Cannot read property 'push' of undefined - javascript

I am trying to push data attribute value into array parameter but it throws the above error on the line parameter[parent].push(parent);
var parameter = {};
var currentTabSelected = "";
var parent = "";
$("#categories").on("click", ":checkbox", function () {
if($(this).is(":checked")) {
parent = $(this).data("parent");
if (!(currentTabSelected in parameter)) {
parameter[currentTabSelected] = []
var found = $.inArray($(this).val(), parameter[currentTabSelected]) > -1;
if (!found) {
} else {
var index = parameter[currentTabSelected].indexOf($(this).val());
var parent_index = parameter[parent].indexOf(parent)
if (index > -1) {
parameter[currentTabSelected].splice(index, 1);
parameter[parent].splice(parent_index , 1);
what can i do to overcome the above problem?

If parameter is an object you should create keys before using them.
You are trying to access the key which is not present in the parameter.
For example , make sure your object contains currentTabSelected and parent:
parameter[currentTabSelected] = []
parameter[parent] = []
After initializing currentTabSelected and parent you can perform operation on parameter[currentTabSelected], parameter[parent].

I suffered from the same issue few days ago, the solution is directly related with the 'this' keyword. Your 'this' is referring to another scope that your variable is not a part of. You might want to do a
var that=this;
Or if you're comfortable with ES6, you can use the arrow function syntax.


Why Javascript object didn't change?

Can someone explain me this strange js behavior ?
All of this is in AngularJS.
I have helper function in my main app.js to simply return element from an array by its id:
var MyLib = MyLib || {};
MyLib.helpers = {
find: function(needle, stack) {
for (var i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) {
if(stack[i]._id === needle)
return stack[i];
return false;
Then I have factory and function to handle database change:
// categories are grabbed from db
var categories = [some array of objects];
// change is object returned from database that has all info about object as well as new object itself
function handleChange(change) {
var _category = MyLib.helpers.find(, categories);
// if deleted, that part is ok
if(change.deleted) {
var idx = categories.indexOf(_category);
if(idx !== -1) {
categories.splice(idx, 1);
} else {
// if updated that part is weird
if(_category) {
_category = change.doc;
// if newly added that part is ok
else {
categories.push( angular.copy(change.doc) );
Why when I try to update element grabbed from categories array doesn't update in categories array ?
// categories ARE NOT updated after this
_category = change.doc;
and only when I refer to categories by index like this:
// categories ARE updated after this although _category is returned from this array by index (find function)
var idx = categories.indexOf(_category);
categories[idx] = change.doc;
I don't understand this...
You are overwriting the variable with a new value and any reference to prior value is gone.
Instead of overwriting the original object value with a new object you could update the existing object using angular.extend()
angular.extend(_category, change.doc);
I didn't analyze everything, but you should always have dot notation.
_category pass by value, and will not change when 'MyLib.hel ...' is changed
var _category = MyLib.helpers.find(, categories);
something.category pass by reference, and will be changed when 'MyLib.hel ...' is changed
var something.category = MyLib.helpers.find(, categories);

JavaScript error when creating custom object

I am finding that when I call record.create() then sometimes it succeeds, and at other times it throws an error saying that no such method exists, even though record object has its properties set appropriately.
Am I using create method incorrectly? May be I am missing something about JavaScript custom object syntax.
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var record = {
RecordID : null,
CustomerID : null,
CompanyID : null,
create : function() {
var obj = new Object();
obj.RecordID = "";
obj.CustomerID = "";
return obj;
function pageLoad(sender, eventArgs) {
record = record.create()
function RadGrid1_RowSelected(sender, args) {
currentRowIndex = args.get_gridDataItem().get_element().rowIndex;
var dataItem = args.get_gridDataItem().get_dataItem();
recordId = dataItem["Record_ID"];
if (tableView.get_selectedItems().length == 1) {
record = record.create();
record.RecordID = dataItem["Record_ID"];
record.CustomerID = dataItem["Customer_ID"];
else if (tableView.get_selectedItems().length > 1) {
record= record.create();//****FAILS ALWAYS even when record object has non-null properties*******
if ($.inArray(recordId, recordIds) == -1) {
UPDATE : This is what worked for me.
Instead of using the create method on 'record' global object, I ended up using a simple approach. Just call a custom method 'resetRecord' everytime I wanted to call the create( ) method on record object. That way I have no errors and my logic works perfectly.
function resetRecord() {
record.RecordID = "";
record.CustomerID = "";
record.CompanyID = "";
It won't work after the first call because you are overwriting the record object. This will destroy any create() method as the object returned does not have this method/property.
For you update, variables have function level scope. You are using the global record inside of RadGrid1_RowSelected.
I'm not entirely sure what you are doing but this will get you past your first problem.
function RadGrid1_RowSelected(sender, args) {
var newRecord;
currentRowIndex = args.get_gridDataItem().get_element().rowIndex;
var dataItem = args.get_gridDataItem().get_dataItem();
recordId = dataItem["Record_ID"];
if (tableView.get_selectedItems().length == 1) {
record = record.create();
record.RecordID = dataItem["Record_ID"];
record.CustomerID = dataItem["Customer_ID"];
else if (tableView.get_selectedItems().length > 1) {
newRecord= record.create();//****FAILS ALWAYS even when record object has non-null properties*******
if ($.inArray(recordId, recordIds) == -1) {

