how scroll right popup window - javascript

I`m using this function to open popup windows in my site.
I want to scroll right (It is RTL) the window content, but it isnt working:
popupWins[name].scrollRight += 1000;
Any ideas?
popupWins = new Array();
function windowOpener(url, name, args) {
the popupWins array stores an object reference for
each separate window that is called, based upon
the name attribute that is supplied as an argument
if ( typeof( popupWins[name] ) != "object" ){
popupWins[name] =,name,args);
} else {
if (!popupWins[name].closed){
popupWins[name].location.href = url;
} else {
popupWins[name] =, name,args);
popupWins[name].scrollRight += 1000;

Try this code
popupWins[name].document.body.scrollLeft += 1000;


Detect URL if it is already opened and throw pop-up : HTML+JS [duplicate]

I want to check with JavaScript if the user has already opened my website in another tab in their browser.
It seems I cannot do that with pagevisibility...
The only way I see is to use WebSocket based on a session cookie, and check if the client has more than one socket. But by this way, from current tab, I have to ask my server if this user has a tab opened right next to their current browser tab. It is a little far-fetched!
Maybe with localstorage?
The shorter version with localStorage and Storage listener
<script type="text/javascript">
// Broadcast that you're opening a page.
localStorage.openpages =;
var onLocalStorageEvent = function(e){
if(e.key == "openpages"){
// Listen if anybody else is opening the same page!
localStorage.page_available =;
if(e.key == "page_available"){
alert("One more page already open");
window.addEventListener('storage', onLocalStorageEvent, false);
Works on page crash as well.
Stimulate page crash in chrome: chrome://inducebrowsercrashforrealz
Live demo
Using local storage I created a simple demo that should accomplish what your looking to do. Basically, it simply maintains a count of currently opened windows. When the window is closed the unload events fire and remove it from the total window count.
When you first look at it, you may think there's more going on than there really is. Most of it was a shotty attempt to add logic into who was the "main" window, and who should take over as the "main" window as you closed children. (Hence the setTimeout calls to recheck if it should be promoted to a main window) After some head scratching, I decided it would take too much time to implement and was outside the scope of this question. However, if you have two windows open (Main, and Child) and you close the Main, the child will be promoted to a main.
For the most part you should be able to get the general idea of whats going on and use it for your own implementation.
See it all in action here:
Oh yeah, to actually see it in action... Open the link in multiple windows. :)
I've made the necessary changes to have the the local storage maintain the "main" window. As you close tabs child windows can then become promoted to a main window. There are two ways to control the "main" window state through a parameter passed to the constructor of WindowStateManager. This implementation is much nicer than my previous attempt.
// noprotect
var statusWindow = document.getElementById('status');
(function (win)
//Private variables
var _initialized = false;
var _isMainWindow = false;
var _unloaded = false;
var _windowArray;
var _windowId;
var _isNewWindowPromotedToMain = false;
var _onWindowUpdated;
function WindowStateManager(isNewWindowPromotedToMain, onWindowUpdated)
_onWindowUpdated = onWindowUpdated;
_isNewWindowPromotedToMain = isNewWindowPromotedToMain;
_windowId =;
_initialized = true;;
//Determine the state of the window
//If its a main or child window
function determineWindowState()
var self = this;
var _previousState = _isMainWindow;
_windowArray = localStorage.getItem(_LOCALSTORAGE_KEY);
if (_windowArray === null || _windowArray === "NaN")
_windowArray = [];
_windowArray = JSON.parse(_windowArray);
if (_initialized)
