Cuting an URL with JS or Jquery - javascript

Hello guys is it possible to throw away the first part of an url
var mydir = $("script[src$='jquery_main.js']").attr('src').slice(0, -14);
im trying to remove this part "" but without indexOf. is it possible to cut the url after the third / to get just this part /resources/ui/skins/default/js/main/

Not sure why you don't want to use indexOf, you can try this as well
var cutURL = "/" + "".split(/\/+/).splice(3).join("/");
var url = "";
var cutURL = "/" + url.split(/\/+/).splice(3).join("/");


Rewrite URL Prefix Using Javascript / Jquery

I am retrieving some data from an external API using javascript, I'm then displaying this data on a HTML page.
Within this returned data is a URL, it's in the following format;
var url =
I need to rewrite this URL so that it's prefixed with www, like this;
var url =
I want to achieve this using either javascript or jquery.
How can I achieve this? An explanation of the correct code would be great too.
You don't need regex for this you can simply use URL api
let url = ""
let parsed = new URL(url) ='www.') ? : "www."+
You can use a regular expression to search and replace.
Following example also works with:
function prependUrl(url) {
return url.replace(/^([^\/]*)(\/\/)(.*)/, '$1//www.$3');
const urls = [
urls.forEach((url) => console.log(`${ url } -> ${ prependUrl(url) }`));
The regular expression contains 3 capturing groups:
Select everything up to the first / (excluding)
Select the // (for protocol root)
Select the rest
The replacement value takes everything up to the first / (which may be an empty string as well)
Replace the // with //www.
Append the rest
If you want something that will work with any protocol, try this regex:
var url = ""
var new_url = url.replace(/^([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\.\+\-]*):\/\//, "$1://www.")
console.log('new URL: ', new_url)
Simple string operations:
var url = ''
var newUrl = url.split('//')[0] + '//www.' + url.split('//')[1]
and yet another way to do this is like this:
var url = ''
var newUrl = url.replace('https://', 'https://www.')

Search and remove a parameter with optional character from URL

I'm looking to remove a parameter from a URL with a click event. The issue is that the parameter can either have an & before it or not. So the form is either search=MYSEARCHTERM or &search=MYSEARCHTERM.
I have the following which appears to work fine for one or other but not both. I was thinking that I could have an if / else statement one of which contains something like this. (Excuse the crappy regex but I've never written it before)
var searchKeywordRegx = new RegExp(/(?:&)/ + 'search=' + searchKeyword);
$('.searchKeyword').click(function() {
var searchKeywordRegx = new RegExp('search=' + searchKeyword);
document.location.href = String( document.location.href ).replace(searchKeywordRegx , "" );
Am I way off base here?
Use ? to make something optional in a regexp:
var searchKeywordRegx = new RegExp('&?search=' + searchKeyword);
Seems you can do this without regular expressions. If you simply remove that portion of the document location's "search": =
.replace('search=' + encodeURI(searchKeyword), '');

Remove last element from url

I need to remove the last part of the url from a span..
I have
<span st_url="http://localhost:8888/careers/php-web-developer-2"
st_title="PHP Web Developer 2" class="st_facebook_large" displaytext="facebook"
And I need to take the st_url and remove the php-web-developer-2 from it so it is just http://localhost:8888/careers/.
But I am not sure how to do that. php-web-developer-2 will not always be that but it won't have any / in it. It will always be a - separated string.
Any Help!!??
as simple as this:
var to = url.lastIndexOf('/');
to = to == -1 ? url.length : to + 1;
url = url.substring(0, to);
Here is a slightly simpler way:
url = url.slice(0, url.lastIndexOf('/'));
$('span').attr('st_url', function(i, url) {
var str = url.substr(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + '$';
return url.replace( new RegExp(str), '' );
Use this.
$('span').attr('st_url', function(i, url) {
var to = url.lastIndexOf('/') +1;
x = url.substring(0,to);
You can see Demo
You could use a regular expression to parse the 'last piece of the url':
var url="http://localhost:8888/careers/php-web-developer";
var baseurl=url.replace(new RegExp("(.*/)[^/]+$"),"$1");
The RegExp thing basically says: "match anything, then a slash and then all non-slashes till the end of the string".
The replace function takes that matching part, and replaces it with the "anything, then a slash" part of the string.
RegexBuddy has a great deal of information on all this.
You can see it work here:
var url = "http://localhost:8888/careers/php-web-developer-2";
var regex = new RegExp('/[^/]*$');
console.log(url.replace(regex, '/'));
First you need to parse the tag. Next try to extract st_url value which is your url. Then use a loop from the last character of the extracted url and omit them until you see a '/'. This is how you should extract what you want. Keep this in mind and try to write the code .

Javascript remove characters utill 3 slash /

Whats the best to way, based on the input below, to get everything in the url after the domain:
var url = "";
var url = "";
var url = "";
var url = "";
The output:
url = "/sadsad/asdsadsad/asdasdasda/?asda=ggy";
url = "/asdsadsad/asdasdasda/#45435";
url = "/asdasdasda/?324324";
UPDATE: the domain its not always the same. (sorry)
You should really parse the URI.
Every absolute URL consists of a protocol, separated by two slashes, followed by a host, followed by a pathname. An implementation can look like:
// Search for the index of the first //, then search the next slash after it
var slashOffset = url.indexOf("/", url.indexOf("//") + 2);
url = url.substr(slashOffset);
If the domain is always the same, a simple replace will work fine:
var url = "";
var afterDomain = url.replace("^", "");
You could also use RegEx:
var url = "";
var afterDomain = url.replace(/^[^\/]*(?:\/[^\/]*){2}/, "");
Assuming this is in the browser, creating an anchor element will do a lot of magic on your behalf:
var a=document.createElement('a');
alert(a.pathname + + a.hash); // /iouhowe/ewouho/wiouhfe?jjj

FileName from url excluding querystring

I have a url :
How do I get test.jsp of it ?
This should do it:
var path = document.location.pathname,
file = path.substr(path.lastIndexOf('/'));
Reference: document.location, substr, lastIndexOf
I wont just show you the answer, but I'll give you direction to it. First... strip out everything after the "?" by using a string utility and location.href.status (that will give you the querystring). Then what you will be left with will be the URL; get everything after the last "/" (hint: lastindexof).
Use a regular expression.
var urlVal = '';
var result = /a\/(.*)\?/.exec(urlVal)[1]
the regex returns an array, use [1] to get the test.jsp
This method does not depend on pathname:
var url = '';
var file_with_parameters = url.substr(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
var file = file_with_parameters.substr(0, file_with_parameters.lastIndexOf('?'));
// file now contains "test.jsp"
var your_link = "";
// strip the query from the link
your_link = your_link.split("?");
your_link = your_link[0];
// get the the test.jsp or whatever is there
var the_part_you_want = your_link.substring(your_link.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
Try this:

