Passing props from react router to children on the server - javascript

I'm building an Isomorphic app using React, react-router v3 and material-ui. One of the requirements of material-ui in server-side rendering is to pass to the theme the client's user agent, so MUI will be able to prefix their inline styles accordingly.
Originally the root component of the app was the router, i.e on the server side:
<RouterContext {...renderProps}/>
And on the client:
<Router children={routes} history={browserHistory} />
Now, since I didn't know how to pass the user agent to the RouterContext on the server, I came up with an (ugly?) solution: I've created a useless component named Root, to whom I passed the user agent, and Root had the router as his children, i.e. on the server side:
<Root userAgent={userAgent}>
<RouterContext {...renderProps}/>
and on the client:
<Router children={routes} history={browserHistory} />
Now, everything works well but I don't really like creating that useless element if I don't have to, so my question is - is there a better way?
Can I somehow pass the user agent to RouterContext on the server, which will in turn pass it to the Index Route which will create the theme?
Here's the code of Root if someone's interested:
class Root extends React.Component {
this.muiTheme = getMuiTheme(customTheme, { userAgent: props.userAgent });
render () {
return (
<MuiThemeProvider muiTheme={this.muiTheme}>

You can use createElement on RouterContext to achieve this.
createElement={(Component, props) => <Component {...props} userAgent={data.userAgent} />}
This will make userAgent available in the props of all route components.


How does React.suspense "handle" i18next backend loading?

I'm working with some pretty standard create-react-app boilerplate, which uses lazy loading and react-i18next as a translation library. This library uses i18next-http-backend to fetch the translation files from a remote API.
What i'm trying to understand, is how exactly React.suspense is able to "recognize" this asynchronous call, and show the fallback UI until it's done.
Index.ts file:
import "./i18n";//Notice this
const container = document.getElementById("root");
<StylesProvider jss={jss}>
<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
<Router />
i18n file:
loadPath: 'https://someRemoteApi/dictionary',
const Home = lazy(() => import("../../modules/home/Home"));
const Router: React.FC = (props) => {
return (
<Suspense fallback={<div className={styles.loader}><Loader /></div>}>
<ProtectedRoute exact component={Home} path="/"/>
...more routes
With this setup, to my amazement, the fallback is rendered on the screen, until this backend plugin finishes its job. I'm trying to understand the mechanics of it, and whether this can be leveraged for other async operations.
the React docs clearly state:
React.Suspense lets you specify the loading indicator in case some
components in the tree below it are not yet ready to render. Today,
lazy loading components is the only use case supported by
Any clarification will be greatly appreciated.
The idea of Suspense is when a component throws a Promise (or anything that is called during the component’s render), React looks for the closest Suspense in order to display the fallback UI.
In your case, your components are using the useTranslate hook. When namespaces are not yet loaded, it throws a Promise and loads the namespaces. During the render phase, React catches the thrown Promise and looks for the closest Suspense component up the tree in order to display fallback UI.
This is a snippet from the hook useTranslation:
// not yet loaded namespaces -> load them -> and trigger suspense
throw new Promise((resolve) => {
loadNamespaces(i18n, namespaces, () => {
You can check how the hook useTranslation works from here

Programmatically creating routes from object does not work when doing it within a component

I am attempting to create a standard component for my application that returns a list of compatible routes with paths and children components systematically derived from an object featuring all of my application pages (eg. /log-in).
The issue is, I can place the route-returning script directly into the root react component, but when breaking that same code out into its own component and rendering in the root, it does not return any children, even though it returns the same thing.
This may have something to do with React route match, but I am not sure.
The object with all my pages:
const views = [
path: "/auth/sign-up",
exact: true,
component: SignUp,
secure: true
path: "/auth/sign-in",
exact: true,
component: SignIn,
secure: true
The Viewer component meant to catch the paths and return the compatible routes:
As an example, I am filtering based on whether the value of secure is true or not from the object above.
function Viewer(props) {
return (
views.filter(view => ===, index) => (
children={<view.component />}
My root react component, featuring the Viewer component (From above), which does not work:
export default function Root() {
return (
<Viewer secure={true} />
My root react component where the routing code is placed directly inside, which does work:
export default function Root() {
return (
{views.filter(view => === true).map((view, index) => (
children={<view.component />}
Can you please assist me in understanding the difference between these two examples, the one using the routing code placed directly in the root element versus the root where it features the Viewer component which should do the same thing. Any info you can spare would be appreciated.
The cause of your issue is related how react-router-dom works, I mean Switch component is intended to render just one Route component at time, so the children for Switch component must be directly a Route or Redirect component instead of a wrapper for that Routes, if you want to do something like that with a Viewer component, you should move your Switch component inside your Viewer component, something like this
function Viewer(props) {
const routes = views.filter(view => ===, index) => (
children={<view.component />}
return <Switch>{routes}</Switch>;
Here you have the official documentation that tells you about that and explain how it works.
Switch component will iterate over all its children to figure out if the Route should be render or not related to the url path, so for that reason is mandatory that the direct children of a Switch component must be Route or Redirect components cause these contains all the props , path is one of these props, so it is used to match the current url path to be compared with the path prop of the Route component.

