d3 force graph using node names for links - javascript

I've been at this for a few days now, and I've seen the questions on stackoverflow and other places, but I am missing something.
Lets say we have the following JSON:
Why do the following two pieces of code yield the same output in the console, but the second gives me an error (Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'push' of undefined)?
links = links.map(function(l) {
var sourceNode = nodes.filter(function(n) { return n.name === l.source; })[0];
var targetNode = nodes.filter(function(n) { return n.name === l.target; })[0];
return {
source: sourceNode,
target: targetNode
links.forEach(function(link) {
link.source = {name: link.source};
link.target = {name: link.target};
Console output:

There is one significant difference between results of the 2 code snippets.
The first one links source and target nodes by reference. They point to the objects in the nodes array.
The second one creates new objects. They have the same names as those in nodes but they are different objects in memory.
D3 force layout requires that links point to nodes by reference or by index in the array. If you specify indices they will by transformed to references anyway:
Note: the values of the source and target attributes may be initially specified as indexes into the nodes array; these will be replaced by references after the call to start.


Make sure no duplicate directory paths exist

I'm writing a script wherein the user selects directories, which are then stored in an array property, so that they can be recursively crawled.
"archives": [
I obviously don't want to be storing duplicate paths or paths that are contained by other paths. For example, if the user were to select a new folder to add to the array, E:\\Pictures, then E:\\Pictures\\Birthday would be discarded and replaced by it since E:\\Pictures contains E:\\Pictures\\Birthday.
"archives": [
I know this can be done by parsing all of the values being considered (i.e. ['C:', 'AMD', 'Packages'], [...], ... etc) and then comparing them all to one another. However, this seems extremely intensive, especially if the array of paths grows bigger and the directory paths are longer.
You could also do it by comparing the strings with includes. For example, if A includes B or B includes A, split them, and discard the one with a longer length.
for (const dir of dirs){
if (newPath.includes(dir) || dir.includes(newPath)){
if (newPath.split('\\') < dir.split('\\')){
// remove dir from json object and replace it with newPath
} else {
After reading one of the answers below, I just realized that the includes method runs into the issue of comparing similar, yet unique paths i.e. C:\Users and C:\User.
Although there's gotta be a better way to do this??
This function will give you your desired results. It first looks to see if the parent of the path exists in the archives, and if so, does nothing. If it doesn't, it then removes any children of the path and then inserts the new path.
I've added a delim input to the function to make it usable for unix/MacOS style filenames as well.
let data = {
"archives": [
const add_to_archives = (path, data, delim) => {
// does the parent of this path already exist? if so, nothing to do
if (data.archives.reduce((c, v) =>
c || path.indexOf(v.slice(-1) == delim ? v : (v + delim)) === 0, false)) return data;
// not found. remove any children of this path
data.archives = data.archives.filter(v => v.indexOf(path.slice(-1) == delim ? path : (path + delim)) !== 0);
// and add the new path
return data;
add_to_archives("E:\\Pictures\\Too", data, "\\");
add_to_archives("E:\\PicturesToo", data, "\\");
add_to_archives("D:\\Documents", data, "\\");
add_to_archives("C:\\AMD", data, "\\");
data = {
"archives": [
add_to_archives("/var/www/html/site2", data, "/");
add_to_archives("/etc/conf.d", data, "/");
add_to_archives("/usr", data, "/");
add_to_archives("/var/www/html", data, "/");
.as-console-wrapper {
max-height: 100% !important;
We can approach the problem by using a prefix tree
The purpose is to limit the number of paths we check for inclusion or "containment".
That approach may be useful if you have a lot of siblings (tree traversal + lookup as key for each folder).
It is overkill if you often have a root folder specified in archives
tree = {}
foreach path
split the path in folders (one may iterate with substring but it is worth it?)
try to match folders of that path while traversing the tree
if you encounter a stop node, skip to next path
if not,
if your path end on an existing node
mark that node as a stop node
drop the children of that node (you can let them be, though)
include the remaining folders of the path as node in tree
mark the last node as a stop node
Note that implem below will fail if path includes a folder named "stop". By subjective order of preference
Use Map and Symbol('stop')
or a real tree (at least do not store folders alongside the boolean stop)
do not suppose any stop node and always drop children if you manage to reach the end of your path
Hope no one tries to outsmart you and rename stop as some obscure -folder will not exist- lolol_xxzz9_stop
function nodupes(archives){
tree = {};
const folders = arch.split('\\');
//case of empty string such as D:\\\
let cur = tree;
let dropped = false;
let lastFolderIndex = 0;
let ok = folders.every((folder,i)=>{
dropped = true;
return false;
cur = cur[folder];
return true;
cur[folder] = {}
cur = cur[folder];
lastFolderIndex = i;
return true;
cur.stop = true;
//delete (facultatively) the subfolders
if(lastFolderIndex < folders.length-1){
console.log('cleanup', folders, 'on node', cur)
if(k != 'stop'){
delete cur[k];
//console.log('tree', JSON.stringify(tree,null,1));
//dfs on the tree to get all the paths to... the leaves
let dfs = function(tree,paths,p){
return paths.push(p.join('\\\\'));
dfs(tree[k], paths, p.concat(k));
let paths = [];
dfs(tree, paths,[]);
return paths;
let archives = [
'D:\\\\', //just some root
'D:\\\\ab',//be dropped
'D:\\\\abc',//dropped as well
'F:\\\\abc\\\\e',//two folder creation
'B:\\\\ab',//expect B\\\\ab\\c to be dropped
Try this
(acc, cur) =>
acc.length > 0
&& cur.startsWith(acc[acc.length - 1])
&& ( cur.indexOf("\\", acc[acc.length - 1].replace(/\\$/,"").length) !== -1 )
&& acc || acc.concat(cur)
, []

