How to change html5 video source on click? - javascript

What I'm trying to do is create a sort of playlist, using just html5 and vanilla javascript (no jquery). The same short video keeps looping until you click one of the arrows, then the next (or previous) video in line gets loaded in the same video element.
Here's what I have:
<video autoplay="true" loop="true" id="video">
<source src="img-vid/video1.mp4" type="video/mp4" id="vid-src">
<img src="img-vid/Arrow_left.png" class="arrow arrow-left" id="left">
<img src="img-vid/Arrow_right.png" class="arrow arrow-right" id="right">
var button_next = document.getElementById("right");
var button_previous = document.getElementById("left");
var playlist = document.getElementById("video");
var source = document.getElementById("vid-src");
button_next.onclick = play_next;
button_previous.onclick = play_prev;
function play_next() {
var filename = '';
if (source.src == "img-vid/video1.mp4"){
filename = "video2";
else if (source.src == "img-vid/video2.mp4"){
filename = "video3";
else if (source.src == "img-vid/video3.mp4"){
filename = "video4";
else {
filename = "video1";
source.src = "img-vid/" + filename + ".mp4";
//same for function play_prev(), but order of videos is reversed
However, with this code, clicking either arrow doesn't seem to do anything. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong though. My first thought was that the if-tests were failing, so it just re-loaded the same video, but even after removing the tests and setting filename to be "video2", it didn't do anything.
Edit 1: Changed scope on var filename, like Dev-One suggested. Video source still doesn't change though.
Edit 2: changing the following:
button_next.onclick = play_next;
button_previous.onclick = play_prev;
button_next.addEventListener("click", play_next);
button_previous.addEventListener("click", play_prev);
seems to help. When clicking on the arrows now, the video changes, but not to the correct one. Pressing the arrow-right always brings up video1, while pressing arrow-left always shows video3. These are the videos in the last else-statement for each method, so there still seems to be an issue with my if-tests.
Edit 3: Everything is now working as planned! I also had to change
source.src == ...
source.getAttribute("src") == ...
in my if-tests. source.src always returned the full url (http://..../img-vid/video1.mp4), not the relative one (img-vid/video1.mp4), so every if-test failed.

As mentioned in the edits I made, I managed to solve my problem by changing button.onclick to button.addEventListener() and changing source.src to source.getAttribute("src").

From observing the code, one mistake i can find is var filename is used out of scope.
Change it to:
function play_next() {
var filename = '';
if (source.src == "img-vid/video1.mp4"){
filename = "video2";
else if (source.src == "img-vid/video2.mp4"){
filename = "video3";
else if (source.src == "img-vid/video3.mp4"){
filename = "video4";
else {
filename = "video1";
source.src = "img-vid/" + filename + ".mp4";


Attempting to change an image onclick via PHP/Javascript/HTML

I've looked at numerous other answers regarding this but haven't found a solution that has worked. I'm using a PHP page that contains some HTML code, with Javascript working some functions. Ideally I would select an image on the page, the image will become colored green as it is selected. I would then like to deselect the image and have it return to the original state. I can only get half-way there however. What am I missing? Is it something with post back?
Here's some code examples:
The HTML:<div onclick="changeImage(1)" id="toolDiv1"><img id="imgCh1" src="/images/Tooling/1.png"></div>
The Javascript function:
function changeImage(var i){
var img = document.getElementById("imgCh" + i + ".png");
if (img.src === "images/Tooling/" + i + ".png"){
img.src = "images/Tooling/" + i + "c.png";
img.src = "images/Tooling/" + i + ".png";
The "1c.png" image is the one that is selected and should replace "1.png". There are multiple divs on this page that hold multiple images, which are named 2/2c, 3/3c, which is why the var i is included. Any insight? Thanks in advance.
You could do it something like this, it would also allow for different file names.
<img class="selectable" src="/images/Tooling/1.png"
<img class="selectable" src="/images/Tooling/2.png"
var images = document.getElementsByClassName('selectable');
for (var image of images) {
image.addEventListener('click', selectElementHandler);
function selectElementHandler(event) {
var image =,
currentSrc = image.getAttribute('src'),
originalSrc = image.getAttribute('data-original-source'),
selectedSrc = image.getAttribute('data-selected-source'),
newSrc = currentSrc === originalSrc ? selectedSrc : originalSrc;
image.setAttribute('src', newSrc);
With comments:
// find all images with class "selectable"
var images = document.getElementsByClassName('selectable');
// add an event listener to each image that on click runs the "selectElementHandler" function
for (var image of images) {
image.addEventListener('click', selectElementHandler);
// the handler receives the event from the listener
function selectElementHandler(event) {
// the event contains lots of data, but we're only interested in which element was clicked (
var image =,
currentSrc = image.getAttribute('src'),
originalSrc = image.getAttribute('data-original-source'),
selectedSrc = image.getAttribute('data-selected-source'),
// if the current src is the original one, set to selected
// if not we assume the current src is the selected one
// and we reset it to the original src
newSrc = currentSrc === originalSrc ? selectedSrc : originalSrc;
// actually set the new src for the image
image.setAttribute('src', newSrc);
Your problem is that javascript is returning the full path of the src (you can try alert(img.src); to verify this).
You could look up how to parse a file path to get the file name in javascript, if you want the most robust solution.
However, if you're sure that all your images will end in 'c.png', you could check for those last 5 characters, using a substring of the last 5 characters:
function changeImage(var i){
var img = document.getElementById("imgCh" + i);
if (img.src.substring(img.src.length - 5) === "c.png"){
img.src = "images/Tooling/" + i + ".png";
img.src = "images/Tooling/" + i + "c.png";

