Not Stopping Propagation with Web Audio API [duplicate] - javascript

I want to have a onkeydown event fire a function only once. for that function to fire again, the user has to release the key and press/hold again.
I know its fairly simple but I'm new at JS. Also I prefer to avoid using jQuery or other libs.
One more thing, this should work for both ie and firefox.

I'm surprised it's not mentioned, there's also event.repeat:
document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
if (e.repeat) return;
This will only fire once per each keypress, since event.repeat turns true after holding the key down.

You could set a flag:
var fired = false;
element.onkeydown = function() {
if(!fired) {
fired = true;
// do something
element.onkeyup = function() {
fired = false;
Or unbind and rebind the event handler (might be better):
function keyHandler() {
this.onkeydown = null;
// do something
element.onkeydown = keyHandler;
element.onkeyup = function() {
this.onkeydown = keyHandler;
More information about "traditional" event handling.
You might also want to use addEventListener and attachEvent to bind the event handlers. For more information about that, have a look at - Advanced event registration models.

There's a "once" parameter you can use
element.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
}, {once: true});
It'll remove it as soon as it's been called.
Alternatively you can use removeEventListener if it's a named function

Here is a method that uses addEventListener and removeEventListener
var textBox = document.getElementById("textBox");
function oneKeyDown(){
$("body").append("<h1>KeyDown<h1>"); //just to show the keypress
textBox.removeEventListener('keydown', oneKeyDown, false);
function bindKeyDown(){
textBox.addEventListener('keydown', oneKeyDown, false);
textBox.addEventListener('keyup', bindKeyDown, false)
Code example on jsfiddle.
One note, for IE you will need to use attachEvent, detachEvent.

Here you go:
test.onkeydown = function() {
if ( this.className === 'hold' ) { return false; }
this.className = 'hold';
// call your function here
test.onkeyup = function() {
this.className = '';
Live demo:

JQuery's one will help you.
What it does is, bind the eventHandler to event, and when event occurs, it runs the eventHandler and unbinds it, so that its not fired at next event.

as stated in the other answers, there is no 'onkeyfirstdown' or similar event to listen for.
the best solution is to keep track of which keys are already down in a js-object:
var keysdown = {};
element.addEventListener('keydown', function(evt) {
if(!(evt.key in keysdown)) {
keysdown[evt.key] = true;
// key first pressed
element.addEventListener('keyup', function(evt) {
delete keysdown[evt.key];
this way, you will not be skipping 'keyfirstpressed' events if more than one key is held down.
(many of the other solutions posted here will only fire when no other keys are down).

Here is my solution that will only run the function you pass it when a key is FIRST pressed on the target (eg window or some input field). If the user wants to trigger a key again, they'll have to release it and press it again.
Vanilla JS
const onKeyPress = (func, target = window) => {
// persistent "store" to track what keys are being pressed
let pressed = {};
// whenever a keydown event is fired ontarget element
const onKeyDown = (event) => {
// if key isn't already pressed, run func
if (!pressed[event.which])
// add key to store
pressed = { ...pressed, [event.which]: true };
// whenever a keyup event is fired on the window element
const onKeyUp = (event) => {
const { [event.which]: id, } = pressed;
// remove key from store
pressed = rest;
// add listeners
target.addEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown);
window.addEventListener('keyup', onKeyUp);
// return a function that can be called to remove listeners
return () => {
target.removeEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown);
window.removeEventListener('keyup', onKeyUp);
And then to use it:
const removeListener = onKeyPress((event) => console.log(event.which + ' key pressed'))
removeListener(); // when you want to remove listeners later
React and React Hooks
import { useState } from 'react';
import { useEffect } from 'react';
import { useCallback } from 'react';
export const useKeyPress = (func, target = window) => {
// persistent "store" to track what keys are being pressed
const [pressed, setPressed] = useState({});
// whenever a keydown event is fired ontarget element
const onKeyDown = useCallback(
(event) => {
// if key isn't already pressed, run func
if (!pressed[event.which])
// add key to store
setPressed({ ...pressed, [event.which]: true });
[func, pressed]
// whenever a keyup event is fired on the window element
const onKeyUp = useCallback((event) => {
// remove key from store
const { [event.which]: id, } = pressed;
}, [pressed]);
useEffect(() => {
// add listeners when component mounts/changes
target.addEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown);
window.addEventListener('keyup', onKeyUp);
// cleanup/remove listeners when component unmounts/changes
return () => {
target.removeEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown);
window.removeEventListener('keyup', onKeyUp);
}, [target, onKeyDown, onKeyUp]);
And then to use it:
import { useKeyPress } from 'wherever';
useKeyPress((event) => console.log(event.which + ' key pressed'))