how to turn this to into a tree?

I was doing a challenge of building a tree from all html elements. And I am 90% done, but I got stuck...
How do I change this string into a tree?:
mystring= "red1/(none)-red2/red1-blue1/red2-blue2/red2-blue3/red2-red3/red1-red4/red3-red5/red4-red6/red5-blue4/red6";
After splitting them by "-" we will have:
10 groups of -> (parameter1)/(parameter2)
The first parameter it is the object,
The second parameter is the 'in-what-it-will-be-contained'
I have no idea how to move every 'parameter1' inside 'parameter2'. (note: sometimes the parameter1 will be the parameter2 of a parameter1)
Visual example of what I mean with a parameter is inside another parameter: (this example uses exactly the string above)
Probably we should use arrays?, idk... I am totally lost :sadface:
I think this is a little more concise and straight forward. It uses an object as a dictionary to lookup the parent, rather than a function that has to recursively iterate the tree to find the parent. That recursive function is expensive. An object lookup is quick.
First, for convenience, I'd define an object type:
function TreeNode(name) {
this.Name = name;
this.Children = [];
Then I'd add a method to do the work. This parses your tree string:
TreeNode.ParseTree = function (treeString) {
var root = new TreeNode("");
var nodes = {};
var pairs = treeString.split("-");
pairs.forEach(function(pair) {
var parts = pair.split("/");
var parentName = parts[1];
var childName = parts[0];
var node;
if (parentName == "(none)") {
node = root;
root.Name = childName;
else {
node = new TreeNode(childName);
nodes[childName] = node;
return root;
That's it! Now, to get visual representations of your tree, you can add some prototype methods to TreeNode. First, override .toString():
TreeNode.prototype.toString = function(indent) {
indent = indent || "";
var strings = [indent + this.Name];
this.Children.forEach(function(child) {
strings.push(child.toString(indent + " "));
return strings.join("\n");
Then, add a .Render() method to display the tree within a web page:
TreeNode.prototype.Render = function(container) {
var nodeEl = container.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
nodeEl.className = "treeNode";
var nameEl = nodeEl.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
nameEl.className = "treeNodeName";
var childrenEl = nodeEl.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
childrenEl.className = "treeNodeChildren";
this.Children.forEach(function(child) {
return nodeEl;
Here it is in action:
Edit: I didn't notice the jQuery tag in your post, here's a render method that's all jQuery, and produces simpler HTML which you seem to imply is what you want:
TreeNode.prototype.Render = function(container) {
var el = $("<div>").appendTo(container).text(this.Name);
$.each(this.Children, function() {
return el;
This JSFiddle uses jQuery, even replacing Array.forEach with $.each:
As an alternative, you might consider just serializing your tree as JSON. Eg:
or maybe:
Parse the string via JSON.parse().
Disclaimer: I've referenced Array.forEach() and JSON.parse() which are built-in to modern browsers but are not supported by older browsers. To enable these functions in older browsers, see this documentation on Array.forEach() and this shim for JSON.parse().
Here's about how I would do it, using an array of "unplaced" elements and looping through it until they're all placed:
var str = "red1/(none)-red2/red1-blue1/red2-blue2/red2-blue3/red2-red3/red1-red4/red3-red5/red4-red6/red5-blue4/red6";
var unplaced = [];
var tree = null;
var elements = str.split(/[\/\-]/);
function findNodeByName(nodeName, context) {
if( === nodeName) return context;
for(var i = 0; i < context.children.length; i++) {
var subSearch = findNodeByName(nodeName, context.children[i]);
if(subSearch) return subSearch;
return null;
var element, node, parent, thisElement, i;
for(i = 0; node = elements[i]; i += 2) {
node = elements[i];
parent = elements[i + 1];
thisElement = {name: node, children: []};
if(!tree && parent === '(none)') {
tree = thisElement;
} else if(tree) {
var parentNode = findNodeByName(parent, tree);
if(parentNode) {
} else {
var oldLength;
while(unplaced.length) {
oldLength = unplaced.length;
for(i = 0; element = unplaced[i]; i++) {
var parentNode = findNodeByName(parent, tree);
if(parentNode) {
unplaced.splice(i, 1);
if(oldLength === unplaced.length) {
throw new SyntaxError("The string is not a valid tree.");
// The result is contained in "tree".
You can see the result at:
One with a function:
And one with more error-checking:
Actually, I found a simpler/shorter/neater way using the JQuery function AppendTo()
We just need to:
Split the parameters...
Create one div for each (parameter1)
Use a loop to move every (parameter1) inside (parameter2) using the
AWESOME AppendTo() function that JQuery offers
The best thing is that they are actually inside them, so you can easily put a Hide/Show effect to make a cool effect
You may try to create tree nodes of the form :
node = {
subBranches : new Array()
Once you have that, you may add the sub-branches iterating through the array, adding such nodes for each found correct couple, and removing the couples already placed in rootNode.subBranches. Then you recursively do the same for every sub-branche.