React Router V4 protected private route with Redux-persist and React-snapshot

I'm implementing private route like so using React Router Route Component:
function PrivateRoute({component: Component, authed, emailVerified,}) {
return (
render={props =>
authed === true
? <Component {...props} />
: <Redirect to={{pathname: '/', state: {from: props.location}}} />}/>
Expected Behavior:
authed is persisted through page refresh through using redux-persist
So on page refresh or reload, if authed prop is true then router should render <Component /> without ever going to path "/"
Actual Behavior which is the Problem:
With authed === true (persisted)
reloading the page or refreshing it leads to the following actions taking place(checked redux devtools)
the action:
"##router/LOCATION_CHANGE" runs and takes it to the correct secure route but then "##router/LOCATION_CHANGE" runs again and it redirects to "/" for a moment and finally
"##router/LOCATION_CHANGE" runs again and directs route back to the secure path, even though authed === true through all this in the redux devtools
Then: My guess was that this error has something to with my main App Component rendering before redux-persist has time to re-hydrate the Redux store.
So I tried doing the following:
I tried delaying my main App component render until my store is re-hydrated using redux-persist like so:
render() {
const {authed, authedId, location, rehydrationComplete} = this.props
return (
{ rehydrationComplete
? <MainContainer>
<Switch key={location.key} location={location}>
<Route exact={true} path='/' component={HomeContainer} />
<Route render={() => <h2> Oops. Page not found. </h2>} />
: <div>...Loading </div> }
This effectively fixes the issue above of the path changing when "##router/LOCATION_CHANGE" action runs(only Changes the path keys), However this leads to another Issue with React-snapshot Now: all the static generated html files from react-snapshot Now contain only ...Loading. I tried to set snapshotDelay of 8200 in the react-snapshot options but that didnt solve the issue.
I tried the following to delay React-snapshot call so that it renders html after the store has been rehydrated:
import {render as snapshotRender} from 'react-snapshot'
import {ConnectedRouter} from 'react-router-redux'
async function init() {
const store = await configureStore()
<Provider store={store}>
<ConnectedRouter history={history}>
<App />
But now i get the error: that 'render' from react-snapshot was never called. Did you replace the call to ReactDOM.render()?
I know this is a loaded question, but I want to effectively use these 3 libs(React-Router V4, Redux-persist, React-snapshot) together to serve protected routes without the mentioned errors.
I have something similar to you. Here I use React-Router V4 and a persist-like library.
Your router/routes doesn't need to be aware of the persist. They should rely on your redux's store. The persist should rehydrate your store with all the data.
I didn't see where you are using the PrivateRoute component in your example. Where is it?