//Determine if this window should be promoted
if (_windowArray.length <= 1 ||
(_isNewWindowPromotedToMain ? _windowArray[_windowArray.length - 1] : _windowArray[0]) === _windowId)
_isMainWindow = true;
_isMainWindow = false;
if (_windowArray.length === 0)
_isMainWindow = true;
_windowArray[0] = _windowId;
localStorage.setItem(_LOCALSTORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(_windowArray));
_isMainWindow = false;
localStorage.setItem(_LOCALSTORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(_windowArray));
//If the window state has been updated invoke callback
if (_previousState !== _isMainWindow)
//Perform a recheck of the window on a delay
//Remove the window from the global count
function removeWindow()
var __windowArray = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(_LOCALSTORAGE_KEY));
for (var i = 0, length = __windowArray.length; i < length; i++)
if (__windowArray[i] === _windowId)
__windowArray.splice(i, 1);
//Update the local storage with the new array
localStorage.setItem(_LOCALSTORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(__windowArray));
//Bind unloading events
function bindUnload()
win.addEventListener('beforeunload', function ()
if (!_unloaded)
win.addEventListener('unload', function ()
if (!_unloaded)
WindowStateManager.prototype.isMainWindow = function ()
return _isMainWindow;
WindowStateManager.prototype.resetWindows = function ()
win.WindowStateManager = WindowStateManager;
var WindowStateManager = new WindowStateManager(false, windowUpdated);
function windowUpdated()
//"this" is a reference to the WindowStateManager
statusWindow.className = (this.isMainWindow() ? 'main' : 'child');
//Resets the count in case something goes wrong in code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>JS Bin</title>
<div id='status'>
<span class='mainWindow'>Main Window</span>
<span class='childWindow'>Child Window</span>
border:1px solid black;
margin:0 auto;
#status.main .mainWindow,
#status.child .childWindow
(2021) You can use BroadcastChannel to communicate between tabs of the same origin.
For example, put the following at the top level of your js code, then test by opening 2 tabs:
const bc = new BroadcastChannel("my-awesome-site");
bc.onmessage = (event) => {
if ( === `Am I the first?`) {
bc.postMessage(`No you're not.`);
alert(`Another tab of this site just got opened`);
if ( === `No you're not.`) {
alert(`An instance of this site is already running`);
bc.postMessage(`Am I the first?`);
I know it is late, but maybe help someone
This snippet of code, will detect how many tabs are open and how many are active (visible) and if none of tabs is active, it will choose last opened tab, as active one.
This code will handle windows/tab crash too and it will refresh the count at crash.
Because localStorage is not supported on Stack Overflow currently, please test here.
Open in several tabs or windows
<div id="holder_element"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
//Create a windows ID for each windows that is oppened
var current_window_id = + "";//convert to string
var time_period = 3000;//ms
//Check to see if PageVisibility API is supported or not
var PV_API = page_visibility_API_check();
function page_visibility_API_check ()
var page_visibility_API = false;
var visibility_change_handler = false;
if ('hidden' in document)
page_visibility_API = 'hidden';
visibility_change_handler = 'visibilitychange';
var prefixes = ['webkit','moz','ms','o'];
//loop over all the known prefixes
for (var i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++){
if ((prefixes[i] + 'Hidden') in document)
page_visibility_API = prefixes[i] + 'Hidden';
visibility_change_handler = prefixes[i] + 'visibilitychange';
if (!page_visibility_API)
//PageVisibility API is not supported in this device
return page_visibility_API;
return {"hidden": page_visibility_API, "handler": visibility_change_handler};
if (PV_API)
document.addEventListener(PV_API.handler, function(){
//console.log("current_window_id", current_window_id, "document[PV_API.hidden]", document[PV_API.hidden]);
