Angular 2 bind input to function call - javascript

Is it acceptable to bind #Input() property of child component to a function call of parent component, for example:
This seems to work, but I wonder how. Are those inputs re-evaluated when event is fired from component, or what drives the input binding?

Sure. The function is called every time change detection runs and assigns the result of the function call to the input property.
You get an exception in devMode when 2 successive calls return different values. like
hasNextValue() {
return {};
Exception: Expression has changed ...
It is discouraged to bind to functions. Rather assign the result to a property and bind to this property.
If you know what you are doing it's fine though.
so returning true / false according to some internal state is not allowed? Strange that my navigation still works
This is actually allowed. If your state changes because of some event (click, timeout, ...) then Angular change detection expect changes. If Angular change detection calls the method twice (as it does in devMode) without any event happening in between, then it doesn't expect changes and throws the exception mentioned above. What Angular doesn't like is when change detection itself causes changes.
Below example would also cause an exception because change detection itself would modify the components state (this.someState = !this.someState;)
which is not allowed.
someState:boolean = false;
hasNextValue() {
this.someState = !this.someState;
return this.someState;
Two successive calls would return false and true even when no event happened in between.
This example would work fine though
someState:boolean = false;
#HostListener('click') {
this.someState = !this.someState;
hasNextValue() {
return this.someState;
because two successive calls (without any event in between) would return the same value.


Angular ngOnChanges in child doesn't trigger after subscribe manipulates data

I have a problem with ngOnChanges not being fired for a child component after data is being manipulated in parent via subscribe method.
Basically my main component looks like this:
public imageGroups: IImageGroup[];
public status$: Observable<ModelStatusesModel>;
public ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void {
if (Boolean(this.treeData)) {
this.imageGroups = this.treeDataService.convertImageGroups(this.treeData);
this.status$ = this.updateStatus();
this.status$.subscribe((status: ModelStatusesModel) => {
this.treeDataService.updateStatus(this.imageGroups, status); // this function makes changes to this.imageGroups
console.log('subscribe happened');
<ul class="treeview-nodes-wrapper">
<treeview-branch *ngFor="let group of (imageGroups)"
The branch has also ngOnChnages:
public ngOnChanges(): void {
this._currentNodeDisabled =;
console.log(; //returns isDisables as true
console.log(; //returns false
console.log(this._currentNodeDisabled); //returns false
When I run my application this is the result in the console:
{ ... isDisabled: true ...},
subscribe happened
I was also trying to surround the call inside my subscription in a but without any success. Do you have any idea how to tell angular that ngOnChanges in the child triggered?
EDIT: What works for me is creating a property in the parent component (public change = false;) then toggling this property inside my subscribe method and giving it as an input to my children elements. That gets picked up as a change. Even though this solves my problem, it looks more like a very hacky way of writing the code.
This is a result of ngOnChanges being triggered when an input value changes, and with objects that are passed by reference the modification of their properties does not explicitly change the thing being passed down. The solution is often times to do a clone, ...spread operator, or reassign to the property that is being passed down in the parent's [input].
Your solution of having an additional input that changes to a new value to trigger ngOnChanges works as well, it's a bit of a workaround but that's web dev. just remember if you set the property to true then true again it won't trigger, so a count variable may work better (it's kinda hacky).
Doing a clone via JSON.parse solved my problem in a cleaner way than toggling a variable :
this.status$.subscribe((status: ModelStatusesModel) => {
this.treeDataService.updateStatus(this.imageGroups, status);
private triggerChange() {
this.imageGroups = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.imageGroups));

