I have a class called Bullet which is essentially a div on a space invader webpage. When this bullet gets 'fired' I call a method which gradually moves the 'bullet' up the screen.
When the bullet gets to the edge of the screen I want to remove the whole bullet object from memory. However, the setTimeout loop continues to run even after I've deleted it (I think).
I'm sure there is a better way to do this! Perhaps it's foolish to run the loop like this?
this.bulletmove = new CustomEvent("bulletmove",{detail:this.name});
* moves the bullet up the screen gradually
var that = this;
The event is picked up in a controller script which checks if the bullet has reached the edge of the screen at which point it is deleted:
window.addEventListener('bulletmove', function(evt) {
*Check if the bullet has gone off screen and deletes it
function checkCollision(e){
var bulletName = e.detail;
var bullet = bullets[bulletName];
//check if the bullet has gone off screen
if (bullet.bottom < 0){
delete bullets[e.detail];
Have you tried a clearTimeout method to stop the setTimeout from firing?
const fireBullet = setTimeout(function(){
I think you should use setInterval instead of calling fire() again - by calling that function, a new setTimeout is created (with a new handler); before the removal of the object, you call obj.halt(), and that clears the setInterval correctly.
const obj = {
name: "objName",
bulletmove() {
return new CustomEvent("bulletmove", {
detail: this.name
halt() {
intervalHandler: null,
fire() {
const handler = setInterval(() => {
// this.moveUp()
// console.log("move up")
// this.fire()
}, 500)
this.intervalHandler = handler
let i = 0
window.addEventListener('bulletmove', function(e) {
// this if-else if mocks the collision detection
// expected: log obj.name 5 times, then clear the interval,
// then event should not be called anymore
if (i < 5) {
console.log(i, e.detail)
} else if (i < 8) {
} else if (i < 100) {
console.log(i, e.detail)
A cleaner approach would be if the fire method returned its own "clear function", and you could use that in the event handling:
const obj = {
name: "objName",
bulletmove() {
return new CustomEvent("bulletmove", {
detail: this.name
fire() {
const handler = setInterval(() => {
// this.moveUp()
// console.log("move up")
// this.fire()
}, 500)
return () => clearInterval(handler)
let i = 0
const fireHandler = obj.fire()
const eventHandler = (clearFn) => (e) => {
// this if-else if mocks the collision detection
// expected: log obj.name 5 times, then clear the interval,
// then event should not be called anymore
if (i < 5) {
console.log(i, e.detail)
} else if (i < 8) {
} else if (i < 100) {
console.log(i, e.detail)
const eventHandlerWithRemoveFn = eventHandler(fireHandler)
window.addEventListener('bulletmove', eventHandlerWithRemoveFn)
The drawback of this method is that you need to add each object's event handler separately to the window, its benefit is more control, cleaner code (no need to save that handler in the object).
This is a version of the previous solution, where the clearing functions are stored in the window object:
const eventHandler = (e) => {
const i = e.detail.eventCounter
if (i < 3) {
console.log(i, e.detail.name)
} else if (i < 4) {
console.log(i, e.detail.name + " is halted")
} else if (i < 100) {
console.log(i, e.detail.name)
const getBullet = (i) => ({
eventCounter: i, // only for mocking!
name: `objName-${i}`,
bulletmove() {
return new CustomEvent("bulletmove", {
detail: {
name: this.name,
eventCounter: this.eventCounter,
fire() {
const handler = setInterval(() => {
}, 500)
if (!window.bulletIntervals) window.bulletIntervals = {}
window.bulletIntervals[this.name] = () => clearInterval(handler)
const bullets = [
const fireAll = (bullets) => {
window.addEventListener("bulletmove", eventHandler)
bullets.forEach((bullet) => {
I would use RxJS to monitor the progress of your bullets.
In the example below I have three different bullets. Each within its own boundary. Once fired, they will immediately stop when they exit their box.
