How can we use introJs for a particular group of element - javascript

How can I use IntroJs for different groups of element. Actually I want to use it for multiple part at same page. As per their documentation
For example introJs(".introduction-farm").start(); runs the
introduction only for elements with class='introduction-farm'
Now I tried with static id or dynamic Id but this part is not working. if I use introJs().start(); then It will work but now if on page I want to create three separate introduction then this method combine them into one. So anybody here able to successfully implement this. Then please share with me.

just add data-step, data-intro and data-position attributes to the grouped divs
<div class="span6" data-step="2" data-intro="Ok, wasn't that fun?" data-position='right'></div>
and then onclick just do introJs().start();
<a class="btn btn-large btn-success" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="javascript:introJs().start();">Show me how</a>
for details:


A way to insert a # in front of a variable of the html attribute value data-bs-target

So basically, I have a vue web app and created a container with multiple bootstrap cards. The cards have a button, which collapses a form I've made for guests to apply. However, when I press the button of a card, it collapses the apply form of all cards at once. To fix that, I have to give each individual card a specific id which matches the data-bs-target and aria-controls of the button. So far, so good.
I've made a variable card_id and inserted it into the attribute values with v-bind, but it's not working. The reason is, that the attribute data-bs-target needs a hashtag before the actual variable name, but I can't figure out a way to do that.
Code sample:
<button class="btn btn-primary" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" :data-bs-target="card_id" aria-expanded="false" :aria-controls="card_id">Apply now!</button>
<div class="collapse" :id="card_id">
<div class="card card-body">
I obviously can't just put a hashtag in front of the variable, so what is my next best solution for this?
Thank you in advance.
You could use the string template with backticks `` like:
<button :data-bs-target="`#${card_id}`"

Popover not showing in button inside table row

I have a table being built via the map function of JavaScript (ReactJS).
On the last column, I should be having buttons that are meant to open a popover that will (eventually) hold some information. This cell is being done like this:
<button className="btn btn-primary"
data-content="Testing, Testing">
<b>IN PIT</b>
So far, the said button appears, but no popover whatsoever. I'm not using npm or anything of the sorts since I'm not a front-end-designer myself, and that doesn't seem trivial to setup. I just want something "good enough" for testing purposes.
What am I missing?
Looking at your Popovers won't work, you have to implement them other way.
You initiate
$('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); when there are no buttons in DOM.
Call .popover() and .tooltip() after your buttons are successfully rendered to the DOM.
The names of your attributes imply that you are expecting bootstrap (an external library) to be loaded and attach to the element to provide functionality, is bootstrap included in a script tag on the page? Those attributes don't do anything themselves, they are just tags to attach actions to. Add a bootstrap cdn tag inside the bottom of the body tag to address.

Javascript / Greasemonkey / Userscript.js identify element and remove one of many classes

I've spent far too many hours trying to figure this out and as JavaScript is not my primary language and not yet a jQuery guru I've determined I need to ask for help.
In a case where a generated page has a structure where it has a DIV for some odd reason no ID, multiple non-standard data tag attribute tags, but at least standard style CLASS has been assigned MULTIPLE classes.
Now, just one of those style classes is such that it has a code event associated that I want to neuter and leave all other classes still assigned. What I've tried there (this list is far from complete I have tried many things):
Various jnode calls that all fail due to claims of being unknown
A couple variations of something referred to as the "location hack" none of
which I could get to work but may have very well have been user error.
Safewindow attempt to just replace BADCLASS javascript function all together
but not ideal explained below.
Here is an example of the kind of structure of the target:
<div id="main">
<div class="main_content" data-tag-id="12345">Some stuff sits above</div>
<a href="SOME LINK" class="Goodclass01 Goodclass02 Goodclass03 BADCLASS"
data-tag-one="["value", "value"]">
In this example there is a javascript function that fires upon clicking the href link above due to the function being associated with BADCLASS style assignment. So, from lots of searching it seemed like I should be able to grab that DIV by any of the initially assigned classes (since there is unfortunately not a class ID which would make it very easy) but then reassign the list of classes back minus the BADCLASS at page load time. So, by the time the user clicks the link, the BADCLASS has been removed to look like this:
<div id="main">
<div class="main_content" data-tag-id="12345">Some stuff sits above</div>
<a href="SOME LINK" class="Goodclass01 Goodclass02 Goodclass03"
data-tag-one="["value", "value"]">
I also read that simply using unsafewindow to replace the BADCLASS javascript function could be possible, so I am open to hearing one of you gurus help with how easy (or hard) that would be. In a case where BADCLASS could be shared function code perhaps called by another element on the page still having that initial class that perhaps we desire to continue to function which is why if it is only a single element that needs to be altered, I would rather just change this one href div.
Hope the explanation makes sense and what is probably a laughable simple example above for the Javascript gurus so forgive me but your help is greatly appreciated and will save more hair pulling! :)
EDIT: This must work above all in Chrome browser!
Remove the class from all elements
If you want to remove the class from all elements that have the class, simply select all of the elements with that class and remove the class from their class lists.
.forEach(e => e.classList.remove('BADCLASS'));
const elements = [...document.querySelectorAll('.BADCLASS')];
elements.forEach(e => e.classList.remove('BADCLASS'));
<div id="main">
<div class="main_content" data-tag-id="12345">Some stuff sits above</div>
<a href="SOME LINK" class="Goodclass01 Goodclass02 Goodclass03 BADCLASS"
data-tag-one='["value", "value"]'>link</a>
Using jQuery:
const elements = $('.BADCLASS');
<script src=""></script>
<div id="main">
<div class="main_content" data-tag-id="12345">Some stuff sits above</div>
<a href="SOME LINK" class="Goodclass01 Goodclass02 Goodclass03 BADCLASS"
data-tag-one='["value", "value"]'>link</a>
Remove the class from a subset of elements
If you only want to remove the class from a subset elements, select those elements then from the class from their class lists.
[...document.querySelectorAll('.Goodclass01, .Goodclass02, .Goodclass03')]
.forEach(e => e.classList.remove('BADCLASS'));
const elements = [...document.querySelectorAll('.Goodclass01, .Goodclass02, .Goodclass03')];
elements.forEach(e => e.classList.remove('BADCLASS'));
<div id="main">
<div class="main_content" data-tag-id="12345">Some stuff sits above</div>
<a href="SOME LINK" class="Goodclass01 Goodclass02 Goodclass03 BADCLASS"
data-tag-one='["value", "value"]'>link</a>
Using jQuery:
$('.Goodclass01, .Goodclass02, .Goodclass03').removeClass('BADCLASS');
const elements = $('.Goodclass01, .Goodclass02, .Goodclass03');
<div id="main">
<div class="main_content" data-tag-id="12345">Some stuff sits above</div>
<a href="SOME LINK" class="Goodclass01 Goodclass02 Goodclass03 BADCLASS"
data-tag-one='["value", "value"]'>link</a>
Run at document idle
The default for the run-at directive is document-idle, but if for some reason that has been changed, either it needs to be document-idle, or you need to otherwise delay execution of the script until the document has loaded.
You could use the run-at directive in the userscript header like so:
// #run-at document-idle
Or attach a load event listener to the window
window.addEventListener('load', function() { /* do stuff */ }, false);
Include jQuery
If you're using one of the jQuery solutions, you will have to include jQuery using the require userscript header directive like so:
