Delay while loading locally stored file on webView - javascript

I am loading locally stored html(files with javascript) file on my webView. These files are loaded in my ViewController.swift. However, there is a delay of ~2-3 seconds when the app is launched for the first time. I have searched over the web regarding an approach to fix this issue, with the approaches I observed(First loading of the webView delays the loading of resources), I have decided to use NSNotificationCenter in my ViewController and call them from 'AppDelegate' so that the webView is loaded first time.
Upon implementation of these changes in my code, there is delay in the LaunchScreen of the application, which is as expected as I am loading a file here, however, the loading time of ViewController is still the same.
I am calling the Notifications
func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
// Override point for customization after application launch.
return true
override func viewDidLoad() {
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: "loadDefaultWebView:", name: "loadDefaultWebViewID", object: nil)
if let htmlURL = NSBundle.mainBundle().URLForResource("index", withExtension: "html") {
let requestObject = NSURLRequest(URL: htmlURL)
I wish to reduce the delay that on the ViewController.If this is not the correct way, Is there any other better optimized approached to achieve this task ?
Edit 1
I have tried using WKWebView(with preferences.javaScriptEnabled = true) and UIWebView for this purpose, loading time is still the same.

This is a common problem occuring in UIWebView. My point is to make the web view initially hidden (showing some sort of "Loading..." indicator instead), then make it un-hidden in the webViewDidFinishLoad: method. and also you can refer this link UIWebView lower loading time with a more efficient way and Preloading webView doesn't work - trying to reduce loading time


WebBrowser.Navigate with JavaScript

I am using the WebBrowser Component in System.Windows.Forms. The code loads content from a website and returns it properly. There is a JavaScript which is executed and loading some of the DOMs after the page has loaded completely.
The JavaScript is not finished loading by the time the .Navigate method finished execution. If I set a Breakpoint on the .Navigate in Debug mode, It will, clearly because .Navigate is asynchronous, run through the process of loading the page including the scripts.
void LoadPageWithScripts() {
// whatever comes next prevents the DOM generated by the script from beeing loaded
// ... e.g.:
// use Browser.Document later
I know, this question is similar to the one provided here: JavaScript only works...
Unfortunately, I have no Influence on the page which is loaded, so the approaches I have seen there, are not suitable for my needs.
I have tried to simply work with Thread.Sleep, as suggested by many forums. But even this won't work. As soon as the code continues to run past the .Navigate method, the JavaScript is lost. Only setting a break point on it will work currently.
// Very bad solution
while (true)
if (Browser.ReadyState == WebBrowserReadyState.Complete)
// do something
Using the DocumentCompleted Event will not work, since the Script is not loaded before the document is in completed state.
Browser.DocumentCompleted += (o, e) =>
var text = Browser.DocumentText;
Hope to find some help.