if (document[PV_API.hidden])
//windows is hidden now
//skip_once = true;
//windows is visible now
//skip_once = false;
check_current_window_status ();
}, false);
** ADD CURRENT WINDOW TO main_windows LIST **
//update active_window to current window
localStorage.active_window = current_window_id;
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function ()
** ADD TO main_windows LIST **
function add_to_main_windows_list(window_id)
var temp_main_windows_list = get_main_windows_list();
var index = temp_main_windows_list.indexOf(window_id);
if (index < 0)
//this windows is not in the list currently
localStorage.main_windows = temp_main_windows_list.join(",");
return temp_main_windows_list;
** GET main_windows LIST **
function get_main_windows_list()
var temp_main_windows_list = [];
if (localStorage.main_windows)
temp_main_windows_list = (localStorage.main_windows).split(",");
return temp_main_windows_list;
function remove_from_main_windows_list(window_id)
var temp_main_windows_list = [];
if (localStorage.main_windows)
temp_main_windows_list = (localStorage.main_windows).split(",");
var index = temp_main_windows_list.indexOf(window_id);
if (index > -1) {
temp_main_windows_list.splice(index, 1);
localStorage.main_windows = temp_main_windows_list.join(",");
//remove from active windows too
return temp_main_windows_list;
** GET active_windows LIST **
function get_active_windows_list()
var temp_active_windows_list = [];
if (localStorage.actived_windows)
temp_active_windows_list = (localStorage.actived_windows).split(",");
return temp_active_windows_list;
** REMOVE FROM actived_windows LIST **
function remove_from_active_windows(window_id)
var temp_active_windows_list = get_active_windows_list();
var index = temp_active_windows_list.indexOf(window_id);
if (index > -1) {
temp_active_windows_list.splice(index, 1);
localStorage.actived_windows = temp_active_windows_list.join(",");
return temp_active_windows_list;
** ADD TO actived_windows LIST **
function add_to_active_windows(window_id)
var temp_active_windows_list = get_active_windows_list();
var index = temp_active_windows_list.indexOf(window_id);
if (index < 0)
//this windows is not in active list currently
localStorage.actived_windows = temp_active_windows_list.join(",");
return temp_active_windows_list;
//If the last update didn't happened recently (more than time_period*2)
//we will clear saved localStorage's data and reload the page
function manage_crash()
if (localStorage.last_update)
if (parseInt(localStorage.last_update) + (time_period * 2) <
//seems a crash came! who knows!?
function check_current_window_status(test)
if (PV_API)
var active_status = "Inactive";
var windows_list = get_main_windows_list();
var active_windows_list = get_active_windows_list();
if (windows_list.indexOf(localStorage.active_window) < 0)
//last actived windows is not alive anymore!
//set the last added window, as active_window
localStorage.active_window = windows_list[windows_list.length - 1];
if (! document[PV_API.hidden])
//Window's page is visible
localStorage.active_window = current_window_id;
if (localStorage.active_window == current_window_id)
active_status = "Active";
if (active_status == "Active")
active_windows_list = add_to_active_windows(current_window_id);
active_windows_list = remove_from_active_windows(current_window_id);
console.log(test, active_windows_list);
var element_holder = document.getElementById("holder_element");
element_holder.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", "<div>"+element_holder.childElementCount+") Current Windows is "+ active_status +" "+active_windows_list.length+" window(s) is visible and active of "+ windows_list.length +" windows</div>");
console.log("PageVisibility API is not supported :(");
//our INACTIVE pages, will remain INACTIVE forever, you need to make some action in this case!
localStorage.last_update =;
//check storage continuously
check_current_window_status ();
}, time_period);
//initial check
check_current_window_status ();

