Sprite animations in paper.js - javascript

I'm working on my project in Paper.js.
In the part of It, I need to use sprite with animation.
To examplain It, I've got a space ship that can be everywhere on the screen, and there is an effect of disortion that happens sometimes.
I got prepared a spritesheet with 10 frames, and all I want is use Paper.js RASTER class to load It and animate on every frame.
The problem is in the positions, that I don't know how to calculate them...
When I load a raster
let slide = new Raster({
source: 'assets/sprite.png',
position: [0, 0]
I see center of a very long image, when I need to see the first frame.
My idea was to use group with containts mask (square)
let mask = new Rectangle({
position: [220, 100],
size: [186, 154],
That I can change position dynamically and animate the spread at the same time.
Is It possible that way?
It would be cool, If I cant calculate the position of raster against the mask, but for me now It seems impossible.
Anyone have idea how to attain this in a simple way?

I've looked into this in my project. The key is using a group with a pivot point. This code is admittedly unfinished and in raw javascript but it should give you a good idea:
var Sprite = paper.Group.extend({
_class: 'Sprite',
initialize: function Sprite(url, size) {
var maskSize = size || new paper.Size(256, 256);
var that = this;
this._raster = new paper.Raster(url);
this._raster.pivot = new paper.Point();
this._raster.on('load', function () {
that._spriteSheetWidth = Math.floor(this.size.width / maskSize.width);
that.setIndex(that._spriteIndex || 0);
this._clipRect = new paper.Path.Rectangle(new paper.Point(), maskSize);
Sprite.base.call(this, [this._clipRect, this._raster]);
this.clipped = true;
// Just use a blank point if you want the position to be in the corner
this.pivot = new paper.Point(maskSize.divide(2));
setIndex: function (index) {
if (typeof this._spriteSheetWidth !== "undefined") {
this._spriteIndex = index;
I'm not actually using sprites in my project anymore so I never finished the implementation. But the complicated concepts should be completed above. Namely the way that paper.js implements pivot points and clipping masks. The position of an object is the center of it's bounds by default... this is kind of unweildy for a lot of reasons, like an images position will appear to change when it loads etc... or when the contents of a path change. So I like to set a pivot of 0,0 immediately after making any object. The next key section is that clipping masks only work on Groups. And finally you can extend the Group class to make a standard Sprite class.
Normal sprite shifting of this._raster.position.x and this._raster.position.y should finish this implementation off.
Edit: Finished my implementation... https://jsfiddle.net/willstott101/vgxq9kak/


Imported meshes can't be picked deterministically

I've got grid of cylinder meshes created simply by
var tile = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateCylinder("tile-" + i, { tessellation: 6, height: 0.1 }, scene);
then I have following event callback
window.addEventListener("click", function (evt) {
// try to pick an object
var pickResult = scene.pick(evt.clientX, evt.clientY);
if (pickResult.pickedMesh != null){
Then mouse-click on one of tiles raises message box with correct tile name.
When I add some new meshes (3D model inside .babylon file) by
var house;
BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh("", "../Content/"
, "house.babylon"
, scene
, function (newMeshes)
{ house = newMeshes[0]; });
For better imagination it's texture of house created from four different meshes which is placed over grid of cylinder tiles.
It's displayed fine but when mouse-click it too much often behave as it would totally ignore there is such a mesh and so pickResult.pickedMesh is either null or pickResult.pickedMesh.name points to tile underlaying my imported mesh in point I've clicked.
Just approximately 5% of mesh area corresponds properly to mouse-clicks (let's say in middle of roof, in middle of walls).
I've tried playing with setting some virtual (hidden) house.parent mesh for that which would not be created by importing meshes but seems as dead end.
Are you aware about some way how enforce that scene.pick(evt.clientX, evt.clientY); would respect mesh hierarchy and would consider all visible parts of overlaying texture?
Just for completeness I'm working with middle part of this 3D model (removed left and right house from that).
EDIT: Demo on BabylonJS playground
you could try change
var pickResult = scene.pick(evt.clientX, evt.clientY);
var pickResult = scene.pick(scene.pointerX, scene.pointerY);
as evt corresponds to whole page.