How to have two fallback image placeholders

This works really well for filling a placeholder in place of an image that doesn't exist.
<img src="cantfind.jpg" onError="this.onerror=null;this.src=' Picture'">
What I was curious about is if there was a way to do two placeholders within the onError event. So I tried doing this but the Javascript isn't coming to me. any ideas? I tried assigning the urls to variable, but I'm not sure how to check for if the first placeholder fails without doing some messy xhr request or something.
Check if the current src equals one of the placeholders and assign a new url accordingly:
var p1='http://.......', p2='http://......';
if (this.src == p1) this.src = p2; else if (this.src != p2) this.src = p1;
Here's one way of doing it via recursive event handling... try loading and if it errors, then try loading the first element from the array, and set it to error with the next index on failure, until you hit an index that is out of range, at which point stop.
This caters for any number of defined placeholders in the sources array.
<img id="img" src="example.jpg" onerror="loadNextImage(0);" alt="logo image">
var imagesDir = 'path/to/images/directory/';
var sources = [ '01.jpg', 'test.gif', 'bamf.jpg', 'foobar.jpg' ];
var index = 0;
function loadNextImage(index) {
var image = document.getElementById('img');
if (index < sources.length) {
console.log('Index:', index, sources[index]);
image.onerror = function() { loadNextImage(index + 1); };
image.src = imagesDir + sources[index];
} else {
image.alt = 'No suitable image found to display';