React-router v4 this.props.history.push(...) not working

I'm trying to route programatically using this.props.history.push(..) but it doesn't seem to work.
Here's the router:
import {
BrowserRouter as Router,
} from 'react-router-dom';
<Route path="/customers/" exact component={CustomersList} />
<Route path="/customers/:id" exact component="{Customer} />
In CustomerList, a list of customers is rendered. Clicking on a customer (li) should make the application route to Customer:
import { withRouter } from 'react-router'
class Customers extends Component {
static propTypes = {
history: PropTypes.object.isRequired
handleCustomerClick(customer) {
render() {
{ =>
<li onClick={() => this.handleCustomerClick(c)} key={}>
//connect to redux to get customers
CustomersList = withRouter(CustomersList);
export default CustomersList;
The code is partial but illustrates perfectly the situation.
What happens is that the browser's address bar changes accordingly to history.push(..), but the view does not update, Customer component is not rendered and CustomersList is still there. Any ideas?
So I came to this question hoping for an answer but to no avail. I have used
const { history } = this.props;
In the same project and it worked as expected.
Upon further experimentation and some comparing and contrasting, I realized that this code will not run if it is called within the nested component. Therefore only the rendered page component can call this function for it to work properly.
Find Working Sandbox here
history: v4.7.2
react: v16.0.0
react-dom: v16.0.0
It seems things have changed around a bit in the latest version of react router. You can now access history via the context. this.context.history.push('/path')
Also see the replies to the this github issue:
You can try to load the child component with history. to do so, pass 'history' through props. Something like that:
return (
<Login history={this.props.history} />
For me (react-router v4, react v16) the problem was that I had the navigation component all right:
import { Link, withRouter } from 'react-router-dom'
class MainMenu extends Component {
render() {
return (
<NavLink to="/contact">Contact</NavLink>
export default withRouter(MainMenu);
Both using either
OnClick={() => this.props.history.push('/contact')};
The behavior was still the same - the URL in browser changed but wrong components were rendered, the router was called with the same old URL.
The culprit was in the router definition. I had to move the MainMenu component as a child of the Router component!
// wrong placement of the component that calls the router
<MainMenu history={this.props.history} />
// this is the right place for the component!
<MainMenu history={this.props.history} />
<Route path="/" exact component={MainPage} />
<Route path="/contact/" component={MainPage} />
You can get access to the history object's properties and the closest 's match via the withRouter higher-order component. withRouter will pass updated match, location, and history props to the wrapped component whenever it renders.
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { withRouter } from 'react-router';
// you can also import "withRouter" from 'react-router-dom';
class Example extends Component {
render() {
const { match, location, history } = this.props
return (
<div>You are now at {location.pathname}</div>
<button onClick={() => history.push('/')}>{'Home'}</button>
export default withRouter(Example)
Seems like an old question but still relevant.
I think it is a blocked update issue.
The main problem is the new URL (route) is supposed to be rendered by the same component(Costumers) as you are currently in (current URL).
So solution is rather simple, make the window url as a prop, so react has a chance to detect the prop change (therefore the url change), and act accordingly.
A nice usecase described in the official react blog called Recommendation: Fully uncontrolled component with a key.
So the solution is to change from
render() {
render() {
<ul key={this.props.location.pathname}>
So whenever the location changed by react-router, the component got scrapped (by react) and a new one gets initiated with the right values (by react).
Oh, and pass the location as prop to the component(Costumers) where the redirect will happen if it is not passed already.
Hope it helps someone.
I had similar symptoms, but my problem was that I was nesting BrowserRouter
Do not nest BrowserRouter, because the history object will refer to the nearest BrowserRouter parent. So when you do a history.push(targeturl) and that targeturl it's not in that particular BrowserRouter it won't match any of it's route, so it will not load any sub-component.
Nest the Switch without wrapping it with a BrowserRouter
Let's consider this App.js file
<Route exact path="/nestedrouter" component={NestedRouter} />
<Route exact path="/target" component={Target} />
Instead of doing this in the NestedRouter.js file
<Route exact path="/nestedrouter/" component={NestedRouter} />
<Route exact path="/nestedrouter/subroute" component={SubRoute} />
Simply remove the BrowserRouter from NestedRouter.js file
<Route exact path="/nestedrouter/" component={NestedRouter} />
<Route exact path="/nestedrouter/subroute" component={SubRoute} />
Let's consider this scenario. You have App.jsx as the root file for you ReactJS SPA. In it your render() looks similar to this:
<Route path="/comp" component={MyComponent} />
then, you should be able to use this.props.history inside MyComponent without a problem. Let's say you are rendering MySecondComponent inside MyComponent, in that case you need to call it in such manner:
<MySecondComponent {...props} />
which will pass the props from MyComponent down to MySecondComponent, thus making this.props.history available in MySecondComponent
You need to export the Customers Component not the CustomerList.
CustomersList = withRouter(Customers);
export default CustomersList;
I see that you are using a class component but in case you decide to switch to functional component or encountered the same issue with a functional component in your application, you can fix this issue by using the "useHistory" hook API by react-router-dom.
Example of usage:
import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom";
const Customers = ({customer}) => {
let history = useHistory();
const handleCustomerClick = (customer) => {
return (
//some JSX here
You may find the official documentation here:
Beginner's mistake when working with routing is the importance of using withRouter directly with the component and not put any other high order component in between (or at least one that doest not know to push the props.history to its children:
Wrong: export default withRouter(withErrorHandler(Foo));
Correct: export default withErrorHandler(withRouter(Foo));
`const navigate=useNavigate();
navigate(/customers/${}); `
Don't use with Router.
const path = '/list/';
It works well.
You need to bind handleCustomerClick:
class Customers extends Component {
constructor() {
this.handleCustomerClick = this.handleCustomerClick(this)
this.props.history.push(`/customers/${}`, null);

React Router Route Params in Redux

Using redux and react router, I would like to access a route parameter on a component other than the one specified by the route.
I've got react-router, redux, and react-router-redux set up as follows and I would like to access the reportId parameter from my redux store.
const history = syncHistoryWithStore(browserHistory, store);
const store = createStore(reducers);
const routes = (
<Router history={history}>
<Route path="/" component={MainLayout} >
<IndexRoute component={Home} />
<Route path="reports">
<Route path=":reportId" component={ReportViewerContainer} />
<Provider store={store}>{router}</Provider>,
I've tried hooking up react-redux-router to store the route state, but I've found that there is nothing useful stored inside of redux besides the full path to the active route. This has left me with the options of either parsing out the reportId from the path in redux, or creating my own custom action in redux and updating it with the componentWillReceiveProps lifecycle method inside of my ReportViewerContainer component. There must be a better way?
If you want to access the router parameter inside the component, the best way to achieve this by using withRouter
You will find the better understanding with above example.
If you want to access the router in the redux store, there's a HOC called withRouter (docs). If I remember correctly, this will pass any router state to your component as props.
The only change you need to make to your component would be this:
import { withRouter } from 'react-router'
export default withRouter(ReportViewerContainer);
So I think you can use context to fetch the location that will be passed through the Router. ( Refer that link on how it works.) This should give you a solid direction to work on.
This can also help you down the lane to work with internationalization as well.
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
static contextTypes = {
router: React.PropTypes.object
// By declaring context type here, and childContextTypes
// on the parent along with a function with how to get it,
// React will traverse up and look for the `router` context.
// It will then inject it into `this.context`, making it
// available here.