Angular click event handler not triggering change detection

To put my problem simply, I have an element in component's template. This element has an ngIf condition and a (click) handler. It is not rendered from the very beginning, because the ngIf condition evaluates to false.
Now comes the interesting part: A code running outside the angular zone changes that condition to true, and after executing detectChanges on the change detector ref manually, this element gets rendered and the click handler ofc becomes active.
It all seems ok so far, but the problem is that when the (click) callback is run upon user's click, change detection is not triggered for the component.
Here is the reproduction
Steps to reproduce it there:
Click at the beige area
Button appears, click it too
Nothing happens, although message should have appeared below
The beige area has a click event handler registered via addEventListener, and this event listener's callback is running outside the angular zone. Inside it a component's showButton property is set from false to true and I trigger change detection there manually by calling detectChanges(), otherwise the change in the showButton property wouldn't be registered. The code looks like this: => {
const el = this.eventTarget.nativeElement as HTMLElement;
el.addEventListener('click', e => {
this.showButton = true;;
Now button appears, which thanks to *ngIf="showButton" wasn't rendered initially, and it has a click even handler declared in the template. This handler again changes component's property, this time showMessage to true.
<button *ngIf="showButton" (click)="onButtonClick()">Click me!</button>
onButtonClick() {
this.showMessage = true;
When I click it, the handler obviously runs and changes component's showMessage to true, but it doesn't trigger change detection and message below doesn't appear.
To make the example work, just set showButton to true from the very beginning, and the scenario above works.
The question is: How is this possible? Since I declared the (click) event handler in the template, shouldn't it always trigger change detection when called?
I created an issue in Angular's repo, and as it turns out, this behavior is logical, although perhaps unexpected. To rephrase what was written there by Angular team:
The code which causes the element with (click) handler to render is running outside the Angular zone as stated in the question. Now, although I execute detectChanges() manually there, it doesn't mean that the code magically runs in angular zone all of a sudden. It runs the change detection all right, but it "stays" in a different zone. And as a result, when the element is about to be rendered, the element's click callback is created in and bound to non-angular zone. This in turn means that when it is triggered by user clicking, it is still called, but doesn't trigger change detection.
The solution is to wrap code, which runs outside the angular zone, but which needs to perform some changes in the component, in => {...}).
So in my stackblitz reproduction, the code running outside the angular zone would look like this: => {
const el = this.eventTarget.nativeElement as HTMLElement;
el.addEventListener('click', e => { => this.showButton = true);
This, unlike calling detectChanges(), makes the this.showButton = true run in the correct zone, so that also elements created as a result of running that code with their event handlers are bound to the angular zone. This way, the event handlers always trigger change detection when reacting to DOM events.
This all boils down to a following takeaway: Declaring event handlers in a template doesn't automatically guarantee change detection in all scenarios.
In case someone wants to do tasks that don't trigger change detection, here is how:
import { NgZone }from '#angular/core';
// paramenters
private _ngZone: NgZone,
// code block
Angular Lifecycle hooks
ngOnInit() {
processOutsideOfAngularZone () {
var _this = this;
this._ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => {
document.onselectionchange = function() {
console.log('Outside ngZone Done!');
let selection = document.getSelection();
_this.taskSelection["anchorNode"] = selection.anchorNode.parentElement;
_this.taskSelection["anchorOffset"] = selection.anchorOffset;
_this.taskSelection["focusOffset"] = selection.focusOffset;
_this.taskSelection["focusNode"] = selection.focusNode;
_this.taskSelection["rangeObj"] = selection.getRangeAt(0);

How to ensure I am reading the most recent version of state?

I may be missing something. I know setState is asynchronous in React, but I still seem to have this question.
Imagine following is a handler when user clicks any of the buttons on my app
1. ButtonHandler()
2. {
3. if(!this.state.flag)
4. {
5. alert("flag is false");
6. }
7. this.setState({flag:true});
9. }
Now imagine user very quickly clicks first one button then second.
Imagine the first time the handler got called this.setState({flag:true}) was executed, but when second time the handler got called, the change to the state from the previous call has not been reflected yet -- and this.state.flag returned false.
Can such situation occur (even theoretically)? What are the ways to ensure I am reading most up to date state?
I know setState(function(prevState, props){..}) gives you access to previous state but what if I want to only read state like on line 3 and not set it?
As you rightly noted, for setting state based on previous state you want to use the function overload.
I know setState(function(prevState, props){..}) gives you access to previous state
So your example would look like this:
handleClick() {
this.setState(prevState => {
return {
flag: !prevState.flag
what if I want to only read state like on line 3 and not set it?
Let's get back to thinking why you want to do this.
If you want to perform a side effect (e.g. log to console or start an AJAX request) then the right place to do it is the componentDidUpdate lifecycle method. And it also gives you access to the previous state:
componentDidUpdate(prevState) {
if (!prevState.flag && this.state.flag) {
alert('flag has changed from false to true!');
if (prevState.flag && !this.state.flag) {
alert('flag has changed from true to false!');
This is the intended way to use React state. You let React manage the state and don't worry about when it gets set. If you want to set state based on previous state, pass a function to setState. If you want to perform side effects based on state changes, compare previous and current state in componentDidUpdate.
Of course, as a last resort, you can keep an instance variable independent of the state.
React's philosophy
The state and props should indicate things the components need for rendering. React's render being called whenever the state and props change.
Side Effects
In your case, you're causing a side effect based on user interaction which requires specific timing. In my opinion, once you step out of rendering - you probably want to reconsider state and props and stick to a regular instance property which is synchronous anyway.
Solving the real issue - Outside of React
Just change this.state.flag to this.flag everywhere, and update it with assignment rather than with setState. That way you
If you still have to use .state
You can get around this, uglily. I wrote code for this, but I'd rather not publish it here so people don't use it :)
First promisify.
Then use a utility for only caring about the last promise resolving in a function call. Here is an example library but the actual code is ~10LoC and simple anyway.
Now, a promisified setState with last called on it gives you the guarantee you're looking for.
Here is how using such code would look like:
explicitlyNotShown({x: 5}).then(() => {
// we are guaranteed that this call and any other setState calls are done here.
(Note: with MobX this isn't an issue since state updates are sync).