Endless looping when src value is changed in Internet Explorer

I have a problem with some javascript in Internet Explorer.
It works fine in other browsers.
I have the following method, that changes the src property of an images and when this happens a download of that image should start. See below:
for (var i = 0; i < imagesStartedDownloading.length; i++) {
if (imagesStartedDownloading[i] == false && responseItems[i] == true) {
console.log("image", i);
var url = baseurl + "/ImageDownload/?imageName=" + hash + "_" + imageDegrees[i] + ".jpg" + "&r=" + Math.random();
imagesStartedDownloading[i] = true;
images.eq(i).attr("src", url);
The problem is that in when changing this property Internet Explorer starts an endless loop of downloading images. Notice that i have put a console.log in the for-loop. I can confirm that this for-loop does not run in an endles loop. It is only run once for each image that should be downloaded. So that is not the problem.
The behaviour can actually be seen on this page: Hit F12 and check in the network tab. Make a change to image on the homepage so a download of new images is started, e.g. Bredde(Width in english), see below:
When this change is made new images are downloaded in an endless loop(it happens almost every time in IE). See below of what you could change
I have really spent a lot of time debugging in this and i cant see why it behaves like this in IE but not in all other browsers.
So does anyone have any idea why this happens? Or have some suggestions on what i could try?
I have tried what you suggested. using "javascript:void 0" like this:
var newimg = $("<img class='rotator" + (isMainImage ? " active" : "") + "' src='javascript:void 0' />");
and this:
img.attr("src", "javascript:void 0");
gives me this error:
On the other hand, if i completely remove the line img.attr("src", "");
in the imgLoadError method, then i see that images are not downloaded in an endless loop. On the other hand they are not displayed. So am i using the javascript:void 0 wrong?
When i do the following:
img.attr("src", "void(0)");
Then the there is not endless loop but the image wont appear in IE - still works fine in chrome.
Here’s the reason:
for (var i = 0; i < totalnumberofimages; i++) {
var url = "";
var isMainImage = i == currentDragImg;
var newimg = $("<img class='rotator" + (isMainImage ? " active" : "") + "' src='' />");
newimg.on("error", imgLoadError);
newimg.on("load", imgLoaded);
Note the var newimg = $(...) line. In Internet Explorer, setting an empty src attribute on an image triggers the error event. Due to the error, the imgLoadError function is called. It looks like this:
function imgLoadError(e) {
var img = $(e.currentTarget);
var imgSrc = img.attr("src");
if (imgSrc.length > 0 && img.width() <= 100) {
setTimeout(function () {
var imgUrl = img.attr("src");
img.attr("src", "");
img.attr("src", imgUrl);
}, 200);
In this function, you run img.attr("src", ""), which sets the empty src attribute, triggers the error event, and calls imgLoadError function again. This causes the endless loop.
To prevent the error (and therefore the endless loop), set image source to "javascript:void 0" instead of "" in both code pieces. This source is valid and should work properly.
(According to comments, all the code is located in /Assets/Scripts/directives/image.rotation.directive.js file.)
An alternative solution is to set the src attribute to a valid, minimal, Base64 encoded image, as in
This would avoid triggering the endless error handling and it doesn't impact the code size that much.

Passing Variables via URL to change source tag

I have 15 videos I need to show. Instead of creating 15 pages with each html5 video embed targeting a different video, I rather have just one page and via the URL tell the player what to load. This way I can just have 15 custom links but just one player and one html page. Need this to be supported by all browsers, iOS and Android.
Example: - this should jump to the player playhead to a point in time.
function getQueryVariable(variable) {
var query =;
var vars = query.split("&");
for (var i=0;i<vars.length;i++) {
var pair = vars[i].split("=");
if (pair[0] == variable) {
return pair[1];
alert('Query Variable ' + variable + ' not found');
var videoFile = getQueryVariable("v");
var videoElement = document.getElementById("mp4source");
videoElement.setAttribute("source", videoFile + ".mp4");
<video id="mp4" controls="controls">
<source id="mp4source" src="../videos/jude.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
<div id="menubar1">
Play Movie
Chapter 2
I'm a beginner to javascript, please be specific in your answers.
IMHO DOM Manipulation on the main page would be a better solution, but here it is, at least for modern browsers, from your example code.
I changed your getQueryVariable in order to be able to use it as a
To change the current playback time, you will have to wait for the
video's metadata to be loaded, then you can set the currentTime
property (in seconds).
In order to comply the "all browsers" support you will have
to transcode your videos to ogg vorbis format, then add a source pointing to
this video file. This will do for major modern browsers.
For older browsers, you will have to add a fallback (e.g. flash player or java applet).
For the "jumping playhead" in ios, you have some tricks to do : look at this question , personally I used this code which seems to work on my ipad ios 8. Note that it will lack of autoplay if you decide to add it in the video tag.
Now, you can't get video for all browsers (e.g text-based browsers).
Live Example
Play Movie Chapter 2
Commented videoplayer.html
<video id="video" controls="controls">
<source id="mp4source" src="" type="video/mp4" />
<source id="oggSource" src="" type="video/ogg" />
function getQueryVariable(variable) {
var query =;
var vars = query.split("&");
for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
var pair = vars[i].split("=");
if (pair[0] == variable) {
return pair[1];
//returning false will help knowing if that variable exists
return false;
function loadVideo() {
var videoFile = getQueryVariable("v");
//if v is not set
if (!videoFile) {
alert('please choose a video file, \n maybe you came here by accident?');
//no need to go further
//Select the sources for the mp4 and the ogg version
var mp4source = document.getElementById("mp4source");
mp4source.setAttribute("src", videoFile + ".mp4");
var oggSource = document.getElementById("oggSource");
oggSource.setAttribute("src", videoFile + ".ogv");
//if t is set
if (getQueryVariable("t")) {
//userAgent can be overridden but it may be the best way to detect ios devices
var iOS = navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/) !== null;
if (iOS) {
} else {
//wait for the video meta data to be loaded
document.getElementById('video').addEventListener('loadedmetadata', function() {
//then change the time position
this.currentTime = getQueryVariable("t");
//ios load seek workaround, edited from
function iOSLoadSeek() {
var vid = document.getElementById('video');
if (vid.readyState !== 4) { //HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA
vid.addEventListener('canplaythrough', iosCanPlay, false);
vid.addEventListener('load', iosCanPlay, false); //add load event as well to avoid errors, sometimes 'canplaythrough' won't dispatch.
vid.addEventListener('play', iosCanPlay, false); //Actually play event seems to be faster;
setTimeout(function() {
vid.pause(); //block play so it buffers before playing
}, 10); //it needs to be after a delay otherwise it doesn't work properly.
//called when one of the three events fires
function iosCanPlay() {
//remove all the event listeners
this.removeEventListener('canplaythrough', iosCanPlay, false);
this.removeEventListener('load', iosCanPlay, false);
this.removeEventListener('play', iosCanPlay, false);
//finally seek the desired position
this.currentTime = getQueryVariable("t");;
//When the page is loaded, execute
window.onload = loadVideo();

