How to update node modules programmatically - javascript

I need to use the npm update from a script. Below is my code:
var npm = require('npm');
npm.load(function () {
npm.commands.outdated({json: true}, function (err, data) {
npm.commands.update(function(err, d){
When I run this script, the modules get updated, but the new versions are not indicated in the package.json.
When I run npm update --save-dev from command line, folders and package.json get updated.
Please suggest how this can be achieved through the script.
How can I use --save-dev option through code?

You'll need to specify the {save: true} option when loading the config:
npm.load({save: true}, function() {
// update code
The 'save-dev' option for the npm.load command does not work. There's an issue about it here:
The work around is to re-install outdated modules:
npm.load({'save-dev': true}, function () {
npm.commands.outdated(function (err, rawOutdated) {
var outdated = (module) {
return module[1];
npm.commands.install(outdated, function(err, d) {

I think the first argument in the npm.commands.update is a list of arguments. I have never used npm programmatically, but looking at their source code I would try the following:
npm.commands.update(['--save-dev'], function(err, d){
The reference is on this test:


Using ajax-post within mocha test reporter fails

i'm tyring to send my mocha test results with jquery post to my API. So I wrote a custom reporter:
var mocha = require('mocha');
var $ = require('jquery');
module.exports = Reporter
function Reporter(runner) {, runner);
var passes = 0;
var failures = 0;
runner.on('pass', function (test) {
runner.on('fail', function (test, err) {
runner.on('end', function () {
data = {
date: formatDate(new Date()),
passed: passes,
failed: failures
url: "https://localhost:8080/test/results",
method: "POST",
data: data,
dataType: "json",
success: function () {
error: function () {
I used npm i jquery and it added "jquery": "^3.4.1" into my package.json
But when I execute mocha tests, it throws an exception, that $.ajax is not a function. My research didn't find any helpful results. (And I don't use the slim-version of jquery)
Any idea what I did wrong? Or may I not use $.ajax for this?
Initializing jQuery in Node vs in Browser
The problem seems to be with initializing jQuery in Node, which is different than initializing in browser.
Documentation of jQuery npm package, which you can find here, says as follows:
For jQuery to work in Node, a window with a document is required.
Since no such window exists natively in Node, one can be mocked by
tools such as jsdom. This can be useful for testing purposes.
Instead of simply using below line:
var $ = require('jquery'); // Would work in browser
You should first mock DOM and after that initialize jQuery:
require("jsdom").env("", function(err, window) {
if (err) {
var $ = require("jquery")(window);

Refactored watch task using gulp v4 doesn't work

I'm refactoring my gulpfile now I'm using gulp v4 and am having an issue with gulp watch not running my stylesCompileIncremental function. Any help or pointers would be much appreciated.
My refactoring includes:
Switching to using functions instead of gulp.task
Using series and parallel as per the docs
Exporting public tasks at the bottom of my gulpfile ie exports.stylesWatch = stylesWatch;
Adding callbacks in functions to tell Gulp the function is complete
The code for the affected tasks is as follows (directory paths are stored in package.json file hence pathConfig.ui... values):
// Compile only particular Sass file that has import of changed file
function stylesCompileIncremental(cb) {
source: getResultedFilesList(changedFilePath),
dest: pathConfig.ui.core.sass.dest,
alsoSearchIn: [pathConfig.ui.lib.resources]
// Compile all Sass files and watch for changes
function stylesWatch(cb) {
var watcher = + '**/*.scss', gulp.parallel(devServReloadStyles));
watcher.on('change', function(event) {
changedFilePath = event;
// reload css separated into own function. No callback needed as returning event stream
function reloadCss() {
return gulp.src(generateFilePath)
.pipe($.connect.reload()); // css only reload
function devServReloadStyles(cb) {
gulp.series(stylesCompileIncremental, reloadCss);
When I run gulp stylesWatch using my refactored code I get the below output (notice the stylesCompileIncremental task is not run):
So my watch tasking is successfully running but there's something wrong when the devServReloadStyles is run for the stylesCompileIncremental function to not kick in.
The original code before refactoring (when using gulp v3) is below:
// Compile only particular Sass file that has import of changed file
gulp.task('styles:compile:incremental', () => {
return sassCompile({
source: getResultedFilesList(changedFilePath),
dest: pathConfig.ui.core.sass.dest,
alsoSearchIn: [pathConfig.ui.lib.resources]
// Compile all Sass files and watch for changes
gulp.task('styles:watch', () => {
pathConfig.ui.core.sass.src + '**/*.scss',
).on('change', event => changedFilePath = event.path);
// Reload the CSS links right after 'styles:compile:incremental' task is returned
gulp.task('devServ:reload:styles', ['styles:compile:incremental'], () => {
return gulp.src(generateFilePath) // css only reload
The original task output when running styles:watch is this:
And this is the sassCompile variable used inside stylesCompileIncremental which I've currently not changed in anyway.
* Configurable Sass compilation
* #param {Object} config
const sassCompile = config => {
const sass = require('gulp-sass');
const postcss = require('gulp-postcss');
const autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer');
const postProcessors = [
flexbox: 'no-2009'
return gulp.src(config.source)
loadMaps: true,
largeFile: true
includePaths: config.alsoSearchIn,
sourceMap: false,
outputStyle: 'compressed',
indentType: 'tab',
indentWidth: '1',
linefeed: 'lf',
precision: 10,
errLogToConsole: true
.on('error', function (error) {
This is due to an issue with my devServReloadStyles function, although I'm still unsure why. If I change my stylesWatch function to use the original devServ:reload:styles task stylesCompileIncremental gets run.
// Compile all Sass files and watch for changes
function stylesWatch(cb) {
var watcher = + '**/*.scss', gulp.parallel('devServ:reload:styles'));
watcher.on('change', function(event) {
changedFilePath = event;
It would still be good to not use the old task and have this as a function though.
Can anybody tell me why my refactored version doesn't work and have any suggestions as to how this should look?
I've fixed this now.
gulp.series and gulp.parallel return functions so there was no need to wrap stylesCompileIncremental and reloadCss inside another function ie. devServReloadStyles.
As per Blaine's comment here.
So my function:
function devServReloadStyles(cb) {
gulp.series(stylesCompileIncremental, reloadCss);
Can just be assigned to a variable:
const devServReloadStyles = gulp.series(stylesCompileIncremental, reloadCss);
And my stylesWatch task is already calling devServReloadStyles:
// Compile all Sass files and watch for changes
function stylesWatch(cb) {
var watcher = + '**/*.scss', gulp.parallel(devServReloadStyles));
watcher.on('change', function(event) {
changedFilePath = event;
So running gulp stylesWatch now runs the stylesCompileIncremental job (notice how devServReloadStyles doesn't show as it's not a function).