CKEditor JSON Output [duplicate]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm attempting map HTML into JSON with structure intact. Are there any libraries out there that do this or will I need to write my own? I suppose if there are no html2json libraries out there I could take an xml2json library as a start. After all, html is only a variant of xml anyway right?
UPDATE: Okay, I should probably give an example. What I'm trying to do is the following. Parse a string of html:
into a json object like so:
"type" : "div",
"content" : [
"type" : "span",
"content" : [
NOTE: In case you didn't notice the tag, I'm looking for a solution in Javascript
I just wrote this function that does what you want; try it out let me know if it doesn't work correctly for you:
// Test with an element.
var initElement = document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0];
var json = mapDOM(initElement, true);
// Test with a string.
initElement = "<div><span>text</span>Text2</div>";
json = mapDOM(initElement, true);
function mapDOM(element, json) {
var treeObject = {};
// If string convert to document Node
if (typeof element === "string") {
if (window.DOMParser) {
parser = new DOMParser();
docNode = parser.parseFromString(element,"text/xml");
} else { // Microsoft strikes again
docNode = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
docNode.async = false;
element = docNode.firstChild;
//Recursively loop through DOM elements and assign properties to object
function treeHTML(element, object) {
object["type"] = element.nodeName;
var nodeList = element.childNodes;
if (nodeList != null) {
if (nodeList.length) {
object["content"] = [];
for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++) {
if (nodeList[i].nodeType == 3) {
} else {
treeHTML(nodeList[i], object["content"][object["content"].length -1]);
if (element.attributes != null) {
if (element.attributes.length) {
object["attributes"] = {};
for (var i = 0; i < element.attributes.length; i++) {
object["attributes"][element.attributes[i].nodeName] = element.attributes[i].nodeValue;
treeHTML(element, treeObject);
return (json) ? JSON.stringify(treeObject) : treeObject;
Working example: http://jsfiddle.net/JUSsf/ (Tested in Chrome, I can't guarantee full browser support - you will have to test this).
​It creates an object that contains the tree structure of the HTML page in the format you requested and then uses JSON.stringify() which is included in most modern browsers (IE8+, Firefox 3+ .etc); If you need to support older browsers you can include json2.js.
It can take either a DOM element or a string containing valid XHTML as an argument (I believe, I'm not sure whether the DOMParser() will choke in certain situations as it is set to "text/xml" or whether it just doesn't provide error handling. Unfortunately "text/html" has poor browser support).
You can easily change the range of this function by passing a different value as element. Whatever value you pass will be the root of your JSON map.
Representing complex HTML documents will be difficult and full of corner cases, but I just wanted to share a couple techniques to show how to get this kind of program started. This answer differs in that it uses data abstraction and the toJSON method to recursively build the result
Below, html2json is a tiny function which takes an HTML node as input and it returns a JSON string as the result. Pay particular attention to how the code is quite flat but it's still plenty capable of building a deeply nested tree structure – all possible with virtually zero complexity
const Elem = e => ({
Array.from(e.attributes, ({name, value}) => [name, value]),
Array.from(e.children, Elem)
const html2json = e =>
JSON.stringify(Elem(e), null, ' ')
<h1 class="mainHeading">Some heading</h1>
<ul id="menu">
<p>some text</p>
In the previous example, the textContent gets a little butchered. To remedy this, we introduce another data constructor, TextElem. We'll have to map over the childNodes (instead of children) and choose to return the correct data type based on e.nodeType – this gets us a littler closer to what we might need
const TextElem = e => ({
const Elem = e => ({
Array.from(e.attributes, ({name, value}) => [name, value]),
Array.from(e.childNodes, fromNode)
const fromNode = e => {
switch (e?.nodeType) {
case 1: return Elem(e)
case 3: return TextElem(e)
default: throw Error(`unsupported nodeType: ${e.nodeType}`)
const html2json = e =>
JSON.stringify(Elem(e), null, ' ')
<h1 class="mainHeading">Some heading</h1>
<ul id="menu">
<p>some text</p>
Anyway, that's just two iterations on the problem. Of course you'll have to address corner cases where they come up, but what's nice about this approach is that it gives you a lot of flexibility to encode the HTML however you wish in JSON – and without introducing too much complexity
In my experience, you could keep iterating with this technique and achieve really good results. If this answer is interesting to anyone and would like me to expand upon anything, let me know ^_^
Related: Recursive methods using JavaScript: building your own version of JSON.stringify
Above we go from HTML to JSON and now we can go from JSON to HTML. When we can convert between two data types without losing data, this is called an isomorphism. All we are essentially doing here is writing the inverses of each function above -
const HtmlNode = (tagName, attributes = [], children = []) => {
const e = document.createElement(tagName)
for (const [k, v] of attributes) e.setAttribute(k, v)
for (const child of children) e.appendChild(toNode(child))
return e
const TextNode = (text) => {
return document.createTextNode(text)
const toNode = t => {
switch (t?.type) {
case "Elem": return HtmlNode(t.tagName, t.attributes, t.children)