Inner HTML if statement not recognizing a div tag

I tested the following code in IE, Chrome, and Firefox and it does not work in any of them. I have read several questions about similar problems but they have not offered solutions that fix my example.
I am trying to create a pause/play button that interfaces with JWplayer (I also want it to interface with flowplayer, once I get the button working) and the image will change depending on which image is currently there. I also have a stop button that stops the player completely and changes the image of the pause/play button to pause.
Here is my current code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function changeimg()
var obj = document.getElementById('image1');
var imgtag1 = '<img src=\'PLAY.png\'>';
var imgtag2 = '<img src=\'PAUSE.png\'>';
if(obj.innerHTML == imgtag2)
{obj.innerHTML = imgtag1;}
{obj.innerHTML = imgtag2;}
function playimg()
document.getElementById('image1').innerHTML = '<img src=\'PLAY.png\'>';
<div id="image1" href="#" onclick="changeimg(); jwplayer('mediaspace1').play(); jwplayer('mediaspace2').play(); jwplayer('mediaspace3').play(); jwplayer('mediaspace4').play();"><img src='PLAY.png'></div>
<div href="#" onclick="playimg(); jwplayer('mediaspace1').stop(); jwplayer('mediaspace2').stop(); jwplayer('mediaspace3').stop(); jwplayer('mediaspace4').stop();"><img src='STOP.png'></div>
The play/pause function works, and the first div WILL change into the pause img (so the javascript is going through) and it WILL change back into play if I click on the second div (stop function - triggers playimg() ) but it will not change back into the play image if I click on the pause button again.
For security reasons I can't link the website, but any help would be appreciated
It looks like all you really want to change is the SRC of the IMG tag, not necessarily the entire innerHTML. As machineghost mentions in his comment, there may be whitespace added or other changes to the full HTML that may make your comparison come out as false.
However, you could check if obj.src == "PLAY.png" and set the SRC attribute directly. Something like this:
function changeimg()
var obj = document.getElementById('image1');
var img1 = 'PLAY.png';
var img2 = 'PAUSE.png';
if(obj.src == img2)
{obj.src = img1;}
{obj.src = img2;}
I think the innerhtml you are replacing in changeimg() is affecting the whole obj element, which is a div. So, if(obj.innerHTML == imgtag2) will return false since the div innerhtml is not imgtag2, but the next time you are going to call changeimg(), "obj" will be undefined because you replaced its innerhtml with an HTML code that doesn't have an id: {obj.innerHTML = imgtag2;}
Check the console to see if there's any javascript error, which it should, at if(obj.innerHTML == imgtag2)
Just check whether PLAY is present or not and then change innerHTML according to it
function changeimg()
var obj = document.getElementById('image1');
var imgtag1 = '<img src=\'PLAY.png\'>';
var imgtag2 = '<img src=\'PAUSE.png\'>';
if(obj.innerHTML.indexOf('PLAY') != -1)
{obj.innerHTML = imgtag2;}
{obj.innerHTML = imgtag1;}