Access grandchild of a variable (parent.child.grandchild) without dots and one pair of brackets

I'm building a canvas-related class with a kind of conversion table. The conversion table can be edited by the user. (Isn't really relevant, but maybe you want to know why):
cLayout = function(option) {
//obtaining the canvas (el) here
this.setup = function(option) {
for (var p in t)
el[t[p][0]] = option[p]||t[p][1]
cLayout.prototype.table = {
var b = new cLayout({left:'10%',width:'90%'})
Real question:
Normally, I'd use el['style']['width'] to set
But I want to use el[something] without the second pair of brackets: I want the property name to be completely variable (I also want to be able to set el['innerHTML']). So, is there a way to get a grandchild by using a[b], without using a[b][c]?
P.S. Of course, I don't want to use eval.
No it is not possible. If you have nested objects, you cannot just skip a level.
You could write a helper function though, which takes a string like "child.grandchild" and sets the corresponding property:
function setProp(obj, prop, val) {
var parts = prop.split('.');
while(parts.length > 1) {
obj = obj[parts.shift()];
obj[parts.shift()] = val;
(You should also test whether a certain property is available.)
Then your code could look like:
var cLayout = function(option) {
//obtaining the canvas (el) here
this.setup = function(option) {
for(var p in this.table) {
setProp(el, this.table[p][0], option[p]||t[p][1]);
cLayout.prototype.table = {

Javascript: Getting the newest array

I've been thinking about how to display the newest array (because the array list would update from time to time.). I think there's a default function to it but I can't find it. Anyone knows it?
var bgImg = new Array();
bgImg[0] = "background.jpg";
bgImg[1] = "background2.jpg";
bgImg[2] = "background3.jpg";
bgImg[3] = "background4.jpg";
If you want the last element of the array,
>>> a = ['background1','background2'];
["background1", "background2"]
>>> b = a[a.length-1]
You shouldn't need to manually assign indexes. Just do bgImg.push('background2.jpg'), and it will mutate the array for you. In your case the syntax would be...
var last = bgImg[bgImg.length-1]
If you want the newest then you need to make a variable and set it with whatever you update when you push the newest one, if it doesn't become the last one.
You could create a little object to handle this for you.
function creatImageState() {
var images = [];
return {
get latest() {
return images[images.length - 1];
set latest (value) {
var s = creatImageState();
s.latest = "a.png";
s.latest = "b.png";
IE doesn't support getters and setters so you probably need to use this.
function creatImageState() {
var images = [];
return {
getLatest : function() {
return images[images.length - 1]
setLatest : function(value) {
var s = creatImageState();

