Failing to import properties of a module - javascript

I have a module A that is like
const defaults = {
something: {...},
somethingElse : {...}
export { defaults as default };
And then I am importing like
import * as mod, { something } from 'moduleA';
mod is correctly an object that has the two declared properties, but { something } is undefined.
Any idea what can be the reason?

[With the module as in the question] I am importing like
import * as mod, { something } from 'moduleA';
but something is undefined
But you don't have an export with the name something in your module. There only is a default-export that contains an object. You would need to do
import mod from 'moduleA';
const { something } = mod;
I have a module A that is like
const defaults = {
something: {...},
somethingElse : {...}
export { defaults as default };
But you really shouldn't do that anyway. Exporting "singleton" objects that act like a namespace is an antipattern in ES6 modules. You should use named exports instead:
export const something = {...};
export const somethingElse = {...};
With this, your original attempt at importing the module would have worked.

If you want to be able to access named exports in your import, you have to export them directly:
const defaults = {
something: {...},
somethingElse : {...}
export {
defaults as default,
defaults.something as something,
defaults.somethingElse as somethingElse
Alternatively you could use destructuring for the export of something and somethingElse:
export const { something, somethingElse} = defaults;
And then import it like you did:
import * as mod, { something } from 'moduleA';
But: mod will now contain the props: defaults, something, somethingElse.
If you only wont the default (which equals your defaults):
import mod, { something } from 'moduleA';
You can learn more about the ES6 import and export syntax in Axel Rauschmayr's great blog post:

import * as mod, { something } from 'moduleA';
The reason something is undefined is because when you: export { defaults as default }; you're exporting a member called default. When you export {apple, banana} you export a member apple and a member banana.
When you import something without specifying the members you want to import you import the member named default. When you do specify the members you wish to import, of course, you import those.
This is why although your code doesn't do what you intend, the following will:
const mod = { something: 'test'};
export { mod as default }; // same as export default mod;
import mod, {default as test} from './index'; // test and mod both have the same values
console.log(mod); // { something: 'test' }
console.log(test.something); // test

something is not exported from your module A, only the object defaults is.
So, to get something, you need to take it from what you imported.
import * as mod from 'moduleA';
const something = mod.something;
If you want to be able to import something like this : import {something} from 'moduleA', you will need to export it explicitely. For example:
export const something = {};
const somethingElse = {};
export default const defaults = {


How to export and destructure an object?

I have reducer keys
const foo = {
ADD: 1,
REDO: 2,
UNDO: 3,
And I want to export it but when importing, I should be able to do
import MyComponent, { ADD, REDO } from '../bar'
The only problem is that I already another thing to export
Here is what my code looks like
export default Component
export { Bar,} // can't do this, gives me syntax error
export { Bar,} // can't do this, gives me syntax error
Yes, that is a syntax error. Exports need names so you must do something like the following:
export Bar;
export foo;
But this requires you to import foo:
import { foo } from '../bar'
If you want to import ADD, REDO etc they must be their own named objects:
export const ADD = 1;
export const REDO = 2;
export const UNDO = 3;

Correct way to export object in es6 module

I'm trying to export an my module as an object but exporting it seems an 'anti pattern' (
So I was wondering what's the correct way to export an object and then use it as
import utils from "./utils"
Currently I'm doing like so
/** a.js **/
function foo(){
export {
/** b.js **/
import * as utils from "a";
is it correct like so? Do I maintain the tree-shaking feature?
If the object you want to import/export only contains some functions (as I assume due to the Utils name), you can export the functions separately as follows:
export function doStuff1() {}
export function doStuff2() {}
And import like this:
import {doStuff1, doStuff2} from "./myModule";
However, if the object you want to export holds state in addition to methods, you should stick to a simple export default myObject. Otherwise, calling the imported methods won't work as intended, since the context of the object is lost.
As an example, the following object should be exported as a whole, since the properties of the object should stay encapsulated. Only importing and calling the increment function would not mutate myObject since the context of the object cannot be provided (since it's not imported as a whole).
const myObject = {
counter: 0,
increment: function() {
export default myObject;
es6 native way to do this:
// file1.es6
export const myFunc = (param) => {
export const otherFunc = ({ param = {} }) => {
doSomething({ ...param })
// file2.es6
import { otherFunc } from './file1.es6'
import * as MyLib from './file1.es6'
MyLib.otherFunc({ who: 'Repley' })
otherFunc({ var1: { a1: 1 } })
And so on.

