Getting raw HTML and re-rendering it as HTML - javascript

I'm creating a script to rewrite the local version of the ETrack system my college uses as it's horrific, and I have a bit of an issue with formatted text. You see, there's a div on this system with the class .visitFeedback, and in this Div it has loads of <p> tags. I want to move these paragraphs into a scrollable div due to the paragraphs overflowing normally. The only issue is, these paragraphs have HTML styling within them (<strong> etc.). I want to reserve this formatting and just add it into a scrollable Div. So far I've managed to move it over, but all the methods I've tried so far return stuff like [object HTMLParagraph] instead of the text I want. So far I've tried .get(), .html(), .text(), and a few others. Can you please help? The relevant stuff is below:
var feedbackTxt;
$('.visitFeedback p').each(function(){
if ($(this).hasClass('info'))
feedbackTxt += $(this).text();
$('.visitFeedback').append('<div style="overflow-y: scroll;">' + feedbackTxt + '</div>');

Why not add overflow-y: scroll to elements with the .visitFeedback class?
$('.visitFeedback').css('overflow-y', 'scroll');


Display:flex does not load correctly on anchor tag?

I'm working on a full-stack project that is somehow loading inconsistent CSS styles on my anchor elements. Using Javascript I am doing something like the following:
recordData.forEach(record => {
let a = help.createElement('a');
let text = record.jobTitle + " (" + record.deptName + ", " + record.subDeptName + ")-" +;
a.textContent = text;
a.href = `/frontend/contractorForm/contractorForm.html`;
a.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
sessionStorage.setItem('record', JSON.stringify(record));
}, false);
The idea of this was that although I have one single HTML form "template" created, I can populate the values inside contractorForm.html through values stored in my sessionStorage.
Below are my anchor tag frontend views and I also attached images of what happens when I click on other ones. The problem with this is that when I click on my anchor tags on the front end, this is what I get.
My CSS for contractorForm.html is basically display:flex; justify-content:center. But as shown in the images, only the first anchor link works.
Things I've checked and verified: CSS page does load when looking at Devtools, disabling and clearing cache, attaching ?version={random number} onto the .html href, changing style on devtools to see if it works (and it does), changing the background color (it works perfectly), loading my CSS code after bootstrap link, checking paths and links (all correct)
The only issue here is that my display: flex is simple just not working. Any help or ideas will be appreciated! Thank you!
Fixed it - if you have CSS issues, make sure you are referring correctly to the parent.
My CSS looked like this before:
#contractor-form-section {
width: 50rem;
#contractor-form is wrapping just the form element, and the way how my DOM structure looked like was something like this:
<div id="contractor-form-border">
<section id="contractor-form-section">
Essentially, my CSS was referring to #contractor-form-section rather than #contractor-form-border. Switching to that basically fixed the issue!

How to bind to 'inview' event on multiple elements

I'm playing around with Velocity.js and jquery.inview, and I want all the titles on my page to slideDownIn when they come into view. This code works fine for the first title:
$('.movies-title').bind('inview', function(event, isInView, visiblePartX, visiblePartY) {
if (isInView) {
// element is now visible in the viewport
if (visiblePartY == 'top') {
// top part of element is visible
} else if (visiblePartY == 'bottom') {
// bottom part of element is visible
} else {
// whole part of element is visible
$(this).velocity("transition.slideDownIn", 500);
} else {
// element has gone out of viewport
If I copy and paste the above several times and replace .movies-title with the classes of the other titles, it works as I want it to.
However, that seems like a lot of extra code. I tried changing $('.movies-title') to $(.movies-title, .tv-title, .books-title) but then the animation only works for the last element in the list. I also tried adding a new class called .title to all of the titles and changing .movie-title to .title but that didn't work either.
What am I doing wrong? How can I condense the code?
The best solution is to use a single class on each of these elements since they have something so in common. You might just add title as a class type and apply it to that class.
<div class="title movie-title"></div>
I know you mentioned this in your question, but I can't see why this wouldn't work.
Try using delegate instead of bind for multiples. Also make a unified class for all of them (I just used title)
so like this -
$('body').delegate('.title','inview', function(event, isInView, visiblePartX, visiblePartY) {
Edit - sorry linked wrong fiddle initially
see fiddle