For each bullet we have an "animation frame" observable that emits when such a frame is made available by the browser (internally RxJS uses requestAnimationFrame for this). At that point we check whether the bullet is still within its parent bounding box. If it is we move it otherwise we don't and the subscription to the animation frame stream automatically ends.
const rightPos = el => el.getBoundingClientRect().right;
const moveBullet = (sel, pos) =>
.style.left = `${pos}px`;
const fire = (bullet) => {
const el = document.querySelector(bullet);
const parentPos = rightPos(el.parentNode);
return animationFrames().pipe(
map(() => rightPos(el)),
takeWhile(pos => pos < parentPos)
const bullet1$ = fire('#bullet1');
const bullet2$ = fire('#bullet2');
const bullet3$ = fire('#bullet3');
const fire$ = fromEvent(document.querySelector('button'),'click');
fire$.subscribe(() => {
bullet1$.subscribe(pos => moveBullet('#bullet1', pos+1));
bullet2$.subscribe(pos => moveBullet('#bullet2', pos+1));
bullet3$.subscribe(pos => moveBullet('#bullet3', pos+1));
div {
height: 30px;
border: 1px solid black;
margin: 5px;
position: relative;
span { position: absolute; }
<script src="https://unpkg.com/rxjs#7.5.7/dist/bundles/rxjs.umd.min.js"></script>
const {animationFrames, fromEvent} = rxjs;
const {map, takeWhile} = rxjs.operators;
<div style="width:150px"><span id="bullet1">🏉</span></div>
<div style="width:300px"><span id="bullet2">🥏</span></div>
<div style="width:450px"><span id="bullet3">⚽️</span></div>
In the following code, an outer div forms the boundaries of a playfield and all game elements inside the playfield are represented by divs.
Game state consists of an array of game elements (in this instance: one ship and zero or more bullets). Once an element is no longer visible (here: simply off the right-hand side of the playfield), it is removed from game state.
The game loop uses requestAnimationFrame to repeatedly render the game state to the playfield.
Bullet position is calculated using the time of firing and the time elapsed (I added a little randomness to bullet velocity just for fun).
Game elements such as bullets have an associated generator function called as part of the game loop, to retrieve the next state of the element (a bullet "moves by itself" after the initial appearance).
Firing a bullet in this design is as simple as creating a new bullet object with an initial position and an instance of a generator function to account for its trajectory; and then adding that pair to the game state.
const elem = ({ kind = 'div', classN = '' }) => {
const el = document.createElement(kind)
return el
const applyStyle = (el, style) =>
.forEach(([k, v]) => el.style[k] = v), el)
const cssPixels = (str) => +(str.slice(0, -2))
const isVisible = (left) =>
cssPixels(left) < cssPixels(playfield.style.width)
const createPlayfield = () =>
applyStyle(elem({ classN: 'playfield' }), { width: '300px' })
const createShip = (startLeft, width) =>
[{ classN: 'ship', style: { left: startLeft, width } }, null]
const createBullet = (startLeft) => {
const b = {
classN: 'bullet',
style: { left: startLeft },
firingTime: +new Date(),
velocity: 0.5,
velocitySeed: Number('1.' + ~~(Math.random() * 9)),
const g = bulletStateGen(b)
return [ b, () => g.next() ]
const bulletPos = ({ firingTime,
velocitySeed }, now = +new Date()) =>
`${~~(velocity * (now - firingTime) * velocitySeed + cssPixels(startLeft))}px`
const bulletStateGen = function*(b) {
while (1) {
const left = bulletPos(b)
if (!isVisible(left))
b.style = { left }
const fire = (startLeft) =>
const tick = () =>
state = state.reduce((acc, [o, next]) => {
if (!next)
return acc.push([o, next]), acc
const { value, done } = next()
if (done)
return acc
return acc.push([value, next]), acc
}, [])
const blank = () => playfield.innerHTML = ''
const render = () => {
state.forEach(([{ classN, style = {} }]) =>
playfield.appendChild(applyStyle(elem({ classN }), style)))
let ship = createShip('10px', '50px')
let state = [ship]
let playfield = createPlayfield()
const gameLoop = () =>
(render(), tick(), requestAnimationFrame(gameLoop))
const init = () => {
document.body.onkeyup = (e) =>
e.key === " "
&& fire(`${cssPixels(ship[0].style.left) + cssPixels(ship[0].style.width)}px`)
gameLoop(state, playfield)
.playfield {
height: 300px;
background-color: black;
position: relative;
.ship {
top: 138px;
height: 50px;
background-color: gold;
position: absolute;
border-radius: 7px 22px 22px 7px;
.bullet {
top: 163px;
width: 10px;
height: 2px;
background-color: silver;
position: absolute;
Click on the game to focus it, and then press spacebar to fire!