ES6 how to export all item from one file

I want to export all methods of a file from another file.
currently I am doing this, and it works. How can I merge below two into 1 export expression
import * as db from './web/query';
export default db;
I tried below written 1 line exports but all failed
export * from './web/query'; //==error
export * as default from './web/query'; //==error
export * as {default} from './web/query'; //==error
export from from './web/query'; //== error
export default from './web/query'; //== error
Error means
import db from '../db/index';
db is undefined here. However the the first methods works
Inside of file './web/query' looks like
export function foo(){}
export function baar(){}
You cannot in ES2016. To create a module namespace object, you need to give it an identifier (like db) in your current module scope, and then re-export that. There's no way around it.
There is however a stage 1 proposal to add the export * as default from … syntax you were trying.
How can I merge below two into 1 export expression
You cannot.
ES2015 (and ES2016) does not provide a syntax that would allow you to import all the named exports from a file and export the object (with those as its properties) as default in a single statement.
You can export the named exports of another file with export * from '<FILE>';.
// a.js
export const one = '1';
export const two = '2';
// b.js
export * from './a.js';
// c.js
import { one, two } from './b.js';
you can do something like this:
const fakeName = "Blabla";
const fakeAge = 33;
module.exports = {fakeName, fakeAge}
const name = "Someone";
let age = 22;
module.exports = { name, age}
export * from './a.js';
export * from './b.js';
import * as AllClass from './c.mjs'
export default AllClass
use it in e.g server.mjs:
import AllClass from './index.mjs'
console.log("fakeName:", AllClass.fakeName);
It's just hard not to get confused with ESModule imports/exports and CommonJS imports and exports...

ES6 import all files in a folder? [duplicate]

