How do I make my global.js file talk to Jade? - javascript

I have a global javascript file where I'm reading some data from a database.
var thisUserObject = userListData[arrayPosition];
//Populate Info Box
The content of thisUserObject.LinkImage is a link (properly formatted with "http://") and I want to use that to set the source attribute of an image tag in my jade file.
strong Photo
however it's not displaying anything at all.
What am I doing wrong? How can I talk to jade with data from my globals.js file?

Once jade is compiled, it has nothing to do with jade anymore. If you just want it to work, vue is the best choice. It's very intuitive.
strong Photo
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
imgSrc: "",
carInfoReg: " This carInfoReg "
// it is easy to manipulate the data inside vue.
//when you update data of Vue instance, its view will be updated automatically.
vm.imgSrc = "";


Passing mongoose documents to view and use in script tag node.js

I have an app running in Node.js with Express, and I wanted to dinamically change options on select object with jquery. This is actually not a big problem, but I'm having troubles on using the res.render parameters (which are mongoose documents) in the script tag. I use them without any trouble on the html (jade actually), but in the script tag I get a problem with the ObjectId not being a String.
This is an extract of the code:
On the backend:
router.get("/new", function(req, res){
On the view
block content
h1(class="text-center") New document
form(id="newDoc" action="/session/documentos" method="POST")
div(class="tab") Service:
select(class="form-control" name="svc" id="svc")
option(value="undefined" disabled selected) Choose one
for service in services
$(document).ready(function() {
var sessLenght = 0;
var selectedSvc = #{services};
console.log("Service changed: " + selectedSvc);
And this is the error I'm getting:
Console error
And in Sources:
Source error on ObjectId
So I'm being able to use with no troubles the "services" collection of documents, but when trying to use them on the script tag I'm getting problems with the ObjectId element.
I was thinking that one soution would be to convert to string the ObjectId when querying the database, but I think there might be a cleaner solution to that. Which might be the best way to solve the issue?
Any thoughts appreciated! Thanks in advance
Try to change var selectedSvc = #{services};
to var selectedSvc = !{services};
or var selectedSvc = !{JSON.stringify(services)};

Can this jQuery dynamic DOM manipulation be done with Vuejs?

I have a page that makes AJAX requests to update content. I make the request and get JSON back that looks something like this:
"item": {
"id": "myElementToChange",
"value": "My Content to update"
I then parse it and update the page like this:
var str = '{"item": {"id": "myElementToChange","value": "<h1>My Content to update</h1>"}}';
var json = JSON.parse(str);
var $element = $("#" );
Can I do something similar in Vuejs? Or do I have to predefine a template to accommodate each type of IDs that I want to update?
I would say first that even if you use Vuejs instead of jQuery, you can still use plain js functions in your vuejs code, such as:
document.getElementById( = json.item.value;
Of course it is not taking advantage of the Vuejs functionalities.
The vue way would be to use declarative rendering :
<div id="app">
{{ message1 }}
{{ message2 }}
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
message1: 'yo',
message2: 'yo2'
then do your ajax call in a method, update the data (message1 and message2) with the result of your call and let vuejs reactivity features update the DOM.
Also, it seems like a very weird choice to have your server directly send an HTML id. Why would the back-end need to know the name of your html id ? You probably want to be able to change an html id without modifying the server code.

Storing HTML in Firebase (AngularFire), good idea or bad?