this.kickAudio.play(); is not playing i dont know why?? Please help
I am trying to play the audio by loop over the div but some how audio file is not playing
class DrumKit {
constructor() {
this.pads = document.querySelectorAll(".pad");
this.playBtn = document.querySelector(".play");
this.kickAudio = document.querySelectorAll(".kick-sound");
this.snareAudio = document.querySelectorAll(".snare-sound");
this.hithatAudio = document.querySelectorAll(".hithat-sound");
this.index = 0;
this.bpm = 150;
activePad() {
repeat() {
let step = this.index % 8;
const activeBars = document.querySelectorAll(`.b${step}`);
// Looping over the pads for animation
activeBars.forEach((bar) => {
bar.style.animation = `playTrack 0.3s alternate ease-in-out 2`;
// Check for the active pad
if (bar.classList.contains("active")) {
if (bar.classList.contains("kick-pad")) {
this.kickAudio.currentTime = 0;
start() {
const interval = (60 / this.bpm) * 1000;
setInterval(() => {
}, interval);
const drumKit = new DrumKit();
drumKit.pads.forEach((pad) => {
pad.addEventListener("click", drumKit.activePad);
pad.addEventListener("animationend", function () {
// this.style.animation = '';
drumKit.playBtn.addEventListener("click", function () {
this.kickAudio.play(); is not playing i dont know why?? Please help
I am trying to play the audio by loop over the div but some how audio file is not playing
I have a problem with my script, and that is that I want to play an audio when I click on a .bbp button, but this button is inside a hidden div that is then cloned.
Only when the cloned div becomes visible in the DOM, I want to play an audio when I click on .bbp, but it does not work for me.
SEE DEMO LIVE (Codepen) - The Snippet does not run on Stackoverflow
Note that if you comment #products, the audio assigned to .bbp yes will play, otherwise it will NOT play, since the audio
script can not identify if #products is visible in the DOM or not.
So, first I need to know that .bbp is visible, and I can not find how I can do it.
Any idea...?
Thanks in advance!
#products {display:none}
#derecha {display:none}
<div class="comprar">Clone 1</div> <!--Clone the div from "products" to "derecha"-->
<div class="bbp">X</div> <!--Delete the cloned div placed into "derecha"-->
SCRIP (Play Audio)
let audioHolderComprar = {};
let tempIdentifier = Date.now();
audioHolderComprar[tempIdentifier] = new Audio('comprar.mp3');
setTimeout(() => {
delete audioHolderComprar[tempIdentifier];
}, audioHolderComprar[tempIdentifier].duration + 1200);
let audioHolderBorrar = {};
let tempIdentifier = Date.now();
audioHolderBorrar[tempIdentifier] = new Audio('borrar.mp3');
setTimeout(() => {
delete audioHolderBorrar[tempIdentifier];
}, audioHolderBorrar[tempIdentifier].duration + 1200);
As I've mentioned in my comment, you have two places where you handle the click event for .bpp - these interfere with each other.
Also you're mixing the places where you should add html and javascript code. Though it works, it's a little bit messy.
Replace all of the content in your HTML pane on the left by this:
<div id="container">
<div id="productos">
<!-- =============== -->
<div id="cont-p1" class="cont-p">
<div id="producto-1">
<div class="img-prod"><img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/39/Lichtenstein_img_processing_test.png"></div>cont-p1 cloned!<br><br>Input Value = 1</div>
<input class="add-prod" type="num" value="1">
<div class="bbp">X</div></div>
</div> <!-- // productos -->
<div class="derecha" id="derecha"></div> <!-- // div derecha -->
<div id="comp-p1" data-clone="cont-p1" class="comp-clone comprar">Clone 1</div>
<div class="cont-num" id="clicks">0</div>
<div class="cont-num" id="clicksdos">0</div>
<div id="cont-resultado">
<input name="total" id="total">
<div id="cont-note">How to play the audio on the button to close the cloned div <span>.bbp</span><br>( <span class="red">X</span> ),<br>if the audio script can not know that it has been cloned...?