// #require
Got it with the help of both of the clear, awesome correct answers below that literally came in within seconds of each other and only a few min after my post, so thanks to both #Tiny and #Damian below!
I'm upvoting both as they both listed the same correct jQuery answers, and Tiny also provided the pure JS.
I am posting the full answer below because without the other steps, with Tamper/Greasemonkey neither will produce the desired results.
First, Tamper/Greasemonkey do not load jQuery by default, so it is just easy as add #require‌​n.js to your current script and also put this.$ = this.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true); to avoid any versioning conflicts.
Also, in this case unfortunately I HAD to change my TamperMonkey header to:
// #run-at document-idle
along with the above mentioned:
// #require
and begin the script with:
this.$ = this.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true);
and finally the primary accepted/best answer in this case of:
NOTE: The above #run-at line is required, and since so many (all) of my current Tamper/Greasemonkey scripts are actually set by default to run at START, this is of importance as it means functions like this must be separated to their own scripts to run instead AFTER the page loads (idle). Once this is added, even the above pure JS answer from Tiny did in fact produce the desired result.
As the simplest one-line answer that I was hoping was possible in Javascript, as it is so many other languages in a single line of code. I've used it in the past, but was not aware of this particular removeClass method.
Your question mentions jQuery. Did you want a solution in jQuery?
If so, it's as easy as:
jQuery can be referenced as jQuery() or $(). The parameters you can pass are: 1, a Selector statement (like CSS), and 2, context (optional; default is document).
By stating $(".Goodclass01") you are stating, "Give me a jQuery object with all elements that have the class Goodclass01." Then, by using the removeClass() function, you can either pass it no parameters and it would remove all classes, or you can pass it specific classes to remove. In this case, we call .removeClass("badclass") in order to remove the undesired class.
Now, if you need to select only specific elements, such as links that have Goodclass01, you can do:
Or, if you want to select anything that has Goodclass01, but NOT Goodclass02, you can do:
jQuery is not as intimidating as it looks. Give it a shot!
Edit: I also noticed you were trying to capture a link with maybe a specific property. You can use the [property] syntax to select elements that have a specific property. Most typically, people use $("a[href^=https]") or something to that effect to select all a tags with the property href that begins with ^= the string https.
You could, in your case, use the following...
... to select all links that have the property data-tag-one.
Note: One thing to keep in mind is that, a jQuery object is different than a pure DOM element. If you have a collection of multiple elements and want to use a pure JavaScript function on one element in particular, you would have to reference it with either [0] or .get(0). Once you do that, you will no longer be able to use jQuery methods until you convert it back to a jQuery object.
But, since jQuery has a whole slew of methods to use to make DOM manipulation easier, you can probably accomplish what you need to using those methods.
Edit: I've included a snippet below so you can see some of the jQuery selectors in action.
<script src=""></script>
div#main * { background-color: #66ff66; }
div#main .BADCLASS, div#main .BADCLASS * { background-color: #ff8888 !important; }
<div id="main">
<div class="main_content" data-tag-id="12345">Some stuff sits above</div>
<a href="SOME LINK" class="Goodclass01 Goodclass02 Goodclass03 BADCLASS"
data-tag-one='["value", "value"]'>All classes and data-tag-one</a><br />
<a href="SOME LINK" class="Goodclass01 BADCLASS" data-tag-one='["value", "value"]'>Goodclass01 and data-tag-one</a><br />
All classes, no data-tag-one<br />
<a href="SOME LINK" class="BADCLASS" data-tag-one='["value", "value"]'>Just BADCLASS and data-tag-one</a><br />
<br />
<table class="Goodclass01 BADCLASS"><tr><td>Here is a table</td></tr><tr><td>with Goodclass01 and BADCLASS</td></tr></table>
<div id="buttons">
$(".Goodclass01").removeClass("BADCLASS");<br />
$("a.Goodclass01").removeClass("BADCLASS");<br />
$(".Goodclass01:not(.Goodclass02)").removeClass("BADCLASS");<br />
$("a[data-tag-one]").removeClass("BADCLASS");<br />
Reset the HTML<br />
var str = '<div class="main_content" data-tag-id="12345">Some stuff sits above</div>All classes, no data-tag-one<br /><a href="SOME LINK" class="BADCLASS" data-tag-one=\'["value", "value"]\'>Just BADCLASS and data-tag-one</a><br /><br /><table class="Goodclass01 BADCLASS"><tr><td>Here is a table</td></tr><tr><td>with Goodclass01 and BADCLASS</td></tr></table>';

