Passing PHP variables as strings to javascript - javascript

Somehow my php function, which creates a button, which calls a javascript function, does not pass the php variables as strings.
function addTableEntry($id, $name)
<td>Manage group
The function activateGroupSettingsOverlay() always gets called with (1, livingroom) whenever it is clicked and i get an error "livingroom is undefined".
How can i pass $name as a String? I tried to put quotes around it (like this: '.$id.',"'.$name.'", but that did not work.

You have to "escape" quotes inside a string if you want them to persist:
echo '..... onClick="activateGroupSettingsOverlay('.$id.',\''.$name.'\')"....'
The important thing are the backslashes before the (single) quotes.

The reason it wasn't working is because you were not including quotes in the javascript.
While other answers "fix" the issue they don't really explain it, to be clear this line
<td>Manage group
Is output like this
<td>Manage group
As is, the livingroom does not have quotes and so javascirpt is treating it as a variable, hence the undefined error. To fix it you want it to look like this when output.
<td>Manage group
Modifying this line is all you have to change
<td>Manage group
Adding the single quotes \' with escaping.
Personally for things like this I like to use what is called a HEREDOC or NEWDOC
<<<HTML HTML; and <<<'HTML' HTML; respective. HEREDOC is like using a " and new doc is like using ' in that you cannot use php variables within a NEWDOC but you can within the HEREDOC if you enclose them in { } braces. Because of this we'll want to use a HEREDOC so we can use php variables in the output.
function addTableEntry($id, $name)
echo <<<HTML
<td>Manage group
addTableEntry(1,"livingroom"); - scroll down to where it says HEREDOC
The advantage to doing this is that you don't have to escape the single quotes, which makes it way more readable IMO. The trick with HEREDOC, or NEWDOC, is the ending HTML; has to start a new line and can be the only thing on that line, no leading or trailing spaces, or it won't work properly..
For this case it is probably simple enough to get away with how you are doing it, but if you needed to use concatenation in javascript, the quotes would become a hassle. For example say you wanted to add a html image tag using javascript with a javascirpt variable for the image name, but use php to get the server host name( html and variables in javascript ).
echo '
var foo = "image.jpb";
$(body).html( \'<img src="'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'\'+foo+\'" />\' );
This quickly becomes unmanageable because ( not even sure if I have that right, anyway ). Compare how much cleaner this is, because you are not wasting the quotes in php....
echo <<<HTML
var foo = "image.jpb";
$(body).html( '<img src="{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}'+foo+'" />' );

Please try with this code:-
function addTableEntry($id, $name)
<td>Manage group


#chandresh_cool was kind of right, you have to "force" the quotes


PHP - return confirm within PHP issue

could somebody please help me with the below:
echo ('<font color="FFFFFF"><b>Click here to claim ticket</b></font>');
I know there is an issue with some " ' " but can't figure this out. I am getting a syntax error just before the 'Are'. The line of code was working as expected before I added the:
onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to claim this ticket?');"
If you want to use the same quotes you opened the string with inside the string itself, you should escape it.
For instance:
$var = 'Hello, let's go!';
echo $var;
This code will throw a parse error because this is how PHP sees the code:
) New variable $var.
) Is a string, declared using single quotes '.
) After the opening quote we have 'Hello, let'
) Now PHP expects some kind of valid code operators, like ., and next string or ;, but it gets some characters, which are treated as instructions rather than strings because they are outside the quotes, and
) PHP throws a parse error.
To fix this, you can use the backslash \ a.k.a 'escaping' character.
For example, to fix your problem:
('<font color="FFFFFF"><b>Click here to claim ticket</b></font>');
See the baskslashes \ surrounding the single quotes inside the confirm JavaScript function? This tells PHP to treat these quotes as normal characters instead of string start/end declarations. Same thing works for reversal when you use double quotes as string declarators.
For example, when you want to show the actual representation of $ or any characters that have special meaning in a double quoted string, which allows direct insertion of variables (and some other's, like class properties) values you would use the escaping character.
For example:
$apples = 12;
$talk = "I have $apples \$apples. Thanks, now have a backlash! \\!";
echo $talk;
This will output I have 12 $apples. Thanks, now have a backslash! \!
Now, you are not actually required to escape the escaping character (it will show just as well if it does't have anything to escape after it).
Read this: PHP Manual - About Strings
You can also switch your single quotes on the edges of your echo statement with regular quotes, which will allow you to insert the $id variable easier. Then, you just have to escape the quotes around your JavaScript in onClick and switch all the other quotes to single quotes.
echo "<a href='assign.php?id=$id' onclick=\"return confirm('Are you sure you want to claim this ticket?');\" style='text-decoration: none'><font color='FFFFFF'><b>Click here to claim ticket</b></font></a>";
However, there is a better way.
Interpolate PHP into HTML
(Instead of HTML into PHP)
The best way to do this is to write HTML as HTML, and interpolate PHP variables into the HTML. This is best practice as it allows syntax highlighting in IDE's, and looks much cleaner/easier to read.
Just write the entire element as HTML, and then echo the $id variable inside the HTML (instead of writing all of the HTML in a PHP echo statement).
<a href="assign.php?id=<?=$id;?>" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to claim this ticket?');" style="text-decoration: none">
<font color="FFFFFF">
Click here to claim ticket
With this method, you don't have to worry about escaping quotes, and it will allow you to use regular quotes throughout your entire element.
You need to escape the nested ' by doing \'
echo ('<font color="FFFFFF"><b>Click here to claim ticket</b></font>');
Note that all the stuff inside the single quotes is considered as string by the PHP interpreter.
Docs: PHP: Variables - Manual