Is it a good idea to store HTML in Firebase (AngularFire)?
I have a website where I am creating an admin site where users can make HTML elements. I want people to save these elements and the order and the content within the elements. So I thought it would be much easier to just store the whole HTML as a string and load it in when they return. Bad idea?
Here is what I have (simplification):
$ = function() {
var refState = new Firebase("https://<name>" + currentAuth.uid + "/state");
var html = "<div>hello</div>";
"state": html
}, function(error) {
if (error) {
console.log("not been saved")
And in my HTML I retrieve want to display it like this using Angular, (yeah I know now how to render HTML in Angular thanks to the comments :)
<div class="well col-md-12">
Storing stringified HTML in firebase is no worse than storing it in a different datastore. You'll want to consider XSS issues, including things like what if they define <style>body{display:none}</style> in their html.
Are you creating a real full fleshed content creation system? If so, it's sometimes hard to get away from user defined HTML, usually from CKeditor, tinymce, etc. However, if the items that they're building are all similar, you should consider how you can store/restore them in a better data format. Most of the time there is a better way to save and restore user defined content that storing straight HTML.
I'd suggest checking out Firepad.
Firepad is a drop-in "Open source collaborative code and text editing" experience for Firebase apps.
"Firepad can use either the CodeMirror editor or the Ace editor to render documents."
Easily allows for a rich text-editor experience that seamlessly stores/syncs the content in a Firebase instance.
As the documentation describes, this is how you initialize Firepad:
<div id="firepad"></div>
var firepadRef = new Firebase('<FIREBASE URL>');
var codeMirror = CodeMirror(document.getElementById('firepad'), { lineWrapping: true });
var firepad = Firepad.fromCodeMirror(firepadRef, codeMirror,
{ richTextShortcuts: true, richTextToolbar: true, defaultText: 'Hello, World!' });
It's perfectly fine to store HTML in Firebase.,, and more use Firepad for their collaborative code editor products.
I think it's very bad idea to store html in firebase, store only pain text
How to render html with angular templates

How to manipulate HTML table once it's returned from backend like Node.js?

Here's the situation: I use Node.js as my backend, and use markdown to edit and post my blog article. And when a client requests the specific URL, such as, I returned the blog contents from Node.js with some template like ejs, which would be something like the follows:
app.get("/blog/article1", function(req, res) {
var article = something // this is a valid HTML converted from a markdown file
res.render("article1", {
title: "my blog article 1",
article: article
In the above code, I render article.ejs with title and article variable. The article variable is a valid HTML to be injected to the ejs template. So far, it' fine.
However, if I want to display a HTML table which is written in the original markdown file, with Bootstrap 3's responsive table functionality, (i.e. <div class="table-responsive"><table class="table">...actual table...</table></div>), how can I do it? Right now the table in my markdown file is just a markdown file, and I don't think that it's the best idea to just modify all of my markdown files on which I insert or wrap with the <div class="table-responsive">...</div> line; the files might also be used in a situation other than Bootstrap.
In other words, is it feasible to dynamically or programmatically inject the responsive functionality to the table once the template is returned by Node.js? And is it also feasible to inject the responsive table functionality selectively? (in other words choose arbitrarily some tables that I want to add the responsive function?)
Continuing on from the comments: It's actually not that difficult to fork and modify a project. The faster you can get used to working with open source libraries the better your experience will be with Node. Things move pretty quickly in the Node world, and sometimes things won't work like they are expected to. You can either wait around for a fix, or roll up your sleeves and pitch in.
I found a way to update the markdown templates using their addTemplate method. However the version of Marked the project is using (2.8) doesn't support custom templates. I've forked the repository and updated the version of marked as well as fixed the issues this caused with the tests. I also added a restriction to prevent it from using Express 4 which breaks all the tests. I submitted these as a pull request to the original repo, but in the mean time you could use my version to write something like the following.
express = require('express'),
app = express(),
Poet = require('poet'),
marked = require('marked'),
renderer = new marked.Renderer();
renderer.table = function(header, body) {
return '<div class="table-responsive"><table class="table">' + header + body + '</table></div>';
var poet = Poet(app, {
posts: './_posts/',
postsPerPage: 5,
metaFormat: 'json'
poet.addTemplate({ ext: 'markdown', fn: function(s) {
return marked(s);
Alternatively, if all you're using poet for is the markdown conversion, you might as well use marked directly and cut out the dependency on poet.

Populate dojo ItemFileReadStore from Grails "render as JSON"

I have created a method in my controller that will give me a JSON "file" if I browse to that URL directly. It is only in memory, not on disk, as it is generated at the time you hit the URL. I am trying to use this as my data store for a dojo tree, however, when I am using this, the Tree never populates, it just sits there with the "waiting" cursor. Is there a different way to populate the data for the Tree?
Here is the code below. "getFilterTree" returns a rendered JSON object in grails
var store = new{
url: "/SkillsDB/search/getFilterTree"
var treeModel = new dijit.tree.ForestStoreModel({
store: store,
query: {
rootId: "root",
rootLabel: "Filter Categories",
childrenAttrs: ["children"]
new dijit.Tree({
model: treeModel
It should definetely work.
For ItemFileReadStore, your json should comply with the structures shown in this page :

