance) {
closest = {a: element_1[i], b: element_2[j], distance: distance};
console.log('The shortest path is between '+closest.a+' and '+closest.b+', which is '+closest.distance);
function calculate_distance(a, b) {
var width = Math.abs( a[0] - b[0] ),
height = Math.abs( a[1] - b[1] ),
hypothenuse = Math.sqrt( width*width + height*height );
return hypothenuse;
As Roko C. Buljan said, in your case you can just replace new Array() with []. Here's why.
Well i liked this question a lot. It inspired me to invent a generic Array method to apply a callback with each other items of two arrays. So i called it Array.prototype.withEachOther(). What it does is exactly what #blex has done in his solution with nested for loops. It applies an operation (provided by the callback) to each array item with the other array's item. Let's see how it works.
Array.prototype.withEachOther = function(a,cb,s=0){
return this.reduce((p,et) => a.reduce((q,ea) => cb(et,ea,q),p),s);
var element_1 = [[10,0],[20,10],[10,20],[0,10]],
element_2 = [[10,30],[20,40],[10,50],[0,40]],
cb = (p1,p2,q) => {var h = Math.hypot(p1[0]-p2[0],p1[1]-p2[1]);
return h < q.d ? {d:h,p1:p1,p2:p2} : q},
minDist = element_1.withEachOther(element_2,cb,{d:Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,p1:[],p2:[]});
So let's explain what's going on.
Array.prototype.withEachOther = function(a,cb,s=0){
return this.reduce((p,et) => a.reduce((q,ea) => cb(et,ea,q),p),s);
is a reusable function. It will execute the operation that is provided in a callback function, with each other element of the two arrays. It takes 3 arguments (a,cb,s=0).
a is the second array that we will apply our callback to each item for each item of the array that is invoking .withEachOther.
cb is the callback. Below I will explain the callback applied specific for this problem .
s=0 is the initial (with a default value of 0) value that we will start with. It can be anything depending on the callback function.
return this.reduce((p,et) => a.reduce((q,ea) => cb(et,ea,q),p),s);
this part is the core of the function. As you see it has two nested reduces. The outer reduce has an initial value designated by the s, which is provided as explained above. The initial value gets initially assigned to the p argument of the outer reduce's callback and the other argument et is assigned one by one with each of the items of invoking array. (element of this). In the outer reduce we invoke another reduce (the inner reduce). The inner reduce starts with the initial value of the result of previous loop which is the p of outer reduce and after each calculation returns the result to it's reduced value variable q. q is our memory and tested in the callback to see if we keep it as it is or replace it with the result of our calculation. After inner reduce finishes a complete round it will return the q to p and the same mechanism will run again until we finish with all items of the array that's invoking .withEachOther.
cb = (p1,p2,q) => {var h = Math.hypot(p1[0]-p2[0],p1[1]-p2[1]);
return h < q.d ? {d:h,p1:p1,p2:p2} : q}
The callback is special to this problem. It will receive two points (each with x and y coordinates) Will calculate the distance between them and will compare it with the previously made calculation. If it's smaller it will replace q by returning this new value; if not it will return q as it is.

What's wrong with my implementation of the memoize function? [duplicate]

I'm trying to use memoization to optimize an explicitly self recursive implementation of the Fibonacci function. The implementation which is fairly standard (a simple and rather naïve implementation though to focus on the actual problem) follows.
Function.prototype.memoize = function () {
var originalFunction = this,
slice = Array.prototype.slice;
cache = {};
return function () {
var key = slice.call(arguments);
if (key in cache) {
return cache[key];
} else {
return cache[key] = originalFunction.apply(this, key);
Now, when creating and memoizing a function as follows, this works1. (Scenario 1)
var fibonacci = function (n) {
return n === 0 || n === 1 ? n : fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2);
However, the following does not.2 (Scenario 2)
var fibonacci = function (n) {
return n === 0 || n === 1 ? n : fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2);
And neither does this.2 (Scenario 3)
function fibonacci(n) {
return n === 0 || n === 1 ? n : fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2);
My assumption is that because of the different ways of calling memoize() on the functions, something is changing. Note that the functions are otherwise identical. I suppose that this could be due to the fact that other than in the first instance, only the first call is memoized, not the recursive calls.
If my supposition above is indeed correct, then why is this happening? Can someone explain in detail how the latter two scenarios differ from the first?
1To work in this instance means to return the 100th Fibonacci number since it is only possible to compute it recursively if memoization is used.
2To not work is to crash the browser.
Yes, it's right that only the first call is memoized in the second and third scenarios.
In the first scenario the reference to the original function only exists as a value, then memoize is applied to that and the fibonacci variable contains the reference to the memoized function.
In the second and third scenario fibonacci is a reference to the original function. The value of the expression fibonaci.memoize() that contains the reference to the memoized function only exist as a value before it is called once.
The memoize method doesn't change the original function, instead it returns a new function that wraps the original function. The original function is unchanged, and to use the memoization you have to call the function returned by the memoize method.
In the first scenario when the function makes a recursive call to fibonacci, it's the memoized function that is used. In the second and third scenarios when the recursive call is made, fibonacci is the original function instead.