how to define eventEmitter properly in javascript

I need to define a helper object in which I need a function that will execute on each "orientationchange" event of window.
My code as below and it is not in correct form. Can you please help me how can I define onRotate properly so that I can use it globally.
<script type="text/javascript">
'use strict';
var GlobalHelper = (function () {
var me = {
onRotate: onRotate // this is where I am struggling
function onRotate() {
window.addEventListener("orientationchange", function (event) {
return me;
GlobalHelper.onRotate = function (e) {
I found an answer to my own question. It was actually pretty easy.
<script type="text/javascript">
'use strict';
var GlobalHelper = (function () {
var me = {
onRotate: function (e) { }
function _init() {
window.addEventListener("orientationchange", function (event) {
return me;
GlobalHelper.onRotate = function (e) {
Another option is to add custom programmable method for creating listeners and bonded functions. You can test it by Running code snippet and pressing keyboard keys while focused on results window.
// Set app object
const bindFn = e => {
// Set object to hold your functions
let fns = {};
// Set event listener to run all functions in fns object
window.addEventListener(e, event => {
for(const f in fns) fns[f](event);
// Return method to set new functions
// You can extend it with another function for
// deleting or altering, as you wish...
return {
add: (name, fn) => {
if(!fns[name]) fns[name] = fn;
else console.log(`Function with name ${name} already exist, skipping...`);
// Set binder with proper event
// here we do orientation change
const OrCh = bindFn("orientationchange");
// Add some function to execute on this event
OrCh.add('log', event => console.log(;
// Test with another event that easy to trigger on stackoverflow
const KeyP = bindFn("keypress");
// Add logger
KeyP.add('log', event => console.log(`key pressed: ${event.code}`));
// Add something else
KeyP.add('logAlt', event => console.log(`Alternative function: ${event.code}`));

useCallback does not inherit parent props

I'm detecting keypresses in a component that is aware of what dialog component is currently open elsewhere in the app via a prop, currentDialog. Normally I'd be able to access this prop in a nested function but it seems this isn't possible when using useCallback:
export const AllAreaNav = (props) => {
console.log('AllAreaNav / props.currentDialog: ', props.currentDialog); // displays correct dialog
const handleKeyPress = useCallback((event) => {
console.log('AllAreaNav / handleKeyPress / props.currentDialog: ', props.currentDialog); // displays undefined
if(event.keyCode === 70) {
//Do whatever when F is pressed
console.log("F key pressed");
if (props.currentDialog == "DialogSearchBar") {
// Take action based on DialogSearchBar being active
} else {
// Take action based on DialogSearchBar NOT being active
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
// Listener for keypresses
document.addEventListener("keydown", handleKeyPress, false);
return () => {
document.removeEventListener("keydown", handleKeyPress, false);
}, []);
return (
So now I'm a little unsure of a straightforward way of passing this as a parameter - assuming this would be the next step. From researching I believe it's fine to add another parameter alongside event? That this should work as I intend:
const handleKeyPress = useCallback((event, currentDialog) => {
However, I'm not entirely sure of how to initially pass this to the function. If I modify the listener to be:
document.addEventListener("keydown", handleKeyPress(event, props.currentDialog, false);
I'm unsure if this is correct, or where exactly to define event in this context, in the manner handleKeyPress defaults its as a parameter.
It seems that you were trying to resolve the problem by parametrizing the callback but you did not have an event in your context. In order to parametrize AND have the event in context, you must create a closure on the currentDialog parameter.
You can try this solution:
* move callback definition outside the component
* and create a closure on currentDialog (function returning a function)
const handleKeyPress = (currentDialog) => (event) => {
if (event.keyCode === 70) {
//Do whatever when F is pressed
console.log("F key pressed");
if (currentDialog == "DialogSearchBar") {
// Take action based on DialogSearchBar being active
} else {
// Take action based on DialogSearchBar NOT being active
export const AllAreaNav = (props) => {
console.log("AllAreaNav / props.currentDialog: ", props.currentDialog); // displays correct dialog
useEffect(() => {
// Listener for keypresses
const listener = handleKeyPress(props.currentDialog); // use closure to create a callback closured on currentDialog value
return () => {
}, [handleKeyPress, props.currentDialog]); // pass callback and currentDialog value to dependency array
return { jsxElements };

