Inject angularjs directive - javascript

I have this structure in my script A:
module.exports = angular.module('myApp').controller(..).directive(..)
I want to inject additional directive so that I have something like this:
module.exports = angular.module('myApp').controller(..).directive(..).directive(..)
I want to do this from the outside of the script A.
Any ideas how this can be achieved? I am still catching up with the angular, and any help is really appreciated! Thanks a lot!

If I understand correctly, you want to create your directive dynamically. (within different angular module) You can code in the way blow,
//dynamic directive dyDir.js
module.exports = function (app) {
your script
var dyDir = require('./dyDir.js');
var yourApp = angular.module('appName',[]);
yourApp.controller('testCtrl', ...)
dyDir(yourApp); //parse angular module instance as parameter
Although this would work, but I really don't think use angular.module and the commonjs module at the same time is a good practice, coz this would make the other developer so confused.
Hope this would solve your problem. : )

I got this solved in a following way - if it can be of any help to anyone:
Assume you have an existing module myModule, and two controllers myController1 and myController2 (code for the two controllers is in files controller1.js and controller2.js). This is your code in a file myapp.js:
module.exports = angular.module("myModule", [])
.controller('myController1', require('./controller1.js'))
.controller('myController2', require('./controller2.js'))
Assume you would like to inject additional directive into your module myModule. You would reuse that module.
You would create a new file with the following content:
require('./mydirective.js'); //this is your new directive
var app = angular.module("myModule"); //get an existing module
app.directive('directiveName', function() {
return {


Multiple interceptors at different levels/(sub)modules. Is that possible?

I would like to have 2+ interceptors in app that I am helping to write: 1 in module that is generic and each subapp (that is represented with its own submodule) has its 'local' interceptor with code specific to it. for now only 1st interceptor is being worked.
Please help me find where I made a bug.
Here is an example
Your demo is injecting module dependencies backwards.
Your ng-app is "myApp" but you are injecting what should be the main module "myApp" into the sub module.
When you reverse it and inject sub-module into "myApp" module it works as expected.
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['myApp.submodule']);
var app2 = angular.module('myApp.submodule',[]);
Instead of:
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
var app2 = angular.module('myApp.submodule', ['myApp']);

Writing complex AngularJS directive in typescript

I've found the following directive to select objects from checkboxes:
My problem is that we are using typescript and i have absolutely no idea how to write the given directive in typescript.
I know that the basic style is the following
module myModule {
'use strict';
export function checklistModel(): ng.IDirective {
return {...};
My problem is that I need the $parse and $compile services to get injected. I've tried to put the code from the directive in the link but I have no idea how to get the directive working.
Could someone please give me a hint on how to inject services and which part of the given code goes in the link and/or the compile?
There is no specific issue with TypeScript regarding dependency injection. Simply define the dependencies you want to inject as parameters of checklistModel. If you want to ensure that the dependencies can be resolved after a minification of the javascript files, you can define the dependencies additionally via the $inject property (This will work in normal js as well):
module myModule {
'use strict';
checklistModel.$inject = ['$parse', '$compile'];
export function checklistModel($parse, $compile): ng.IDirective {
return {
link: function() { ... }
angular.module('myModule').directive('checklistModel', checklistModel);
Everything else is normal angular stuff. (Beside that, the type IDirective will tell you how the return-value should look like)
I hope this will help.

angular module: order of loading

I fount out in the official angularjs documents that
angular.module('foo', []) makes the definition of foo module, and
angular.module('foo') is calling (not making) foo module.
But I could not start my app when I wrote the code below,
var app = angular.module('app.controller', []);
var app = angular.module('app.controller');
and, it worked when I only changed those two declarations:
var app = angular.module('app.controller');
var app = angular.module('app.controller', []);
so... I am wondering that
how the order of loading module is decided
how should I do when I want to use same module on two or more files
It's pretty straightforward: you must create the module before to be able to use it.
It's clearly a bad idea to create it in a controller file; use a separate file for this purpose, in which you will also be able to make the global configuration (myModule.config()) of your project, for instance. In your case:
/** In "app/controller.js" **/
angular.module('app.controller', []); // Creation of the module
/** In "app/controllers/file1.js" **/
/** In "app/controllers/file2.js" **/
angular.module('app.controller'); // Use of the (already existing) module
The file app/controller.js should be called first. Then, the order of the other files doesn't matter.

angularjs defining services for the same module in different files

I have two files in which I define services in my angular app, but when I try to use them both in my directive, I get an error saying the service provider is not found for whichever directive I define second. It seems like one service is overwriting the other. If I change the module definition in service2.js to myapp.services2, then it works. I would think I could add multiple factories to the same module this way. Can someone point out what I'm doing incorrectly?
var services = angular.module('',[]);
services.factory('Service1', function() {
// service code
var services = angular.module('',[]);
services.factory('Service2', function() {
// service code
angular.module('myappdirective', []).directive('myapp', ['Service1', 'Service2',
function(service1,service2) {
// directive code
This is from the docs:
Beware that using angular.module('myModule', []) will create the module myModule and overwrite any existing module named myModule. Use angular.module('myModule') to retrieve an existing module.
Found here:
This is possible, however will be error prone, hence not recommended
Make small modification to what you are already doing
Just do not re-declare the module variable in other files other than service1.js or put the module definition to a file of its own and include these JS file in the order of Module.js, services.js, directive.js then it will work

Declare all dependencies in a Marionette+RequireJS application before Application is created

I'm building a new application using Marionette and RequireJS, and I've got the following structure:
/main.js -- Main require() call that includes app.js and calls Application.start()
/app.js -- Application definition
/controller.js -- Defines a sub-application, requires app.js
I'm trying to keep dependencies at the top level of each file, as opposed to using require() inline, so that the r.js compiler can find them. The problem is, in my controller.js file, I am requiring app.js (in order to add initializers) and so I cannot require controller.js in app.js until after the Application has initialized, which means I can't put controller in the top-level define() array.
A simplified example of the currently working code:
// app.js
define(['marionette'], function(Marionette) {
var Application = new Marionette.Application();
Application.on("initialize:after", function() {
require(['modules/sub/controller'], function() {
// controller.js
define(['app'], function(Application) {
Application.module('SubApplication', function(SubApplication, Application, Backbone, Marionette, $, _) {
var router = Marionette.AppRouter.extend({
appRoutes: { "foo": "bar" }
var controller = { foo: function() {} };
Application.addInitializer(function() {
new router({ controller: controller });
I'm still fairly new to both Require and Marionette, so any suggestions would be welcome! I do know that I can include the files I want via the include option to r.js, but I thought this question was worth asking nonetheless.
The way I've chosen to do it in my book on Marionette and RequireJS is to require inline the modules that are only necessary for a subset of functionality. This simplifies development, and also means that modules won't be loaded unless that code path is triggered.
R.js will find inline dependencies just fine (provided they're defined as strings, i.e. not computed dynamically). In addition, they will also work with Almond.js (but don't forget to use the findNestedDependencies option in your build file).
Hope this helps!

