Get value of a specific input using ".find()" - javascript

I want to get the value of an input. In my application, I want to update an entry in my database for each row. So, when I click on the button, I want the values of the corresponding row.
var id_sol = $(this).find('.nom_sol').value;
I made a jsfiddle for you to see what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to get the value of a row.
Can someone tell me how I should do please ?

use this
var age = $(this).parent().parent().children('td').find('.age').val();

use .val() in jquery.
The .val() method is primarily used to get the values of form elements
such as input, select and textarea.
var id_sol = $(this).find('.nom_sol').val();
for your scenario use
$(this).parents('tr').find('td .age').val();

var id_sol = $(this).closest("tr").find('.nom_sol').val()
.value is a javscript property so you need to use .val().
You are trying to find the input inside button but actually it is within td so you need to find it in td within the parent tr

In your fiddle, instead of
var age = $(this).find('.age').value;
var age = $(this).closest('tr').find('.age').val();
closest('tr') finds the nearest ancestor of type 'tr', and then you search down for the age field from there.


How to set the value of a form input field without ID using Javascript?

How to set the value of a form input field without ID using Javascript?
I can set the ID for the form, but i can't set an id to it's input.
Use id for your input like this:
document.getElementById("myID").value = "Hello"
You must use ID's for your input, because I don't know how many forms you have.
Here you can see the example:
Input Text Value
If you are looking for a specific tag like all your 'form' or 'input' tag, you can do something like this:
function myFunction() {
var list = document.getElementsByTagName("UL")[0];
list.getElementsByTagName("LI")[0].innerHTML = "Milk";
Here is the example link:
getElementsByTagName example
For more info:
You can use query selector to find the input and set its value like below:
document.querySelectorAll("input")[1].value = 'MEEEW';

How to insert selected element from multiple selection into an input?

hi everyone i have a problem.
i have a multiple selection and i want to select something and put it into an input through a button i hope i have been clear :
i manage to get the select item with this jquery code :
var chosen= $('#droite option:selected').val();
droite is an id for the multiple selection
and i want to put it into the input wich has an id : chosen item here is my jquery code:
and it won't work do you have any idea why .?
You need to call val() on the select itself, not the options it contains:
var chosen = $('#droite').val();
Similarly, to set the value of the #chosenitem input, use val() with a parameter:
Note that if multiple options are selected in the #droite element, the value returned will be a comma delimited string, eg. foo,bar,baz.
You should call val() to set the value of #chosenitem

jQuery: Put dynamically generated input values to span/div

I'm trying to create form for printing with dynamically generated inputs.
Contents of the fields is shown later in PreviewDiv.
It works fine as long as I specify where they should be, for example:
But if the user creates 100 fields this would be a lot of code to write.
There must be other methods to fix this dynamically, for example:
$('#Prw_CapacityA_'+ counter).text($('#CapacityA_'+ counter).val());
Here's the js fiddle
You could try using attribute starts with selector to select the elements starting with the specific id's and then loop through them using the each() function.
There is no need to have html within your preview table. You can generate it when the user clicks on preview. Modified fiddle
var capB = $('td input[id^=CapacityB_]');
var capC = $('td input[id^=CapacityC_]');
var table = $("#AddFieldsToPreviewDiv");
table.empty(); //build table everytime user previews so that previously appended values are removed
table.append('<tr><td>ID</td><td>Text 1</td><td>Text 2</td><td>Text 3</td></tr>');
$('td input[id^=CapacityA_]').each(function(i){
table.append('<tr><td>#'+(i + 1)
// Show PreviewDiv and hide FormDiv if PreviewButton clicked
You could try giving them a unique class (Normally I'd suggest ID but you're using one) say a class of "getinfo"
You could then try the .each() function
$( ".getinfo" ).each(function( index ) {
var text = $(this).val();
This will make an alert box for every element it finds with the class 'getinfo' and then retrieve the value and display it, I hope this gives you a better idea.
If the amount of inputs can change from one page load to the next then you need to use a loop, rather than pulling all the values by 'hand', More code will help better understand what you're trying to achieve and from what.

Getting the Control inside a table

I'm trying to get the control which is inside of a cell table; in my table I have different controls, labels, checkboxes, etc.
I basically need to get the control which is used in that table
var x = document.getElementById('myTable').rows[0].cells;
if (x.Control == checkbox) {
x.checked = true;
This will be in a loop but for now I just need to be able to check the checkbox by grabbing the control and setting that control to true
Any hints/help would be great
I doesn't really understand what you exactly need is it
document.getElementById("checkbox").checked = true;
here checkbox is the id of a particular checkbox
I would put a unique id on the form element instead and use that to grab it. In this way you can change the structure in the future. Example: perhaps you no longer want to use a table grid, but a grid of divs.
When you use innerHTML you will might also grab textnodes and other things you put in the cell.
An alternative - if you really want to find a specific cell in a table - is to give each cell a unique id on the form "cell-4-5" where 4 is the row and 5 is the column.
If you want to have the cell contents returned as a DOM-object then childNodes can be used:
var x = document.getElementById('myTable').childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes
If you want to have the cell contents returned as a string then innerHTML can be used:
var x = document.getElementById('myTable').childNodes[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML
To check if the checkbox is checked you need to keep it as a DOM element and thus use the first version.

Replace hidden value in a form with javascript variable

I'm working with Google Checkout and am creating a simple Buy Now button. The button will be on many pages and have many values for the form.
What I'm looking to do is to use Javascript, to get a value on a text_field, and replace a hidden field value.
To get the value, I have this code:
$('#payment_quantity input').keyup(function() {
var quantity = $('#payment_quantity input').val();
return false;
Then, in the form from google, I have this:
<input type="hidden" name="item_quantity_1" value="1"/>
What I need to be able to do, is replace the value on this hidden input, with my quantity variable. I know this is probably really easy, but I'm amazingly confused at how to do this. I should have to select the hidden field, but I don't know how to update the value?
Here ya go:
You just have to construct a jQuery selector to get that field and then use the .val(xxx) method to set its value.
jQuery loves to overload the same method for different behaviors based on what you pass as arguments. In the case of .val(), if you pass no arguments, it retrieves the field value. If you pass an argument like .val(quantity), it sets that value into the field like this:
$('#payment_quantity input').keyup(function() {
var quantity = $('#payment_quantity input').val();
return false;

