Local unit testing on app engine with Node.js - javascript

We're starting a new app on Google App Engine with node.js. We also decided to go with Cloud Datastore.
I've found that in the other available languages you can do local unit testing:
I haven't found anything available for node.js. Do you know if there's something like the above link? If there's not, we're probably going to change to Java or Go.
EDIT: I've just found this
Has anyone tried and knows if this could solve my problems?

The difference between what you're looking at is about App Engine Standard vs App Engine Flexible (formerly known as Managed VMs). NodeJS is only supported on App Engine Flexible.
App Engine Standard has some advantages (faster deployer times, ability to "scale to zero" so you pay nothing for idle apps), but it's much less flexible in that many libraries are not available in the runtimes and so you rely more heavily on App Engine APIs. To provide a way to test it locally, the local development server was provided.
Standard supports Python, Java, Go, and PHP. However, even with those languages, you still might choose Flexible if you want to do something like use Java 8, Python 3, or custom libraries like imagemagick.
App Engine Flexible is a pretty different product, although on the surface it looks similar since it has similar tooling and configuration, and they are both scalable platform-as-a-service products. But the concept is that you bring whatever environment you're familiar with it, and it runs it in a container (which is hidden from you. unless you use Custom runtimes to builds your own Docker runtime for it).
Since you're bringing your standard development environment to App Engine, the idea is you test your Node app the same way you would test any other Node app, and run it like you would run other local Node projects locally. There's not supposed to be too much special about the App Engine flexible environment, by design, so there's no need for a special local testing server.
However, if you're using Cloud Datastore, emulators are provided so you can run tests more quickly and without paying any money. So the emulator is definitely what you're looking for to do local unit tests. If you have any problems or issues with it, you should followup with more questions on Stack Overflow.
If you haven't seen already, there is a Getting Started with Node app that uses App Engine Flexible, and demonstrates a variety of tasks using Cloud Datastore, as well as MongoDB and CloudSQL (managed MySQL).


Can Node.js replace java as server side technology in web app

I am planning to start making my first big web project. I am currently at the point where I am trying to visualize everything but some of the technologies will be learned on the run. I recently picked up JavaScript and learned a bit of Node.js.
I wanted to make a rest API in java, that connects to a Mysql database. After doing some unwanted research, I came across a statement which to me seem bold. That node.js can in some way completely replace java as a backend?
For what i know Node.js is a runtime envioronment based of chromes JavaScript engine, with some libraries like NPM. (which I yet have to look into some more)
That was a long introduction, the core of my question is: Can Node.js replace Java in my case, and if so why and how?
Some personal thoughts:
Can Node.js replace Java in my case, and if so why and how?
Definetly. Nodejs is not just V8 with some libraries, but also ships with a lot of ways to interact with the IO, which means you can run http(s) servers, connect to databases and other servers, spawn threads, write/read files among others. If there is some low-level thing that the JVM supports that Nodejs doesn't, you can just write a native binding in C++ (or take one from NPM, there is probably already one for your exact usecase).
The main benefit of Nodejs is that you just write JavaScript, and you don't have to change languages. That makes development more easy and faster (at least for me).

Is it possible to design GUI with HTML+CSS+JavaScript but it will actually run python script?

I've built a very simple assistant app in python which can do very basic tasks like taking notes, reminding you, stopwatch, timer, web scrape for news feeds etc. tkinter seems confusing and looks oldish to me. On the other hand, css js seems much easier to design gui side and way more elegant looking. Is it possible to design a desktop gui app (may be with electron?) using HTML+CSS+JavaScript but it will run my old python codes?
I've been coding for only two months and i suck at it. Please excuse my newbiness.
TLDR: Simply, i want to make the gui side using HTML+CSS+JavaScript to take user input but then it will run python scripts and shows output in the gui app. Is it possible?
It can't be done, you'd have to make it like a web app (although with local webserver serving python responses)
if you don't mind running it in webbrowser, you can make quite easily webserver, that will evaluate your queries...
The popular form of Javascript or ES6 (which you are talking about) is designed to run in browser, so, the limitations are that it can only make calls via browser, i.e. it cannot directly interact with the OS like python's OS module. This means you will need a web-service in your computer that would run a specific python code and return you the responses, this requires a web-service/web-framework, preferably python's like Django, Flask which will run the python script for you because they can make OS calls on the server machine. I do think other non-python web-services are cacpable to do so, but of course, the natural preference would be 'Python-based services'.
If the case was with Node.js(i.e. the server-side js) and not ES6(client-side browser-run) you would have an upperhand i.e. you could invoke python scripts on your server because node.js like the python-based web-servers do support os calls.
Kinda, but its real ugly. If you can host your data and whatnot the other approaches will work.
You have to build your project around nw.js. Essentially it is a Chromium build that adds local file system access back in. You can build an HTML+JS Front end and access a node.js backend running in the same thread. Via node you can shellout to call your python program, or run a local python web server.
I built a mapping app that allowed the user to select a local file, process it on the local machine with python and display the results in an interactive D3 app with geojson based layers of the UnitedStates. Since the data was proprietary I could not host it outside the company. Since I was not IT, I could not host it inside the company. nw.js allowed me to package everything into an installer and deploy to other people within the company as a standalone app.
See here for more information:
Official site: http://nwjs.io
Official documentation: http://docs.nwjs.io/
NW.js is an app runtime based on Chromium and node.js. You can write native apps in HTML and JavaScript with NW.js. It also lets you call Node.js modules directly from the DOM and enables a new way of writing native applications with all Web technologies.
It was created in the Intel Open Source Technology Center.
Apps written in modern HTML5, CSS3, JS and WebGL.
Complete supportfor Node.js APIs and all its third party modules.
Good performance: Node and WebKit run in the same thread: Function
calls are made straightforward; objects are in the same heap and
can just reference each other;
Easy to package and distribute apps. Available on Linux, Mac OS X
and Windows