How can I retain the scroll position of a scrollable area when pressing back button?

I have a long list of links inside a big scrollable div. Each time when a user click on a link then click the back button, it starts at the very top of the div. It is not user friendly to our users. Any ways to let the browser scroll to the previous position when pressing the back button?
Thank you very much!
During page unload, get the scroll position and store it in local storage. Then during page load, check local storage and set that scroll position. Assuming you have a div element with id element. In case it's for the page, please change the selector :)
$(function() {
$(window).unload(function() {
var scrollPosition = $("div#element").scrollTop();
localStorage.setItem("scrollPosition", scrollPosition);
if(localStorage.scrollPosition) {
I think we should save scroll data per page, also we should use session storage instead of local storage since session storge effects only the current tab while local storage shared between all tabs and windows of the same origin
$(function () {
var pathName = document.location.pathname;
window.onbeforeunload = function () {
var scrollPosition = $(document).scrollTop();
sessionStorage.setItem("scrollPosition_" + pathName, scrollPosition.toString());
if (sessionStorage["scrollPosition_" + pathName]) {
$(document).scrollTop(sessionStorage.getItem("scrollPosition_" + pathName));
I had the same problem with a simple user interface consisting of a fixed menu div and a scrolling document div ("pxeMainDiv" in the code example below). The following solution worked for me in Chrome 47.0.2526.106 m and in Firefox 43.0.3. (My application is for use in-house and I did not need to cater for old versions of IE).
if (history.state) {
$("#pxeMainDiv").scroll(function() {
var scrollPos = $("#pxeMainDiv").scrollTop();
var stateObj = { data: scrollPos };
history.replaceState(stateObj, "");
On the div scroll event, the scroll position of the div is stored in the state object inside the browser history object. Following a press of the Back button, on the document ready event, the scroll position of the div is restored to the value retrieved from the history.state object.
This solution should work for the reverse navigation of an arbitrarily long chain of links.
Documentation here:
When using window.history.back(), this is actually default browser functionality as user SD. has pointed out.
On a site I am currently building, I wanted the logo of the company to backlink to the index page. Since jQuery 3, $(window).unload(function() should be rewritten to $(window).on('unload', function(). My code looks like this (using Kirby CMS' php syntax):
<?php if ($page->template() == 'home'): ?>
$(function() {
$(window).on("unload", function() {
var scrollPosition = $(window).scrollTop();
localStorage.setItem("scrollPosition", scrollPosition);
if(localStorage.scrollPosition) {
For anyone coming from react or anything similar to react router, here are two simple functions:
export function saveScrollPosition(context: any) {
let path = context.router.route.location.pathname;
let y = window.scrollY;
sessionStorage.setItem("scrollPosition_" + path, y.toString());
export function restoreScrollPosition(context: any) {
let path = context.router.route.location.pathname;
let y = Number(sessionStorage.getItem("scrollPosition_" + path));
window.scrollTo(0, y);
If a back button is kind of history back button window.history.back() Then what you are seeking for, is a default browser functionality. So you don't have to worry about it.
If your back button actually point to some URL in your application via link or form, then you have to take care that manually.
For solution you may use cookies to store your page scroll value. Each time user scroll on your page, do save scroll value for that page to cookie. Extra work is applied to manual cookie management.
window.onScroll = function(){
This cookie value can be use to set scroll value of the page on page visit.
With History api you can utilize scrollRestoration and stop browser from resetting scroll position.
Read it here.
/* Use the below code to restore the scroll position of individual items and set focus to the last clicked item. */
(function ($)
if (sessionStorage)
$.fn.scrollKeeper = function (options)
var defauts =
key: 'default'
var params = $.extend(defauts, options);
var key = params.key;
var $this = $(this);
if (params.init === true)
var savedScroll = sessionStorage.getItem(key);
if (typeof savedScroll != 'undefined')
var int_savedScroll = parseInt(savedScroll);
if (int_savedScroll > 0)
setTimeout(function ()
var selectorFocus = sessionStorage.getItem(key + "-focus");
if (selectorFocus && selectorFocus != "")
}, 100, key);
window.addEventListener("beforeunload", function ()
sessionStorage.setItem(key, $this.scrollTop());
if (document.activeElement)
var selectorFocus = elemToSelector(document.activeElement);
if (selectorFocus)
sessionStorage.setItem(key + "-focus", selectorFocus);
sessionStorage.setItem(key + "-focus", "");
sessionStorage.setItem(key + "-focus", "");
function elemToSelector(elem) /* written by Kévin Berthommier */
const {
} = elem;
if (tagName === 'HTML') return 'HTML';
let str = tagName;
str += (id !== '') ? `#${id}` : '';
if (className)
const classes = className.split(/\s/);
for (let i = 0; i < classes.length; i++)
if(typeof classes[i] === 'string' && classes[i].length > 0)
str += `.${classes[i]}`;
let childIndex = 1;
for (let e = elem; e.previousElementSibling; e = e.previousElementSibling)
childIndex += 1;
str += `:nth-child(${childIndex})`;
return `${elemToSelector(parentNode)} > ${str}`;
$('#tab1div').scrollKeeper({ key: 'uniq-key1', init: true });
If you don't need to restore the scroll positions (for example for restart), and you need just to save the scroll positions for the next time, use:
$('#tab1div').scrollKeeper({ key: 'uniq-key1', init: false });

close multiple modal form window using jquery

I'm currently working on a web-app in which a window is there, within which, on clicking a button a new window is created using "window.showModalDialog" function. On new window there is a link, on clicking a link a new window is created using "window.showModalDialog".
Now, the requirement is, on timeout in the child window, i want to close these windows that was created.
I tried using Window.close() function within the setTimeOut function but it only closes the top most window. please help me on this issue. Jquery solution is also welcome.
var sessionTimeout = 2;
var warningTime = 0;
var thisWarningTimer = null;
var TimeOutTimer = "";
var sDisconnectURL = "SMTime";
function startTimeoutTimer()
thisWarningTimer = setInterval("popupAsk()", (sessionTimeout) * 60000);
function refreshSession()
warningTime = 1;
function startTimeOut()
var TimeOutTimer = setInterval("popupAsk()", (sessionTimeout) * 60000);
function ClearTimer()
function popupAsk()
alert("Session Timeout");