With ES6, I can import several exports from a file like this:
import {ThingA, ThingB, ThingC} from 'lib/things';
However, I like the organization of having one module per file. I end up with imports like this:
import ThingA from 'lib/things/ThingA';
import ThingB from 'lib/things/ThingB';
import ThingC from 'lib/things/ThingC';
I would love to be able to do this:
import {ThingA, ThingB, ThingC} from 'lib/things/*';
or something similar, with the understood convention that each file contains one default export, and each module is named the same as its file.
Is this possible?
I don't think this is possible, but afaik the resolution of module names is up to module loaders so there might a loader implementation that does support this.
Until then, you could use an intermediate "module file" at lib/things/index.js that just contains
export * from 'ThingA';
export * from 'ThingB';
export * from 'ThingC';
and it would allow you to do
import {ThingA, ThingB, ThingC} from 'lib/things';
Just a variation on the theme already provided in the answer, but how about this:
In a Thing,
export default function ThingA () {}
In things/index.js,
export {default as ThingA} from './ThingA'
export {default as ThingB} from './ThingB'
export {default as ThingC} from './ThingC'
Then to consume all the things elsewhere,
import * as things from './things'
Or to consume just some of things,
import {ThingA,ThingB} from './things'
The current answers suggest a workaround but it's bugged me why this doesn't exist, so I've created a babel plugin which does this.
Install it using:
npm i --save-dev babel-plugin-wildcard
then add it to your .babelrc with:
"plugins": ["wildcard"]
see the repo for detailed install info
This allows you to do this:
import * as Things from './lib/things';
// Do whatever you want with these :D
again, the repo contains further information on what exactly it does, but doing it this way avoids creating index.js files and also happens at compile-time to avoid doing readdirs at runtime.
Also with a newer version you can do exactly like your example:
import { ThingsA, ThingsB, ThingsC } from './lib/things/*';
works the same as the above.
You now can use async import():
import fs = require('fs');
and then:
fs.readdir('./someDir', (err, files) => {
files.forEach(file => {
const module = import('./' + file).then(m =>
// or const module = await import('file')
Great gugly muglys! This was harder than it needed to be.
Export one flat default
This is a great opportunity to use spread (... in { ...Matters, ...Contacts } below:
// imports/collections/Matters.js
export default { // default export
hello: 'World',
something: 'important',
// imports/collections/Contacts.js
export default { // default export
hello: 'Moon',
email: '',
// imports/collections/index.js
import Matters from './Matters'; // import default export as var 'Matters'
import Contacts from './Contacts';
export default { // default export
...Matters, // spread Matters, overwriting previous properties
...Contacts, // spread Contacts, overwriting previosu properties
// imports/test.js
import collections from './collections'; // import default export as 'collections'
Then, to run babel compiled code from the command line (from project root /):
$ npm install --save-dev #babel/core #babel/cli #babel/preset-env #babel/node
$ npx babel-node --presets #babel/preset-env imports/test.js
{ hello: 'Moon',
something: 'important',
email: '' }
Export one tree-like default
If you'd prefer to not overwrite properties, change:
// imports/collections/index.js
import Matters from './Matters'; // import default as 'Matters'
import Contacts from './Contacts';
export default { // export default
And the output will be:
$ npx babel-node --presets #babel/preset-env imports/test.js
{ Matters: { hello: 'World', something: 'important' },
Contacts: { hello: 'Moon', email: '' } }
Export multiple named exports w/ no default
If you're dedicated to DRY, the syntax on the imports changes as well:
// imports/collections/index.js
// export default as named export 'Matters'
export { default as Matters } from './Matters';
export { default as Contacts } from './Contacts';
This creates 2 named exports w/ no default export. Then change:
// imports/test.js
import { Matters, Contacts } from './collections';
console.log(Matters, Contacts);
And the output:
$ npx babel-node --presets #babel/preset-env imports/test.js
{ hello: 'World', something: 'important' } { hello: 'Moon', email: '' }
Import all named exports
// imports/collections/index.js
// export default as named export 'Matters'
export { default as Matters } from './Matters';
export { default as Contacts } from './Contacts';
// imports/test.js
// Import all named exports as 'collections'
import * as collections from './collections';
console.log(collections); // interesting output
console.log(collections.Matters, collections.Contacts);
Notice the destructuring import { Matters, Contacts } from './collections'; in the previous example.
$ npx babel-node --presets #babel/preset-env imports/test.js
{ Matters: [Getter], Contacts: [Getter] }
{ hello: 'World', something: 'important' } { hello: 'Moon', email: '' }
In practice
Given these source files:
Creating a /myLib/index.js to bundle up all the files defeats the purpose of import/export. It would be easier to make everything global in the first place, than to make everything global via import/export via index.js "wrapper files".
If you want a particular file, import thingA from './myLib/thingA'; in your own projects.
Creating a "wrapper file" with exports for the module only makes sense if you're packaging for npm or on a multi-year multi-team project.
Made it this far? See the docs for more details.
Also, yay for Stackoverflow finally supporting three `s as code fence markup.
Similar to the accepted answer but it allows you to scale without the need of adding a new module to the index file each time you create one:
export const example = 'example';
export const anotherExample = 'anotherExample';
// require all modules on the path and with the pattern defined
const req = require.context('./', true, /.js$/);
const modules = req.keys().map(req);
// export all modules
module.exports = modules;
import { example, anotherExample } from './modules'
If you are using webpack. This imports files automatically and exports as api namespace.
So no need to update on every file addition.
import camelCase from "lodash-es";
const requireModule = require.context("./", false, /\.js$/); //
const api = {};
requireModule.keys().forEach(fileName => {
if (fileName === "./index.js") return;
const moduleName = camelCase(fileName.replace(/(\.\/|\.js)/g, ""));
api[moduleName] = {
export default api;
For Typescript users;
import { camelCase } from "lodash-es"
const requireModule = require.context("./folderName", false, /\.ts$/)
interface LooseObject {
[key: string]: any
const api: LooseObject = {}
requireModule.keys().forEach(fileName => {
if (fileName === "./index.ts") return
const moduleName = camelCase(fileName.replace(/(\.\/|\.ts)/g, ""))
api[moduleName] = {
export default api
I've used them a few times (in particular for building massive objects splitting the data over many files (e.g. AST nodes)), in order to build them I made a tiny script (which I've just added to npm so everyone else can use it).
Usage (currently you'll need to use babel to use the export file):
$ npm install -g folder-module
$ folder-module my-cool-module/
Generates a file containing:
export {default as foo} from "./module/foo.js"
export {default as default} from "./module/default.js"
export {default as bar} from "./module/bar.js"
Then you can just consume the file:
import * as myCoolModule from "my-cool-module.js"
Just an other approach to #Bergi's answer
// lib/things/index.js
import ThingA from './ThingA';
import ThingB from './ThingB';
import ThingC from './ThingC';
export default {
import {ThingA, ThingB, ThingC} from './lib/things';
Nodejs ? Do like this:
Create a folder with index.js, in index file, add this:
var GET = require('./GET');
var IS = require('./IS');
var PARSE = require('./PARSE');
module.exports = { ...GET, ...IS, ...PARSE};
And, in file GET.js, or IS.js export as normal:
module.exports = { /* something as you like */}
ANd now, you need only including index.js like:
const Helper = require('./YourFolder');
Helper will include all of function in YourFolder.
Good day!
This is not exactly what you asked for but, with this method I can Iterate throught componentsList in my other files and use function such as which I find pretty usefull !
import StepOne from './StepOne';
import StepTwo from './StepTwo';
import StepThree from './StepThree';
import StepFour from './StepFour';
import StepFive from './StepFive';
import StepSix from './StepSix';
import StepSeven from './StepSeven';
import StepEight from './StepEight';
const componentsList= () => [
{ component: StepOne(), key: 'step1' },
{ component: StepTwo(), key: 'step2' },
{ component: StepThree(), key: 'step3' },
{ component: StepFour(), key: 'step4' },
{ component: StepFive(), key: 'step5' },
{ component: StepSix(), key: 'step6' },
{ component: StepSeven(), key: 'step7' },
{ component: StepEight(), key: 'step8' }
export default componentsList;
You can use require as well:
const moduleHolder = []
function loadModules(path) {
let stat = fs.lstatSync(path)
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
// we have a directory: do a tree walk
const files = fs.readdirSync(path)
let f,
l = files.length
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
f = pathModule.join(path, files[i])
} else {
// we have a file: load it
var controller = require(path)
Then use your moduleHolder with dynamically loaded controllers:
for (const controller of moduleHolder) {
controller(app, db)
I was able to take from user atilkan's approach and modify it a bit:
For Typescript users;
require.context('#/folder/with/modules', false, /\.ts$/).keys().forEach((fileName => {
import('#/folder/with/modules' + fileName).then((mod) => {
(window as any)[fileName] = mod[fileName];
const module = new (window as any)[fileName]();
// use module
if you don't export default in A, B, C but just export {} then it's possible to do so
// things/A.js
export function A() {}
// things/B.js
export function B() {}
// things/C.js
export function C() {}
// foo.js
import * as Foo from ./thing

