How to get anchor text in a Session variable? - javascript

I am working on a project in which i have linked many pdf files in the master page.On clicking the anchor the page redirected to the specified page and displays pdf in iframe.Now i want the text in anchor tag to be displayed on the page where pdf is opened.
Consider I have an anchor which looks like this :
News Letter
Now i want the text " News letter" to be shown on the redirected page.
I think i could this by saving the text in session variable.But How can I save the anchor text in Session variable without specifying any id or class to the anchor tag? Can anyone help me please ?

You probably looking for QueryString instead of session, You are already passing path in QueryString, also pass the anchor text. You need to add this to url while you are creating the anchor tag.
News Letter
On server side
lblForAnchor.Text = Request.QueryString["aText"].ToString();
Edit you can not change the query string when it is created then you can change it when it is loaded in DOM in document.ready. Assign a class to your anchors to be specific.
$( 'a.someclass' ).attr( 'href', function(index, value) {
return value + '&aText=' + $(this).text();
Other way to do this on click of anchor.
$( 'a.someclass' ),click(function(event) {
window.location.href = this.href + '&aText=' + $(this).text();

You can try this
$("a").click(function (e) {
window.location.href = $(this).attr("href") + "&title=" + $(this).text();
On server side in "Main_Content.aspx"
strTitle = Request.QueryString["title"];

You could Write the content dynamically with javascript:
News Letter
<script language="javascript">
function openWin(t,u) {
docstring='<iframe src='+u+'></iframe>';
win =;
var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
for(var i = 0, len = elements.length; i < len; i++) {
elements[i].onclick = function () {
var theAnchor = elements[i].innerHTML;
var theHref = elements[i].href;
Or call a different address with URL and test as parameters and generate the doc on the server side.
I'm not sure how this will behave with the link click but it might be worth a shot.
links should not have to be modified.


Display Image Based on URL Ending (Variable or Attribute) [Pound/Number Sign # ]

I need an image to be displayed based on the ending of a URL.
For example, I need "123.jpg" to be displayed when someone visits:
(whichever is recommended or would actually work)
I'm looking for the end result to be: < img src=123.jpg" >
Thanks in advance. I will sincerely appreciate any assistance.
(By way of background or additional information, I need this for Facebook's sharer.php so that people can share one of hundreds of images on a given webpage (for example, and they happen to love the 123rd image on there), they click the link to share that specific image (123.jpg), and then any of their friends who clicks on the link ( will arrive at a themed page with just the image in the middle (123.jpg) and nothing else, and then they can click around the rest of the website. The main benefit is that 123.jpg will be the only image that shows up as a thumbnail on the Facebook Feed or "Wall".)
window.onhashchange = function() {
if (location.hash) {
var url = location.hash.substr(1); // strip the # char
if (url.indexOf('.') == -1) {
url += '.jpg';
document.getElementById('myImg').src = url; // show the image; value of the variable 'url'
window.onhashchange(); // call the event on load
Use something like this.
var url = document.URL; //get the url
if ( url.indexOf("#") != -1 ) //check if '#' is present in the url
var split_array = url.split("#");
var image_url = split_array[split_array.length - 1];
//display the image
Try this out,
$(document).ready(function() {
$(window).on('hashchange', getImageSrc); // will always lookout for changes in # URL
function getImageSrc() {
if(window.location.hash) {
var imgSrc = window.location.hash.substr(1);
if(imgSrc.indexOf('.') == -1 ) {
imgSrc = imgSrc + ".jpg";

How can I link to an anchor tag that doesn't exist until the Javascript has created it?

I have a page that has a set of <div> elements, and each one has an anchor tag associated with it. It looks something like this:
<a name="anchor-0"></a>
<div id="div0">Some stuff</div>
<a name="anchor-1"></a>
<div id="div1">More stuff</div>
<a name="anchor-2"></a>
<div id="div2">Yet more stuff</div>
The problem is that this set of <div> and <a> tags are generated by Javascript, and so they don't exist until after the page has been created. When I create a link like this:
... it loads the page but does not jump to the anchor-2 position, which is only created some time after the browser has had time to execute the Javascript that generated it.
How can I get the browser to move to the selected anchor tag position once the Javascript has generated them?
Here is essentially what the Javascript that is generating the HTML looks like:
function init() {
gapi.client.load('blogger', 'v2', function() {
var request = gapi.client.blogger.posts.list({
'blogId': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
'fields': 'items(content,title)'
request.execute(function(response) {
var main = document.getElementById("main");
var anchor = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < response.items.length; i++)
var Div = document.createElement("div")
anchor = document.createElement("a"); = "anchor-" + anchor;
anchor = anchor +1;
after creation of element, you could do:
location.hash = "#anchor-2";
or using scrollIntoView
element = document.getElementById('your_element-id');
get the hash value from url, by doing something like::
var hashVal = window.location.hash.substr(1);
//then jump to that hash
location.hash = "#" + hashVal;

have only one class name append to the end of href of an anchor tag?