Set title in the window popup

Is it possible to set a title in the window popup?
I have this in javascript:
var popup ='......');
popup.document.title = "my title";
but this does not work..still can't see any title
EDIT: the page popup is displaying is .aspx and it HAS a title tag, but still can't see that on the popup window..
Since popup.onload does not seem to work, here is a workaround:
var win ='', 'foo', ''); // open popup
function check() {
if(win.document) { // if loaded
win.document.title = "test"; // set title
} else { // if not loaded yet
setTimeout(check, 10); // check in another 10ms
check(); // start checking
I was having problems with the accepted answer until I realized that if you open an existing, slow page that already has a <title> the browser will 1) set your title, then 2) once the document fully loads it will (re)set the popup title with the "normal" value.
So, introducing a reasonable delay (function openPopupWithTitle):
var overridePopupTitle = function(popup, title, delayFinal, delayRepeat) {
// delay writing the title until after it's fully loaded,
// because the webpage's actual title may take some time to appear
if(popup.document) setTimeout(function() { popup.document.title = title; }, delayFinal || 1000);
else setTimeout(function() { overridePopupTitle(popup, title); }, delayRepeat || 100);
var openPopupWithTitle = function(url, title, settings, delay) {
var win =, title, settings);
overridePopupTitle(win, title, delay);
return win;
None of these answers worked for me. I was trying to open a popup with a PDF inside and kept getting permission denied trying to set the title using the above methods. I finally found another post that pointed me in the correct direction. Below is the code I ended up using.
Source: How to Set the Title in Window Popup When Url Points to a PDF File
var winLookup;
var showToolbar = false;
function openReportWindow(m_title, m_url, m_width, m_height)
var strURL;
var intLeft, intTop;
strURL = m_url;
// Check if we've got an open window.
if ((winLookup) && (!winLookup.closed))
// Set up the window so that it's centered.
intLeft = (screen.width) ? ((screen.width - m_width) / 2) : 0;
intTop = (screen.height) ? ((screen.height - m_height) / 2) : 0;
// Open the window.
winLookup ='', 'winLookup','scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,toolbar='+(showToolbar?'yes':'no')+',height=' + m_height + ',width=' + m_width + ',top=' + intTop + ',left=' + intLeft);
checkPopup(m_url, m_title);
// Set the window opener.
if ((document.window != null) && (!winLookup.opener))
winLookup.opener = document.window;
// Set the focus.
if (winLookup.focus)
function checkPopup(m_url, m_title) {
if(winLookup.document) {
winLookup.document.write('<html><head><title>' + m_title + '</title></head><body height="100%" width="100%"><embed src="' +m_url + '" type="application/pdf" height="100%" width="100%" /></body></html>');
} else {
// if not loaded yet
setTimeout(checkPopup(m_url, m_title), 10); // check in another 10ms
You can use also
var popup ='......');
popup.onload = function () {
popup.document.title = "my title";
Not sure if this will help,
function GetInput() {
var userInput;
var stringOutput;
userInput = prompt('What should the title be?', "");
stringOutput = userInput;
document.title = stringOutput;
<button type="button" onclick="GetInput()">Change Title</button>
var win='......');
This works for me, tested in chromium browsers.
I ended up creating a setTitle method in my popup window and calling it from my parent page.
//popup page:
function setTitle(t) {
document.title = t;
//parent page
popupWindow.setTitle('my title');
Try this, it will work.
var timerObj, newWindow;
function openDetailsPopUpWindow(url) {
newWindow =, '', 'height=500,width=700,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes');
timerObj = window.setInterval("fun_To_ReTitle('~~newTitle~~ ')", 10);
function fun_To_ReTitle(newTitle){
if (newWindow.document.readyState == 'complete') {

javascript alert on parent page when child popup closes

I am using javascript method to open lets say [its always going to be some external url]
I have stored the reference of the window object in a variable, the problem is that variable never gets null on the parent page and I am not able to alert the user that the pop up has been closed.
Here's the code
var winFB;
var winTWt;
var counterFB = 0;
var counterTWT = 0;
var timerFB;
function openFB() {
if (counterFB == 0) {
winFB ="");
counterFB = 1;
if (counterFB > 0) {
if (winFB == null) {
counterFB = 0;
alert("Window Closed");
timerFB= setTimeout("openFB()", 1000);
I can not put any javascript code on the pop up/child window.
Hope someone can help me on this
The window variable doesn't get nulled out when it's closed, however its .closed property is true, so just change your check to be for that property, like this:
var winFB;
var winTWt;
var counterFB = 0;
var counterTWT = 0;
var timerFB;
function openFB() {
if (counterFB == 0) {
winFB ="");
counterFB = 1;
if (counterFB > 0) {
if (winFB.closed) {
counterFB = 0;
alert("Window Closed");
timerFB = setTimeout(openFB, 1000);
Also note the setTimeout() change, pass a function in whenever possible (almost always) rather than a string, you'll have a lot less problems with scoping.
//in the parent
winFB ="");
//in the child window you can access
var _parent = window.opener.document;
//also use the onunload event in the child window
hope this gives you some direction..