Emulate/use Continuations in JavaScript?

I have a function that computes product of numbers in an array. The function should work like this
function prod (array){
//compute and return product
var arr = [1,2,3,0,4,5,0,6,7,8,0,9];
the function call:
prod(arr); //should return 6
prod(arr); //should return 20
prod(arr); //should return 336 (6*7*8)
prod(arr); //should return 9
prod(arr); //should return 0
prod(arr); //should return 0
prod(arr); //should return 0
In scheme, this is done with continuations, by storing previous state of the function (state of the function is captured just before its exit point) see this
So, in short, I want the javascript function return different values at different times with same parameter passed everytime.
JavaScript is a well designed language, so I hope there must be something which can emulate this. If there happens to be nothing in JS to do it, I do not mind to conclude with failure and move on. So, feel free to say its impossible.
JavaScript is not capable of supporting continuations: it lacks tail-calls.
Generally I would write this to use a "queue" of sorts, although CPS is also do-able (just have a finite stack :-) Note that other state can also be captured in the closure, making it an "explicit continuation" of sorts ... in a very gross sense.
Example using a closure and a queue:
function prodFactory (array){
// dupe array first if needed, is mutated below.
// function parameters are always locally scoped.
array.unshift(undefined) // so array.shift can be at start
// also, perhaps more closured state
var otherState
// just return the real function, yippee!
return function prod () {
// do stuff ... e.g. loop array.shift() and multiply
// set otherState ... eat an apple or a cookie
return stuff
var prod = prodFactory([1,2,3,0,4,5,0,6,7,8,0,9])
// array at "do stuff", at least until "do stuff" does more stuff
prod() // [1,2,3,0,4,5,0,6,7,8,0,9]
prod() // [2,3,0,4,5,0,6,7,8,0,9]
prod() // [3,0,4,5,0,6,7,8,0,9]
Happy coding.
"Finished implementation". Although this particular problem can avoid array mutation and just use an index: the same concepts apply. (Well, slightly different. With just an index the closed over variable would be altered, whereas with this approach an object is mutated.)
function prodFactory (array) {
array = array.slice(0)
return function prod () {
var p = 1
for (var n = array.shift(); n; n = array.shift()) {
p *= n
return p
var prod = prodFactory([1,2,3,0,4,5,0,6,7,8,0,9])
prod() // 6
prod() // 20
prod() // 336
You can give the function a property that will be remembered between calls:
function prod (array){
if (typeof prod.index === "undefined" || prod.currentArray != array) {
prod.currentArray = array;
prod.index = 0;
if (prod.index >= array.length)
return 0;
//compute and return product
var p = 1,
while (prod.index < array.length) {
c = array[prod.index++];
if (c === 0)
return p;
p *= c;
return p;
I'm just guessing from your description of what should be returned that on an individual call to the function it should take the product of all of the numbers up to but not including the next zero or the end of the array. Calls after the end of the array should return 0? I may have the algorithm wrong for that, but you get the idea for what I'm suggesting to remember the function state between calls.
I've added a property to remember the current array being processed. As long as you keep passing the same array in to the function it will continue with the next elements, but if you pass a different array it will reset...
you can try something like
var index = 0;
function prod (array){
if(index < array.length){
var prod=1;
for(int i=index;i<array.length;i++){
if(array[i] != 0){
prod = prod * array[i];
index = i+1;
return prod;
return 0;
this will update the global variable index everytime the function is called.
What you're looking for here are generators. As of 1.7, JavaScript supports them.