Error when using property that relies on ViewChildren

I have created a custom component that contains a form <address></address>. And I have a parent component that has an array of these:
#ViewChildren(AddressComponent) addressComponents: QueryList<AddressComponent>;
So the parent can contain a collection of these elements and the user can add and remove them based on the number of addresses they will be entering.
The parent also has a button to proceed after the user has entered all desired addresses. However, the <address> component must be filled out correctly so I have a public getter on the <address> component:
get valid(): boolen {
return this._form.valid;
Back to the button on the parent. It needs to be disabled if any of the <address> components are invalid. So I wrote the following:
get allValid() {
return this.addressComponents && this.addressComponents.toArray().every(component => component.valid);
And in the parent template:
<button [disabled]="!allValid" (click)="nextPage()">Proceed</button>
But angular doesn't like this because addressComponents are not defined in the parent until ngAfterViewInit lifecycle event. And since it immediately runs ngOnViewInit() I get two different values for the expression check which causes the error. (At least that's what I think is going on).
How do I use a property in my template that depends on ngAfterViewInit? Or what is the best way to inform my parent that all of its children are valid?
The Error Message:
Expression has changed after it was checked. Previous value: 'false'.
Current value: 'true'
So I console.loged the return value of allValid and noticed the first time it was undefined. This was to be expected as this.addressComponents are undefined until ngAfterInit. The next log it was true and this was surprising as I didn't have any <address> components on the page (yet). I am using mock data (all valid, though) in ngOnInit of the parent component to create a component. I did learn that ([].every... returns true on an empty array). So the third call to the console.log was returning false. Again, I am a little surprised because all my data is valid. On the 4th log it was returning true which is what I expected. So I'm assuming this final value being returned is what Angular disliked.
Anyway, I was able to sort of solve this. I don't know if I'm actually fixing the problem or just suppressing the error. I do not like this solution so I am going to keep the question open for a better solution.
get allValid() {
return this.addressComponents && this.addressComponents.length > 0 && this.addressComponents().toArray().every(component => component.valid);
So what I think is happening:
The first wave of change detection gets you a false for your function, then your parent component finds out this information after the view is instantiated (then returns true). In "dev" mode, Angular runs change detection twice to ensure that changes don't happen AFTER change detection (as change detection should detect all of the changes, of course!)
According to the answer found here:
Angular2 - Expression has changed after it was checked - Binding to div width with resize events
using AfterViewInit can cause these issues, as it may run after the change detection has completed.
Wrapping your assignment in a timeout will fix this, as it will wait a tick before setting the value.
setTimeout(_ => this.allValid = this.addressComponents && this.addressComponents.toArray().every(component => component.valid));
Due to these reasons, I would not use a getter on a template variable like that, as the view initializing may change the value after change detection has finished.
If I understand, you'll probably need to come up with a way in the parent to track how many instances of the child there are, and the child will need an EventEmitter that informs the parent when it's valid or becomes invalid.
So in the parent you could use an array to track how many address instances there are..
Parent Component
addressForms: Array<any> = [{ valid: false }];
addAddressForm() {
this.addressForms.push({ valid: false ));
checkValid() {
// somehow loop through the addressForms, make sure all valid
let allValid: boolean = false;
for (var i = this.addressForms.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (this.addressForms[i].value && allValid === false)
allValid = true;
return allValid;
Parent Template
<div *ngFor="let form of addressForms; let i = index">
<address (valid)="form.valid = true" (invalid)="form.valid = false"></address>
<button [disabled]="checkValid()">Next</button>
Address Component
#Output() valid: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();
#Output() invalid: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();
isValid: boolean = false;
check() {
// call this check on field blurs and stuff
if ("it's valid now" && !this.isValid) {
this.isValid = true;
if ("it's not valid anymore" && this.isValid) {
this.isValid = false;
That's the basic idea anyway, with some holes that are obvious enough to fill in. Hope that has some relevancy with what you're doing and I understood the question to begin with. Good luck!
I faced the same issue when have been using that realy handy pattern :( Only short way I found atm to solve it is the next kind of a hack:
#ViewChild(DetailsFormComponent) detailsForm: DetailsFormComponent;
isInitialized = false;
get isContinueBtnEnabled(): boolean {
return this.isInitialized && this.detailsForm?.isValid();
ngAfterViewInit() {
setTimeout(() => { // required
this.isInitialized = true;

