dynamically edit row using jquery - javascript

I am perform add ,edit and delete operation using jquery.
i have create product.html file and jsproduct.js file.
My Question is i am click edit button and change selectbox value and press edit
product button
but select box value can not display table
<script async src="//jsfiddle.net/kishankakadiya/m6sn39hp/1/embed/"></script>
Check Demo

The problem is that you are using the same id for the <td>elements on your table. You are using the counter with this and the result is having more than one <td id="1"> and jQuery will not handle it correctly.
I changed your td's to use a class instead of id and added a class prefix to your td's like this:
'<td class="category-' + this.counter + ' ">' + product_category +'</td>'
'<td class="name-' + this.counter + '">' + product_name + '</td>'
And in your edit function I used the class as a selector:
$(".category-" + this.id).text(product_category);
$('.name-' + this.id).text(product_name);
Then it works correctly. You still have some trouble in setting your mode etc but hopefully you can get those fixed by yourself.
Fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/ye6mugxe/1/


<pattern> & required doesn't work on dynamically created form

I'm trying to implement client-side input validation for a datatables-editor that I'm rewriting. The form is created dynamically and then added to a bootstrap-modal.
I have encountered a problem where adding <pattern> and/or required doesn't result in any added functionality at all. The form just accepts the input and submits, and I'm quite confused as to why that is.
I have added the relevant code to a plunkr
I have now added the full project. Specifically the issue is connected to the _openEditModal function and _openAddModal function, where i generate the forms dynamically and add the pattern='patternVariable'.
The pattern for this example (however it doesn't work no matter what pattern I use):
Creating the form:
var data = "";
data += "<form name='altEditor-form' role='form'>";
for(var j = 0; j < columnDefs.length; j++){
data += "<div class='form-group'><div class='col-sm-3 col-md-3 col-lg-3 text-right' style='padding-top:7px;'><label for='" + columnDefs[j].title + "'>" + columnDefs[j].title + ":</label></div><div class='col-sm-9 col-md-9 col-lg-9'>";
data += "<input type='" + columnTypes[j].type + "' id='" + columnDefs[j].title + "' pattern='" + columnPattern[j].pattern + "' title='" + patternErrMsg[j].msg + "' required name='" + columnDefs[j].title + "' placeholder='" + columnDefs[j].title + "' style='overflow:hidden' class='form-control form-control-sm' value='" + adata.data()[0][newaData[j].name] + "'>";
data +="</div><div style='clear:both;'></div></div>";
data += "</form>";
As you can see I add the tags like so:
pattern='" + columnPattern[j].pattern + "' title='" + patternErrMsg[j].msg + "' required ...
The modal:
$('#altEditor-modal').on('show.bs.modal', function() {
$('#altEditor-modal').find('.modal-title').html('Edit Record');
$('#altEditor-modal').find('.modal-footer').html("<button type='button' data-content='remove' class='btn btn-default' data-dismiss='modal'>Close</button>\
<input type='submit' data-content='remove' class='btn btn-primary' id='editRowBtn'>Save Changes</input>");
I made sure that the button has type='submit' as I've read that this is what triggers the pattern-check.
editRowBtn code:
$(document).on('click', '#editRowBtn', function(e)
To make sure that my code is actually adding the attributes to the input i checked the console:
Any help or advice is greatly appreciated as I'm kinda stuck here.
It's a little hard to read your examples (a plunkr would be nice :) ), but from what I can see, you've put your submit button outside your form.
That won't work, since the button won't know what it's submitting.
Try putting the submit button inside the form.
Alternatively, try using the form attribute on the submit button, which should reference the form ID. I've never used this myself, but according to MDN, it's part of the HTML5 spec.
Form attribute description from MDN:
The form element that the input element is associated with (its form owner). The value of the attribute must be an id of a element in the same document. If this attribute is not specified, this element must be a descendant of a element. This attribute enables you to place elements anywhere within a document, not just as descendants of their form elements. An input can only be associated with one form.

insert a row into table jquery

I have a table with a row at first
and users can input some info in this row and after click the add button, the row has the info will be store as a new row and show in the table
here is the code I write:
var insert_html='<tr><td>'+attr.title + '</td><td>' + attr.attribute + '</td><td>' + attr.value + '</td> <td>literal_eval</td> <td class="delete_button"> <button class="delete_attr">delete</button> </td></tr>';
but if I want to add another row continually, it will fail
here is the detail:
It is works at jsfiddle, but when I use it on my big project, everytime I click add, the page is refresh automatically.
so I go through step by step in chrome developer tools, after first everything shows normal as same as in jsfiddle, can add a new row insert before the input row
then page refresh automatically
It looks like your insert_html variable is missing opening table row tag. It should be:
var insert_html='<tr><td>'+attr.title + '</td><td>' + attr.attribute + '</td><td>' + attr.value + '</td> <td>literal_eval</td> <td class="delete_button"> <button class="delete_attr">delete</button> </td></tr>';
Your jsfiddle link is not correct.