ES6 exporting/importing in index file

I am currently using ES6 in an React app via webpack/babel.
I am using index files to gather all components of a module and export them. Unfortunately, that looks like this:
import Comp1_ from './Comp1.jsx';
import Comp2_ from './Comp2.jsx';
import Comp3_ from './Comp3.jsx';
export const Comp1 = Comp1_;
export const Comp2 = Comp2_;
export const Comp3 = Comp3_;
So I can nicely import it from other places like this:
import { Comp1, Comp2, Comp3 } from './components';
Obviously that isn't a very nice solution, so I was wondering, if there was any other way. I don't seem to able to export the imported component directly.
You can easily re-export the default import:
export {default as Comp1} from './Comp1.jsx';
export {default as Comp2} from './Comp2.jsx';
export {default as Comp3} from './Comp3.jsx';
There also is a proposal for ES7 ES8 that will let you write export Comp1 from '…';.
Also, bear in mind that if you need to export multiple functions at once, like actions you can use
export * from './XThingActions';
Too late but I want to share the way that I resolve it.
Having model file which has two named export:
export { Schema, Model };
and having controller file which has the default export:
export default Controller;
I exposed in the index file in this way:
import { Schema, Model } from './model';
import Controller from './controller';
export { Schema, Model, Controller };
and assuming that I want import all of them:
import { Schema, Model, Controller } from '../../path/';
default export
// Default export (recommended)
export {default} from './module'
// Default export with alias
export {default as d1} from './module'
all export
// In >ES7, it could be
export * from './module'
// In >ES7, with alias
export * as d1 from './module'
function name export
// export by function names
export { funcName1, funcName2, …} from './module'
// export by aliases
export { funcName1 as f1, funcName2 as f2, …} from './module'
destructured object export
// export destructured object
export const { myVar, myFunction } = myObjectWithEverything
// export destructured object, with renaming
export const { v1: myVar, f1: myFunction } = myBigObject
with array
// it works with array as well
export const [ funcName1, funcName2 ] = myBigArray
More infos:
Folder structure:
|_ Nave.js
Nav.js comp inside components folder
export {Nav}
index.js in component folder
export {Nav} from './Nav';
export {Another} from './Another';
import anywhere
import {Nav, Another} from './components'
I've been searching for years how to export modules as both, named exports, and default exports in modular JavaScript. After tons of experimenting, the solution I found is quite simple and efficient.
// index.js
export { default as Client } from "./client/Client.js";
export { default as Events } from "./utils/Events.js";
// Or export named exports
export { Client } from "./client/Client.js";
export { Events } from "./utils/Events.js";
export * as default from "./index.js";
This would allow each exported module to be imported in two ways:
// script.js
import { Client } from "index.js";
new Client();
import module from "index.js";
new module.Client();
// You could also do this if you prefer to do so:
const { Client } = module;
You can mess around with this to have it suit your needs, but it works for me. Hope it helps!
What worked for me was adding the type keyword:
export type { Comp1, Comp2 } from './somewhere';
Install #babel/plugin-proposal-export-default-from via:
yarn add -D #babel/plugin-proposal-export-default-from
In your .babelrc.json or any of the Configuration File Types
module.exports = {
plugins: [
Now you can export directly from a file-path:
export Foo from './components/Foo'
export Bar from './components/Bar'
Good Luck...