var myClass;
jQuery(".option-set a").click(function() {
myClass = jQuery(this).attr("class");
jQuery("a.perma").each(function() {
var _href = jQuery(this).attr("href");
jQuery(this).attr("href", _href + "#filter=." + myClass);
Im using this code to append the class name of the filters to the end of the permalink for each thumbnail here
The issue Im running into now is that the class keeps getting assigned to the end of the permalink with each click so if I click on print then web then photography the url of the permalink would appear as: / which still works, however it would be great if for the sake of tidiness it only displayed the last one.
Also once a thumbnail is clicked and the next page is loaded, I need the thumbnails to maintain the current permalink of the filter selected. Any ideas would be appreciated. I just cant seem to figure this out. I truly appreciate the help!!
call it just once not on every click...
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
myClass = jQuery('.option-set a').attr("class");
jQuery("a.perma").each(function() {
var _href = jQuery(this).attr("href");
jQuery(this).attr("href", _href + "#filter=." + myClass);
jQuery(".option-set a").click(function() {...});
This modification should check if current class filter is not present.
jQuery("a.perma").each(function() {
var _href = jQuery(this).attr("href"),
newHref = _href.indexOf(myClass) === -1 ? _href + "#filter=." + myClass : _href;
jQuery(this).attr("href", newHref);
And to maintain filtered thumbnail urls on next page load you need to work with server and parse what parameters it passes or use Web storage to save current filtered path and set thumbnail hrefs accordingly on document load.

&-sign is ruining my link-rewriter

I'm currently writing a userscript that runs on another site. One function is to rewrite the links so you skip one landing page. However, if the &-sign exists in the link, my function will output it as & instead of &.
$('a').each(function(index) {
var aLink = $(this).attr('href');
if(aLink) {
if(aLink.indexOf("leave.php?u=") > 0) {
aLink = aLink.substring(38);
$(this).attr('href', decodeURIComponent(aLink));
This is one example of a link that gets ruined:
Is a link to:
But becomes this instead:
The & entity is built right into that URL, so there's nothing for it except to just replace it.
aLink = aLink.substring (38);
aLink = decodeURIComponent (aLink);
aLink = aLink.replace (/&/gi, "&");
$(this).attr ('href', aLink);

How can I change the href of an anchor after it has been clicked?

I have a page that pulls in data via AJAX. As well as this I have a link to download said data as a CSV file.
The problem I have is that upon I need to pass some parameters along with the click event so that the server can return the correct CSV file.
Without any processing the link looks like this:
Download Target Reports
This then fires off an ASP.NET MVC Controller action that returns the CSV. What I want to do though is pass two parameters along in the query string. Initially I thought that I could intercept the click event and add data to the query string like so:
var holder = $('.hidden-information').first();
var newOutlets = $('input[name="newoutlets"]', holder).val();
var queryDate = $('input[name="enddate"]', holder).val();
var anchor = $(this);
var link = anchor.attr('href');
link = link + "?endDate=" + queryDate + "&newOutlets=" + newOutlets;
anchor.attr('href', link);
It would seem that changing the href at this stage will not update the link in time and the URL will be as it was when it hits the server?
Is it possible to change a URL after it has been clicked or do I need to look at another method?
You could redirect the window yourself, like this:
var holder = $('.hidden-information').first();
var newOutlets = $('input[name="newoutlets"]', holder).val();
var queryDate = $('input[name="enddate"]', holder).val();
window.location.href = this.href + "?endDate=" + queryDate + "&newOutlets=" + newOutlets;
return false; //prevent default going-to-href behavior
Or, whatever is updating those hidden fields, update the link then instead of when it's clicked, for example:
$("#someField").change(function() {
var holder = $('.hidden-information').first();
var newOutlets = $('input[name="newoutlets"]', holder).val();
var queryDate = $('input[name="enddate"]', holder).val();
$("").attr("href", function() {
return "/manager/TargetResults.csv" + "?endDate=" + queryDate + "&newOutlets=" + newOutlets;
The main difference is this still allows normal click behavior to work, ctrl+click, etc.
Just rounding out your options, you could put a span inside the link:
<span>Download Target Reports</span>
...and then hook the click event on the span, which will happen before the click on the link.
you can make javascript redirect here:-
var holder = $('.hidden-information').first();
var newOutlets = $('input[name="newoutlets"]', holder).val();
var queryDate = $('input[name="enddate"]', holder).val();
var anchor = $(this);
var link = anchor.attr('href');
link = link + "?endDate=" + queryDate + "&newOutlets=" + newOutlets;
anchor.attr('href', link);
ya someone can disable js but your code is completely based on js.
Without having a href, the click will reload the current page, so you need something like this:
Or prevent the scroll like this:
Or return false in your f1 function and:
....or, the unobtrusive way:
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById("myLink").onclick = function() {
document.getElementById("abc").href="xyz.php"; `enter code here`
return false;