How to call existing javascript function from android activity

I'm building an ebook reader, so I have a webview that is loading a page stored locally on the device which it retrieved from the ebook itself. On this page, it has a javascript function controls.nextPage() that loads and runs just fine; it's used to not actually navigate to new web pages, but instead redraw virtual pages using javascript. I have this function bound to a button on the web page itself so that I can manually click it to test, again, works just fine when I touch the button on my webview.
Now I am trying to trigger this exact function from within my app. Ideally, I want to do this from a gesture swipe but that is too complicated for this specific question, as I have other issues with the gestures I need to solve first. For now, I've set up a button in my navigation drawer to trigger it and test it:
NavigationView navigationViewRight = (NavigationView) findViewById(;
new NavigationView.OnNavigationItemSelectedListener() {
public boolean onNavigationItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
// Handle navigation view item clicks here.
int id = item.getItemId();
if (id == {
// *** - Focus here - *** //
runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
mWebview.evaluateJavascript("controls.pageNext()", null);
} else if (id == {
return true;
Note, I've also tried calling window.controls.pageNext() to no avail.
So my page is loaded, and I've hit my in-page button to test the function; works. I go to hit my navigation drawer button in the app? Error (when using window.controls.pageNext():
[INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'pageNext' of undefined", source: (1)
So it seems to be that evaluateJavascript() is being run in a fresh environment/thread. How can I tell it not to?
To get around this,I've tried to create an empty javascript interface in the hopes that I could simply initialize my page javascript into it and thus be able to call it from Android.
mWebview.addJavascriptInterface(new TestInterface(), "TestInterface");
public class TestInterface {
public void test() {
runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
mWebview.evaluateJavascript("console.log('test')", null);
From my webapp, the javascript can call the interface just fine. calling TestInterface.test(); yields:
[INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "test", source: (1)
But when I tried to assign a new function to that interface from my webapp:
TestInterface.testTwo = function() {
Android wouldn't have it:
[INFO:CONSOLE(674)] "testTwo", source: (674)
What's weird is that it's not really giving me much info to go on. I do know that the rest of my page has issues loading after the testTwo() attempt that test() did not, so I'm assuming failure to load the rest of the script.
Lastly, out of curiousity, I changed my navigation drawer button to try and run the new function like this:
mWebview.evaluateJavascript("TestInterface.testTwo()", null);
[INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught TypeError: TestInterface.testTwo is not a function", source: (1)
Yes but is it something else? I dunno. Thoughts? Thank you.
So I figured out in the end what my issue was. By running mWebview.evaluateJavascript("window.location", null); I realized that I in fact was not actually on the page I thought I was. My ebook page was being loaded into an iframe or some other type of skeleton/wrapper in such a way that the webapp functions were not in fact available when running evaluateJavascript().
So once figured that out, I can confirm some things that I originally questioned above:
So it seems to be that evaluateJavascript() is being run in a fresh
environment/thread. How can I tell it not to?
It does not. Just make sure you know what page is actually loaded.
To get around this,I've tried to create an empty javascript interface in the hopes that I could simply initialize my page javascript into it and thus be able to call it from Android.
This does in fact work. I'm not sure what my mistake was before, but if I create a javascript interface in Android, it's functions are available to the webapp AND I can in fact write new objects to the interface object from within the webapp. So, initializing new objects into TestInterface from within the webapp can be run within the Android app via:
mWebview.evaluateJavascript("TestInterface.someNewFunctionFromWebapp()", null);
I can NOT however overwrite any existing objects/properties of that javascript interface object. so TestInterface.test() is immutable.

Qt function runJavaScript() does not execute JavaScript code

I am trying to implement the displaying of a web page in Qt. I chose to use the Qt WebEngine to achieve my task. Here's what I did :
Wrote a sample web page consisting of a empty form.
Wrote a JS file with just an API to create a radio button inside the form.
In my code, it looks like this :
View = new QWebEngineView(this);
// read the js file using qfile"path to jsFile");
myJsApi = file.Readall();
View->page()->runjavascript (myjsapi);
View->page()->runjavascript ("createRadioButton(\"button1\");");
I find that the runJavaScript() function has no effect on the web page. I can see the web page in the output window, but the radio button I expected is not present. What am I doing wrong?
I think you will have to connect the signal loadFinished(bool) of your page() to a slot, then execute runJavaScript() in this slot.
void yourClass::mainFunction()
View = new QWebEngineView(this);
connect( View->page(), SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), this, SLOT(slotForRunJS(bool)));
void yourClass::slotForRunJS(bool ok)
// read the js file using qfile"path to jsFile");
myJsApi = file.Readall();
I had this problem, runJavascript didn't have any effect. I had to put some html content into the view (with page().setHtml("") before running it.
Check the application output, it might contain JavaScript errors. Even if your JS code is valid, you might encounter the situation where the script is run before DOMContentLoaded event, that is document.readyState == 'loading'. Therefore, the DOM might not be available yet, as well as variables or functions provided by other scripts. If you depend on them for your code to run, when you detect this readyState, either wait for the event or try calling the function later, after a timeout. The second approach with timeout might be needed if you need to get the result of the code execution, as this can be done only synchronously.

How can I access the DOM of a <webview> in Electron?