case "TextElem": return TextNode(t.textContent)
default: throw Error("unsupported type: " + t.type)
const json2html = json =>
const parsedJson =
{"type":"Elem","tagName":"MAIN","attributes":[],"children":[{"type":"TextElem","textContent":"\n "},{"type":"Elem","tagName":"H1","attributes":[["class","mainHeading"]],"children":[{"type":"TextElem","textContent":"Some heading"}]},{"type":"TextElem","textContent":"\n "},{"type":"Elem","tagName":"UL","attributes":[["id","menu"]],"children":[{"type":"TextElem","textContent":"\n "},{"type":"Elem","tagName":"LI","attributes":[],"children":[{"type":"Elem","tagName":"A","attributes":[["href","/a"]],"children":[{"type":"TextElem","textContent":"a"}]}]},{"type":"TextElem","textContent":"\n "},{"type":"Elem","tagName":"LI","attributes":[],"children":[{"type":"Elem","tagName":"A","attributes":[["href","/b"]],"children":[{"type":"TextElem","textContent":"b"}]}]},{"type":"TextElem","textContent":"\n "},{"type":"Elem","tagName":"LI","attributes":[],"children":[{"type":"Elem","tagName":"A","attributes":[["href","/c"]],"children":[{"type":"TextElem","textContent":"c"}]}]},{"type":"TextElem","textContent":"\n "}]},{"type":"TextElem","textContent":"\n "},{"type":"Elem","tagName":"P","attributes":[],"children":[{"type":"TextElem","textContent":"some text"}]},{"type":"TextElem","textContent":"\n"}]}
I got few links sometime back while reading on ExtJS full framework in itself is JSON.
online XML to JSON converter : http://jsontoxml.utilities-online.info/
BTW, To get JSON as added in question, HTML need to have type & content tags in it too like this or you need to use some xslt transformation to add these elements while doing JSON conversion
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
Thank you #Gorge Reith. Working off the solution provided by #George Reith, here is a function that furthers (1) separates out the individual 'hrefs' links (because they might be useful), (2) uses attributes as keys (since attributes are more descriptive), and (3) it's usable within Node.js without needing Chrome by using the 'jsdom' package:
const jsdom = require('jsdom') // npm install jsdom provides in-built Window.js without needing Chrome
// Function to map HTML DOM attributes to inner text and hrefs
function mapDOM(html_string, json) {
treeObject = {}
// IMPT: use jsdom because of in-built Window.js
// DOMParser() does not provide client-side window for element access if coding in Nodejs
dom = new jsdom.JSDOM(html_string)
document = dom.window.document
element = document.firstChild
// Recursively loop through DOM elements and assign attributes to inner text object
// Why attributes instead of elements? 1. attributes more descriptive, 2. usually important and lesser
function treeHTML(element, object) {
var nodeList = element.childNodes;
if (nodeList != null) {
if (nodeList.length) {
object[element.nodeName] = [] // IMPT: empty [] array for non-text recursivable elements (see below)
for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++) {
// if final text
if (nodeList[i].nodeType == 3) {
if (element.attributes != null) {
for (var j = 0; j < element.attributes.length; j++) {
if (element.attributes[j].nodeValue !== '' &&
nodeList[i].nodeValue !== '') {
if (element.attributes[j].name === 'href') { // separate href
object[element.attributes[j].name] = element.attributes[j].nodeValue;
} else {
object[element.attributes[j].nodeValue] = nodeList[i].nodeValue;
// else if non-text then recurse on recursivable elements
} else {
object[element.nodeName].push({}); // if non-text push {} into empty [] array
treeHTML(nodeList[i], object[element.nodeName][object[element.nodeName].length -1]);
treeHTML(element, treeObject);
return (json) ? JSON.stringify(treeObject) : treeObject;
I had a similar issue where I wanted to represent HTML as JSON in the following way:
For HTML text nodes, use a string
For HTML elements, use an array with:
The (tag) name of the element
An object, mapping attribute keys to attribute values
The (inlined) list of children nodes
['span', {}, 'text'],
I wrote a function which handles transforming a DOM Element into this kind of JS structure. You can find this function at the end of this answer. The function is written in Typescript. You can use the Typescript playground to convert it to clean JavaScript.
Furthermore, if you need to parse an html string into DOM, assign to .innerHtml:
let element = document.createElement('div')
element.innerHtml = htmlString
Also, this one is common knowledge but if you need a JSON string output, use JSON.stringify.
* A NodeDescriptor stands for either an (HTML) Element, or for a text node
export type NodeDescriptor = ElementDescriptor | string
* Array representing an HTML Element. It consists of:
* - The (tag) name of the element
* - An object, mapping attribute keys to attribute values
* - The (inlined) list of children nodes
export type ElementDescriptor = [
Record<string, string>,
export let htmlToJs = (element: Element, trim = true): ElementDescriptor => {
let convertElement = (element: Element): ElementDescriptor => {
let attributeObject: Record<string, string> = {}
for (let { name, value } of element.attributes) {
attributeObject[name] = value
let childArray: NodeDescriptor[] = []
for (let node of element.childNodes) {
let converter = htmlToJsDispatch[node.nodeType]
if (converter) {
let descriptor = converter(node as any)
let skip = false
if (trim && typeof descriptor === 'string') {
descriptor = descriptor.trim()
if (descriptor === '') skip = true
if (!skip) childArray.push(descriptor)
return [element.tagName.toLowerCase(), attributeObject, ...childArray]
let htmlToJsDispatch = {
[element.ELEMENT_NODE]: convertElement,
[element.TEXT_NODE]: (node: Text): string => node.data,
return convertElement(element)