javascript click image display

What I'm trying to do is, when one of six divs is clicked, a separate div will have 3 specific divs appear in it. Each of the original six divs have three similar but different divs related to it.
$(document).ready(function () {
How do I make it so that when you click a "talkbubble" div, a different "sidebar" div appears with all its contained elements, and when you mouseout, the first talkbubble div automatically activates?
Here is a demo of how to do this:
The main part of this example is some javascript that looks like this:
var sidebarIndex = $(this).data('sidebar-index');
function showSideBar(index){
$('.sidebarContent[data-index="' + index + '"]').show();
.data('some-name') will get you the attribute data-some-name="" on the specific element, this is a html 5 attribute and if you do not want to use it you can instead give each of the elements their own class names such as:
<div class="sidebarContent subBarContent_1">
<!-- content -->
and use the '.subBarContent_1' as your jquery selector instead. You would then also have to have some sort of data attached to your clickable divs to identify which one you wanna show, you could use a hidden field to do that like:
<input type="hidden" class="subContentSelector" value="subBarContent_1" />
The javascript for that looks like this:
var sidebarSelector = $(this).find('.subContentSelector').val();
showSideBar(sidebarSelector );
function showSideBar(selector){
$('.sidebarContent.' + selector).show();
Ps. the overflow:hidden css is because chrome was messing up the placement of the sidebar content otherwise... oh chrome, you silly goose

jQuery: inserting text into container div on hover

I'm using a simple jQuery image slider (Owl Carousel) to show a list of speakers at a convention with photos, and I'm trying to find a way to overlay text associated with each speaker onto a div placed above the slider. I have a mockup page here. As you can see on the mockup, I have two primary divs-- i.e. div#sit and div#carousel-sit; within the former I have an container with the class .sit-quote-container into which I'd like the quote text/markup injected. I would like this overlay text to pull from the paragraph elements with the .sit-quote class that exist for each speaker.
In addition to the problem of displaying the appropriate text within the container div, I'm seeing that placing the .sit-quote paragraph within each slide is causing a gap to appear under the speaker name (the grey box underneath) and I have no idea why this is happening given that I've set .sit-quote to display:none. I'm wondering if perhaps I need to move the elements containing the quotations out of the slider markup altogether (?)
As for the actual hover function, this is what I have so far, with the help of another SO user; but it doesn't seem to be working:
$(".slide-sit").hover(function() {
var clone = $(this).find(".sit-quote").clone();
}, function(){
$(".sit-quote-container").html(""); // this clears the content on mouseout
Ultimately, I'd like the quotes to fade in/out positioned within the main div. Thanks for any assistance, and please let me know if I need to provide further clarification as to the aim here.
you should first visible that quote
try this:
$(".slide-sit").hover(function() {
var clone = $(this).find(".sit-quote").clone();
clone.appendTo(".sit-quote-container").show(); // Here you should show the quote
}, function(){
if you want to fade in:
$(".slide-sit").hover(function() {
var clone = $(this).find(".sit-quote").clone();
clone.appendTo(".sit-quote-container").fadeIn(); //Here if you want to fade the quote
}, function(){
Use the below script to pull the text from .sit-quote p tag of the hovered item and display it in the .sit-quote-container
If needed wrap the quote in a para tag and to avoid complexity use a different class name, in this case .sit-quote_inner.
CSS : .sit-quote_inner{ display:none; }
$('.sit-carousel-container .owl-item').hover(function(){
var quote = $(this).find('.sit-quote').text(); //Only text not the p tag
quote = '<p class="sit-quote_inner">' + quote + '</p>';
$('.sit-header .sit-quote-container').html(quote);
$('.sit-quote_inner').fadeIn(); //Add this
$('.sit-header .sit-quote-container').html('');
The carousel seems to be dynamically injecting clones of the slides. In this case, you might want to delegate your event handler so that it works with the dynamically generated slides.
Also, if you want to fadeOut the text, you should remove it in the complete callback of fafeOut instead of simply emptying the html Try
$(document).on("mouseenter",".slide-sit",function() {
var clone = $(this).find(".sit-quote").clone();
$(document).on("mouseleave",".slide-sit", function(){
.fadeOut("slow",function(){ // Fadeout and then remove the text
The gap (grey background) is the background of .slide-sit, which is visible due to the margin-bottom: 15px; applied on the paragraph containing name (style rule .item p main.css line 67 it seems), removing this will fix the issue.
It'd be better if you keep a .slide-sit inside the .sit-quote-container so that you can fade it in/out properly using the below script.
$(document).on("mouseenter",".sit-carousel-container .slide-sit",function() {
var content = $(this).find(".sit-quote").html();
(".sit-quote-container .sit-quote").html(content).fadeIn("slow");
$(document).on("mouseleave",".sit-carousel-container .slide-sit", function(){