How to remove Event listener with currying function

I'm having a hard time to remove Event listener type currying function.
// I register first, at some time I want to remove using freezeHighlight but it doesn't working (without currying function it's working like a charm)
const privateMethods = {
highlighted (index) {
return function (event) {'filter', 'url(#glow)')
// need param index later
register (node, index) {
node.addEventListener('mouseover', privateMethods.highlighted(index))
freezeHighlight (node) {
node.removeEventListener('mouseover', privateMethods.highlighted)
Is it possible to remove event listener type currying function or should I procede with a workaround?
You need to memoize the handler you create so that you can remove it later.
const handlers = {};
const privateMethods = {
highlighted (index) {
// return the saved handler if we've been called before
// or create a new handler, save it, and return it.
return handlers[index] || (handlers[index] = function (event) {'filter', 'url(#glow)')
// need param index later
register (node, index) {
// add the handler
node.addEventListener('mouseover', privateMethods.highlighted(index))
freezeHighlight (node, index) {
// will remove the handler
node.removeEventListener('mouseover', privateMethods.highlighted(index))
var listener
register (node, index) {
listener = privateMethods.highlighted(index)
node.addEventListener('mouseover', listener)
freezeHighlight (node) {
node.removeEventListener('mouseover', listener)
You think privateMethods.highlighted is the listener. No it's not. The return value of privateMethods.highlighted(index) is the listener.

Cross-Listen to multiple events and trigger callback

I have a list of event names which I need to listen to stored in an array, like so:
var events = ['A', 'B'];
Now, I'm unsure which event will be triggered first and it could be very inconsistent (depends on the HTTP requests that they await) so I can never safely listen to only one of them. So, I need to somehow "cross-listen" to all of them in order to trigger my original callback.
So my idea was to do the following:
Create a listener for A, which creates a listener for B. B's listener triggers the callback.
Create a listener for B, which creates a listener for A. A's listener triggers the callback.
So this would result in 4 listners, which would look something like this (pseudo-code):
var callback = function() { console.log('The callback'); };
Event.on('A', function () {
Event.on('B', callback);
Event.on('B', function () {
Event.on('A', callback);
So I believe this would solve my issue (there's probably another problem that I'm not seeing here though).
The issue is, I can make this work when there are only 2 events I need to listen to. But what about when I have 3-4 events I want to "cross-listen" to? Lets say we have ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']. This would obviously require looping through the events. This part is what's confusing me and I'm not sure how to proceed. This would need to register a nice combination of events.
This needs to be done in JavaScript.
My imagination and logic is limited in this case.
I was thinking something like this:
var callback = function() { console.log('The callback'); };
var events = {
'click': false,
'mouseover': false,
'mouseout': false
for(prop in events) {
$('.evt-button').on(prop, function(evt) {
if(events[evt.type] === false) {
console.log('First ' + evt.type + ' event');
events[evt.type] = true;
function checkAll() {
var anyFalse = false;
for(prop in events) {
if(events.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
if(events[prop] === false) {
anyFalse = true;
if(!anyFalse) {
<script src=""></script>
<button class="evt-button">The button</button>
There's lots of ways to do what you're asking, but to keep it simple you could have an array of event names, as you already do, and simply remove them as they occur, checking to see if the array is empty each time. Like this...
var events = ['A', 'B'];
var callback = function() { console.log('The callback'); };
var eventOccured = function(eventName) {
// if the event name is in the array, remove it...
var idx = events.indexOf(eventName);
if (idx !== -1) {
events.splice(events.indexOf(idx), 1);
// if the event array is empty then we've handled everything...
Event.on('A', function () {
// do whatever you need in the event handler
Event.on('B', function () {
// do whatever you need in the event handler
A bit late, but you can make a function that wraps your callback and reuse it to attach multiple eventlisteners and count until all have occurred. This way you can also add events to cancel out others, say keyup cancels keydown.
const K = a => _b => a
const makeEventTrigger = (fn) => {
let lastTarget,
required = 0,
active = 0;
return (enable, qualifier = K(true)) => {
required = enable ? required + 1 : required;
return (event) => {
if(!qualifier(event)) {
const isLastTarget =
lastTarget && lastTarget.isEqualNode(event.currentTarget);
if (!enable) {
lastTarget = isLastTarget ? null : lastTarget;
active = Math.max(0, active - 1);
if (!isLastTarget) {
lastTarget = event.currentTarget;
active = Math.min(required, active + 1);
return active === required && fn();
let changeTitleCol = () =>
(document.querySelector("h1").style.color =
"#" + Math.random().toString(16).slice(-6));
let addTriggerForColorChange = makeEventTrigger(changeTitleCol);
let isSpace = e => e.key === " " || e.code === "Space"
.addEventListener("mousedown", addTriggerForColorChange(true));
.addEventListener("mouseup", addTriggerForColorChange(false));
document.addEventListener("keydown", addTriggerForColorChange(true, isSpace));
document.addEventListener("keyup", addTriggerForColorChange(false));
<h1>Multiple Event sources!</h1>
<button id="trigger-A">klik me and press space</button>

Javascript onkeydown event fire only once?