Getting data from json file for D3 bubble chart

I'm trying to create a bubble chart based on the example from the d3 wiki. http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4063269
Unfortunately I'm still at the beginner level of javascript and don't understand some of the code.
The layout of json is here: http://pastebin.com/QAMBfLjr
I want to create circles and name them after the value and have their size be based on count.
It seems the piece of code I need to modify is this:
function recurse(name, node) {
if (node.children) node.children.forEach(function(child) { recurse(node.name, child); });
else classes.push({packageName: name, className: node.name, value: node.size});
So I'm substituting instances of children for the path to what I want to iterate over in the json. Then I change the name of the keys I want.
So that piece of code looks like:
function recurse(name, node) {
if (node.facet_counts.facet_pivot["category_level0,category_level1,category_level2,category_level3"]) node.facet_counts.facet_pivot["category_level0,category_level1,category_level2,category_level3"].forEach(function(child) { recurse(node.value, child); });
else classes.push({packageName: value, className: node.value, value: node.count});
But that's not working. I don't see anything on the page and the console output says:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'facet_pivot' of undefined
Can someone help point me in the right direction?
Adding jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/jwhite/4o6tbe0w/
So I figured this out. I didn't see that the json file I'm using is in a different format from the one that is supplied with the example.
After playing around a bit in the dev console I figured out I had to edit the processData function to the following:
function processData(data) {
var obj = data.facet_counts.facet_pivot["category_level0,category_level1,category_level2,category_level3"];
var newDataSet = [];
for(var prop in obj) {
newDataSet.push({name: obj[prop].value, className: obj[prop].value.toLowerCase(), size: obj[prop].count});
return {children: newDataSet};