Note the CSS (line 3) that the div container of the all div´s that must be cloned is in <span>display=none</span>, but if you comment this line it can reproduce the audio onclick in the X button</div>
</div> <!-- // container -->
and all of the following goes into the JS pane to the right:
let audioHolderComprar = {};
let tempIdentifier = Date.now();
audioHolderComprar[tempIdentifier] = new Audio('https://notificationsounds.com/soundfiles/8b16ebc056e613024c057be590b542eb/file-sounds-1113-unconvinced.mp3');
// removing after play process gets over so if won't consume memory
setTimeout(() => {
delete audioHolderComprar[tempIdentifier];
}, audioHolderComprar[tempIdentifier].duration + 1200 /* you can remove threshold value if you wants to */);
let audioHolderBorrar = {};
let clicks = 0;
let clicksdos = 0;
const safeInt = (key) => {
let value = parseInt(getValue(key));
return (isNaN(value) || value < 0) ? 0 : value;
// This loads our clicks from the LocalStorage
const loadClicks = () => {
clicks = safeInt('clicks');
clicksdos = safeInt('clicksdos');
const loadHTML = () => {
return getValue('html', '');
const loadFromStorage = () => {
let html = loadHTML();
if (html !== '') {
document.querySelector(".derecha").innerHTML = html;
// Display the clicks on the screen
const displayClicks = () => {
clicks = (clicks === NaN) ? 0 : clicks;
clicksdos = (clicksdos === NaN) ? 0 : clicksdos;
document.querySelector('#clicks').innerHTML = clicks;
document.querySelector('#clicksdos').innerHTML = clicksdos;
// Hide / Show Result
let display = (clicks > 0) ? 'block' : 'none';
document.querySelector('#cont-resultado').style.display = display;
document.querySelector('.derecha').style.display = display;
//document.querySelector('#aviso-producto-agregado').style.display = "block";
const adjustClicks = (value) => {
clicks += value;
clicksdos += value;
storeValue('clicks', clicks);
storeValue('clicksdos', clicksdos);
const addClick = () => adjustClicks(1);
const removeClick = () => adjustClicks(-1);
// Manage localStorage
const storeValue = (key, value) => (localStorage) ? localStorage.setItem(key, value) : '';
const getValue = (key, defaultValue) => (localStorage) ? localStorage.getItem(key) : defaultValue;
const storeHTML = () => storeValue("html", document.getElementsByClassName("derecha")[0].innerHTML);
// Add a node to the Derecha
const addToDerecha = (nodeId) => {
let node = document.querySelector(`#${nodeId}`);
// Monitor ALL click events
document.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
let target = event.target;
// Add
if (target.matches('.comp-clone')) {
// Remove
if (target.matches('.bbp')) {
let tempIdentifier = Date.now();
audioHolderBorrar[tempIdentifier] = new Audio('https://notificationsounds.com/soundfiles/99c5e07b4d5de9d18c350cdf64c5aa3d/file-sounds-1110-stairs.mp3');
// removing after play process gets over so if won't consume memory
setTimeout(() => {
delete audioHolderBorrar[tempIdentifier];
}, audioHolderBorrar[tempIdentifier].duration + 1200 /* you can remove threshold value if you wants to */);
getParent('.derecha', target).removeChild(target.parentNode);
// This is just a helper function.
const getParent = (match, node) => (node.matches(match)) ? node : getParent(match, node.parentNode);
// New Script for sum inputs
//const displaySuma = () => document.getElementById("total").value = suma();
const displaySuma=()=>document.getElementById("total").value=suma().toLocaleString("es-ES");
const suma = function() {
return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".derecha div .add-prod"))
.reduce((a, v) => a + parseFloat(v.value), 0);
// Code to run when the document loads.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
if (localStorage) {
// Displays the new product alert added when the scroll is detected in the div #derecha
var displaced = document.getElementById('derecha')
if (displaced.scrollHeight > displaced.offsetHeight) {
document.getElementById("notice-product-added").style.display = "block";
// LocalStorage for the div #notice-product-added
const showMsgCart=localStorage.getItem('showMsgCarrito');if(showMsgCart==='false'){$('#notice-product-added').hide();}$('#notice-product-added').on('click',function(){$('#notice-product-added').fadeOut('slow');localStorage.setItem('showMsgCarrito','false');});
After that you should hear the closing sound.
i created a button in JS that generates GIFs randomly,
i would like to change that by making them appear in order and then repeat.
window.onload = () => {
const factsArr = [
document.getElementById('generate-btn').addEventListener('click', () => {
const idx = Math.floor(Math.random() * factsArr.length);
document.getElementById('image').setAttribute('src', factsArr[idx].image)
<button id="generate-btn">Amazing Fact Button</button>
<img id="image"></img>
In the snippet below, I used a global currImage variable which increases on each click and resets when reaching the image array size. The image is taken from the array's currImage index.