I'm just getting started with Electron, with prior experience with node-webkit (nw.js).
In nw.js, I was able to create iframes and then access the DOM of said iframe in order to grab things like the title, favicon, &c. When I picked up Electron a few days ago to port my nw.js app to it, I saw advice to use webviews instead of iframes, simply because they were better. Now, the functionality I mentioned above was relatively easy to do in nw.js, but I don't know how to do it in Electron (and examples are slim to none). Can anyone help?
Also, I have back/forward buttons for my webview (and I intend on having more than one). I saw in the documentation that I could call functions for doing so on a webview, but nothing I have tried worked either (and, I haven't found examples of them being used in the wild).
I dunno who voted to close my question, but I'm glad it didn't go through. Other people have this question elsewhere online too. I also explained what I wanted to achieve, but w/e.
I ended up using ipc-message. The documentation could use more examples/explanations for the layperson, but hey, I figured it out. My code is here and here, but I will also post examples below should my code disappear for whatever reason.
This code is in aries.js, and this file is included in the main renderer page, which is index.html.
var ipc = require("ipc");
var webview = document.getElementsByClassName("tabs-pane active")[0];
webview.addEventListener("ipc-message", function (e) {
if ( === "window-data") {
// console.log(e.args[0]);
$(" .tab-favicon").attr("src", e.args[0].favicon);
$(" .tab-title").html(e.args[0].title);
$("#aries-titlebar h1").html("Aries | " + e.args[0].title);
// Make this better...cancel out setTimeout?
var timer;
if ( === "mouseover-href") {
// console.log(e.args[0]);
timer = setTimeout(function () {
}, 1500);
This next bit of code is in browser.js, and this file gets injected into my <webview>.
var ipc = require("ipc");
document.addEventListener("mouseover", function (e) {
var hoveredEl =;
if (hoveredEl.tagName !== "A") {
ipc.sendToHost("mouseover-href", hoveredEl.href);
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
var data = {
"title": document.title,
"url": window.location.href,
// need to make my own version, can't rely on Google forever
// maybe have this URL fetcher hosted on
"favicon": "" + window.location.href
ipc.sendToHost("window-data", data);
I haven't found a reliable way to inject jQuery into <webview>s, and I probably shouldn't because the page I would be injecting might already have it (in case you're wondering why my main code is jQuery, but there's also regular JavaScript).
Besides guest to host IPC calls as NetOperatorWibby, it is also very useful to go from host to guest. The only way to do this at present is to use the <webview>.executeJavaScript(code, userGesture). This api is a bit crude but it works.
If you are working with a remote guest, like "extending" a third party web page, you can also utilize webview preload attribute which executes your custom script before any other scripts are run on the page. Just note that the preload api, for security reasons, will nuke any functions that are created in the root namespace of your custom JS file when your custom script finishes, however this custodial process will not nuke any objects you declare in the root. So if you want your custom functions to persist, bundle them into a singleton object and your custom APIs will persist after the page fully loads.
[update] Here is a simple example that I just finished writing: Electron-Webview-Host-to-Guest-RPC-Sample
This relates to previous answer (I am not allowed to comment): Important info regarding ipc module for users of Electron 1.x:
The ipc module was split into two separate modules:
ipcMain for the main process
ipcRenderer for the renderer process
So, the above examples need to be corrected, instead of
// Outdated - doesn't work in 1.x
var ipc = require("ipc");
// In main process.
var ipcMain = require('electron').ipcMain
// In renderer process.
var ipcRenderer = require('electron').ipcRenderer
See: section on 'Splitting the ipc module'

iOS UI Automation wait until web view is ready and rendered

I am creating an iOS UI Automation javascript using Instruments to automate taking a screenshot for my iOS app. The tool I am using to automate taking a screenshot is Snapshot.
I am using a webview for part of my app and I want to take a screenshot of fully rendered webview before proceeding to the rest of the script.
So currently my script looks like:
var target = UIATarget.localTarget();
// take screen shot here
But when it takes the screen shot, the webview was not fully rendered so it's taking an empty screen and go back to the main screen.
Is there a way to wait until the webview is fully loaded, then take a screen shot and continue rest of the script?
The Illuminator framework (full disclosure, I wrote it) provides a function called waitForChildExistence() in its Extensions.js that allows you to continuously evaluate a reference to an element until it actually appears.
You would do something like this to wait up to 10 seconds for the webview to load:
var webView = target.frontMostApp().mainWindow().scrollViews()[0].webViews()[0];
webView.waitForChildExistence(10, true, "a specific link in the web view", function(wb) {
// the argument wb will contain the reference to our var webView
return wb.links()["the link you are waiting for"];
// take screen shot here
You can use computed style, put some inert style property (I used clip), and you can check with intervals of 1 second (if you use css files better create a class with it and use the class on element).
The function below i user to get the style computed.
function getStyle (el, prop) {
try {
if (getComputedStyle !== undefined) {
return getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue(prop);
else {
return el.currentStyle[prop];
} catch (e) {
return el.currentStyle[prop];
The timer you can try this
Be aware of that computed style may vary by browsers.
Hope it helps...