Getting variable into JS via PHP assigned id

I have the following Javascript to generate a silent call to another sheet to update a database value without refreshing the page
function UpdateDB(table,column,type){
var value = $("#Assigned").val();
$.post("UpdateValuation.php?Table=" + table + "&Value=" + value + "&Column=" + column + "&Type=" + type, {}).done();
This works perfectly but only for the "Assigned" table row since it is statically assigned.
I use the following php to generate the table entry with button
print "<tr><td>" . $stuff['Status'] . "</td><td ><input type=\"text\" id=\"" . $stuff['Status'] . "\" name=\"" . $stuff['Status'] . "\" value=". $stuff['Value'] ." size = \"4\" style = \"text-align: center\"/><button onclick=\"UpdateDB('NOCstatus','Status','". $stuff['Status'] ."');\">Update</button></td></tr>";
Which after variables are assigned looks like this for my "Pending" row
<input id="Pending" type="text" style="text-align: center" size="4" value="120" name="Pending"> </input>
<button onclick="UpdateDB('NOCstatus','Status','Pending');">
My problem is that passing "this.value" or trying to use a variable in the javascript portion I always come up with a blank value, the only time I can get a value to be correct is by statically assigning the "#Assigned" or "#Pending" in the value field. I have hundreds of entries so I don't want to write the function over for each of these. I know there is probably something extremely simple I am missing but I cannot get the pieces to fit.
I need to pass the typed in value in the input field to the function to update the database. Please help.
function UpdateDB(table,column,type){
var value = $('#'+type).val();
$.post("UpdateValuation.php?Table=" + table + "&Value=" + value + "&Column=" + column + "&Type=" + type, {}).done();

Edit dynamically created row in a form

I have difficulties to edit in form dynamically added rows. For example if some of the cell in the row have error - clicking on it will feed the form with selected row. Hope I'm clear.
Here is a code:
$("#inputtitle").append("<input type='text' name='type1' placeholder='Title'/><br>");
$("#inputremarks").append("<input type='text' name='type2' placeholder='Remarks'/><br>");
$("#inputdate").append("<input type='text' name='type3' placeholder='Date'/><br>");
$("#inputoption").append("<input type='text' name='type4' placeholder='Option'/><br>");
var newName = $('form').find('input[name="type1"]').val();
var newName1 = $('form').find('input[name="type2"]').val();
var newName2 = $('form').find('input[name="type3"]').val();
var newName3 = $('form').find('input[name="type4"]').val();
$('table').append('<tr><td>' + newName + '</td><td>' + newName1 + '</td><td>' + newName2 + '</td><td>' + newName3 + '</td></tr>' );
Sorry for being not clear. My question was how to feed back the form when click to one of the new created row. Below is updated JSFiddle with approximate solution, but not correct, because probably need another button with name UPDATE and may be need another column with ID. DEMO.
I desided to go by different way. So I created additional button to run a script for editing cell of created table. The link to the code you can find [here] Using jQuery to edit individual table cells

Replacing/reloading input list with jQuery and leaving first element

I created jQuery function that gets bunch of simple objects that contains id and title.
Then I run simple loop to create list:
$.each(data['results'], function(key, val) {
items.push('<label for="radio_show_' + val['id'] + '" >'
+ '<input type="checkbox" name="radio_show" class="checkbox" id="radio_show_' + val['id'] + '" value="'+ val['id'] + '" >'
+ val['title']
+ '</label>');
But now I don't know how to do the cleaning part.
I want to append this list to certain <ul>, I could do that with .appendTo(), but each time i would call this, it would add more and more lists. So before appending I would need to delete <ul> contains with .empty(). But the main problem is that I want to keep first element that would be same input just with no value and title of "Select all" (You get the idea).
Could you use something like this to 'clear' the ul -
$("ul > li:not(:first)").remove()
That should remove all the items in the ul aprt from the first one.
Working demo - http://jsfiddle.net/zUuE9/
You could clear your ul with:
$('#my_ul input[value!=""]').parent('li').remove();
This would leave your Select All Checkbox (value="") in the ul.
To remove all li's except for the first one, try this:
$('#my-ul li').slice(1).remove();