Call methods on React children components

I want to write a Form component that can export a method to validate its children. Unfortunately a Form does not "see" any methods on its children.
Here is how I define a potential children of Form:
var Input = React.createClass({
validate: function() {
And here is how I define Form class:
var Form = React.createClass({
isValid: function() {
var valid = true;
this.props.children.forEach(function(component) {
// --> This iterates over all children that I pass
if (typeof component.validate === 'function') {
// --> code never reaches this point
valid = valid && component.isValid();
return valid;
I noticed that I can call a method on a child component using refs, but I cannot call a method via props.children.
Is there a reason for this React behaviour?
How can I fix this?
The technical reason is that at the time you try to access the child component, they do not yet really exist (in the DOM). They have not been mounted yet. They have been passed to your<Form> component as a constructor prop or method as a react class. (hence the name class in React.createClass()).
As you point out, this can be circumvented by using refs, but I would not recommend it. In many cases, refs tend to be shortcuts for something that react wasn't intended for, and therefore should be avoided.
It is probably by design that react makes it hard/ impossible for parents to access a child's methods. They are not supposed to. The child's methods should be in the child if they are private to the child: they do something inside the child that should not directly be communicated upward to the parent. If that were the case, than handling should have been done inside the parent. Because the parent has at least all info and data the child has.
Now in your case, I imagine each input (child) component to have some sort of specific validation method, that checks the input value, and based on outcome, does some error message feedback. Let's say a red outline around incorrect fields.
In the react way, this could be achieved as follows:
the <Form> component has state, which includes a runValidation boolean.
as soon as runValidation is set to true, inside a setState( { runValidation: true }); react automatically re-renders all children.
if you include runValidation as a prop to all children.
then each child can check inside their render() function with something like if (this.props.runValidation) { this.validate() }
which will execute the validate() function in the child
the validate function can even use the child's state (state is not changed when new props come in), and use that for the validation message (e.g. 'please add more complicated symbols to your password`)
Now what this does not yet fix, is that you may want to do some checking at form level after all children have validated themselves: e.g. when all children are OK, submit the form.
To solve that, you could apply the refs shortcut to the final check and submit. And implement a method in your <Form> inside a componentDidUpdate() function, to check if each child is OK (e.g. has green border) AND if submit is clicked, and then submit. But as a general rule, I strongly recommend against using refs.
For final form validation, a better approach is:
add a non-state variable inside your <Form> which holds booleans for each child. NB, it has to be non-state, to prevent children from triggering a new render cycle.
pass a validateForm function as a (callback) prop to each child.
inside validate() in each child, call this.props.validateForm(someChildID) which updates the corresponding boolean in the variable in the Form.
at the end of the validateForm function in the Form, check if all booleans are true, and if so, submit the form (or change Form state or whatever).
For an even more lengthy (and way more complicated) solution to form validation in react (with flux) you could check this article.
I'm not sure if i'm missing something, but after trying what #wintvelt suggested i ran into a problem whenever i called the runValidation method inside the render method of React, since in my case runValidation changes the state by calling setState in it, thus triggering the render method which obviously is a bad practice since render method must be pure, and if i put the runValidation in willReceiveProps it won't be called the first time because the if condition is not true yet (this condition is changed in the parent component using setState, but in the first call of willReceiveProps it's still false).