Wrapping a jquery validate span.error with nested divs

Heyo. This is my first stack overflow post because I am stumped and not finding many people who are trying to accomplish the same thing. I've tried using jquery .before(), .after(), and .wrap() to resolve this. I was initially using css :before and :after pseudo-elements, but as that won't work for legacy browsers, I've decided to use jquery.
I already have several forms on several pages with validation working. The error messages vary in length. We were using a static, one size background image on the default span element, so content was bleeding out on longer error messages. I built a flexible rounded corner series of nested divs to allow the error box to grow or shrink dynamically. The html I want to output is:
<div class="errorWrap">
<div class="errorTop"><span></span></div>
<div class="errorContent">
<span class="error">This is an error</span>
<div class="errorBottom"><span></span></div>
Here's an example of a solution I tried, but I'm still pretty new to javascript.
$('.error').before('<div class="errorWrap"><div class="errorTop"><span></span></div><div class="errorContent">');
$('.error').after('</div><div class="errorBottom"><span></span></div></div>');
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that I have the right idea with the jquery. But it's just kind of sitting there, not in any function being called. So I imagine that since the code isn't re-executing, it just doesn't show up. Is there an appropriate function to wrap this in? I'm certain I'm just not attacking this from the right direction. Any help is super appreciated.
the plugins "before" and "after" dont take html as string. you cannot start a div in one and close it in an other.
Either you take your current html and generate a new html string which you append where you want to or you use the "wrap" plugin
Using pure HTML
$(".error").html("<div class='beforeContent'>" + $(".error").html() + "</div>");
Using wrap (
$(".error").wrap("<div class='beforeAndAfter'></div>");
If you want to show an error div after focus out of an input then you have to create it using html/wrap as Luke said and then you have to append it in ot the dom useing
But there are other methods available to insert a new element like append/appendTo e.t.c,
I ended up fixing this problem on my own using jquery to create the div and it's nesting on pageload, the divs are generated with an error class that gives display:none. A custom errorPlacement function nests the error in the correct div. Then I used a custom validator highlight function to remove the class that hides the element. Then I used the unhighlight function to re-add the class to re-hide the div.
$(function() {
//Generate the elements and assign attributes
var errorWrap = document.createElement('div');
$(errorWrap).addClass('errorWrap hideError');
var errorTop = document.createElement('div');
var topSpan = document.createElement('span');
var errorContent = document.createElement('div');
var errorBottom = document.createElement('div');
var bottomSpan = document.createElement('span');
//Place the elements directly after each dd element
$("dl > dd").append(errorWrap);
//Add custom validator defaults
errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
highlight: function(element) {
unhighlight: function(element) {
Although I'm sure this could have been done more shorthand, I really like this technique because I didn't have to update any of my pages that contained forms to get it to work. All of the nested divs are dynamically created by javascript, so I can include a global file to any page with forms and it will just work. Thanks for all who offered suggestions.