Refactoring overuse of jQuery show/hide methods for simple buttons

I have implemented some buttons on a web page that show and hide some text based on which button the user clicks:
Please bear in mind that the .reveal-1 fragment is set to display:none in the CSS by default.
<div class="media">
<div class="media-left"> <img alt="New delivery options" class="media-object" src="images/thumbnail-new-delivery-options.jpg"> </div>
<div class="media-body">
<h4 class="media-heading">Cotton Traders Introduces New Delivery Options</h4>
<p class="text-muted">14th January 2016</p>
<p>Cheshire based retailer, Cotton Traders, has added three new delivery options to its e-commerce offering, in order to improve the customer shopping experience.</p>
<a class="btn btn-default reveal-button-1" href="#" role="button">Read More <i class="fa fa-caret-down" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>
<div class="reveal-1">
<p>The casual clothing retailer now offers its UK customers a choice of standard, next day, Sunday and nominated delivery options.</p>
<p>With more delivery options to choose from, customers will benefit from this added convenience, allowing them to get their items quicker and at a time that suits them, for as little as £3.99.</p>
<p>Talking about the introduction, Supply Chain Director, Caroline Allerton, said: "As a company we are constantly striving to improve the offering for our customers and this includes the delivery options.</p>
<p>"We know that our customers all have busy lives, so the introduction of these options will fit into their schedule and allow them to get their orders when they need them."</p>
<p>The introduction comes after Cotton Traders launched its dedicated Australian e-commerce website earlier this year.</p>
<a class="btn btn-default hide-button-1" href="#" role="button">Read Less <i class="fa fa-caret-up" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>
1) So in the first call to the jQuery object we show the <div> with a class of .reveal-1 when .reveal-button-1 is clicked
2) Then we hide .reveal-button-1
3) We then show .hide-button-1 when .reveal-button-1 is clicked
Now the hide button is present in the DOM.
4) We hide the <div> with a class of .reveal-1 when .hide-button-1 is clicked
5) We hide .hide-button-1
6) Finally we show .reveal-button-1 again.
Are there any solutions I can apply to refactor my JavaScript, so that I am not calling to the jQuery object as often and repeating myself so many times. I am aware of the .toggle method but I am not sure that it can be applied in this case. Please give a thorough explanation with your answer as I need to understand the jQuery logic. I have tried to keep the jQuery logic as simple as possible as I am only of a junior level.
I currently have 24 lines of jQuery code for 4 HTML fragements which seems quite excessive, but I don't know if there is a better way to implement/optimise.
here it is,
On any button click all element toggles visibility. its exactly what you need.
$(".reveal-button-1, .hide-button-1").click(function(){ //on click of either button.
$(".reveal-1, .reveal-button-1, .hide-button-1").toggle(); //toggle visibilty on all the corresponding elements
Make sure your initial values (display:none) are correct.
reveal button click will hide itself, show the hide button and toggle the reveal field (to show).
since the hidden button is now visible and the reveal button is no longer. once we click on this button the field will toggle (to be hidden again). the reveal button will be visible again.
side note: You probably want to use better css classes in your html though. (to make a more generic javascript code so that you can re-use its functionality).
re-usable solution
here is a re-usable version, with better classes.
<script src=""></script>
<div class="container">
<div class="toggle-btn toggle" style="display:none;">show</div>
<div class="toggle-btn toggle">hide</div>
<div class="toggle">bla bla</div>
<div class="container">
<div class="toggle-btn toggle" style="display:none;">show</div>
<div class="toggle-btn toggle">hide</div>
<div class="toggle">bla bla</div>
Explanation: when a toggle-button is clicked. it goes and finds the first parent that has a class .container. then from this parent, it checks all the html elements with the .toggle class inside this container and toggles their visibility.
Side note on this solution: it is not a very prerformant solution because every time it tries to find the container class in its parents and then tries to find all the childs with class toggle. (better is to cache these classes). but for this simple solution it doesn't really matter.
out of the box libraries
bootstrap collapse
jquery accordion
You only need one event handler for each element. Repeating like that causes a lot of extra functions to be called on each event, which will slow your site down. (Probably not noticeably, but if your site grows it could become problematic.)
If your HTML is structured similarly for each of your sections, you could eliminate the specific classes, and go on a more general approach. (Shortened for brevity.)
<a class="... reveal-button"...>
<div class="reveal">
<a class="... hide-button"...>
Then down inside your JavaScript, instead of 4 sets of all your calls, you can do just a single. I'll explain how this works as we go. The function .on() is the preferred method to wire events since jQuery 1.7.
$('.reveal-button').on('click', function () {
var $self = $(this); // 'this' will be the element that was clicked.
$('.hide-button').on('click', function () {
var $parent = $(this).parent(); // refers to div.reveal
$parent.hide(); // hide the div
$parent.prev('a.reveal-button').show(); // show the reveal button.

How to show an element in each div?

My code is:
<div id="post">
<b>Admin</b> says:
"Hi to all my frends!"
7 hours ago ·
<a id="like" href="./?act=like&id=13" title="No one likes">Like</a> ·
<a id="dislike" href="./?act=dislike&id=13" title="No one dislikes">Dislike</a>
I also have multiple posts like this one above... How can i make with jQuery that every time I "mouseover" #post, the #remove inside that #post appears?
First I think you want to use class="post" and class="remove" if you have multiple posts like that one. Then you can do it like this (the code on jsfiddle):
$(".post").on("mouseover", function(){
}).on("mouseout", function(){
Some jQuery functions you might want to look into: .on(), .mouseover(), .mouseout(), .hover().
I made an example for you:
You want to use classes instead of IDs to support multiple posts. Also, you should hide your "remove" elements on startup.