Output user content to JavaScript variable (avoid XSS)

I need to do the following:
$userContentFromDatabase = 'Some string that may contain "double quotes" ';
<script type="text/javascript">
var userContent = "<?= $userContentFromDatabase ?>";
How can I avoid the double quotes from interfering with the JavaScript code?
Use json_encode() on the PHP side and return an object as this will take care of all of the slashes and what not that might break your code.
Or just add slashes using str_replace() if you think that the only problem area will be the double quotes.
You need more escaping than that if you want to safely output user data in a javascript variable. See rule 3

escaping single quotes for ajax calls

I have a php page which is called via AJAX. and basically it fetches some value from my database and echos back at table with inputs etc. The problem is when the string it fetches contains quotation marks(actually only single quotes seem to be effected). So on the php page there's something like this:
$value = htmlentities($DB_result->cloumn);
echo'<input type = "button" onClick = "$(\'#something\').val(\''.$value.'\');" />'
so if $value = "hello", no problems but if: $value = 'hello', the page which I'm making the AJAX call from throws up some such error: Syntax Error: unexpected identifier.
so I guess the quotations in $value have not been escaped, which I thought it would with the htmlentities. any Ideas how to solve this much appreciated. Thank you.
The problem is that $value contains single quotes, which interfere with the correct parsing of javascript. from the manual entry for html entities:
all characters which have HTML character entity equivalents are translated into these entities.
this means that your single quotes are not escaped, they are only translated in a way browsers will better understand. You need to use addslashes():
$value = htmlentities(addslashes($DB_result->cloumn));
"'hello'" will become "\'hello\'" which in the browser will look like:
<input type = "button" onClick = "$('#something').val('\'hello\'');" />
which will attribute the string 'hello' (with the single quotes) to the value attribute of $('#something')
$value = htmlentities($DB_result->cloumn, ENT_QUOTES, "utf-8");
Passing ENT_QUOTES through as a flag will convert both double and single quotes.

PHP generated JavaScript onClick, with PHP array, quotes problem

echo '<a onClick="articleDeleteConfirm("'.
The main problem is with: $row["title_$lang"], I have to use $lang variable inside. " and ' just not enough.
The problem you describe actually has nothing to do with your PHP variables, those are all being output as expected. The problem is that you need to escape the " inside of the <a> and you've misplaced a ).
Your original would output:
<a onClick="articleDeleteConfirm("value1","value2">
That is not valid HTML (even the highlighter dislikes it). Now, notice the \'s in the following (and that the paren was moved into the string).
echo '<a onClick="articleDeleteConfirm(\''
The escaped version outputs:
<a onClick="articleDeleteConfirm('value1','value2')">
It uses single quotes inside of double quotes to provide easy to read (and valid) html. Now, you have another issue with your code.
Any time you output a $_REQUEST variable to the browser, you risk something called cross-site-scripting. Someone could put JavaScript into $_GET["editPage"] and it would smell bad. The easy way to avoid it? Use htmlentities($_GET["editPage"])
I had same problem too, I don't know exactly why but I had syntax error no matter what I did, So I tried this and got answer.
The problem is that you're using a double quotation to open onClick and again you're using another double quotation to open an string.
Use this and you'll get answer.
echo '<a onClick="articleDeleteConfirm('.char(39).$row["title_$lang"].char(39).','.char(39).$_GET["editPage"]).char(39).'>';

Passing an object-string to a javascript-function

I'm trying to pass a string like this:
to a javascript-function like this:
<a href="#" onClick="myFunction(myString);">
but can't get the escaping right. Is there a way to pass that object-string to a function or do I need to convert something?
var myString = '{"key":["value"],"key2":undefined,"key3":undefined,"key4":undefined,"key5":"value"}';
In light of your recent comment I went back to the browser and tried this (works for me):
<a href="#" onClick="myFunction({'key':['value'],'key2':undefined,'key3':undefined,'key4':undefined,'key5':'value'});">
The change means that it's no longer longer passed as a string but as an object parameter to myFunction.
As Naeem said, you can enclose the string in a single quote. The difference between the single and double quote is this:
single quotes:
Can contain double quotes without stopping string
Cannot contain characters such as break lines
Can contain single quotes via \'
double quotes:
Can contain single quotes without stopping string
Can contain break line and other special characters
Can contain double quotes via \"
I found a solution, Naeem Sarfraz put me on the right track - it's not going to win a beauty contest, but it works:
As I can execute PHP in the context I'm in (but IE6 would ignore Javascript), I did a couple of replacements on single/double quotes with PHP.
$data = stripslashes(unserialize($data));
$data = addcslashes($data, "'");
$data = str_replace('"', "'", $data);
This will strip all slashes, add slashes for single quotes only and finally replace double quotes with single ones.
Now myString is in a state that can be passed to a Javascript function in onclick without quote-conflicts:
<a href="#" onClick="myFunction(<?php print $data; ?>);">
Thanks for your contributions!
If you can generate code just before this <a> element, you can try this:
<script type="text/javascript">
var myObj = {"key":["value"], "key2":undefined, "key3":undefined, "key4":undefined, "key5":"value"};
<a href="#" onClick="myFunction(myObj)">