Dart with desktop HTML application frameworks

I'm planning to create a cross platform desktop application with Dart.
Because there's no ready built frameworks supporting Dart yet, i have to compile Dart to Javascript first.
I cannot develop completly in Dartium since the desktop frameworks built around HTML5 provide some custom Javascript API's (file system access, native library support, etc.) which i'm planning to use.
I've found the following frameworks which might suit my needs but i'm looking for best practices when developing with Dart.
node-webkit: a fusion of Node and the Webkit browser engine. Provides many packages in the form of NPM. Node and Webkit shares the same thread so it's efficient in terms of communication between the different worlds. Writing and accessing native modules from Javascript seems problematic. Has good documentation. There's node-webkit.dart to access some of the API's from Dart.
XULRunner: The Gecko engine behind Mozilla products as a reusable framework. Provides it's very own UI descriptor (XUL). Has an easier support for native modules (js-ctypes). Seems well documented on MDN. No Dart library written to support development yet.
TideKit/TideSDK: Supports many languages (Dart might be supported later on [link] [link]). Built around Webkit. Seems well documented. Cannot seem to find pub packages supporting it.
Maybe there are some other options i haven't seen yet. I've excluded projects like AppJs (dead), and Cappucino (OSX only).
One option is the Electron framework. Originally created by GitHub for their Atom editor, it allows you to build cross-platform applications for Linux, OS X, or Windows, using web technologies. There is an available Dart wrapper as well. However, this wrapper lacks complete support for the API, and doesn't appear to be under active development.
Another method of using Electron is to call all the electron and node methods via dart:js interop. I've had more success with this method than the library.
Electron uses a main process, stored in main.js, to run the app, and create new BrowserWindows, which load your html. I've found it easier to simply write this file in Javascript, as wrapping too many JS methods is a pain, and this script is relatively light. However, you can use a main.dart file and simply build it with dart2js. Electron will be happy as long as it can find a main.js file.
You can essentially build pages for the app just as you would a regular webpage. You can write it in dart, debug in Dartium, and compile to Javascript for testing it in your app. Of course, your code can't access node APIs from the browser, so you'll have to build the app every time you want to use these. (If anyone has a better way, please point it out!)
One final caveat: Dart's IO libraries won't work with Electron. This is a bit of a drawback, as accessing files is important for pretty much any application. Your best bet will be to use node's filesystem library through dart-js interop. At times, this may feel like a bit of a hack (for example, when working with callbacks), but it gets the job done.
There is the first option.
Chrome Packaged App
You can write Chrome Packaged App with Dart.
dart2js makes it possible to compile dart code to javascript.
and thanks to chrome.dart package, chrome APIs are availble.
Spark is nice example. See https://github.com/dart-lang/spark

Test Driven JavaScript Development with Django vs Node.js

I have a web project coded 80% in JavaScript and 20% in Django without a single unit testing as I rushed for Minimum Marketing Features. Now that the project is getting funded, I decided to invest some time to introduce TDD. I had a great deal of inspiration from this KickStarter-funded tutorial.
The author uses Node.js, Jake, Lint, Nodeunit, and Karma to simplify the whole integration process. The server/client tests in all major browsers is done in a single command and I was really hooked to this idea, but it requires switching to Node.js.
I've searched for TDD in Django and ran into this tutorial that makes use of Selenium.
However this TDD was primarily based on unit testing in server. Here are the questions.
Can multiple client JavaScript testing be done in Django/Python?
I assume the answer is no since js files are nothing more than static library in Django. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Is it worth using Node.js just for the sake of TDD Javascript?
My logic was either you use Python or Node.js for the server, but since tools like Karma and Buster.js requires Node.js, I was wondering whether setting up the Node.js alongside Django just for multiple client testing is plausible choice when considering lower cost of maintenance.
Thank you :D
You can take a look at using selenium in your django test suite. Django's official docs cover this in moderate detail
To answer your question about Node.js - I would say that it's probably not worth the complexity to add node.js SOLELY for the purpose of running unit tests. Also, since your javascript is likely built to run in a browser, it's less likely that things will break down if you use a tool like selenium (which runs the code in an actual browser, providing a python scripting interface).

online Node.js server

Is Node.js mature enough to make entire web applications in it? I mean entirely in Node.js. I read somewhere that for some reason there should be (for example) nginx behind Node.js. Is it true? Can't Node.js stand alone? Are there any online websites built on Node.js?
in my opinion this isnt true anymore.
you can do two things:
use script like "forever" to monitor your node instance.
use this:
to catch all exceptions that are not catched earlier
In the express link, it shows a lot of good applications written by Node.js.
In my opinion, it is mature enough that node.js can be a standalone web application server. There are lots of lib modules supported different things in Nodejs already.
Its absolutely mature enough. There are dozens of companies now that are using it in production for major features, and some that are even building their entire stacks with it.
If you want a well-rounded web framework, check out Express.
There are hundreds of modules that cover almost every type of feature you need, and they're mostly all easily accessible via npm (node package manager).
Over the summer I built a high-traffic Facebook app for a client using Node. Handles everything just fine.
node v0.6 introduced cluster, allowing multiple processes to fork and listen to a single socket. This allows node to take advantage of multiple cores/cpus. This was one of the big reasons to use something like nginx, as before cluster, a single node process would hog up an entire ip/port.