I want to have a onkeydown event fire a function only once. for that function to fire again, the user has to release the key and press/hold again.
I know its fairly simple but I'm new at JS. Also I prefer to avoid using jQuery or other libs.
One more thing, this should work for both ie and firefox.
I'm surprised it's not mentioned, there's also event.repeat:
document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
if (e.repeat) return;
This will only fire once per each keypress, since event.repeat turns true after holding the key down.
You could set a flag:
var fired = false;
element.onkeydown = function() {
if(!fired) {
fired = true;
// do something
element.onkeyup = function() {
fired = false;
Or unbind and rebind the event handler (might be better):
function keyHandler() {
this.onkeydown = null;
// do something
element.onkeydown = keyHandler;
element.onkeyup = function() {
this.onkeydown = keyHandler;
More information about "traditional" event handling.
You might also want to use addEventListener and attachEvent to bind the event handlers. For more information about that, have a look at - Advanced event registration models.
There's a "once" parameter you can use
element.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
}, {once: true});
It'll remove it as soon as it's been called.
Alternatively you can use removeEventListener if it's a named function
Here is a method that uses addEventListener and removeEventListener
var textBox = document.getElementById("textBox");
function oneKeyDown(){
$("body").append("<h1>KeyDown<h1>"); //just to show the keypress
textBox.removeEventListener('keydown', oneKeyDown, false);
function bindKeyDown(){
textBox.addEventListener('keydown', oneKeyDown, false);
textBox.addEventListener('keyup', bindKeyDown, false)
Code example on jsfiddle.
One note, for IE you will need to use attachEvent, detachEvent.
Here you go:
test.onkeydown = function() {
if ( this.className === 'hold' ) { return false; }
this.className = 'hold';
// call your function here
test.onkeyup = function() {
this.className = '';
Live demo:
JQuery's one will help you.
What it does is, bind the eventHandler to event, and when event occurs, it runs the eventHandler and unbinds it, so that its not fired at next event.
as stated in the other answers, there is no 'onkeyfirstdown' or similar event to listen for.
the best solution is to keep track of which keys are already down in a js-object:
var keysdown = {};
element.addEventListener('keydown', function(evt) {
if(!(evt.key in keysdown)) {
keysdown[evt.key] = true;
// key first pressed
element.addEventListener('keyup', function(evt) {
delete keysdown[evt.key];
this way, you will not be skipping 'keyfirstpressed' events if more than one key is held down.
(many of the other solutions posted here will only fire when no other keys are down).
Here is my solution that will only run the function you pass it when a key is FIRST pressed on the target (eg window or some input field). If the user wants to trigger a key again, they'll have to release it and press it again.
Vanilla JS
const onKeyPress = (func, target = window) => {
// persistent "store" to track what keys are being pressed
let pressed = {};
// whenever a keydown event is fired ontarget element
const onKeyDown = (event) => {
// if key isn't already pressed, run func
if (!pressed[event.which])
// add key to store
pressed = { ...pressed, [event.which]: true };
// whenever a keyup event is fired on the window element
const onKeyUp = (event) => {
const { [event.which]: id, } = pressed;
// remove key from store
pressed = rest;
// add listeners
target.addEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown);
window.addEventListener('keyup', onKeyUp);
// return a function that can be called to remove listeners
return () => {
target.removeEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown);
window.removeEventListener('keyup', onKeyUp);
And then to use it:
const removeListener = onKeyPress((event) => console.log(event.which + ' key pressed'))
removeListener(); // when you want to remove listeners later
React and React Hooks
import { useState } from 'react';
import { useEffect } from 'react';
import { useCallback } from 'react';
export const useKeyPress = (func, target = window) => {
// persistent "store" to track what keys are being pressed
const [pressed, setPressed] = useState({});
// whenever a keydown event is fired ontarget element
const onKeyDown = useCallback(
(event) => {
// if key isn't already pressed, run func
if (!pressed[event.which])
// add key to store
setPressed({ ...pressed, [event.which]: true });
[func, pressed]
// whenever a keyup event is fired on the window element
const onKeyUp = useCallback((event) => {
// remove key from store
const { [event.which]: id, } = pressed;
}, [pressed]);
useEffect(() => {
// add listeners when component mounts/changes
target.addEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown);
window.addEventListener('keyup', onKeyUp);
// cleanup/remove listeners when component unmounts/changes
return () => {
target.removeEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown);
window.removeEventListener('keyup', onKeyUp);
}, [target, onKeyDown, onKeyUp]);
And then to use it:
import { useKeyPress } from 'wherever';
useKeyPress((event) => console.log(event.which + ' key pressed'))