PhaserJS: add physics to graphic objects

Most examples use sprites to add physics, but I want to add physics to objects created using the Graphics class. For example:
var square = game.add.graphics( 0, 0 );
//some definitions
game.physics.arcade.enable( square );
This doesn't work at all with graphics, but it does right away with sprites. Why is that and how can I achieve this?
Thanks in advance.
I had to investigate quite a bit since it seems this is not the standard (at least tutorial wise), but you have to create a BitmapData object and use canvas to draw the figures. This is not nearly as fun as using game.add.graphics to create circles and poligons, etc. but it works well.
This is how you create a platform:
//creates the BitmapData object, you can use it to create figures:
var floor = game.add.bitmapData( 400, 20 ); //width, height
//this fills the whole object with a color:
floor.fill( 200, 100, 0, 1 ); //Red, Green, Blue, Alpha
//floor will have a canvas context object to draw figures.
//Here are some more examples:
//after you finish drawing, you need to convert the object to a sprite:
var floorSprite = game.add.sprite( 100, 500, floor );
//this adds physics to the object and adds a .body property:
game.physics.arcade.enable( floorSprite );
//stops the object in place and prevents other objects from displacing it:
floorSprite.body.allowGravity = false;
floorSprite.body.immovable = true;
And that's how you can create a platform without having to rely on image files. I have seen a few tutorials using files instead of generating the platform and I think it's such a waste.
Also, I think you need to convert your vector to a bitmap is because vector physics is quite heavy on the hardware (or so it seems).
Hope this can help a few more people!
maybe it works with this:
and after that:
game.physics.arcade.enable( anySprite );

Detecting irregular Shape

Leading up from this question Detecting mouse coordinates with precision, I have learnt quite a bit in the past few days. Here are what I picked as best learning resources on this topic:
The code in (3) works in JSFiddle but breaks at this section in my testing environment (VS2012):
var myTree = new Quadtree({
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 400,
height: 300
with the message Quadtree is undefined in IE. FF & Chrome just gloss over it and display an empty page. I couldn't sort it out. Question 1: Can someone help out with that?
My main question:
I have a region (parcels of land like a map) with about 1500 parcels drawn in html5, not jpg or png images. It is a lot of lines of code to complete that but the rendering is great, so I am keeping it that way. I intend to have a mouseover event tell me which parcel I am standing on when the mouse stops. As you will see in the previous question referred my previous attempts were not impressive. Based on the learning I have been doing, and thanks to Ken J's answer/comments, I would like to go with this new approach of slicing up my canvas into say 15 quads of 100 objects each. However, I would like some guidance before I take another wild dive the wrong way.
Question 2: Should I slice it up at creation or should the slicing happen when the mouse is over a region, ie, trail the mouse? The latter sounds better to me but I think I can do with some advice and, if possible, some start out code. The quadtree concept is completely new to me. Thanks.
Can't help with question 1.
You should definitely build the tree as early as possible, given that the objective is to get the page to respond as quick as possible once the user clicks somewhere.
Keep the tree for as long as the user interacts with the 2d area. Updating a quad tree shouldn't be too hard, so even if the area changes contents, you should be able to reuse the existing tree (just update it).
Given the fact that your draw area is well know i see no advantage in a QuadTree over a spacial hash function. This function will give you an integer out of an (x,y) point.
var blocWidth = 20;
var blocHeight = 20;
var blocsPerLine = ( 0 | ( worldWidth / blocWidth) ) + 1 ;
function hashPoint(x,y) {
return ( 0 | (x/blocWidth)) + blocsPerLine*(0|(y/blocHeight));
once you built that, hash all your parcels within an array :
parcelHash = [];
function addHash(i,p) {
if (!parcelHash[i]) { parcelHash[i]=[ p ]; return; }
if (parcelHash[i].indexOf(p) != -1 ) return;
function hashParcel (p) {
var thisHash = hashPoint(p.x,p.y); // upper left
addHash( thisHash, p);
thisHash = hashPoint(p.x+width, p.y); // upper right
addHash(thisHash, p);
thisHash = hashPoint(p.x, p.y+p.height); // lower left
addHash(thisHash, p);
thisHash = hashPoint(p.x+width, p.y+p.height); // lower right
addHash(thisHash, p);
for (var i=0; i<allParcels.length; i++) { hashParcel(allParcels[i]) };
now if you have a mouse position, you can retrieve all the parcels in the
same block with :
function getParcels(x,y) {
var thisHash = hashPoint(x,y);
return parcelHash[thisHash];
I'll just give you few tips in addition to what others have said.
... have a mouseover event tell me which parcel I am standing on ...
From your other messages I conclude that parcels will have irregular shapes. Quadtrees in general work with rectangles, so you'd have to calculate the bounding rectangle around the shape of the parcel and insert that rectangle in the quadtree. Then are when you want to determine whether mouse is over a parcel, you'll query the quadtree which will give you a set of parcels that might be under the mouse, but you'll have to then do a more precise check on your own to see if it indeed is.
... when the mouse stops.
From your other questions I saw that you try to detect when the mouse has "stopped". Maybe you should look at it this way: mouse cursor is never moving, it's teleporting around the screen from previous point to next. It's always stopped, never moving. This might seem a bit philosophical, but it'll keep your code simpler. You should definitely be able to achieve what you intended without any setTimeout checks.
... slicing up my canvas into say 15 quads of 100 objects each.
... Should I slice it up at creation or should the slicing happen when the mouse is over a region
You won't (and can't) do slicing, quadtree implementation does that automatically (that's its purpose) when you insert or remove items from it (note that moving the item is actually removing then re-inserting it).
I didn't look into the implementation of quadtree that you're using, but here are two MX-CIF quadtree implementations in case that one doesn't work out for you:
The problem in question 1 probably happens because jsfiddle (http) page is trying access quadtree.js which is on https