d3 dynamically updating nodes based on user selection

I'm trying to enable a user to click nodes in a force layout and reduce the data set to just those nodes and their associated links.
I've gotten as far as this; http://jsfiddle.net/hiwilson1/4gemo0xe/1/
The section starting at 179;
.on("click", function() {
//feed the indexes of the selected nodes into array
var nodeArray = []
.each(function(d, i) {
//step2: loop through nodes array and return only those nodes that share
//index with nodeArray into newNodes
var newNodes = []
nodes.forEach(function(nde, idx, list) {
nodeArray.forEach(function(nde2, idx2, list2) {
if (idx == nde2) {
//step3: loop through links array and return only those links that
//have source or target as index of nodes in nodeArray
var newLinks = []
links.forEach(function(link, lidx, llist) {
nodeArray.forEach(function(nde, idx, list) {
if (link.source == nde || link.target == nde) {
is where I'm stuck, specifically step 3. I can't seem to get at the links from within the onclick function, the alert returns zero where it should return however many links are associated with the selected nodes.
Ultimately I want to identify nodes and links associated with the selected and then update the data set to reflect this new data set, if that's even possible! Only one way to find out..
Once force is started, source and target values got replaced with corresponding node objects. So instead of comparing link sources with node index, compare it with the node.
if (link.source == nodes[nde] || link.target == nodes[nde]) {
if (link.source.index == nde || link.target.index ==nde) {
Updated JSFiddle
Note: the values of the source and target attributes may be initially
specified as indexes into the nodes array; these will be replaced by
references after the call to start.
This is the sample structure of a node.
fixed: 0,
index: 12,
label: "I am an information label",
px: 287.64956227452404,
py: 83.71383910494417,
weight: 7,
x: 287.7214898272057,
y: 83.59069881862021
d3.select(".node").data() will return you the data associated with that node, where node is the class name.
You can refer more about d3 force layout from here.

Ember store adding attributes incorrectly

I'm using the latest version of ember-cli, ember-data, ember-localstorage-adapter, and ember.
I have a Node object which has a parent and children. Since I had issues with creating multiple relationships with the same type of object, I decided to store the parentID in a string, and the childIDs in an array of strings. However, when I create a new Node and try to add the new Node's to the parents array of IDs, the ID ends up being added to the correct parent, but also other parents.
level 1 0
/ \
level 2 1 2
| |
level 3 3 4
In a structure like this, 0, 1, and 2 all have correct child and parent IDs. However, after adding 3 and 4, node 1 and node 2's childIDs are [3, 4], instead of [3], [4] respectively.
The Array attribute:
var ArrayTransform = DS.Transform.extend({
serialize: function(value) {
if (!value) {
return [];
return value;
deserialize: function(value) {
if (!value) {
return [];
return value;
The insertNode code:
insert: function(elem) {
var i,
_store = elem.node.store,
newNodeJSON = elem.node.serialize();
newNodeJSON.childIds = [];
newNodeJSON.level = getNextLevel();
_store.filter('node', function(node) {
return node.get('level') === newnodeJSON.level-1;
}).then(function(prevLevelNodes) {
// if no other nodes yet
if (prevLevelNodes.toArray().length === 0) {
makeNewNode(_store, newNodeJSON, elem.node);
// else, generates however many nodes that are in the previous level
else {
prevLevelNodes.toArray().forEach(function(node, idx) {
newNodeJSON.parentId = node.get('id');
makeNewNode(_store, newNodeJSON, elem.node);
var makeNewNode = function(_store, newNodeJSON, node) {
console.log(newNodeJSON.parentId); // returns correct value
var newNode = _store.createRecord('node', newNodeJSON);
var newNodeId = newNode.get('id');
if (newNode.get('parentId')) {
_store.find('node', newNode.get('parentId')).then(function(n) {
var cids = n.get('childIds');
console.log(newNodeId); // returns expected value
console.log(cids); // **DOESN'T RETURN AN EMPTY ARRAY**: returns array with [3,4]
console.log(n.get('childIds')); // returns array with [3,4]
To top this off, this error happens 90% of the time, but 10% of the time it performs as expected. This seems to suggest that there's some sort of race condition, but I'm not sure where that would even be. Some places that I feel like might be causing issues: the ember-cli compilation, passing the entire _store in when making a new node, ember-data being weird, ember-localstorage-adapter being funky... no clue.
For anyone else who may have this problem in the future: the problem lies in two things.
In ArrayTransform, typically I am returning the value sans modification.
In my insert code, I'm passing the same JSON that I defined at the top of the function to makeNewNode.
This JSON contains a reference to a single childIds array; therefore, each new node that gets created uses this same reference for its childIds. Although this doesn't quite explain why the cids array wasn't empty before the push executed (perhaps this is some sort of compiler oddity or console printing lag), it explains why these both Level 3 children were in both Level 2 parents' childIds array.
tl;dr: pass by value vs pass by reference error