How can you use SailsJs as a library?

I'm trying to use sailsjs as a library for a project with specific node files that use models.
# /testfile.js
// Ensure a "sails" can be located:
(function() {
var sails;
try {
sails = require('sails');
} catch (e) {
console.error('To run an app using `node app.js`, you usually need to have a version of `sails` installed in the same directory as your app.');
console.error('To do that, run `npm install sails`');
console.error('Alternatively, if you have sails installed globally (i.e. you did `npm install -g sails`), you can use `sails lift`.');
console.error('When you run `sails lift`, your app will still use a local `./node_modules/sails` dependency if it exists,');
console.error('but if it doesn\'t, the app will run with the global sails instead!');
// Try to get `rc` dependency
var rc;
try {
rc = require('rc');
} catch (e0) {
try {
rc = require('sails/node_modules/rc');
} catch (e1) {
console.error('Could not find dependency: `rc`.');
console.error('Your `.sailsrc` file(s) will be ignored.');
console.error('To resolve this, run:');
console.error('npm install rc --save');
rc = function () { return {}; };
// Start server
var req = require('sails/lib/router/req');
var res = require('sails/lib/router/res');
sails.models.user.find({where: {email: ''}}, function (err, result) {
if(err) return res().send('Not found');
return res().send('Found')
I don't want a server running but I want all the configuration options to be used. I've edited the globals.js file to expose models.
models: true
After a bit of wrestling, found that sails takes a bit to 'lift'. I'm using a timeout at the moment but will probably clean that bit up after I get more working.

How to monitor HTTP calls using browsermob-proxy and nightwatch.js?