How to drag rotated shapes using Raphael js library

I have done lots of examples on dragging an object created by Raphael's library. Now I am working with sets and was also able to write a code to drag them.
Now my problem appeared when I rotate an object and then drag it.
Check out this code example: demo
var paper = Raphael('stage', 300, 300);
var r = paper.rect(50,100,30,50).attr({fill:"#FFF"}).rotate(45),
t = paper.text(30, 140, "Hello");
var p = paper.set(r, t);
r.set = p, t.set = p;
start = function () {
move = function (dx, dy) {
var a = this.set;
a.attr({transform: "t"+a.newTX+","+a.newTY});
up = function () {
p.drag(move, start, up);
By examining the DEMO you can see that the set is created with rotated rectangle, but as soon you drag it, it goes back to the 0 degree state. Why? Any solutions?
The problem is that whenever an element is transformed by applying a string containing instructions to move, rotate, scale etc, it resets the transformation object, and hence previous transformations get lost. To avoid this, add "..." at the beginning of the transformation string. Like,
var el = paper.rect(10, 20, 300, 200);
// translate 100, 100, rotate 45°, translate -100, 0
// NOW, to move the element further by 50 px in both directions
If "t50,50" is used instead of "...t50,50", then transformation effect for "t100,100r45t-100,0" is lost and transformation effect for "t50,50" rules.
Raphael reference for further study: http://raphaeljs.com/reference.html#Element.transform
Hope this helps.
I found an easy solution to this problem. Since I need to have a diamond instead of rectangle, I have created a path that represents that diamond. Then this path becomes just like a square 45 degree rotated.
This turned out to be easy because dragging functionality I had for my program works perfectly with paths.

How can I stop elements overlapping using JavaScript and the Raphael JavaScript library

I’m generating multiple, random sized, circular elements using the Raphael JavaScript library but because it’s random a lot of the circular elements being generate overlap or cover each other. What I wanted to know, is there any way with JavaScript to tell if one element is in already in particular position so to avoid the overlapping? Essentially, I want to create random elements on a canvas, of a random size that don’t overlap or cover each other.
There's a couple of test files I created here to give you an idea of what I'm doing. The first one generates random objects and the second link sets them to a grid to stop the overlapping.
The easiest way is to create an object and give it a repulsive force that degrades towards zero at it's edge. As you drop these objects onto the canvas the objects will push away from each other until they reach a point of equilibrium.
Your examples aren't working for me, so I cannot visualize your exact scenario.
Before you "drop" an element on the canvas, you could query the positions of your other elements and do some calculations to check if the new element will overlap.
A very simple example of this concept using circle elements might look like this:
function overlap(circ1, circ2) {
var attrs = ["cx", "cy", "r"];
var c1 = circ1.attr(attrs);
var c2 = circ2.attr(attrs);
var dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(c1.cx - c2.cx ,2) + Math.pow(c1.cy - c2.cy, 2));
return (dist < (c1.r + c2.r));
var next_drop = paper.circle(x, y, r);
for (var i in circles) {
if (overlap(next_drop, circles[i])) {
// do something
Of course calculating just where you're going to place a circle after you've determined it overlaps with others is a little more complicated.