// Init the variable
var currImage = 0;
window.onload = () => {
const factsArr = [
{ image:'https://media.giphy.com/media/P6lX0T2MzYpdC/giphy.gif'},
{ image:'https://media.giphy.com/media/uWdVKl2xN1eVi/giphy.gif'},
{ image:'https://media.giphy.com/media/1nkUav308CBws/giphy.gif'}
document.getElementById('generate-btn').addEventListener('click', () =>
document.getElementById('image').setAttribute('src', factsArr[currImage].image);
// increment the variable on each click
//reset the variable when it reaches the image array size
if (currImage == factsArr.length)
currImage = 0;
<button id="generate-btn">Amazing Fact Button</button>
<img id="image"></img>
Introduce a numeric variable to indicate the current index of the array to use.
const factsArr = [
const tot = factsArr.length;
let c = 0;
document.getElementById('generate-btn').addEventListener('click', () => {
document.getElementById('image').src = factsArr[c++ % tot].image;
<button id="generate-btn">Amazing Fact Button</button><br>
<img id="image">
I was implementing some audio files today in my Javascript and it works fine. But
I noticed that with each subsequent click the sound gets louder. I alreadio used the "Audio.volume" method but no luck.
My Code:
var AppController = (function () {
var correctItem, secondItem, thirdItem, selectedItems, selectedItemsShuffled;
var rotateImage = function() {
var i = 0;
var randomNumbers = createThreeRandomNumbers();
var interval = window.setInterval(function () {
document.getElementById("imageToRotate").src= "img/" + items.images[i].imageLink;
if (i === items.images.length -1) {
i = -1;
}, 125);
var clearData = function () {
correctItem = "";
secondItem = "";
thirdItem = "";
selectedItems = "";
selectedItemsShuffled = "";
var removeNodeChildren = function (obj) {
var myNode = document.getElementById(obj);
while (myNode.firstChild) {
var resetGame = function () {
document.getElementById("imageToRotate").addEventListener("click", function (e) {
// select 3 items
correctItem = getSelectedItemDetails(e);
secondItem = getRandomItem(correctItem);
thirdItem = getSecondRandomItem(correctItem, secondItem);
selectedItems = [correctItem, secondItem, thirdItem];
selectedItemsShuffled = shuffleArray(selectedItems);
// create the numbers 1 to 3 randomly
var order = createThreeRandomNumbers();
// remove the rotating effect
// set the images to the buttons in a random order.
setItemsToButtons(order, selectedItemsShuffled);
//show the buttons
// Create an event which triggers when a button is clicked.
document.getElementById("buttonWrapper").addEventListener("click", function(e) {
var valueOfButtonPressed = e.srcElement.innerText.toLowerCase();
var clickedButton = e.srcElement.id;
if (valueOfButtonPressed === correctItem) {
document.getElementById(clickedButton).innerHTML = e.srcElement.innerText.toLowerCase() + '<span class="icon"><i class="fa fa-check green" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>';
if (!audio) {
var audio = new Audio("audio/correct.mp3");
audio.volume = 0.5;
setTimeout(resetGame, 5000);
} else {
document.getElementById(clickedButton).innerHTML = e.srcElement.innerText.toLowerCase() + '<span class="icon"><i class="fa fa-times red" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>';
if (!audio) {
var audio = new Audio("audio/wrong.mp3");
audio.volume = 0.5;
setTimeout(resetGame, 5000);
// 1: hide the buttons
// 2: Replace the title
// 3: set up image rotation until it's clicked.
Any help will be much appreciated. Cheers!
I'm fairly certain the reason is that you're making a new Audio object with every single click.
Instead of doing this with every click:
var audio = new Audio("audio/correct.mp3");
do a check to see if audio already exists. if it does, then simply do audio.play(). If it does not, THEN you make a new audio object.