I am writing testcases using Nightwatch.js framework for SPA application. A requirement came in here we have to monitor HTTP calls and get the performance results for the site. As this could be easily achieved using JMeter.
Using automation testing tool, we can do it by using browsermob-proxy and selenium.
Is it possible to do the same using Nightwatch.js and browsermob-proxy?
Also what are the steps to do to the same.
For using Nightwatchjs and browsermob-proxy together, check out this repo, which includes info on the NodeJS bindings for browsermob-proxy and programmatically generating HAR (HTTP Archive) files.
If you're content with just using Nightwatchjs, this repo has code in the tests directory for the following:
Custom command to get the requests made so far
Custom assertion for checking if a request, given a filter and query string params, exists.
You might have to brush up on how to add custom commands and assertions to your Nightwatch project, but after that you should be set to go!
You can use browsermob-proxy-api
just simply download browsermob-proxy server then
install by npm command: npm install browsermob-proxy-api --save-dev
configure you night watch like this in desiredCapabilites:
'test_settings': {
'default': {
'launch_url': 'http://localhost:3000',
'screenshots': {
'enabled': true, // if you want to keep screenshots
'path': './screenshots' // save screenshots here
'globals': {
'waitForConditionTimeout': 30000 // sometimes internet is slow so wait.
'desiredCapabilities': { // use Chrome as the default browser for tests
'browserName': 'chrome',
'proxy': {
'proxyType': 'manual',
'httpProxy': 'localhost:10800'
'acceptSslCerts': true,
'javascriptEnabled': true, // turn off to test progressive enhancement
then download index.js from here:
and add code from example to your step_definitions if you use gherkin or describe step
Bit late into dance. I managed to integrate browsermob to nightwatch. Here are the detailed steps
Download browsermob proxy
Open your cmd and go to bin folder and then start browsermob using "browsermob-proxy".
I am assuming you have basic nightwatch setup. You also need mobproxy. Install it from "npm i browsermob-proxy-api"
Create a global hook in nightwatch. Say 'globalmodule.js' and give this file path in globals_path in nightwatch.json
In globalmodule, create global hooks as described in
In beforeEach hook, add below code: //if you are not under corporate proxy and you dont need to chain to upstream proxy
var MobProxy = require('browsermob-proxy-api');
var proxyObj = new MobProxy({'host': 'localhost', 'port': '8080'});
//assuming you started browsermob in 8080 port. That is in step 2.
//if you are working under corporate proxy, you might have to chain your request. This needs editing in browsermob-proxy-api package. Follow steps given at end of this section.
Start proxy on new port
proxyObj.startPort(port, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log('New port started')
Once we have new port, we have to start our chrome browser in above port so that all browser request are proxied through browsermob.
proxyObj.startPort(port, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log('New port started')
var dataInJson = JSON.parse(data);
//Step 8:
this.test_settings.desiredCapabilities = {
"browserName": "chrome",
"proxyObj": proxyObj, //for future use
"proxyport": dataInJson.port, //for future use
"proxy": {
"proxyType": "manual",
"httpProxy": "" + dataInJson.port,
"sslProxy": "" + dataInJson.port //important is you have https site
"javascriptEnabled": true,
"acceptSslCerts": true,
"loggingPrefs": {
"browser": "ALL"
Try to run with above setting, you can check if cmd [created in step2 to confirm request are going via above port. There will be some activiy]
For creating HAR and getting created HAR, browsermob-proxy-api gives excellent api.
add createHAR.js in any path and mention that path in nightwatch.json[custom_commands section]
exports.command = function (callback) {
var self = this;
if (!self.options.desiredCapabilities.proxyObj) {
console.error('No proxy setup - did you call setupProxy() ?');
this.options.desiredCapabilities.proxyObj.createHAR(this.options.desiredCapabilities.proxyport, {
'captureHeaders': 'true',
'captureContent': 'true',
'captureBinaryContent': 'true',
'initialPageRef': 'homepage'
}, function (err, result){
if (typeof callback === "function") {
// console.log(result);, result);
return this;
then to getHAR, add getHAR.js, add below code.
var parsedData;
exports.command = function(callback) {
var self = this;
if (!self.options.desiredCapabilities.proxy) {
console.error('No proxy setup - did you call setupProxy() ?');
self.options.desiredCapabilities.proxyObj.getHAR(self.options.desiredCapabilities.proxyport, function (err, data) {
parsedData = JSON.parse(data)
if (typeof callback === "function") {
console.log(self.options.desiredCapabilities.proxyport);, parsedData);
return this;
At start of test, createHAR will not have proxyObj, So this step should be executed sync. Wrap that step with browser.perform()
////some navigation
Note: If you are working behind corporate proxy, You might have to use chain proxy piece which browsermob offers.
According to browsermob proxy documentation, get down to api section, -> /proxy can have request parameters "proxyUsername" and "proxyPassword"
In node_modules->browsermob-proxy-api->index.js
add below line after line 22:
this.proxyUsername = cfg.proxyUsername || '';
this.proxyPassword = cfg.proxyPassword || '';
this.queryString = cfg.queryString || 'httpProxy=yourupstreamProxy:8080'; //you will get this from pac file
then at line 177, where package is making request '/proxy' to browser.
path: url
path: url + '?proxyUsername=' +this.proxyUsername + '&proxyPassword=' + this.proxyPassword + '&' + this.queryString

How can I correctly read in multiple files inside a Gulp task?

I have a Gulp task that renders a file containing a Lodash template and puts it in my build directory. I use gulp-template to do the rendering.
To render correctly, my template needs to be passed a list of files from my build directory. I get this list using glob. Since the glob API is asynchronous, I'm forced to write my task like this:
gulp.task('render', function() {
glob('src/**/*.js', function (err, appJsFiles) {
// Get rid of the first path component.
appJsFiles =, function(f) {
return f.slice(6);
// Render the file.
scripts: appJsFiles,
styles: ['style1.css', 'style2.css', 'style3.css']
This seems inelegant to me. Is there a better way to write this task?
The easiest way to fix your specific problem is to use the synchronous mode for glob, which is in the docs you linked to. Then return the result of gulp.src.
gulp.task('render', function() {
var appJsFiles ='src/**/*.js'), function(f) {
return f.slice(6);
// Render the file.
return gulp.src('src/template.html')
scripts: appJsFiles,
styles: ['style1.css', 'style2.css', 'style3.css']
If you want a task to run asynchronously, take in a callback.
gulp.task('render', function(cb) {
glob('src/**/*.js', function (err, appJsFiles) {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
// Get rid of the first path component.
appJsFiles =, function(f) {
return f.slice(6);
// Render the file.
scripts: appJsFiles,
styles: ['style1.css', 'style2.css', 'style3.css']
.on('end', cb);

